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Vladimir Zaslavsky

PhD., Associate Professor

Head of Department of Mathematical Methods in Ecology and Economy Research, Faculty of Cybernetics, National Taras Schevchenko University of Kiev, Ukraine
Vice-Dean Faculty of Cybernetics for International Relations

University Studies


Graduated from National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev, Faculty of Cybernetics, Department of Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems, Diploma in Mathematics (1974-1979). Postgraduate studies at the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev (1979-1982) under supervision of Professor V. Volkovich.


Scientific Titles & Degrees


  • PhD in Mathematics and Physics (1984)

  • Associate Professor (1992)

  • Soros Associate Professor (International Soros Science Education Program, 1995)


Academic experience


  • International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria),
    Risk, Modeling and Society (RMS) Program (July, 2005)

  • University of Konstantz (Germany),
    Scientific Research Program (October, 2003)

  • The NATO School SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe),
    Commanders and Staff Environmental Orientation Course (Oberammergau, Germany, October, 2002)
    Environmental protection of military forces course (Oberammergau, Germany, November, 2000)

  • International Business Center at the University of Manitoba, Department of Management (Winnipeg), University of Calgary (Calgary), University of Alberta (Edmonton), Canada (September-November, 1996).

  • IIASA, Risk Analysis and Policy Project, Water Quality Project (August-October,1993)
    Risk Analysis and Policy Project (January-April,1993)


Professional experience:


  • Vice-Dean Faculty of Cybernetics, National Taras Schevchenko University of Kiev (2000-2004), Associate Professor Department of System Analysis and Decision Making Theory

  • Associate Professor. Deputy Head of Department of System Analysis and Decision Making Theory. (1991-2000)
    Project leader and principal research associate at the Faculty of Cybernetics. Investigator at the Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics National Academy of Science of Ukraine.

  • Assistant Professor. A senior research associate (1986-1991)

  • A principle research associate (1984-1986)

  • A research associate at the Laboratory of Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems at the Faculty of Cybernetics (1982-1984)


Major directions of specialization:

  • System Analysis and Operations Research

  • Discrete Optimization and Applications

  • Reliability Optimization and Redundancy

  • Risk Analysis and Safety

  • Maintenance of Complex Systems

  • Decision Support Systems and Distributed Information Systems


Organizational activity:

  • President of Ukrainian AFCEA Chapter (The Association for Communications, Electronics, Intelligence & Information Systems Professionals) ,

  • Member of IIASA Society



  • IBM Faculty Award (2004)

  • AFCEA Chairman's Superior Performance Award (1999)

Participation in International Conferences:

  • Zaslavsky V. Transaction Risk in Payment Systems. TechNet Europe - 2005, “E.COMbat-Strategies for Success!”, October 20-21, Lisbon Congress Centre, Portugal, 2005, www.afcea.org .

  • Zaslavsky V. Regional Risk Analysis and Optimization. International Symposium ”Environment-Economy-Education“, The Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, University of Konstanz, The Foundation “Environment and Living", September 15-18, Moscow, 2005

  • Zaslavsky V. Research of Complex Systems with High Value of Failure. Proceeding of International Conference on Automatic Control (Automatics-2005), Kharkiv Polytechnical University, May 30 - June 3, 2005.

  • Zaslavsky V., Kadenko I., Sakhno N. Application of the Complex NDT Approach for Inspection of NPP Power System // Proceeding of International Symposium on Nondestructive Testing Contribution to the Infrastructure Safety Systems in the 21-st Century, November 22-26, Brazil, 1999.


Selected Publications: 

  1. The Information Technology Contribution to the Building of a Safe Regional Environment / Edited by V.Zaslavsky and MGen E.Greindl / Proceeding and Abstracts AFCEA Europe Kiev Seminar, Kiev Ukraine May, 28-29, 1998.

  2. Afanasiev V., Verchoturov B., Zaslavsky V. and ets. Design of Reliable Communication Satelittes / Ed. Academition M. Reshetnev .-Tomsk: RASKO.-1994.-250 p.

  3. Volkovich V.L., Volochin A.F., Zaslavsky V.A., Ushakov I.A. Models and Methods of Reliability Optimization of Complex System.- Kiev: "Naukova Dumka".-1992.-319 p.

  4. Zaslavsky V. Risk Analysis and Monitoring in Payment Systems. Social risks. Vol.2. ed. Saenko Yu., Privalov Yu.- Kiev: "Pholiant".- 2004.-568 p.

  5. Zaslavsky V., Birjukov D. Using Genetic Algorithms for Complex Systems Optimization. Bulletin of the University of Kiev: Series Physics and Mathematics, No.1, 2003, P.171-177.

  6. Zaslavsky V., Kadenko I., Sakhno N. Methodological Aspects of Complex Technical Objects Safety Support under Constraint Resources. Nuclear and Radiation Safety, No.4, 2000, P.26-41.

  7. Zaslavsky V., Shalamanov V. Structural Optimization Approach for Information Control Systems and Their Reconfiguration.- Technical Idea, No.1, 1992, P.22-26.

  8. Zaslavsky V., Franchuk O. Optimal Redundancy of a Complex System with Two Failure Modes / Vestnik KSU, Modeling and Optimization of Complex Systems, 1989, No.8, P.64-68.

  9. Volkovich V., Zaslavsky V. Algorithm for Solving Problem of Complex System Reliability Optimization Using Different Types of Redundancy Elements in Subsystems/ Kibernetika, 1986, No.5, P.54-61.

  10. Zaslavsky V. Complex System Reliability Optimization Under Constraints / Automatika, 1982, No.5, P.55-65.


Avenue Akad. Glushkova 2/6,
National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev, Faculty of Cybernetics,
03022, Kiev-022, UKRAINE,
Phone:(+38044) 259-0446, Fax (+38044) 259-0439