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The Gnedenko Forum (the Forum) is to serve as an umbrella organization for fulfilling the professional needs of all individuals who have an interest in the scientific and technical aspects of reliability, risk analysis and safety, theoretical and applied. The Forum will be virtual and internet - based, unencumbered by obligations to commercial and profit-making entities. It is designed to encompass all technical specialists interested in the topic of reliability, safety, and risk analysis irrespective of their physical and organizational co-ordinates.

The Forum will also serve as an unbiased and neutral entity that disseminates scientific information to the press and the public on matters pertaining to the risk and reliability of complex technological systems. It will publish newsletters, technical papers, technical reports, and expository essays for timely dissemination of knowledge and information, but with a strong emphasis on scientific credibility. It will also serve as a vehicle for disseminating information on scholarships, fellowships, and academic and professional positions in reliability, safety, and risk analysis all over the world.

The Forum was founded in 2005 as an informal international group of experts on reliability. The Forum is named after Boris Gnedenko, outstanding Soviet mathematician, specialist in probability theory, mathematical statistics, probability and statistical methods and Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (former USSR).


The Forum is non-profit organization.  Financial support of the Forum (for instance, payment for the Forum’s website, editing journal papers, running the site) is performed based on voluntary donations from the Forum’s members:


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We are publishing  International electronic journal “Reliability: Theory & Applications.

The journal has been registered in the Library of the U.S. Congress (ISSN 1932-2321).  Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications has been publishing since January 2006.


Actually the Journal covers various fields of Risk Analysis (reliability, safety, security, survivability, anti-terrorism defensive ability, quality control, reliability testing, queuing models, and other related topics).


Template (Word) of Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications


Template (LaTex) of Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications


Objectives and Tasks 
The objectives of the Forum shall be the development of reliability and queuing theories and their applications by information exchange between specialists in these directions. Areas of interest of the Forum’s activity include (but not limited by) the following models and their application:

  • System Reliability Analysis

  • Queuing Models Analysis

  • Fighting Terrorism models

  • Operational Effectiveness

  • Safety

  • Survivability (Vulnerability)

  • Risk Analysis

  • Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

  • Optimum Reliability Allocation

  • Maintainability

  • Optimal Spare Supply

  • Optimal Inventory Control

  • Monte Carlo Simulation

  • Accelerated Testing

  • Reliability Data Analysis

  • Statistical Control

  • Quality Assurance

and other related topics 
The main tasks of the Gnedenko Forum are:

  • Establishing professional contacts among reliability and queuing specialists all over the world.

  • Exchange of information about forthcoming events in the Forum’s field of activity.

  • Exchange of information on new publications in the Forum’s field of activity.

  • Participation in international conferences and meetings, presenting the affiliating to the Forum.

  • Publication scientific and personal information in Forum’s e-journal.

  • Help to arrange participation of Forum’s members in getting consulting and grants.



The membership of the Forum is made by invitation (mainly) as well as collective (companies dealing with applied probability and statistics projects, corresponding departments of universities, etc.). There are no special requirements for membership except professional affiliation to the Forum’s professional activities. A member of the Forum has no obligations of any kind at all, though he/she has some rights: to publish materials in the Forum’s journal, elect the Forum’s officers, recommend new members for the Forum.

  1. The membership of the Forum might be personal (mainly) as well as collective (companies dealing with applied probability and statistics projects, corresponding departments of universities, research institutions, etc.) 

  2. There are no special requirements for membership except professional affiliation related to the fields of the Forum activity. 

  3. A member of the Forum has no obligations at all, though has some rights: to publish materials in the Forum’s e-journal “Reliability: Theory & Applications” (RTA) and may recommend new members for the Forum. 

  4. A new member is accepted into the Forum by e-mail presentation of documents of professional credibility (resume and list of publications) and photo. E-mails should be sent to the Forum’s Scientific Secretary Alexander Bochkov: a.bochkov@gmail.com.

  5. Membership in the Forum does not involve any financial obligations (no fees). 

  6. There are some organizational duties of elected officers and members of the Editorial board of the Forum’s e-journal concerning reviewing until submitted the current running the RTA journal and support the high rating of the RTA journal in scient metrics bases.

For the convenience of organizing the Forum activities, members may be grouped in Chapters by regions (countries, cities) or affiliations (companies, universities). In addition, it is possible to arrange such Chapters based on schools. There is a possibility to arrange Chapters by narrow professional interests (See list of directions). Each group thus arranged may/should desirably have an elected representative though it is not obligatory. A member of the Forum may participate in several Chapters. The objective of these Chapters is to provide members of the Forum with corresponding information arrange and/or participate professional meetings and compile special issues of the Forum’s journal.



Our Library

All books published on this page are available for free download. Permission for the free placement of manuscripts and published books was obtained from the authors. For copyright issues, please contact the authors.


Structural Reliability of Information Systems

I.B. Shubinsky


M.: "Journal Dependability",

2016, - 544 p., ill. (in Russian)

ISBN 978-5-7572-0399-7


The book presents the basic concepts and parameters of information systems’ structural reliability. It shows generality and specific differences in reliability indices used in domestic and international standards. The recent changes in approaches to reliability modeling are reflected. Markov models of reliability together with graph semi-Markov methods for reliability calculating which are illustrated by numerous examples are described in detail. Considerable attention is paid to the engineering methods of calculation and the approximate prediction of information systems’ structural reliability, error estimation, as well as to statistical assessment of reliability parameters. At the end of each chapter, there are checklists for the most complex and significant content of the chapter. The book is intended primarily for professionals involved in practical work on development, production, operation and modification of information systems. It is designed to scientists in the field of structural reliability of various discrete systems, academic staff, graduates (students) specializing in information systems, as well as in the field of automated control systems.


Structural reliability of information systems. Methods of analysis

I.B. Shubinsky


M.: "Journal Dependability",

2012, - 216 p., ill. (in Russian)

ISBN 978-5-7572-0326-3

The book presents basic concepts and indices of structural reliability of information systems, shows commonalities and specific distinctions of reliability indicators, applied in national and international standards. Recent changes in approaches to reliability modeling are reflected. Markov reliability models and graph semi-Markov methods of reliability calculation are described in detail, which are illustrated by numerous examples. Considerable attention is paid to engineering methods of calculation and approximate prediction of structural reliability of information systems, estimates of calculation errors, and statistical evaluation of reliability indicators. At the end of each chapter are the control questions on the most complex and significant material of the chapter. material of the chapter. The book is intended primarily for specialists engaged in practical work in developing, producing, operating and modifying information systems. It is intended for researchers in the field of structural reliability of various discrete The book is also intended for engineers working in the field of structural reliability of various discrete systems, pedagogical staff, undergraduate and graduate students specializing in information systems and automated control systems. The book is intended for researchers and graduate and undergraduate students working in the field of information systems and also in the field of automated control systems.


Functional reliability of information systems. Methods Analysis

I.B. Shubinsky


Ulyanovsk. Regional Printing House.
"Pechatny dvor", 2012. - 296p., ill. (in Russian)
ISBN 978-5-7572-0327-0

This book is the first presentation of the theory of functional reliability of
of information systems as part of the general theory of reliability. It includes concepts and definitions, main threats to functional reliability of information systems; system of indicators; methods of functional reliability assessment of digital devices; methods and models of functional reliability estimation of software. A separate chapter considers the functional reliability of critical critical information systems, including the concept of critical system, peculiarities of failure error assessment, assessment of functional reliability of operators, hazardous failure and risk assessment, requirements for functional reliability and software architecture requirements critical information systems software architecture. At the end of each chapter, there are quiz questions on the most complex and relevant material in the chapter. The book is designed primarily for professionals engaged in Practical work in developing, producing, operating and information technologies and information systems. It It is intended for research workers in the field of reliability of software and hardware hardware reliability of information systems, teaching staff, graduate and undergraduate students specializing in the field of information The book is intended for researchers and graduate and undergraduate students specializing in the field of information technology and automated control systems.


Design and technology reliability analysis. Toolkit (Case of spacecraft separation system)

Yu.P. Pokhabov


preprint / Zheleznogorsk, 2020. - 57 p.


An algorithm for making and justifying design decisions, taking into account reliability, is presented. Design and technology reliability analysis is given, aimed at early prevention of possible failures. An example of the analysis of the performance and reliability of the spacecraft separation system is considered. The toolkit is intended for designers and specialists in conducting analytical verification of the development of unique highly responsible systems.



Foundation of event-driven management of quality of economics, the state and human life

Solozhentsev, E.D.


St. Petersburg: Nauka Publishers, 2021. — 175 p. (in Russian)

ISBN 978-5-02-040314-7


The analysis of the existing quality management of economics and the state is carried out and a way out of the critical state is proposed. We have formulated a new scientific direction: event-driven management of the quality of economics, the state and human life based on the algebra of logic, Boolean statements-events, logical-probabilistic calculus and artificial intelligence. The event-driven management of the quality of economics and the state “from above” is considered: new criteria and objects of management; new knowledge and models. New tasks of managing economic systems, safety of living, quality of human life, exit of the economy from stagnation have been formulated. The event-driven management of economics and the state “from below” is stated: the problem of managing the quality of human life is formulated; scenarios, logical and probabilistic models for managing the quality of treatment, training and decision-making processes are developed. Applications for assessing the quality of human life for solving real problems are named. The relationship between public opinion, special Software Arbiter and Expa and digital economics in the systematization of research results on the quality of life of different people and management from below is considered. The provision of event-driven management of the quality of economics, the state and human life is described: a course of additional education, the basics of LP-calculus, methods for constructing LP-risk models, transformation of databases into knowledge bases, LP-risk modeling technology.


