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Satyanshu Kumar UPADHYAY

Professor with the Department of Statistics,

Banaras Hindu University.



1. Personal Details


Name:                             Satyanshu Kumar UPADHYAY

Age:                                50                   

Date of Birth:                  01-07-60

Nationality:                     Indian            

Sex:                                Male

Father’s Name:               Bipin Bihari Upadhyay

Mother’s Name:              Malti Devi

Marital Status:                Married

Name of Spouse:            Dr. (Mrs.) Anuradha Upadhyay

Number of Children:       Two

Home Address:                    K 67/81 A-2, Bharat Milap Colony, Varanasi-221001, INDIA.

Phone : (91-542) 2214000, 2210700

Cell: +919415354101; e-mail:  skupadhyay@gmail.com

Present Position:                 Professor

Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University

Varanasi-221005; INDIA.

                                                                                                                                                                                Phone :  (91-542) 6702892, Fax:  (91-542) 2368174


2. Education 


Degrees obtained:

1984                Ph.D. (Statistics) from Banaras Hindu University on the thesis entitled “Some Inferences in Life Testing Models”.  Supervisor: Prof. Manju Pandey

1980                 M.Sc.  (Statistics) from Banaras Hindu University with First class first

1978                 B.Sc. (Hons) (Physics, Mathematics, and Statistics) from Banaras Hindu University with First division.


Other certificates:

1974                 High-School (U.P. Board) (First div.)

1975                 Pre-University Course (BHU) (First div.)



3. Membership of Professional Bodies:


i.         Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (Life)

ii.        Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta (Life)

iii.       International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA)

iv.       Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society, London (FSS)

v.        Indian Chapter of  ISBA

vi.       FORUM for Interdisciplinary Mathematics (Life)

vii.       Indian Bayesian Society


4. Honours, Awards, Fellowships, etc.:


1979                   Certificate of Merit and  a  Cash  prize  from  Banaras  Hindu University  for standing  first  class first in MA/MSc (prev) examination.

1980                   BHU Gold Medal for standing first class first in MA/MSc examination.

1980-1983           UGC junior research fellowship.

1992-1993         Commission of the European Community (CEC) research bursary to   work at Imperial College, London with Prof.  Adrian F. M. Smith.

1992-cont..          Elected Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (FSS), London


5. Other achievements:


1997                   Convener, First Regional Chapter of International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) in India.

2000-2003          Convener, Indian Chapter of International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) (elected for a period of three years for second time).

1996-97               Member, Ad hoc Committee, Indian Bayesians’ Group

1996-99               Member, Syllabus Committee, Bayesian Statistics in India


1999-2003           Editor, Indian Bayesians’ News Letter

1997-99               Editor, News Letter (Indian Chapter of ISBA)

1997                   Letter of Appreciation and Thanks from the Editor, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, for high quality referring task (selected among less than 10 internationally reputed referees).

1997, 1998          Member, Nomination Committee, International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA), USA

1998                   Member, Advisory Committee, Indian Chapter of International Society for Bayesian Analysis.

1999-2003           Member, Advisory Committee, Indian Bayesians’ Group

1999                   Member, National Advisory Committee, National Seminar on Bayesian         Analysis: Theory and Applications, Amravati University

2000-2004           Joint Secretary, Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics: A Multidisciplinary Academic Society.

2002-2003          Member, International Core Group of Advisors, International Bayesian Workshop/ Conference, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, January 6-8, 2003.

2003-cont..          Treasurer, Indian Bayesian Society.

2003                  Member, Organizing Committee, Fifth International Triennial Calcutta Symposium on Probability & Statistics,  Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, Kolkata-700 019, December 28-31, 2003.

2003                  Member, National Advisory Committee, Seventh Conference of International Biometric Society (Indian Region), Department of Zoology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, November 23-27, 2003.

2003-2007           Convener, Indian Chapter of International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) (elected unopposed for a period of three years for third time).  

2004-cont..          Editor, Indian Bayesian Society News Letter and Member, Advisory Committee, Indian Bayesian Society.

2005-2007           Secretary-Adm., Forum for Interdisciplinary Mathematics: A Multidisciplinary Academic Society.

2007-cont..         Principal Investigator (Thrust Area: Bayesian Statistics), DST Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University.

2008                   Member, Advisory Board, UGC Sponsored National Seminar on Applied Bayesian Statistical Analysis (NSABSA08), Dept. of Statistics, Govt. Arts College, Salem, May 23-24, 2008 .

2008-cont..          Member, Advisory Board, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Pantnagar, India.

2009                   Member, International Programme Committee International Conference Dedicated to Advanced Data Analysis, Business Analytics and Business Intelligence, June 6-7 2009, Ahmedabad.

