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Igor Ushakov

Doctor of Sci., Professor


Dr. Ushakov’s List of Publications



Books Authored


1.       Course on Reliability Theory (Russian). Drofa, Moscow, 2005 (in progress)

2.       Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (2nd edition) ed. by J.G. Webster. (Author of four papers). John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999

3.       Statistical Reliability Engineering, with B.V.Gnedenko and I.V. Pavlov.  John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999

4.       Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Ed. by S. Gass and C. Harris.  (Author of Six papers). Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996

5.       Probabilistic Reliability Engineering, with B.V. Gnedenko.  John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995

6.       Product Reliability , Maintainability, and  Supportability Handbook, Ed. by M. Pecht. (Co-author.)  CRC Press, 1995

7.       Handbook of Reliability Engineering, Ed. by I. Ushakov Updated American edition. John Wiley & Sons,

8.       New York, 1994

9.       Models and Methods of Optimization of Complex Systems Reliability, with V.L. Volkovich, A.F.

10.    Voloshin, and V.A. Zaslavsky (Russian).  Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1992


11.    Reliability of Power Systems, with Yu.N. Rudenko (Russian). 2nd revised ed.  Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1989

12.    Reliability Handbook for Electronics and Automatization, Editor and one of authors (Czech). SNTL, Prague, 1989

13.    Application of Graph Theory for Reliability Analysis, with K. Reinschke (Russian). Radio i Svyaz, Moscow, 1988

14.    Application of Graph Theory for Reliability Analysis, with  K. Reinschke (German). Springer, Munchen-Vien, 1988

15.    Application of Graph Theory for Reliability Analysis, with  K. Reinschke (German). Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1987

16.    Reliability of Power Systems, with Yu.N. Rudenko (Russian).  Nauka, Moscow, 1986

17.    Operations Research, with V.A. Gorelik (Russian). Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1986

18.    Reliability of Technical Systems: Handbook, Editor and one of authors (Russian). Radio i Sviaz, Moscow, 1985

19.    Aspects of Mathematical Theory of Reliability, one of authors (Russian). Radio i Sviaz, Moscow, 1985

20.    Textbook on Reliability Engineering(Bulgarian). VMEI, Sofia, 1983

21.    Reliability Handbook for Engineers, with B.A. Kozlov (German). Springer, Munchen-Vien, 1979;

22.    Reliability Handbook for Electronic and Automatic Systems, with B.A. Kozlov (German). Verlag Technik, Berlin, 1978

23.    Handbook of Reliability Calculations for Electronic and Automatic Equipment, with B.A. Kozlov (Russian). Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1975

24.    Reliability of Electronic Equipment under Mechanical Stress, with Yu.K. Konyonkov  (Russian). Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1975

25.    Reliability of Complex Information and Control Systems, with V.A. Gadasin (Russian). Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1975

26.    Reliability Handbook, with B.A. Kozlov. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1970

27.    Methods of Solution of Simplest Optimal Redundancy Problems under Constraints (Russian). Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1969

28.    Brief Handbook of Reliability Calculations for Electronics Equipment, with B.A. Kozlov (Russian).  Sovetskoe Radio, Moscow, 1966


Books  Edited (in Russian)


1.       Reliability and Maintenance by F. Beihelt and P. Franken Radio i Svyaz, Moscow, 1988

2.       Network Flow Programming by P. Jensen and J.W. Barnes Radio i Svyaz, Moscow, 1984

3.       Statistical Methods of Reliability Evaluation of Complex Systems by Test  Results by  I. Pavlov.   Radio i Svyaz, Moscow, 1981

4.       Problems of Optimal Failure Diagnosis in Electronic Equipment by G. Pashkovsky. Radio i Svyaz, Moscow, 1981

5.       Reliability in Engineering Design by K. Kapur and L. Lamberson. Mir, Moscow, 1980

6.       Fundamentals of Reliability Theory of Complex Systems by A. Raikin Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1978

7.       Reliability Evaluation for Systems with Time Redundancy by P. Kredentser.   Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 1978

8.       Inventory control with random requests by G. Rubalsky Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1977

9.       Design  of Reliable Electronic Circuits by P. Becker and F. Jensen.  Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1977

10.    Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing by R.Barlow and F.Proschan.  Nauka,  Moscow, 1975

11.    English-Russian Dictionary on Reliability and Quality Assurance.  Moscow, 1975

12.    Optimization in Integers and Related Extremal Problems by T. Saaty. Mir, Moscow, 1973

13.    Fundamentals in Operations Research by R. Ackoff and M.  Sasieni. Mir, Moscow, 1973

14.    A concept of Corporate Planning by R. Ackoff,  Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1972

15.    On Purposeful Systems by R. Ackoff and F. Emery.   Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1972

16.    Mathematical Theory of Reliability by R.Barlow and F.Proschan.  Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1969

17.    Mathematical Models of Arms Control and Disarmament by T. Saaty. Sovietskoe Radio,  Moscow, 1968




1.       Methods of Research in Telecommunications Reliability (An Overview of Research in the Former Soviet Union), RTA, Springfield, Virginia, 1994

2.       Reliability Analysis of Computer Systems and Networks (Russian). Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1989

3.       Reliability Evaluation of Repairable Systems, with Ya.G. Genis (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1986

4.       Analysis of Complex Network Structures, with E.I. Litvak (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1985

5.       Evaluation of System Effectiveness (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1985

6.       System Effectiveness Computation at Design Stage (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1983

7.       Problems of Reliability Prediction (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1981

8.       Optimal Redundancy Problems (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1979

9.       Reliability of Complex Systems, with V.A. Gadasin (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1978

10.    Analysis of System Performance (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1976

11.    Highly Reliable System Design (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1976

12.    Reliability of Mechanical Equipment, with Yu.K. Konyonkov (Russian). Znanie,  Moscow, 1974

13.    Reliability Estimation by Test Data, with F.I. Fishbein (Russian). Znanie, Moscow,   1973

14.    Reliability Optimization Problems (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1971

15.    Engineering Methods of Reliability Analysis (Russian). Znanie, Moscow, 1970


Papers (last 20 years only):


1.       Counter-terrorism: Protection Resources Allocation. e-Journal Reliability: Theory & Applications (vol.1, No 2, 3, 4, 2006).