Actual Problems of Modeling and Analysis of Queuing Networks 

G.Sh. TsitsiashviliM.A. Osipova


Kazan: Buk, 2020. - 88 p. - Text: direct. (in Russian)
ISBN 978-5-00118-576-5.

The monograph includes the most significant results of the authors on the analysis of applied queuing models over the past 5 years, reflected in peer-reviewed journals of various levels. The monograph is mainly devoted to the study of synergetic effects in stochastic systems with Poisson input flows and general input flows. The choice of material was determined by modern trends in the widespread introduction of digital technology tools in the work of various complex systems. Starting from the idea of developing non-standard methods of modeling, obtaining new analytical methods bypassing the cumbersome technology, it was possible to build and study many different application models. The methods of solving the problems presented in the monograph are based on the theory of random processes, queuing theory, graph theory, and system analysis. The monograph is intended for researchers in the field of probabilistic modeling, system analysis, and applied mathematics.


Theory and practice of ensuring the reliability of mechanical devices one-time operation

(in Russian)

Pokhabov Yu.P.


Monograph. Krasnoyarsk, 2018.

ISBN 978-5-7638-3812-1 (e-version: ISBN 978-5-7638-3900-5).


Theoretical basis and practical methods for ensuring the reliability of products of single and small-scale production with a low probability of failure are described. Using the examples of mechanical devices for one-time operation of spacecraft, the possibility of solving the problems of reliability of unique products without the use of the mathematical apparatus of the theory of reliability is shown. The analysis of design and technological factors determining reliability is presented. An engineering and technical approach has been developed to ensure reliability at various stages of the life cycle, based on imparting the developed product with properties that contribute to the unconditional fulfillment of service purpose. The technique of design and technological analysis of reliability is given. Methods of design and technological support and evaluation of the reliability of unique products are proposed. The principles and rules of design are considered to ensure the required reliability. Designed for practicing engineers engaged in the development of mechanical devices one-time operation. It may be useful to specialists in the field of reliability of unique highly responsible systems for various purposes.


INtegrated Analysis and Assessment Problems of Individual Structural Reliability of Spacecraft (Case of Deployable Structures)

Preprint (in Russian)

S.A.Timashev, Yu.P. Pokhabov.


Yekaterinburg, 2018.

ISBN 978-5-8057-0999-0.


The preprint describes an original methodology of quantitative reliability assessment of extremely expensive science-based objects/unique   structures that are components of critical/strategic infrastructures, which are manufactured in smallest batches or even as single structures. This theory got the name of individual structural reliability (TISR) and is compared with the qualitative methodology of design & technology reliability analysis (DTRA) as related to the design of high reliability spacecraft. With the development of the 3D digital technology the share of unique products in all sectors of contemporary machine-building and adjacent sectors of industry (ship-building, aircraft building) is growing non-stop. In this preprint this class of technical objects, usually, non-renewable systems, is represented as folding robotic one-time-deployment-when-on-orbit technological complexes, designed to serve without interruption for 12-15 years in the near-space environment.


THE Robust Method of Mathematical Statistics

(in Russian)

Shulenin V.P.


Tomsk, Publisher NTL, 2016

Pages: 260

ISBN 978-5-89503-575-7


Classical statistical methods for the most part have an increased sensitivity to the initial assumptions of the statistical model adopted in the processing of experimental data. When solving applications inevitably arise from deviations presuppositions model and the application of standard techniques in these conditions, it may be efficient enough and often leads to significant distortions of statistical conclusions. In connection with the etymology there is a need to build new, non-traditional methods of information processing, stable (or robust) for possible deviations of the actual characteristics of the data from those anticipated. This book is dedicated to the construction and investigation of robust parameter estimates to be submitted in the form of functionals of the empirical probability distribution functions. A brief overview of the basic concepts and approaches to the construction of robust procedures, quality characteristics which "resistant" to the possible deviations from the accepted model. Examples of the properties of the robustness of the proposed evaluation parameters of the position and scale, performed their comparison under various supermodels. Proposed modifications and extensions Hodges-Lehmann estimates, Gini mean difference, interquartile amplitude, etc. Approaches to building adaptive assessments with the use of functional assessment, describing the degree of "lengthy tail" of the distribution of probabilities observation are discussed . The book is intended for students and post-graduate students of universities, researchers, the address may also be useful to teachers in the development of courses of lectures for undergraduates and graduate students in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics.


Reliability Modeling Prediction

Andres Carrion Garcia

Ljubisa Papic


Edition: 2016,

Publisher: DQM Research Centre,

ISBN: 978-86-86355-20-1


Modern engineers come into touch with complex systems, which requires knowledge about different problems (issues). However, seeking for necessary data and information usually generates significant difficulties because they are scattered in numerous books and journals. Authors of this book have tried to remove such difficulties and to explain wide enough circles of questions relevant for modeling and prediction of system reliability. In this way, this book could be useful practical source for engineers which try to enter the systems reliability field. Book is suitable as material for university course about system reliability field for students of almost every engineering discipline, on graduate, MSc and PhD studies who are interested in reliability problems. The book contains enough material for single semester subject (course) emphasizing basics and appliance of classical reliability engineering. This book, as a serious task, represents the result of perennial cooperation in researching and in university teaching between Department of Operational Research, Applied Mathematics and Quality (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Valencia, Spain and Research Center of Dependability and Quality Management, Prijevor, Serbia, during the period of 15 years (2001-2015). Through this monograph authors tried to provide basic knowledge from the field of reliability theory, failure analysis, safety analysis and systems maintenance concept, which could be useful for reliability modeling and prediction during design, testing and exploiting different human made systems for obtaining maximal effectiveness of their operation. The "Reliability Modeling Prediction" monograph considers issues of reliability analysis, safety analysis, failure analysis and systems maintenance concepts. Under systems the authors allude to different kinds of technical objects (equipment, gears, instruments and mechanisms) which different branches of industry design, produce, exploiting and maintenance. This monograph describes in detail: probability concept of reliability, reliability quantification, probability distributions for reliability analysis, types of reliability tests and reliability testing plans, reliability block diagram method, failure modes, effects and criticality analysis, fault tree analysis, event tree analysis and systems maintenance concepts.



Uzdin Dmitry


(In Russian)


New proximity measures and function of states are proposed – they are mathematics - diagnostic models of various diagnoses. High efficiency of these proximity measures and functions of states contributing correct recognition of condition of any processes and objects is shown. Proposed proximity measures, functions of state and resolving rules are necessary for the solution of problems of the fastest finding of failure, destructive and other dangerous conditions. For the purpose of increase of reliability of recognition of states creating danger to life or people’s wellbeing, the multiple set of resolving rules when establishing of the diagnosis is made. The brochure is oriented for cybernetics and scientists of different fields of knowledge who apply recognition theory methods in their researches and also for senior students of the corresponding specialties.



Uzdin Dmitry


(In Russian)


The book is dedicated to a new concept in states recognition theory. Distinctive feature of this concept is that areas of diagnoses are significantly crossed. A new probabilistic – metric approach is offered. Its basic concepts, definitions and states recognition principles on the basis of which effective methods of mathematical diagnostics which can be applied in different areas are given. The explanation beginning with the III-rd chapter is conducted on the example of possible use of offered methods for early recognition of cancer and chronic diseases on blood and urine tests, familiar for all (not specific parameters). The book is oriented for cybernetics, experts in the field of technical and medical diagnostics, familiar with images recognition theory. It is also addressed to wide range of experts who are engaged in the solution of abovementioned tasks.




Uzdin Dmitry


(In Russian)


Regression dependence of magnitude and generalized configurational ratio (GCR) which is generalized output parameter characterizing condition of lithosphere is proposed. On the basis of this dependence and knowledge of GCR dynamics of retrospective earthquakes 3 mathematical methods of short period forecast of earthquakes are developed. In four Annexes associated, accompanying issues connected with forecast of earthquakes are considered. For acquaintance general principles of states recognition are given. The brochure oriented for geophysicists and seismologists for the purpose of discussion of possibility of use of offered mathematical methods at solution of the problem of short period forecast of earthquakes.


Keywords: short period forecast of earthquakes; expected magnitude; generalized configurational ratio (relation); probability and waiting period of earthquake.



Dzirkal, Ernest


(on Russian)


In the offered book a number of everyday questions is examined: what reliability indicator to choose for a given item; how many indicators to set; what is better: to characterize reliability as an item property or specify the reliability impact on item effectiveness; how to choose a number value of an indicator; to set requirements to the whole item or to its components, etc. There is also research of questions rising during theoretical and experimental evaluation of given indicators: what methods can be used for indicator evaluation; what method gives the most significant result; how to take into account partial failures; to what number complex item tests can be reduced; how to test an item with a wide reservation applicability; how to test a part of an item, etc. All cases are connected to regulation and testing of those reliability indicators which are used by the producer and the customer and which can be claimed in the case of low reliability of an item. Chapters 1 and 2 are devoted to compilation of Terms of Reference to items to be developed and technical specialization of serial items. Choice principles of reliability indicators for the specific items are given at Chapter 1. There is information about peculiarities of given indicators as well as reasoning their number values and methods of experimental testing examined in the following chapters. Chapter 2 is devoted to the analysis of possible ways of required reliability reasoning, and there is information what can be expected from reliability and what can not. As a result, a definite common approach to complex and simple items is formulated.




Dzirkal, Ernest


Reliability is an applied scientific field using and developing systems research methods under the condition of appearance and elimination of random events – failures of systems components. Main research methods and conclusions of reliability theory are general and can be applied at any technical field. Reliability of current complex systems has its own specifics due to the multifunctional, failure character, peculiarities of information recovery procedures, structural and algorithmic complexity. The course is aimed at students who are not planning to specialize at reliability (as deeper learning of reliability field is necessary), but having basic knowledge of reliability theory and the solution ways of main reliability tasks including:

Setting requirements to reliability;

Supply of reliability set level during engineering, production, and exploitation;

Reliability calculation;

Reliability test of systems;

Solution of special reliability problems (calculation, optimization of spare parts sets,...)

