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Alyson Wilson


Technical Staff Member, Statistical Sciences Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Positions held:


1999 - present

Technical Staff Member and Technical Lead for Department of Defense Programs, Statistical Sciences Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory



1995 - 1999

Statistician/Senior Operations Research Systems Analyst, Cowboy Programming Resources, Inc., Contracted to U.S. Army



1991 - 1992

Mathematical Statistician, Laboratory of Statistical and Mathematical Methodology, National Institutes of Health





  • Ph.D. Duke University (1995)

  • M.S. Carnegie Mellon University (1990)

  • B.A. Rice University (1989)

Brief biography

  • Alyson G. Wilson is a Technical Staff Member and the Technical Lead for DoD Programs in the Statistical Sciences Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Prior to her move to Los Alamos, Dr. Wilson was a senior operations research systems analyst working in support of the U.S. Army Operational Evaluation Command. She is currently the chair of the American Statistical Association President's Special Task Force on Statistics in Defense and National Security and chair-elect of the American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Defense and National Security. She served as a panelist on the National Academy of Sciences Panel on the Operational Test Design and Evaluation of the Interim Armored Vehicle.

Research interests

  • Bayesian methods in reliability; Statistics in defense and national security; Systems reliability; Bayesian statistics; Elicitation and quantification of expert knowledge.

Selected publications
  • A. Wilson, G. Wilson, D. Olwell (eds). 2006. Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism: Game Theory, Modeling, Syndromic Surveillance, and Biometric Authentication. Springer, New York.

  • A. Wilson, N. Limnios, S. Keller-McNulty, Y. Armijo (eds). 2005. Modern Statistical and Mathematical Methods in Reliability. World Scientific, Singapore.

  • M. Hamada, H. Martz, C. S. Reese, T. Graves, V. Johnson, A. Wilson. 2004. A fully Bayesian approach for combining multilevel failure information in fault tree quantification and corresponding optimal resource allocation. Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety 86(3): 297-305.

  • C. S. Reese, A. Wilson, M. Hamada, H. Martz, K. Ryan. 2004. Integrated analysis of computer and physical experiments. Technometrics 46(2): 153-164.

Office:  Statistical Sciences Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory,
               P.O. Box 1663, MS F600, Los Alamos, NM USA 87545-0600
Phone:  (505) 667-9167
Fax:       (505) 667-4470
E-mail:   agw@iastate.edu
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