2010                   Member, Organizing Committee, International Conference on Development and Applications of Statistics in Emerging Areas of Science & Technology & XXX Annual Convention of Indian Society for Probability and Statistics along with a Workshop on Modern Tools in Applied Statistics, Dec. 4-7, 8-10, 2010, Department of Statistics, University of Jammu, Jammu.


6. Positions held


i.      Professor at the Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, joined the post on 27.10.2005.

ii.     Reader at the Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, worked during the period from 27.07.1998 to 26.10.2005.

iii.    Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, joined the post on 12.071984 and then promoted to Lecturer (Senior Scale) with effect from 07.08.1990.

iv.     Lecturer at the Department of Statistics, Patna University, served during the period from 25.01.1983 to 11.07.1984, worked simultaneously for my Ph.D. Resigned on 11.7.1984 to join at Banaras Hind University.

v.     Lecturer (temporary appointment) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, served for a period of almost six months (22.07.1981 to 28.01.1982), worked simultaneously for Ph.D. program.

vi.    UGC junior research fellow at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Banaras Hindu University. The position was supported with a financial assistance and contingency grant from UGC (University Grants Commission) to pursue my Ph.D. (1980-1983, on leave during 22.7.81 to 28.01.82).


7.  Brief description of Research and Teaching activities


A. Research:


  •     In the early days of my research, I was mainly concerned with classical estimation and testing in statistical reliability. I also used the concept of preliminary testing, shrinkage techniques, adaptive estimation, etc. for improving the existing procedures.

  •       My interest soon shifted to Bayesian paradigm and I started working in the area of Bayesian estimation mainly in life testing and reliability and survival analysis. Besides, I developed some important tools of Bayesian computation especially for low-dimensional non-regular families and censored data problems. I am still continuing with the Bayesian paradigm and now a-days engaged in developing Bayesian computational techniques for low dimensional reliability models especially in the situations where data available are scarce, compounded with (complex) censoring mechanism.

B. Ph.D. Produced under my Supervision:


1.  Some Inferences for Life Time Models When the Observations are Complete and Censored - 1994 by Shastri, Vastoshpati.

Ø Mr. Shastri was recipient of Junior Research Fellowship and soon after the completion of his Ph.D., he joined as Lecturer at Government Post graduate College, Ratlam.

2.  Bayesian Analysis for Some Failure Time Distributions - 1994 by Agrawal, Rekha.

Ø Ms. Rekha Agrawal was also recipient of prestigious National JRF award and soon after the completion of her Ph.D., she joined as Principal at an Intermediate College in M.P.

3.  Sample Based Approaches for the Analysis of Certain Reliability Models - 1998 by Vasishta, Naveen.

Ø Mr. Naveen Vasishta joined as Ph.D. scholar on deputation from Department of Science and technology, Government of India, New Delhi, and he returned back to his position after completion of his Ph.D. degree. At present he is Scientist at the Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi.

4.  Posterior Analysis for Some Complex Failure Models - 2002 by Meena Peshwani.

Ø Ms. Peshwani was mainly concerned with the complex failure models mostly untouched in Bayesian literature.  In the initial phase she appeared to be quite irritating but she came up with really nice solutions. Her work was very much appreciated by the academic audience during her presentation. She is at present working as Lecturer in a Management Institution.

5.  Bayesian Analysis via Sample Based Approaches: A Study for Certain Less Explored Failure Models – 2002 by Iftikhar Ahmed Javed

Ø Mr. Javed was perhaps the first student who took minimum time (almost three years) in completing his Ph. D. thesis. At present he is managing and looking after his own school.

6. MCMC Based Solutions of Some Problems Related to Bathtub Shaped Hazard Rate    Function-2008 by Ashutosh Gupta

Ø Mr. Ashutosh Gupta was an excellent student who was also recipient of CSIR Junior Research Fellowship that was latter converted to Senior Research Fellowship. He finished his work in less than three years and just after his submission, he joined as Asst. Manager in Glaxo Smith Kline at Bangalore.

7. Model Comparison in Certain Lifetime Contexts: A Bayes Study-2008 by Bhaswati Mukherjee

Ø Ms. Bhaswati Mukherjee was Lecturer prior to his registration under my supervision. She was very much interested in completing her work with me on a topic using Bayesian paradigm. After completion of her work in almost three years, she joined as a research scientist in Bristol Myers Squibb India Pvt. Ltd.