Students also have to know methods of gaining reliability statistics, getting initial data for calculation, qualitative analysis of failures. In the course there are only formulae, necessary for important dependences explanation, but formulae from encyclopedias and the process of formulae derivations are absent. In Appendix B there are tables required for solution of problems from the course. 



Zamyshlyaev A.M.


Ulyanovsk: Regional printing house “Pechatny dvor”, 2013. – 143 pp., illustrated


The book describes a technology of integrated management of reliability, risks, resources at all stages of a life cycle (URRAN) based on use of the advanced information platform designed for solving tasks related to management of Russian railways’ infrastructure maintenance.  The book presents a functional strategy to ensure a guaranteed safety and reliability of transportation in RZD.  The author provides a structure of mathematical support for the information technology of infrastructure management on railway transport. The reader of the book can find a detailed overview of applied industry information systems such as KASANT, AS RB, IKSAR SC, KASKOR, AS URRAN. The book describes the operational technology, purposes, targets, architectures of the systems, as well as the efficiency of their application in terms of tasks faced by RZD. The described information systems cover a wide range of issues including an operative recording of data related to traffic safety violations; control of supervisors’ activities; recording of equipment failures and control of their elimination; control of stations’ inspections; control of track inspections; recording of violations made by transportation enterprises’ staff; control of how well stations’ tracks and adjoining open lines are equipped; evaluation of infrastructure facilities reliability parameters and risks related to traffic safety. The material presented by the book is aimed at experts who are by their profession connected with development of information technologies on railway transport, and also it can be helpful for students specialized in information technologies and information systems as well as in automated management systems, and for lecturers and professors of railway engineering colleges and universities.


Structural Reliability of Electric Power Systems
Oboskalov  V.P.

The monograph is devoted to the assessment of structural reliability of electric power systems (EPS). It discusses the general approach used in the calculation of the reliability of complex technical systems, shows the specific power system, describes the main methods of determining the parameters of structural reliability. Detail the procedures to simplify a probabilistic processes of a system failure of power supply units power consumption. Failures of elements and subsystems are divided into EPS two classes: the failure of the "open" and type "short circuit". The mathematical model to simplify a characterizing each type of failure. Submitted to simplify a procedure aimed at their use in computer calculations. A distinctive feature of the book is its educational and methodological focus, the presentation of material, appropriate discipline, "Reliability of power system", the students studied electricity professions schools. The main attention is paid to the problem of the discussed phenomena and modes of operation of power systems.


Reliability of fatigue-prone airframes and composite materials

Yu. Paramonov, A. Kiiziietsov, M. Kleinhofs


Riga, Aviation institute of Riga Technical University. 2011 - 122 pages.


This book is intended to help students of Aviation Institute of Riga Technical University to study the problem of reliability of an airframe. It describes modem mathematical solutions of this problem and its historical background. The book consists of two pails. Airframe designers have always been seriously concerned with an issue of preventing of an airframe from a fatigue failure. Several approaches to solution of this problem are offered: safe-life, fail-safe and damage-tolerance. Mathematical aspects of these approaches are considered in the first part of the book. There used to be a delusion that only metals suffer from fatigue and that this problem would disappear for composite airframe. In November 2001 the composite tail fin of an Airbus A300 had broken away just before the plane crashed soon after take-off from the New York airport. Now the problem of fatigue of composite materials is being substantially and seriously studied. Of course, investigation of static strength and its relation to fatigue life of composite material is very important. These problems are discussed in the second part of the book. This book is not .An Introduction to Reliability". The introductory courses in both the theory of probability and mathematical statistics are prerequisites for this book. Formal treatment of the mathematical models considered in the book requires the use of some basic facts from Markov chain theory. It is worth to mention that some new specific definitions are introduced in this book: p-set function, Byes-Fidicial approuch. MinMaxDM distribution family. New solutions of the problems with wide field of application are offered: the most uniformly powerful test for testing statistical hypotheses (Weibull distribution against lognormal distribution): maximization of conditional expectation of estimate of p-quantile (as maximization of specified life under condition of limitation of aircraft failure probability by a very small value): specific coordinates for fitting test data (estimates of mean value of ordered statistics vs sample ordered statistics. But in general this book represents an application of well-known methods of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics to a specific problem related to reliability analysis of both airframe and composite material.




Oboskalov  V.P.


The book was the result of a long period of the author's work on the issue of reliability of electric power systems. This book summarizes the author’s publications in scientific journals and conferences. The work focuses primarily on the masters, learning fundamentals of the reliability theory of power systems, and graduate students who are either on its own initiative or at the initiative of their leaders are trying to find new, more efficient algorithms and procedures for calculating reliability index.




Methods and models of reliability of electric power systems


Syktyvkar, 2010. - 292 pp. 

(Komi Scientific Center of UB RAS).

The monograph is devoted to assessing and ensuring regime and the carrying of reliability of electric power systems. Dana original interpretation of the structure properties of the reliability of EPS, the data on the adequacy and operational reliability of the Unified Electric Power zones the U.S. and Canada for 2002-2007., Considered control problem of static and dynamic reliability of EPS in relation to their information management disclosed methods and models of balance of reliability multiband EPS based on market relations in the electricity sector.  
The book may be of interest to those engaged in theoretical problems of reliability of electric power systems and practical applications of their solutions.


New Book



Way Kuo

© 2023  Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-394-17564-2
August 2023, 448 Pages

The book offers an analytical account of higher education in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China with examples of best practices from higher education in the US for guidance. This book is author attempt to address issues that remain to be challenges for universities in the globalized 21 Century, namely academic autonomy and freedom, seamless integration between research and teaching, curricula update, innovative and problem-driven research, and adopting best global practices, based on his reflections about higher education from a global perspective through his personal experience as a senior academic leader in the US and Hong Kong. Borrowing from the languages of computer science, this book not only talks about the hardware and software in higher education, which refer to the infrastructure and the physical entities that provide an environment conducive to good teaching and research, it also highlights the importance of a third category for achieving great success: the presence of a certain mindset, a willingness to embrace due process and follow international standards and procedures or a vision in making the best use of the hardware and software to spearhead innovation in combining teaching and research for the benefit of students and the well-being of society.

Discrete-Time Semi-Markov Random Evolutions and Their Applications


Nikolaos Limnios , Anatoliy Swishchuk


Birkhäuser, 2023 August

© 2023 Springer Nature


This book extends the theory and applications of random evolutions to semi-Markov random media in discrete time, essentially focusing on semi-Markov chains as switching or driving processes. After giving the definitions of discrete-time semi-Markov chains and random evolutions, it presents the asymptotic theory in a functional setting, including weak convergence results in the series scheme, and their extensions in some additional directions, including reduced random media, controlled processes, and optimal stopping. Finally, applications of discrete-time semi-Markov random evolutions in epidemiology and financial mathematics are discussed. This book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in applied mathematics and statistics, and other disciplines, including engineering, epidemiology, finance and economics, who are concerned with stochastic models of systems.


Technical Assets Management for Rail Transport


Shubinsky I. B., Zamyshlyaev A.M.


Moscow: VINITI RAS, 2021. - 248 p. (in Russian)

ISBN 975-5-902928-89-8


The book sets out the key provisions of the URRAN-based technical asset management system - a methodology for managing resources and risks by analyzing and ensuring the required levels of reliability and safety of railway transport facilities. The book also describes the architecture of the unified

corporate platform of the URRAN information system (UCP URRAN) and its subsystems for infrastructure facilities and rolling stock complexes.


The prospects for the development of the URRAN UCP are shown, especially

in terms of the use of artificial intelligence to predict dangerous events in the operation of railway transport. The book is intended primarily for specialists engaged in practical work on the technical maintenance of railway transport facilities. It is intended for students, postgraduates and teachers at railway universities and can also be useful for specialists in other industries and transport, solving scientific and practical problems in the management of technical assets.

Cyber Security and Safety of Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems


Michael A. Yastrebenetsky (State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Ukraine) and Vyacheslav S. Kharchenko (National Aerospace University KhAI, Ukraine)


Release Date: May, 2020   

Copyright: © 2020 

Pages: 501

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3277-5

ISBN13: 9781799832775



Safety and security are crucial to the operations of nuclear power plants, but cyber threats to these facilities are increasing significantly. Instrumentation and control systems, which play a vital role in the prevention of these incidents, have seen major design modifications with the implementation of digital technologies. Advanced computing systems are assisting

in the protection and safety of nuclear power plants; however, significant research on these computational methods is deficient.


Cyber Security and Safety of Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems is a pivotal reference source that provides vital research on the digital developments of instrumentation and control systems for assuring the safety and security of nuclear power plants. While highlighting topics such as accident monitoring systems, classification measures, and UAV fleets, this publication explores individual cases of security breaches as well as future methods of practice.

This book is ideally designed for engineers, industry specialists, researchers, policymakers, scientists, academicians, practitioners, and students involved in the development and operation of instrumentation and control systems for nuclear power plants, chemical and petrochemical industries, transport, and medical equipment.




Advanced Models and Tools for Effective Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Risk Contexts

Edited by Vicente González-Prida and Carmen Carnero


Release Date: September, 2020|Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 423

ISBN13: 9781799832461|ISBN10: 1799832465|EISBN13: 9781799832485|

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3246-1


Business industries depend on advanced models and tools that provide an

optimal and objective decision-making process, ultimately guaranteeing improved competitiveness, reducing risk, and eliminating uncertainty. Thanks in part to the digital era of the modern world, reducing these conditions has become much

more manageable. Advanced Models and Tools for Effective Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Risk Contexts provides research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of effective decision making based not only on mathematical techniques, but also on those technological tools that are available nowadays in

the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as industrial informatics, knowledge management, and production planning, this book is ideally designed for decision makers, researchers, engineers, academicians, and student.



