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Gh. Viorel Voda

(born, 1944) is senior research worker at IMSAM (Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics) of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, head of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and Optimization Department.


He was a postgraduate student in the U. S. A. at the University of California, Berkeley (care of Prof. R. E. Barlow) and at Columbia University (care of Prof. H. Robbins). His papers have been published in Rep. Stat. Appl. Res. JUSE, (Tokyo), Trabajos de Estadistica (Madrid), Statistica (Bologna, Italy) etc. He is author and co-author of several books in Romania in the domain of SQC and Reliability.

He is also Editor in Chief of the monthly Romanian Journal QUALITY and MANAGEMENT (founded in 2002) – see www.conteca.ro




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