8. Bayesian Solutions of Some Medical Data Problems-2009 by Puja Makkar

Ø Ms. Puja Makkar took applied problems for her Ph.D. and she mainly considered analysis of a few realistic data arising from medical field. Most of her problems were quite useful both from the view points of medical practitioners and applied statisticians. The most important aspect of her work was simple and routine implementation of techniques for solving complex medical problems.  


 v   All my students defended their work quite nicely in the viva voce examination and they were very much appreciated by the board of examiners with me as chair.


c. Teaching:

  •      In 28 years of my teaching career I have taught a number of courses at undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma levels. At undergraduate level, I have taught full year courses on Sampling Techniques and Design of Experiments, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Applied Statistics, Introduction to Computers and Programming with FORTRAN, Elementary courses on probability theory and Statistical Inference to the students of Statistics. Besides, I have taught a full year course on Computer Organization and Architecture to the students of B.Sc. (Hons.) computer Science for three consecutive sessions.

  •      At postgraduate level, I have taught courses on Statistical Decision Theory, Multivariate Analysis, Real Analysis, Statistical Inference, Bayesian Methodology, Computer Intensive Statistical Methods, etc. Besides, I have taught a small portion on Survival Analysis to the students of M.Sc. (Health Statistics) at the Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU.

  •      The Department of Statistics, BHU, is also running a Diploma course (now it is one- year certificate course) for the students and teachers of other departments. The primary objective of this course is to develop the basic statistical awareness and concepts among the students and researchers of other disciplines. I have taught for several years in this course as well.

  •      Besides teaching of theory papers, I have taken practical classes (mostly based on the theory papers that I was concerned with) also at undergraduate, postgraduate and diploma levels.


d. Supervising Project Report of Students:

  •      In order to provide practical training to our students, we have Project Report writing at both UG and PG levels as part of the curricula. Usually, 5-6 UG students and 2-3 PG students are allotted to work under each teacher of the Department. These students usually select a relevant topic after consulting their allotted teachers and then prepare a questionnaire for collecting data from the field. The data collected are then analyzed using different statistical tools. The students finally summarize every detail in the form of a Project Report for submission in the Department. In the last 26 years of my teaching career I have supervised nearly 60 PG students and more than 100 UG students for their Project work.


e. Curriculum development:

  •      Prepared several courses at under-graduate, post-graduate, and research levels. Some of the important courses were Introduction to Computers and Programming with FORTRAN, Computer Organization and Architecture (both courses of UG level) and Statistical Inference, Bayesian Inference, Computer Intensive Statistical Methods (at both PG and Ph.D. levels). A curriculum on Bayesian inference was developed in a joint venture when I was a member of Syllabus formation committee at national level.


List of Publications


A. Research papers:


1.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1983).       Selection of Weibull shape parameter, based on adaptive estimation. IEEE Trans.  Reliab., R-32, 2, 205-208.

2.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1985). Bayesian shrinkage estimation of reliability from censored samples with exponential failure model. S. Afr. Statist. Jr., 19, 21-33.

3.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1985). Bayesian    shrinkage   estimation   of   reliability in   parallel  system   with exponential  failure  of  the  components.  Microelectron.  Reliab., 25, 899-903.

4.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1985). Bayes shrinkage estimators of Weibull parameters. IEEE Trans. Reliab., R-34, 5, 491-494.

5.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1986). Bayes   estimation   of   reliability   in   stress-strength   model   of Weibull distribution with equal scale parameters.  Microelectron.  Reliab., 26, 2, 275-278.

6.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1986). Reliability estimation in stress-strength models: A Bayes approach (extended abstract). IEEE Trans. Reliab., R-35, 1, 98; Supplement (Full       paper) in NAPS document no. 04300-B, pages 10, ASIS-NAPS, Microfiche Pub., PO Box 3513, New York, NY 10163, USA.

7.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1986). Approximate prediction limit for Weibull failure based on preliminary test    estimator.  Commun.  Statist - Theor.  Meth., 15,  1, 241-250.

8.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1986). Selection based on modified likelihood ratio and adaptive estimation from a       censored sample. Jr. Indian Statist. Assoc., 24, 43-52.

9.         M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1987). Bayesian shrinkage estimation of system reliability with Weibull distribution of components. Microelectron. Reliab., 27, 625-628.

10.     M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1988). Bayesian   inference   in   mixtures of two exponentials.  Microelectron. Reliab., 28, 217-221.

11.     G.P. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1988). Estimation of exponential scale under LINEX loss function using a guess value. Proc. Math. Soc., Banaras Hindu University, 229-230.

12.     S.K. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1988). An   adaptive test procedure for   the   scale   parameter   in   exponential distribution.  Proc.  Math.  Soc., Banaras Hindu University, 235-236.

13.     S.K. Upadhyay and M. Pandey (1989). Prediction   limits   for   an   exponential   distribution: A Bayes predictive distribution approach.  IEEE   Trans.   Reliab.,  38,  5, 599-602.

14.     S.K. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1989). Admissibility of   a test procedure based on preliminary test of significance for life data. Microelectron. Reliab., 29, 5, 721-722.