Earthquake Statistical Analysis through Multi-state Modeling

Irene Votsi, Nikolaos Limnios, Eleftheria Papadimitriou, Georgios Tsaklidis

ISBN: 978-1-119-57908-3 December 2018 Wiley-ISTE 180 Pages


Earthquake occurrence modeling is a rapidly developing research area. This book deals with its critical issues, ranging from theoretical advances to practical applications.

The introductory chapter outlines state-of-the-art earthquake modeling approaches based on stochastic models. Chapter 2 presents seismogenesis in association with the evolving stress field. Chapters 3 to 5 present earthquake occurrence modeling by means of hidden (semi-) Markov models and discuss associated characteristic measures and relative estimation aspects.


Further comparisons, the most important results and our concluding remarks are provided in Chapters 6 and 7. Read more information about this book on the site www.wiley.com by link: https://www.wiley.com/en-ru/Earthquake+Statistical+Analysis+through+Multi+state+Modeling-p-9781119579083




Neva GoodwinJonathan M. HarrisJulie A. NelsonPratistha Joshi RajkarnikarBrian RoachMariano Torras


Macroeconomics in Context


Fourth Edition


Microeconomics in Context lays out the principles of microeconomics in a manner that is thorough, up to date, and relevant to students. Like its counterpart, Macroeconomics in Context, the book is uniquely attuned to economic, social, and environmental realities. The "In Context" books offer affordability, accessible presentation, and engaging coverage of current policy issues from economic inequality and global climate change to taxes and globalization.

Key features include:

- Clear explanations of basic concepts and analytical tools, with advanced models presented in optional chapter appendices;

- Presentation of policy issues in historical, environmental, institutional, social, political, and ethical contexts—an approach that fosters critical evaluation of the standard microeconomic models, such as welfare analysis, labor markets, and market competition;

- A powerful graphical presentation of various measures of well-being in the United States and other countries, including income inequality, taxes, educational attainment, and environmental quality;

- Broad definitions of well-being using both traditional economic metrics and factors such as environmental quality, health, equity, and political inclusion;

- Significantly revised chapters on globalization and trade, economic and social inequality, labor markets, and public goods;

- Expanded coverage of high-interest topics such as behavioral economics, labor markets, and economic discrimination;

- Full complement of instructor and student support materials online.


This new edition also features more international data and analysis, and further material on the importance of economic power in shaping policy. The latest addition to the "In Context" series combines real-world relevance with a thorough grounding in multiple economic paradigms.


The Fourth Edition is now available. Order via Routledge publisher.


Paperback: $68.95 

Hardback: $175.00   

eBook: $34.48


Mohammad ModarresMark P. KaminskiyVasiliy Krivtsov


Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis:

A Practical Guide

3rd Edition


Paperback: 522 pages

Publisher: CRC Press; 3 edition (December 1, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1498745873

ISBN-13: 978-1498745871

Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 7.5 x 10.2 inches


This book provides a practical and comprehensive overview of reliability and risk analysis tech­niques. It is written for engineering students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and for practicing engineers. This book mainly concentrates on reliability analysis. In addition, elemen­tary performance and risk analysis techniques arc also presented. Since reliability analysis is a multidisciplinary subject, the scope is not limited to any one engineering discipline; rather, the material is applicable to most engineering subjects. The third edition has additional topics in clas­sical confidence interval estimation; Bayesian analysis; models for the physics-of-failure approach to life estimation; reliability analysis of warranty data; extended discussions on the generalized renewal process and optimal maintenance; as well as further modifications, updates, and discus­sions on more than half of this book’s topics. The contents of this book have been primarily based on the materials used in three courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels at the University of Maryland, College Park. These courses have been offered in the past 30 years. This book has greatly benefited from the contribution of many talented students, who actively participated in gath­ering and updating practical and useful materials. Therefore, this book presents a large number of examples to illustrate technical subjects. Additionally, there are many end-of-chapter exercises that are mainly based on prior exams and homework problem sets of the reliability and risk analysis courses at the University of Maryland. A complete solution set booklet is available to support educators and industrial users. Copies of this booklet may be obtained by sending a written request to the publisher.


A.C. Márquez, V. Gonzalez-Prida Diaz, J.F. Gómez Fernández (Eds.)


Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Asset Management

Techniques and Methods for Complex Industrial Systems


- Continues with the development of a framework for maintenance and assets management that has been developed by the authors

- Describes new models, methods and techniques, which can be applied at different stages of the asset management process, as well as their practical implementation

- Offers a source of ideas to industrial and manufacturing engineers, managers and plant supervisors, academicians, researchers, advanced-level students (both postgraduate and doctoral), technology developers, and managers who take decisions in this field

This book promotes and describes the application of objective and effective decision making in asset management based on mathematical models and practical techniques that can be easily implemented in organizations. This comprehensive and timely publication will be an essential reference source, building on available literature in the field of asset management while laying the groundwork for further research breakthroughs in this field. The text provides the resources necessary for managers, technology developers, scientists and engineers to adopt and implement better decision making based on models and techniques that contribute to recognizing risks and uncertainties and, in general terms, to the important role of asset management to increase competitiveness in organizations.


Reliability Is a New Science. Gnedenko Was Right

Rocchi, Paolo


Copyright: 2017

Publisher: Springer International Publishing

Copyright Holder: Springer International Publishing AG

eBook ISBN 978-3-319-57472-1

DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57472-1

Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-57471-4

Edition Number: 1

Number of Pages: XV, 152

Number of Illustrations and Tables: 50 b/w illustrations

Topics: Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics


This work illustrates research conducted over a ten-year timespan and addresses

a fundamental issue in reliability theory. This still appears to be an empirically disorganized field and the book suggests employing a deductive base in order to evolve reliability as a science. The study is in line with the fundamental work by Gnedenko. Boris Vladimirovich Gnedenko (1912 – 1995) was a Soviet mathematician who made significant contributions in various scientific areas. His name is especially associated with studies of dependability, for which he is often recognized as the 'father' of reliability theory.  In the last few decades, this area has expanded in new directions such as safety, security, risk analysis and other fields, yet the book ‘Mathematical Methods in Reliability Theory’ written by Gnedenko with Alexander Soloviev and Yuri Bélyaev still towers as a pillar of the reliability sector’s configuration and identity. The present book proceeds in the direction opened by the cultural project of the Russian authors; in particular it identifies different trends in the hazard rate functions by means of deductive logic and demonstrations. Further, it arrives

at multiple results by means of the entropy function, an original mathematical tool in the reliability domain. As such, it will greatly benefit all specialists in the field who are interested in unconventional solutions.



V.V. Rykov


Publishing House “NEDRA”, 2016. - 302 p.

ISBN: 978-5-8365-0474-8

(on Russian)


This issue is the result of a lecture course on “Theory of Stochastic Processes”

for students on “Applied Mathematics” of Gubkin Russian State University and for students on “Applied Mathematics and Informatics” of Russian Peoples’ Friendship University. It is supposed the familiarity of the readers with university courses of mathematics and probability theory.


The material of the course is based on traditional courses of Stochastic     Processes. Some peculiarity of this material, directed to applications, is changing   of some fundamental theorems full proofs with their comments, which allow demonstrating the real ways of proof, but omitting their detail and cumbersome calculations, nevertheless taking an attention to the “thin places” in the proofs. The material is directed to students of applied mathematics, informatics, computer sciences and engineers with high mathematical educations.



Optimum Decision Making in Asset Management

María Carmen Carnero (University of Castilla – La Mancha, Spain)

and Vicente González-Prida (University of Seville, Spain)

Release Date: August, 2016

Copyright: © 2017

Pages: 523

ISBN13: 9781522506515

ISBN10: 1522506519

EISBN13: 9781522506522

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0651-5


Asset management is becoming increasingly important to an organization’s strategy, given its effects on cost, production, and quality. No matter the sector, important decisions are made based on techniques and theories that are thought to optimize results; asset management models and techniques could help maximize effectiveness while reducing risk. Optimum Decision Making in Asset Management posits that effective decision making can be augmented by asset management based on mathematical techniques and models. Resolving the problems associated with minimizing uncertainty, this publication outlines a myriad of methodologies, procedures, case studies, and management tools that can help any organization achieve world-class maintenance. This book is ideal for managers, manufacturing engineers, programmers, academics, and advanced management students.

Reliability of Engineering Systems and Technological Risk


Vladimir Rykov


ISBN: 978-1-78630-001-0

228 pages

August 2016,



In this book three main aspects are considered together: mathematical models for engineering systems reliability, the main concepts for technogeneous risk study, and insurance as methods for risks management. In the first part the author considers some special statistical problems concerning reliability data elaboration. The second part

deals with the strong mathematical concept of risks and some problems for technogeneous risks insurance.




Queueing theory basics

(Basic course: Markov models, markovization models):

Textbook / Rykov V.V., Kozyrev D.V. - Moscow: INFRA-M Publ. house, 2016. - 223 p.


ISBN 978-5-16-010945-9                                                                           


This textbook is intended for undergraduate students and Master's students enrolled

in degree programs:   01.03.0 (01.04.02) "Applied mathematics and informatics",  02.03.0 (02.04.02 "Fundamental informatics and information technologies". 02.03.01 (02.04.01)  "Mathematics and computer sciences". It can also be useful for students in other degree programs where courses with the same or a similar content

are given, for instance 27.03.04 "Control in technical systems, 15.03.0 "Automation

of technological processes and production", 01.03.0 "Applied mathematics", 09.03.03 "Applied informatics" and others. The reader is assumed to be familiar

with the courses of probability theory and theory of stochastic processes to the

extent they are given for students with advanced mathematical training.


