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About Us


Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications (ISSN 1932-2321) has been published by Gnedenko Forum since January 2006. The Journal covers various areas of risk analysis (reliability, safety, security, survivability, antiterrorism defensive ability, quality control, reliability testing, queuing models, and other related topics). Reliability: Theory & Applications (ISSN  1932-2321) is a peer-reviewed journal for researchers and practitioners who are involved in risk analysis and reliability engineering. The Journal will publish high-quality papers covering foundational, theoretical, methodological, and practical issues relevant for the safe and reliable design and operation of engineering systems from any industrial sector.


Theoretical and applied papers, reviews, memoirs, and bibliographical material on the topics are subjects of publication. Pure theoretical papers should contain new problems and/or new solutions and outline practical applications, but should not be overloaded with clumsy formal material. Priority is given to clear practical applications and case studies. Papers presented for publication are directed to members of the Editorial Board for review. The only exception is made for papers presented by Associate Editors who can personally recommend papers for publication.


Publication in Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications (ISSN 1932-2321) is equal to publication in other international scientific journals.


General requirements for presented papers

  1. Papers have to be presented in English in MSWord or LaTex format (please use the templates provided below).

  2. The total volume of the paper (with illustrations) can be up to 15 pages.

  3. À presented paper has to be spell-checked.

  4. For those whose language is not English, we kindly recommend to use professional linguistic proofs before sending a paper to the journal.

  5. Please send a pdf version of the article along with the original (Word or LaTeX). It is not necessary to number the pages in the pdf file.

Template (Word) of Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications (click to download)

Template (LaTex) of Electronic Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications (click to download)


The Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications aspires to become a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics and Publication Ethics Statement.

There are no fees to submit or publish papers in Reliability: Theory & Applications


Only manuscripts of adequate quality will be reviewed.


As part of the submission process, you will be required to warrant that you are submitting your original work, that you have the rights in the work, that you are submitting the work to be first published in the Journal, that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere and has not already been published elsewhere, and that you have obtained and can supply all necessary permissions for the reproduction of any copyright work not owned by you.


Important aspects include:

  • Systems reliability assessment (including Hazard analysis, Failure analysis, Reliability modeling and analysis, Maintainability analysis, Maintenance modeling, planning, scheduling and optimization, Repairable systems analysis, Availability modeling and analysis, Physics of failure, Reliability test planning/Reliability assurance programs);

  • Accelerated tests modeling and statistical analysis (including degradation and life tests modeling);

  • Operations research (including Queuing modeling and analysis, Stochastic networks, Financial and Insurance mathematics, Service system reliability, Integrated logistics modeling and support, Optimization methods);

  • Risk analysis methods (including Application of risk and reliability analyses in Engineering, Resilience analysis and engineering, Security and Vulnerability, Critical infrastructure vulnerability assessment and safety, Meta-models for risk and reliability analysis);

  • Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis (including Expert judgments;

  • Software production (including in reliability, insurance and finance, Safety critical software;

  • Big data collection and analysis (including Reliability data, Accident analysis/Incident reporting);

  • Advanced simulation techniques for risk and reliability analysis

and others.


Reliability: Theory & Applications is fully peer reviewed and become a member of the community of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).


You can submit your paper by e-mail: a.bochkov@gmail.com to Managing Editor RTA Alexander Bochkov.















Safety Research :


Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality:


Statistic, Probability and Uncertainty :


SCImago Journal & Country Rank