2.       Cost-effective approach to counter-terrorism. Int’l Journal Communication in Dependability and Quality Management (vol.8, No.3), Serbia, 2005.

3.       Model of a maintenance system with breaks of service at night  time, with S. Antonov.  In “Systems and Methods of Informatics”, Moscow, Institute of Informatics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 2002.

4.       Multi-state system reliability:  from theory to practice, with G. Levitin and A. Lisnianski. Proc. of the 3rd  Internationall Conference on Mathematical Models in Reliability, Trondheim, Norway, June 2002..

5.       Reliability measure based on average loss of capacity, with S. Chakravarty.  International Transaction in Operational Research, ¹9, 2002.

6.       Calculation of nomenclature of spare parts for mobile repair station, with W. Puscher. Methods of Quality Management,  ¹4, 2002.

7.       Territorially dispersed system of technical maintenance, with W. Puscher.  Methods of Quality Management,  ¹2, 2002.

8.       Few words about Great Man. Recollection about the teacher. Methods of Quality Management,  ¹12, 2001.

9.       Reliability: Past, present and future. Methods of Quality Management, ¹¹5-6,2001.

10.    Projection of return rate for mass production, with L. Guianulis and D. Hornback. Methods of Quality Management, ¹ 11, 2000.

11.    Estimation of component reliability by system testing, with S. Wise. Methods of Quality Management, ¹8, 2000.

12.    Reliability: Past, Present, Future. Proc. of the 2nd  Biennial Conference Mathematical Models in Reliability, Bordeaux, France, July 2000.

13.    Effectiveness Analysis of Globalstar Gateways, with S. Chakravarty. Proc. of the 2nd Biennial Conference Mathematical Models in Reliability, Bordeaux, France, July 2000.

14.    The Method of Generating Sequences. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 125/2, 2000

15.    Reliability Measure Based on Average Loss of Capacity, with S. Chakravarty. Proc. of the 15th Triennial IFORS Conference, Beijin, China, August 1999.

16.    Spare Supply System for Globalstar, a Worldwide Telecommunication System, with S. Antonov, S. Chakravarty, A. Hamid,and T. Keliinoi. Proc. of the 24th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Middlesex, England, September 1999.

17.    Novel Simulation Technique for Spare-Kit Optimization, with S. Chakravarty and E. Gordienko. Proc. of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Conference, San Diego, USA, October 1998

18.    An object oriented approach to generalized generating function. Proc. of the ECCO-XI Conference(European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization), Copenhagen, May 1998.

19.    Reliability Calculations: To Do or Not To Do? IEEE Transaction on Reliability, Vol. 45, No. 4, 1996

20.    Medical Cyberlogics, with M.R. Garber. Kybernetes (The International Journal of Systems and Cybernetics), Vol.20, No.7, 1991

21.    Optimization of Data-Transmitting Network Parameters Using the Method of  Statistical Modeling, with E.A. Aliguliev. Soviet Journal of Computer and System Sciences (USA), Vol. 27, No. 1, 1989

22.    Use of the Method of Statistical Modeling for Optimizing the Number of Channels in a Communication Network, with E.A. Aliguliev. Soviet Journal of Computer and System Sciences (USA), Vol. 27, No. 3, 1989

23.    Estimation of Reliability of Redundant Restorable System with Known Test and Switching Characteristics, with Ya.G. Genis.  Automation Remote Control (USA), Vol. 49, No.6, 1988

24.    Reliability Analysis of Multi-State Systems by Means of a Modified Generating Function. Journal of Information Processes and Cybernetics (Germany), Vol.24, No.3, 1988

25.    Solving of Optimal Redundancy Problem by Means of a Generalized Generating

26.    Function. Journal of Information Processes and Cybernetics (Germany), Vol.24, No.4-5, 1988

27.    Solution of Multi-Criteria Discrete Optimization Problems Using a Universal Generating FunctionSoviet Journal of Computer and System Sciences (USA), Vol. 25, No. 5, 1987

28.    Optimal Standby Problem and a Universal Generating Function.  Soviet Journal of Computer and System Sciences (USA), Vol. 25, No. 4, 1987

29.    A Universal Generating Function.  Soviet Journal of Computer and System Sciences (USA), Vol. 24, No. 5, 1986

30.    The Computational Effectiveness of Reliability Estimates by the Method of Nonedge-Intersecting Chains and Cuts, with V.A. Kaustov and E.I. Litvak.  Soviet Journal of Computer and System Sciences (USA), Vol. 24, No. 4, 1986

31.    Models and Methods for Investigation of Energy-System Reliability, with Yu.N. Rudenko. Power Engineering: Journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences (USA), Vol.23, No.5, 1985

32.    Safety as One Property of Power-System Reliability , with Yu.N. Rudenko.  Power Engineering: Journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences (USA), Vol.23, No.2, 1985

33.    Unbiased Estimation of a Distribution Function from Multiple Truncated Sample, with   I.V. Pavlov. Theory of Probability and Its Applications (USA), Vol.29, No.3, 1985