To purchase the book, please contact:


Antipenko Elena Nikolaevna

Phone: +7-495-280-15-96 (station 519)



Zhirova Elena Yurjevna

Phone: +7-495-280-15-96 (station 225)



Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management


Vicente Gonzalez-Prida (University of Seville, Spain) and Anthony Raman (NTEC Tertiary Group, New Zealand)

Release Date: March, 2015. Copyright © 2015. 402 pages.

ISBN13: 9781466682221|ISBN10: 1466682221|EISBN13: 9781466682238|

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8222-1


Green technologies and energy-efficient practices have become two of the most prevalent issues in global society. However, many countries still lack the technology or resources needed to implement sustainable practices within their societies.

Promoting Sustainable Practices through Energy Engineering and Asset Management discusses the challenges that the developing world faces when implementing and utilizing

environmentally friendly techniques. This publication is a crucial reference source for managers, scientists,

technology developers, and engineers interested in the adoption of sustainable practices in developing countries.


For more information see: http://www.igi-global.com/book/promoting-sustainable-practices-through-energy/121160



Resolution of the Twentieth Century Conundrum in Elastic Stability

Isaac Elishakoff (Florida Atlantic University, USA)


352pp,    Jul 2014

ISBN: 978-981-4583-53-4 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-981-4583-55-8 (ebook)

There have been stability theories developed for beams, plates and shells —

the most significant elements in mechanical, aerospace, ocean and marine engineering. For beams and plates, the theoretical and experimental values of buckling loads are in close vicinity. However for thin shells, the experimental predictions do not conform with the theory, due to presence of small geometric imperfections that are deviations from the ideal shape.


This fact has been referred to in the literature as ‘embarrassing’, ‘paradoxical’ and ‘perplexing’. Indeed, the popular adage, “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is”, very much applies to thin

shells whose experimental buckling loads may constitute a small fraction

of the theoretical prediction based on classical linear theory; because in

practice, engineers use knockdown factors that are not theoretically substantiated.


This book presents a uniform approach that tames this prima-donna-like and capricious behavior of structures that has been dubbed the ‘imperfection sensitivity’ — thus resolving the conundrum that has occupied the best minds of elastic stability throughout the twentieth century.


Nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests.

Guide on the application

B. Yu. Lemeshko


Moscow: INFRA-M, 2014. – 163 p.

Publication Date: May 28, 2014


ISBN 978-5-16-010003-6 (print) 

ISBN 978-5-16-101674-9 (online)


The book is intended for specialists facing in their work with problems of statistical data analysis or the need to choose the distribution model, which adequately describes the observed random variables. In this guide, the problems of application of nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests (Kolmogorov, Kuiper, Cramer-von Mises-Smirnov, Watson, Anderson-Darling, Zhang tests) are considered for testing simple and composite hypotheses. The appendix contains the tables of percentage points and the models of statistics distributions, which are necessary for the correct application of the tests for simple and, above all, various composite hypotheses. Adherence to the recommendations will ensure the correctness of statistical inference in data analysis with the usage of nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests.


The book will be useful for engineers, scientists, specialists in various fields (doctors, biologists, sociologists, economists, etc.), who face in their activities with the need of the statistical analysis of experimental results. The guide is useful for university professors, graduate students and students.




by Ilya GertsbakhYoseph ShpunginRadislav Vaisman


Series: Springer Briefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Paperback: 62 pages

Publisher: Springer; 2014 edition (May 31, 2014)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 3319064398

ISBN-13: 978-3319064390

Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.9 x 0.4 inches


Ternary means “based on three”. This book deals with reliability investigations of  networks whose components subject to failures can be in three states –up, down and middle (mid), contrary to traditionally considered networks  having only binary (up/down) components. Extending binary case to ternary allows to consider more realistic and flexible models for communication, flow and supply networks.


Traditionally, Reliability theory studies networks whose components subject to failure (edges and/or nodes) are binary, i.e., have two states—up and down. Typically, network DOWN state is defined as loss of terminal connectivity or a break-up into a critical number of components. There are two most often used tools for investigating network reliability—Monte Carlo simulation and the so-called D-spectra technique.


This book is devoted to the reliability analysis of ternary (or trinary) networks, i.e., to networks whose components subject to failure have three states: up, down and an intermediate state which we call mid. It turns out that the D-spectra technique can be extended to the case of components with three states. The price for this extension is introducing a more complicated version of D-spectrum, the ternary D-spectrum.


George Box used to cite the aphorism: ‘‘all models are wrong; some models are useful.’’ We hope that some models presented in this book might be useful to reliability researchers involved in network study and design, and to reliability engineers interested in applications of the theory to practical calculations of network reliability parameters.



Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems for Safety and Security


Michael Yastrebenetsky (State Scientific and Technical Centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety, Ukraine)


Vyacheslav Kharchenko (National Aerospace University- KhAI, Ukraine and Centre

for Safety Infrastructure-Oriented Research and Analysis, Ukraine)

Release Date: February, 2014. Copyright © 2014. 470 pages.


Accidents and natural disasters involving nuclear power plants such as Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and the recent meltdown at Fukushima are rare, but their effects are devastating enough to warrant increased vigilance in addressing safety concerns.

Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems for Safety and Security evaluates the risks inherent to nuclear power and methods of preventing accidents through computer control systems and other such emerging technologies.

Students and scholars as well as operators and designers will find useful insight into the latest security technologies with the potential to make the future of nuclear energy clean, safe, and reliable.


After–sales Service of Engineering Industrial Assets

A Reference Framework for Warranty Management


González-Prida Díaz, Vicente, Crespo Marquez, Adolfo

2014, XXII, 318 p. 106 illus., 4 illus. in color.



This book explores the practical implementation of an advanced after-sales management framework devoted to warranty management. The framework is intended for companies producing either standardized or customized products,

and such a management tool will facilitate organizational improvement

and support innovative decision making processes for technical assistance

in after-sales services.

“After–sales Service of Engineering Industrial Assets” comprises a proposal for a warranty management framework, with an account of the different methods that

can be used to improve decision making in the different stages of the after-sales service management process, and strategies for strengthening the structure and foundations of the framework. A review of the fundamental issues and current research topics in warranty management and after sales services is also provided, which is exemplified by a case study. This book is intended for postgraduates, researchers and engineers who are interested in after sales management, assets engineering and warranty management.


Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis


In honor of M.S. Nikulin


Edited by


Vincent Couallier, Bordeaux Segalen University, France

Léo Gerville-Réache, Bordeaux 2 University, France

Catherine Huber-Carol, Paris René Descartes University, France

Nikolaos Limnios, Compiègne University of Technology, France

Mounir Mesbah, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France


ISBN: 9781848216198


Publication Date: November 2013   Hardback   432 pp.


Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis brings together contributions by specialists in statistical theory as they discuss their applications providing up-to-date developments in methods used in survival analysis, statistical goodness of fit, stochastic processes for system reliability, amongst others. Many of these are related to the work of Professor M. Nikulin in statistics over the past 30 years. The authors gather together various contributions with a broad array of techniques and results, divided into three parts - Statistical Models and Methods, Statistical Models and Methods in Survival Analysis, and Reliability and Maintenance.

The book is intended for researchers interested in statistical methodology and models useful in survival analysis, system reliability and statistical testing for censored and non-censored data.

Robustness in Statistical Forecasting


Yuriy Kharin


Heidelberg/Dordrecht/New York/London: Springer, 2013.  356 P.

ISBN   978-3-319-00840-0

DOI    10.10007/978-3-319-00840-0


Traditional procedures in statistical forecasting of time series, which are proved

to be optimal under the hypothetical model, are often not robust under relatively small distortions (misspecification, outliers, missing values, etc.), leading to the actual forecast risks (mean square errors of prediction) which are much higher

than the theoretical values.


This monograph fills a gap in the literature on robustness in statistical forecasting giving solutions to the following topical problems:


  • development of mathematical models and descriptions of typical distortions in applied forecasting problems;

  • evaluation of the robustness for traditional forecasting procedures under distortions;

  • obtaining of the maximal distortion levels allowing for “safe” use of the traditional forecasting algorithms;

  • construction of new robust forecasting procedures to provide the risk that is not much sensitive to definite distortion types.

The book is primarily intended for mathematicians, statisticians and software developers in applied mathematics, computer science, data analysis, operation research, econometrics, financial engineering and medicine. It can also be recommended as a textbook for a one-semester course for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of the mentioned disciplines.

Recent Advances in System Reliability: Signatures, Multi-state Systems and Statistical Inference


(Springer Series in Reliability Engineering)


Anatoly Lisnianski (Editor), Ilia Frenkel (Editor)


Publisher: Springer; 2012 edition (December 31, 2013) | ISBN-10: 1447126831| ISBN-13: 978-1447126836|


Recent Advances in System Reliability discusses developments in modern reliability theory such as signatures, multi-state systems and statistical inference. It describes the latest achievements in these fields, and covers the application of these achievements to reliability engineering practice.


The chapters cover a wide range of new theoretical subjects and have been written

by leading experts in reliability theory and its applications. The topics include:


  • concepts and different definitions of signatures (D-spectra), their properties and applications to reliability of coherent systems and network-type structures;

  • Lz-transform of Markov stochastic process and its application to multi-state system reliability analysis;

  • methods for cost-reliability and cost-availability analysis of multi-state systems;

  • optimal replacement and protection strategy; and

  • statistical inference.

Recent Advances in System Reliability presents many examples to illustrate the theoretical results. Real world multi-state systems, such as power generation and transmission, refrigeration, and production systems, are considered in the form

of case studies, making the book a useful resource for researchers and postgraduate students.


For more information http://www.springer.com/engineering/production+engineering/book/978-1-4471-2206-7

Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference


(Quality and Reliability Engineering Series)


Ilia B. Frenkel, Alex Karagrigoriou , Anatoly Lisnianski , Andre V. Kleyner (Editors)


Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (November 11, 2013) | ISBN-10: 1118539427 |



This book is a collective work by a number of leading scientists, analysts, mathematicians, and engineers who have been working on the front end of

reliability science and engineering. This work is dedicated to the memory of Boris Gnedenko and commemorates the 100-year anniversary of his birth. Boris Gnedenko was a remarkable mathematician and one of the pioneers of reliability science,

thus most of the material presented in this book in some way have been influenced by his work. More about Gnedenko and his life can be found in the introductory chapter “Remembering Boris Gnedenko.”


All chapters in this book are written by the leading researchers and practitioners in their respective fields of expertise

and present quite a number of innovative methods, approaches and solutions not covered before in the literature. The amount of research and study in these areas, which represent conventional, contemporary, and recently emerged fields

of reliability science have been growing rapidly due to ample opportunities to apply their results in various areas of academic research and in industry. Despite the large number of contributing authors, this manuscript presents a continuous story of modern reliability engineering and shows the recent advances in mathematical methods in reliability. This complete resource on the theory and applications of reliability engineering, probabilistic models and risk analysis consolidates all the latest research, presenting the most up-to-date developments in this field.


For more information  http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118539427,subjectCd-ST23.html

Multi-state System Reliability Analysis and Optimization for Engineers and Industrial Managers


Lisnianski, Anatoly, Frenkel, Ilia, Ding, Yi


Publisher: Springer; 2010 edition (August 9, 2010) | ISBN-10: 1849963193|

ISBN-13: 978-1849963190 |


Multi-state System Reliability Analysis and Optimization for Engineers and Industrial Managers presents a comprehensive, up-to-date description of multi-state system (MSS) reliability as a natural extension of classical binary-state reliability. It presents all essential theoretical achievements in the field, but is also practically oriented.

Multi-state System Reliability Analysis and Optimization for Engineers and Industrial Managers also discusses life cycle cost analysis and practical optimal decision making for real world MSSs. Numerous examples are included in each section in order to illustrate mathematical tools. Besides these examples, real world MSSs (such as power generating and transmission systems, air-conditioning systems, production systems, etc.) are considered as case studies.


Multi-state System Reliability Analysis and Optimization for Engineers and Industrial Managers also describes basic concepts of MSS, MSS reliability measures and tools for MSS reliability assessment and optimization. It is a

self-contained study resource and does not require prior knowledge from its readers, making the book attractive

for researchers as well as for practical engineers and industrial managers.


For more information  http://www.springer.com/engineering/production+engineering/book/978-1-84996-319-0

Multi-criteria Decision Analysis: Methods and Software

Alessio Ishizaka, Philippe Nemery


Wiley, July 2013

ISBN: 978-1-1199-7407-9



This book presents an introduction to MCDA with chapters describing in detail each of the leading methods used in this field. Comparison of methods and software is also featured to enable readers to choose the most appropriate method needed in their research. Case studies are included throughout. Worked examples as well as the software featured in the book are available on an accompanying website.












Shulenin V.P.  Mathematical Statistics. (Three-volume edition, in Russian) Tomsk: NTL Publishing House, 2012


 Part 1.   Parametric Statistics. 539 p.,  ISBN 978-5-89503-4932-7

 Part 2.   Nonparametric  Statistics. 387 p.,  ISBN 978-5-89503-502-3                                       

 Part 3.   Robust Statistics. 518 p.,  ISBN 978-5-89503-508-5


The three-volume textbook presents basic notions and techniques from all three branches of modern mathematical statistics. Part one describes classical results of theory of the parameters estimation and theory of hypotheses testing in case of parametric models of probability distributions (i.e., when the distribution is known up to a finite number of parameters).  Part two describes statistical procedures that allow to obtain statistical inferences under the unknown probability function (i.e., belonging to nonparametric class of functions); these procedures are based on order statistics, ranks, and signs of observations only. Part three contains descriptions of robust statistical procedures, which keep their properties in spite of certain discrepancies between underlying distribution and its model. All topics are illustrated by many examples and problems, which may be used during practical classes and in some course or diploma works. A book is certified by Ministry of Education agency as a textbook for   students of specialties “Applied mathematics and cybernetics” and “Informatics and information technologies”, but is of interest for all dealing with processing experimental data of various nature. Orders may be sent to postal address: NTL Publishers, Novosobornaya Sq., 1, 634050, Tomsk, Russia; or via e-mail: physics@mail.tsu.ru   



Mark P. Kaminskiy, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA

Reliability Models for Engineers and Scientists




- Introduces reliability models in a simple way focusing on their physical meaning

- Discusses new models not covered by other reliability and risk analysis books

- Provides a wide scope of possible applications

- Includes case studies

- Explores the aging/rejuvenation processes and introduces a new concept

  of the Gini-type index




A discussion of the basic reliability concepts and models, this book is suitable for students of reliability engineering as well as for those who wish a supplement on applied survival data analysis. The models discussed in the book are used in reliability, risk analysis, physics of failure, fracture mechanics, biological, pharmaceutical, and medical studies. It is an up-to-date, concise, and informative handbook on reliability models, which does not require any special mathematical background. It also introduces a new concept of the Gini-type index.



Igor B. Shubinsky


Methods of analysis


Editor: Patrikeeva Evgenia

Make-up: Kurtish Boris S.

Proofreading: Komarova Catherine E.


For the first time, this book presents the theory of functional dependability of information systems as a component of the general dependability theory. The book comprises basic concepts and definitions, major threats for the functional dependability of information systems, system parameters, methods for estimating the functional dependability of digital devices, and methods and models of estimating software functional dependability. A separated chapter considers the functional reliability of critical information systems, including the concept of a critical system, features of faults, estimation of functional reliability of operators, estimation of hazardous failures and risks, the requirements of functional dependability and the software architecture of critical information systems. A checklist of the most complex and significant subjects is provided at the end of each chapter. The book is primarily intended for experts who are engaged in practical development, manufacture, operation and updating of information technologies and information systems. It is intended for researchers in the field of software-hardware of information systems, academic staff, post-graduate students and students specializing in the field of information technologies as well as those working in the field of automated control systems.


Publication can be purchased through the editorial board of Journal Dependability Ltd.

by phone 8 (495) 967-77-05, ext.186; 8-916-105-81-31 (Patrikeeva Evgenia)

e-mail: E.Patrikeeva@gismps.ru , www.dependability.pro



Igor B. Shubinsky


Methods of analysis


Editor: Patrikeeva Evgenia

Make-up: Kurtish Boris S.

Proofreading: Komarova Catherine E.


The book presents the basic concepts and parameters of the structural dependability of information systems. It discusses general and specific differences in dependability indices used in domestic and international standards, along with recent developments in approaches to dependability modeling. Markov reliability models together with graph semi-Markov methods for calculating reliability are described in detail and illustrated by numerous examples. Considerable attention is paid to the engineering methods of calculation and the approximate prediction of structural dependability and error estimation of information systems as well as to the statistical assessment of dependability parameters. At the end of each chapter there are checklists of the most complex and significant subjects of the chapter. The book is intended primarily for professionals involved in practical work on the development, production, operation and modification of information systems. It is designed for scientists in the field of structural dependability of various discrete systems, academic staff and graduates (students) specializing in information systems as well as in the field of automated control systems.


Publication can be purchased through the editorial board of Journal Dependability Ltd.

by phone 8 (495) 967-77-05, ext.186; 8-916-105-81-31 (Patrikeeva Evgenia)

e-mail: E.Patrikeeva@gismps.ru , www.dependability.pro



Gnedenko Boris Vladimirovich







B.V. Gnedenko (1912 - 1995) is an outstanding mathematician, who contributed greatly to the development of the field of theory of probability and its applications. His memoirs are intertwined with the interesting and complicated events in Russia of the 1915-1990s and tell the exciting story of Gnedenko’s life in the midst of both bright and terrifying realities of that period.


The memoires introduce a reader to the details of the environment of B.V.’s generation, acquainting us with many interesting people of that epoch and reflecting on the major factors contributing to the development of science and education.


In Memoirs, B.V. expresses great concern about the future of Russia, the destiny of its young generation and, in particular, the uncertain path of educational and scientific developments in the post-Soviet era. Memoirs are supplemented by the Gnedenko’s letters and archive materials, which add historical precision to the narrative of the events described. Memoirs is an interesting and useful book to those fond of Russian history and especially to those interested in the history of science and education.



Probability and Stochastic Modeling

Vladimir I. Rotar


Publication Date: September 6, 2012 | ISBN-10: 1439872066 | ISBN-13: 978-1439872062 | Edition: 1


Discusses important stochastic modeling topics that are not usually addressed in introductory probability texts, including Markov chains, birth-death processes, and reliability models. Allows instructors to easily construct various courses at different levels of difficulty and with different goals. Examines modern tendencies in probability theory, including martingales, risk evaluation, and dependency structures. Describes numerous concrete models, such as a financial market model and the principal components scheme, helping students better understand general concepts and theoretical results. Includes examples and exercises on numerical calculations using Excel.


Solutions manual and figure slides available with qualifying course adoption.


A First Course in Probability with an Emphasis on Stochastic Modeling
Probability and Stochastic Modeling not only covers all the topics found in a traditional introductory probability course, but also emphasizes stochastic modeling, including Markov chains, birth-death processes, and reliability models. Unlike most undergraduate-level probability texts, the book also focuses on increasingly important areas, such as martingales, classification of dependency structures, and risk evaluation. Numerous examples, exercises, and models using real-world data demonstrate the practical possibilities and restrictions of different approaches and help students grasp general concepts and theoretical results.


The text is suitable for majors in mathematics and statistics as well as majors in computer science, economics, finance, and physics. The author offers two explicit options to teaching the material, which is reflected in "routes" designated by special "roadside" markers. The first route contains basic, self-contained material for a one-semester course. The second provides a more complete exposition for a two-semester course or self-study.



Reliability and its Quantitative Measures
Authors Alexandru Isaic-Maniu and Irina-Maria Dragan,

Publisher LAP - LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany
email: info@lap-publishing.com
ISBN 978-3-8484-2910-3

Inspired by the domain of demography, reliability theory adopted and adapted the main indicator used there, namely the rate of mortality which is in fact the ratio between the numbers of deceased persons at the time and the number of survivors at the same moment. In a reliability framework, the mortality rate became hazard or failure rate where the “persons” (living beings) are replaced by objects (components, sub-assemblies and systems). The theory of reliability deals with all aspects of this process of failure, trying to construct formal or mathematical models for this random phenomenon. In a broader sense, a failure may be defined as an incident or a situation /condition that causes for a product a process or a service an undesired status when the intended purposes are not performed safely, secure and cost-effectively. In a synthetic form (the book has 60 pages) this book discusses some important aspects regarding reliability.

The book is available in English.



You may find this book in the publisher catalog 

Price: 49.00 Euro in the Publisher’s Morebooks Shop.

On amazon.de 



Reliability and Maintenance: Networks and Systems


Published: May 24, 2012 by Chapman and Hall/CRC - 344 Pages

Author(s): Frank Beichelt, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa; Peter Tittmann, University of Applied Sciences Mittweida, Germany






Discusses reliability-theoretic importance measures for system components, algorithms for disjoint sum representations of structure functions, stochastic and deterministic reliability measures of networks, and complexity of network reliability problems


Covers inequalities and reliability bounds, reliability analysis by network splitting via separating vertex sets, decomposition-reduction algorithms, repair cost limit replacement policies, and general repair models


Illustrates the interdependence among network reliability analysis, chromatics graph theory, combinatorial enumeration, and lattice theory


Shows how to use advanced mathematical methods for solving important problems in reliability and safety analysis


Contains many worked examples, algorithms, and simulation techniques




Reliability and Maintenance: Networks and Systems gives an up-to-date presentation of system and network reliability analysis as well as maintenance planning with a focus on applicable models. Balancing theory and practice, it presents state-of-the-art research in key areas of reliability and maintenance theory and includes numerous examples and exercises. Every chapter starts with theoretical foundations and basic models and leads to more sophisticated models and ongoing research.

The first part of the book introduces structural reliability theory for binary coherent systems. Within the framework of these systems, the second part covers network reliability analysis. The third part presents simply structured maintenance policies that may help with the cost-optimal scheduling of preventive maintenance. Each part can be read independently of one another.


Suitable for researchers, practitioners, and graduate students in engineering, operations research, computer science, and applied mathematics, this book offers a thorough guide to the mathematical modeling of reliability and maintenance. It supplies the necessary theoretical and practical details for readers to perform reliability analyses and apply maintenance policies in their organizations.


For more information see on link.


Importance Measures in Reliability, Risk, and Optimization
Principles and Applications

Kuo, Way / Zhu, Xiaoyan


1. Edition - May 2012
ca. 89.90 Euro
2012. 384 PagesHardcover
ISBN-10: 1-119-99344-X
ISBN-13: 978-1-119-99344-5 - John Wiley & Sons


This unique treatment systematically interprets a spectrum of importance measures to provide a comprehensive overview of their applications in the areas of reliability, network, risk, mathematical programming, and optimization. Investigating the precise relationships among various importance measures, it describes how they are modelled and combined with other design tools to allow users to solve readily many real-world, large-scale decision-making problems.

Presenting the state-of-the-art in network analysis, multistate systems, and application in modern systems, this book offers a clear and complete introduction to the topic. Through describing the reliability importance and the fundamentals, it covers advanced topics such as signature of coherent systems, multi-linear functions, and new interpretation of the mathematical programming problems.

Key highlights:

  • Generalizes the concepts behind importance measures (such as sensitivity and perturbation analysis, uncertainty analysis, mathematical programming, network designs), enabling readers to address large-scale problems within various fields effectively

  • Covers a large range of importance measures, including those in binary coherent systems, binary monotone systems, multistate systems, continuum systems, repairable systems, as well as importance measures of pairs and groups of components

  • Demonstrates numerical and practical applications of importance measures and the related methodologies, including risk analysis in nuclear power plants, cloud computing, software reliability and more

  • Provides thorough comparisons, examples and case studies on relations of different importance measures, with conclusive results based on the authors' own research

  • Describes reliability design such as redundancy allocation, system upgrading and component assignment.

This book will benefit researchers and practitioners interested in systems design, reliability, risk and optimization, statistics, maintenance, prognostics and operations. Readers can develop feasible approaches to solving various open-ended problems in their research and practical work. Software developers, IT analysts and reliability and safety engineers in nuclear, telecommunications, offshore and civil industries will also find the book useful.



Antonov, A.V., Ph.D., professor of Obninsk State Technical University of Atomic Energy, Russia
Nikulin, M.S., Professor of University  B. Segal, Bordeaux-2, Institute of Applied Mathematics, France

The book presents the modern dynamic models and methods of statistical analysis of the reliability of complex technical systems. The methods of calculating the reliability of components and systems taking into account their age, presents problems of calculating the characteristics of structurally complex systems, models of reliability analysis to restore equipment. Attention is paid to issues of statistical information processing based on censored observations are presented non-parametric methods for estimating the reliability characteristics, the statistical models used in the planning and organization for accelerated tests, as well as methods of analysis for the study of degradation processes occurring in the equipment during its operation, in order to predict its behavior during subsequent operation.

For students enrolled in "Computer Science" and the educational program (specialty), implemented in the areas of training graduates' Automated Information Processing and Management, "as well as for graduate students and engineers.

Table of Contents

For all questions purchase book contact publishing "Нigh School"
Tel. +7 (495) 694-07-69 (sales).


Practical Reliability Engineering 

Patrick P. O'Connor , Andre Kleyner 


Publication Date: March 6, 2012 | ISBN-10: 047097981X | ISBN-13: 978-0470979815 | Edition: 5


With emphasis on practical aspects of engineering, this bestseller has gained worldwide recognition through progressive editions as the essential reliability textbook. This fifth edition retains the unique balanced mixture of reliability theory and applications, thoroughly updated with the latest industry best practices. Practical Reliability Engineering fulfils the requirements of the Certified Reliability Engineer curriculum of the American Society for Quality (ASQ). Each chapter is supported by practice questions, and a solutions manual is available to course tutors via the companion website.


Enhanced coverage of mathematics of reliability, physics of failure, graphical and software methods of failure data analysis, reliability prediction and modelling, design for reliability and safety as well as management and economics of reliability programmes ensures continued relevance to all quality assurance and reliability courses.

Notable additions include:

  • New chapters on applications of Monte Carlo simulation methods and reliability demonstration methods.

  • Software applications of statistical methods, including probability plotting and a wider use of common software tools.

  • More detailed descriptions of reliability prediction methods.

  • Comprehensive treatment of accelerated test data analysis and warranty data analysis.

  • Revised and expanded end-of-chapter tutorial sections to advance students’ practical knowledge.

The fifth edition will appeal to a wide range of readers from college students to seasoned engineering professionals involved in the design, development, manufacture and maintenance of reliable engineering products and systems.

For more information see on link.


Statistical Data Analysis, Modeling and Study of Probability Regularities. Computer Approach: monograph

B.Yu. Lemeshko, S.B. Lemeshko, S.N. Postovalov, E.V. Chimitova.


Novosibirsk : NSTU Publisher, 2011. – 888 pp. (“NSTU Monographs” series).  

ISBN 978-5-7782-1590-0


Issues relating to applying statistical analysis methods are addressed in the monograph. Problems of estimating parameters for point, censored, grouped and interval samples are discussed. Differences between estimate properties under limited amounts of samples and asymptotic properties of the same estimates are studied. The use of the χ2 goodness-of-fit tests and the effect of factors on the test power (i.e. the number of intervals and ways of grouping) are considered. The use of nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests (Kolmogorov’s, Kramer–Mises–Smirnov’s and Anderson–Darling’s) when testing complex hypotheses is discussed. A lot of models of distributed statistics of these tests when checking various complex hypotheses are provided. The results of a comparative analysis of the power of parametric and nonparametric goodness-of-fit tests are given. The results of study of properties of various tests of hypotheses of empirical distribution abnormality are given, Advantages and disadvantages of some tests are emphasized and the results of a comparative analysis of tests power are provided. Properties and power of nonparametric tests for homogeneity are studied. The stability of classical tests for homogeneity of means against the departure from the normal law is demonstrated and a comparative analysis of parametric and nonparametric test power is made. A comparative analysis of classical test power in checking hypotheses of variances homogeneity is made as well as an analysis of nonparametric criteria of testing hypotheses of variance characteristics equality. A possibility of using classical tests for homogeneity of variances with distribution abnormality laws is shown. Tests for the rejection of abnormal measurements and tests of the presence of a trend are studied and analyzed. A lot of tables that present the results of the study and help to use correctly the proposed methods of statistical analysis are given in the appendices. The book is intended for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, university teachers, researchers and specialists in various fields (e.g. engineers, economists, physicians, etc.) who need to analyze the results of their experimental research.


Network Reliability and Resilience

(SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)


Ilya Gertsbakh, 

Yoseph Shpungin


Paperback: 74 pages

Publisher: Springer; 1st Edition. edition (September 3, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 3642223737

ISBN-13: 978-3642223730

Product Dimensions: 9.1 x 5.9 x 0.6 inches


This book is devoted to the probabilistic description of the behavior of a network in the process of random removal of its components (links, nodes) appearing as a result of technical failures, natural disasters or intentional attacks. It is focused on a practical approach to network reliability and resilience evaluation, based on applications of Monte Carlo methodology to numerical approximation of network combinatorial invariants, including so-called multidimensional destruction spectra. This allows to develop a probabilistic follow-up analysis of the network in the process of its gradual destruction, to identify most important network components and to develop efficient heuristic algorithms for network optimal design. Our methodology works with satisfactory accuracy and efficiency for most applications of reliability theory to real –life problems in networks.


Applied Nonparametric Statistics in Reliability

Series: Springer Series in Reliability Engineering

Gámiz, M.L., Kulasekera, K.B., Limnios, N., Lindqvist, B.H.


1st Edition., 2011, XIII, 230 p. 41 illus.

Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-85729-117-2

Usually dispatched within 3 to 5 business days


99,95 €




Nonparametric statistics has probably become the leading methodology for researchers performing data analysis. It is nevertheless true that, whereas these methods have already proved highly effective in other applied areas of knowledge such as biostatistics or social sciences, nonparametric analyses in reliability currently form an interesting area of study that has not yet been fully explored. Applied Nonparametric Statistics in Reliability is focused on the use of modern statistical methods for the estimation of dependability measures of reliability systems that operate under different conditions. The scope of the book includes: smooth estimation of the reliability function and hazard rate of non-repairable systems; study of stochastic processes for modelling the time evolution of systems when imperfect repairs are performed; nonparametric analysis of discrete and continuous time semi-Markov processes; isotonic regression analysis of the structure function of a reliability system, and lifetime regression analysis. Besides the explanation of the mathematical background, several numerical computations or simulations are presented as illustrative examples. The corresponding computer-based methods have been implemented using R and MATLAB®. A concrete modelling scheme is chosen for each practical situation and, in consequence, a nonparametric inference procedure is conducted. Applied Nonparametric Statistics in Reliability will serve the practical needs of scientists (statisticians and engineers) working on applied reliability subjects.


Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability

Applications to Medicine, Finance, and Quality Control

Rykov, V.V.; Balakrishnan, N.; Nikulin, M.S. (Eds.)

1st Edition., 2010, XXVI, 457 p. 74 illus.

A product of Birkhäuser Boston

Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-8176-4970-8


An outgrowth of the sixth conference on “Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Theory, Methods, and Applications,” this book is a selection of invited chapters, all of which deal with various aspects of mathematical and statistical models and methods in reliability.


Written by recognized experts in the field of reliability, the contributions cover a wide range of models, methods, and applications, reflecting recent developments in areas such as survival analysis, aging, lifetime data analysis, artificial intelligence, medicine, carcinogenesis studies, nuclear power, financial modeling, aircraft engineering, quality control, and transportation.

The volume is thematically organized into four major sections:


* Reliability Models, Methods, and Optimization;

* Statistical Methods in Reliability;

* Applications;

* Computer Tools for Reliability.

Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability is an excellent reference text for researchers and practitioners in applied probability and statistics, industrial statistics, engineering, medicine, finance, transportation, the oil and gas industry, and artificial intelligence.


Nonparametric Tests for Censored Data


Vilijandas Bagdonavicus, Julius Kruopis, Mikhail Nikulin


ISBN: 978-1-84821-289-3



January 2011, Wiley-ISTE


US $95.00




This book concerns testing hypotheses in non-parametric models. Generalizations of many non-parametric tests to the case of censored and truncated data are considered. Most of the test results are proved and real applications are illustrated using examples. Theories and exercises are provided. The incorrect use of many tests applying most statistical software is highlighted and discussed.






G.P. Klimov

Invariant Statistical



The book based on course

of lectures at Universities

of Russia, United States,

Poland, Germany and Belgium.

Published by Moscow State

University (Russia).


G.P. Klimov

Queuing Theory



The book based on course

of lectures at Universities

of Russia, United States,

Poland, Germany and Belgium.

 Published by Moscow

State University (Russia).


G.P. Klimov

Probability Theory

and Mathematical Statistics


The book based on course

of lectures at Universities

of Russia, United States, Poland,

Germany and Belgium.

 Published by Moscow State

University (Russia).




Decomposable Semi-Regenerative Processes. And Their Applications



Publisher: Lap Lambert Academic Publishin


A very known notion of regeneration means that the "future" of a stochastic process became independent from its "past" in some random times, which is usually times of some state (regeneration state) destination. Presence of regeneration times allows to represent appropriate process as independent functional elements, regeneration cycles, investigate its characteristics in terms of them at separate regeneration cycles and proof some asymptotic theorem about this type of processes. If there are several such regeneration states this notion is generalized up to notion of semi- regeneration. In this case the process could be represented as a Markov chain of its cycles. Next step of generalization consists in discovering of some embedded regeneration times that allows to construct some hierarchical structure for the processes, possessing this property. This processes are named as decomposable semi-regenerative processes. The methods of these processes applied then for the investigation of several models: M/GI/1 queuing system, M_r/GI_r/1 priority queuing system, GI/GI/1 queuing system, polling system and reliability of complex hierarchical system.


Table of Contents



Mathematical Statistics and Experiment Design


Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

Applied Mathematics for Engineers


by V.V. RYKOV,  V.Yu.Itkon


Moscow, 2009




This issue is a text book that has been done during several years for students in Applied Mathematics of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Some specific contains in e3xamples and materials for students work that are oriented to application in oil and gas industry.







Table of contents available or Russian



Stochastic Processes. Diffusion Processes and Processes with Independent Increments


Lections to the course on Applied Stochastic Models


Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Department




Moscow, 2010


This issue is the second part of a previous one. This is a course of lections that during several years has been done for students of Applied Mathematics of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil & Gas and for students of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics of Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.


The course is based on the traditional material for stochastic processes and being oriented to application its peculiarities are commentaries instead of strong proofs of some theorems.


Table of contents available or Russian



This book includes notes of lectures given over the years to students majoring in applied mathematics and computer simulation of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas, and students majoring in Probability and Mathematical Statistics of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University.

The material is based on traditional courses, the theory of random processes. Some features of this course designed for students majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, is the replacement of complete proofs of some fundamental theorems of their comments, allowing to understand the peculiarities of the evidence around complex and tedious calculations show the presence of "thin places", but did not investigate them thoroughly.

The basic unit of the course is a paragraph so numbered formulas, figures, tables, theorems, etc. own within each section. When referring to formulas from other sections use double numbering. At the end of each section are questions for self-assessment exercises, tasks and brief bibliographical comments.
For students majoring in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Computer Science. "

The author is particularly grateful to V.A. Kokotushkin who prepared part of the tasks, as well as D.V. Kozyrev be of great help in the preparation and presentation of a text.


Table of contents available or Russian



Operational Risk Management: a practical approach to intelligent data analysis


ISBN  9780470517666


Publisher: John Wiley and Sons, Chichester

Editors: Ron S. Kenett and Yossi Raanan


Introduction to the book


Operational Risk Management is becoming a key competency for organisations in all industries. Financial institutions, regulated by the Basel II accord, need to address it systematically since their level of implementation affects their capital requirements, one of their major operational expenses. Health organisations have been tackling this challenge for many years. The Institute of Medicine reported in 2000 that 44,000 - 98,000 patients die each year in the US as a result of medication errors, surgical errors and missed diagnoses, at an estimated cost to the US economy of $17-$29 billion. Operational risks affect large organisations as well as Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in virtually all industries, from the oil and gas industry, to hospitals, from education to public services.


This multi-author book is about tracking and managing operational risks using state-of-the-art technology that combines the analysis of qualitative, semantic, unstructured data with quantitative data. The examples used are mostly from information technology but the approach is general. As such, the book provides knowledge and methods that can have a substantial impact on the economy and quality of life.


The book has four main parts. Part I is an introduction to Operational Risk Management, Part II deals with data for Operational Risk Management and its handling, Part III covers operational risks analytics and Part IV concludes the book with several applications and a discussion on how Operational Risk Management integrates with other disciplines. The fourteen chapters and the book layout are listed below with short descriptions.


read more in December issue of electronic journal “Reliability: Theory & Applications”




by Isaac Elishakoff (Florida Atlantic University, USA) & 

Makoto Ohsaki (Kyoto University, Japan)


Table of Contents (72k)
Preface (131k)
Chapter 1: Introduction (235k)

The volume presents a collaboration between internationally recognized experts on anti-optimization and structural optimization, and summarizes various novel ideas, methodologies and results studied over 20 years. The book vividly demonstrates how the concept of uncertainty should be incorporated in a rigorous manner during the process of designing real-world structures. The necessity of anti-optimization approach is first demonstrated, then the anti-optimization techniques are applied to static, dynamic and buckling problems, thus covering the broadest possible set of applications. Finally, anti-optimization is fully utilized by a combination of structural optimization to produce the optimal design considering the worst-case scenario. This is currently the only book that covers the combination of optimization and anti-optimization. It shows how various optimization techniques are used in the novel anti-optimization technique, and how the structural optimization can be exponentially enhanced by incorporating the concept of worst-case scenario, thereby increasing the safety of the structures designed in various fields of engineering.



  • Optimization or Making the Best in the Presence of Certainty/Uncertainty

  • General Formulation of Anti-Optimization

  • Anti-Optimization in Static Problems

  • Anti-Optimization in Buckling

  • Anti-Optimization in Vibration

  • Anti-Optimization via FEM-Based Interval Analysis

  • Anti-Optimization and Probabilistic Design

  • Hybrid Optimization with Anti-Optimization under Uncertainty or Making the Best Out of the Worst

Readership: Graduate students, professionals and academics in the field of mechanical engineering.





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