15.     S.K. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1990). On the selection of gamma vs. exponential distribution   and adaptive estimation of the parameters. Microelectron. Reliab., 30, 6, 1061-1064.

16.     S.K. Upadhyay, B.N. Pandey and H.J. Malik (1991). Testing for the mean of the inverse Gaussian distribution and adaptive   estimation of   parameters. Erratum in Commun.  Statist.  Theor. Meth., 20, 3, 1149; Full  paper in  Commun.  Statist.  Theor. Meth., 19 (2),  1990,  629-637.

17.     M. Pandey and S.K. Upadhyay (1991). Reliability   estimation   in    series   system with exponential failure of the        components. Jr. Stat. Res., 25(1-2), 45-57.

18.     S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1992). Bayes estimators in the presence of a guess value.  Commun.  Statist. Simul., 21, 4, 1181-1198.

19.     S.K. Upadhyay, V. Shastri and U. Singh (1992). Bayes estimators of exponential parameters when the observations are left and right censored.  Metron, L-n. 3-4, 185-199.

20.     Rajesh Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1993). Bayesian estimators of exponential parameters utilizing a guessed estimate of  location.  Microelectron.  Reliab., 33(4), 521-527.

21.     S.K. Singh, U. Singh and S.K. Upadhyay (1993). Bayes interval for the Weibull parameters utilizing guessed estimates. Microelectron. Reliab., 33(6), 909-912.

22.     U. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and A.N. Rai (1993). Estimation   of    average    life    for    negative    exponential   distribution.            Microelectron. Reliab., 33(15), 2273-2275.

23.     S.K. Upadhyay and A.F.M. Smith (1993). Simulation based   Bayesian   approaches to the analysis of a lognormal regression model.  Proc.  SRE Symp.  “Reliability a Competitive Edge”, The Netherlands, vol. 1, 196-207.

24.     U. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and Rajesh Singh (1994). Bayes estimators of exponential parameters utilizing a guessed guarantee with specified confidence.  Microelectron.  Reliab., 34(1), 141-145.

25.     S.K. Upadhyay, R.    Agrawal and U. Singh (1994). Bayes prediction results for inverse Gaussian distribution utilizing guess values of parameters.  Microelectron.  Reliab., 34(2),  351-355.

26.     S.K. Upadhyay and A.F.M. Smith (1994). Modelling complexities in reliability, and role of   Bayes simulation. International Jr.  Cont.  Eng.  Educ.:  Sp.  Issue on Applied Probability Mod., vol. 4, 93-104.

27.     S.K. Upadhyay and R.  Agrawal (1995). Bayesian prediction limits for the mean of future observations from the inverse Gaussian distribution.   Metron,   L II n.   1-2, 101-111.

28.     R. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh (1995). Bayes estimators for two parameter exponential distribution. Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth., 24 (1), 227-240.

29.     S.K. Upadhyay, U. Singh and V. Shastri (1996). Estimation of exponential   parameters under multiply type II censoring.         Commun. Statist. Simul., 25 (3), 801-815.

30.     S.K. Upadhyay, V. Shastri and U. Singh (1996). Selection procedure for generalized gamma shape parameters and adaptive estimators. Metron, L IV n. 1-2, 115-130.

31.     S.K. Upadhyay, R. Agrawal and A.F.M.     Smith (1996). Bayesian analysis of inverse Gaussian non-linear regression by simulation.             Sankhya  Ser.  B,   58,   part 3,   363-378.

32.     S.K. Upadhyay and V. Shastri (1997). Bayes results for classical Pareto distribution via Gibbs sampler, with doubly censored observations.  IEEE Trans. Reliab., 46 (1), 56-59.

33.     S.K. Upadhyay, R. Agrawal, and U. Singh (1997-98). Bayes point prediction for exponential failures using asymmetric loss.   Aligarh Jr. Statist., 17-18, 1-13.

34.      U. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and Rajesh Singh (1997). A decision theoretic interval estimator for one parameter exponential           distribution. Jr.  Indian Statist.  Assoc., 35, 21-29.

35.     S.K. Upadhyay and Naveen Vasishta (1998). Bayes   Analysis   of   Burr   Type   XII   Distribution Using Gibbs Sampler Approach.  Jr. Stat. Res. (Sp. Issue on Bayes. Statist.), 32(1), 59-70.

36.     S.K. Upadhyay (2000). Bayesian   computation   via   sample   based approaches.   Proc. National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications; Banaras Hindu University; eds. S.K. Upadhyay and U. Singh; 73-82.

37.     V.K. Shukla, Harbans Singh, Manoj Pandey, S.K. Upadhyay and Gopal Nath (2000). Carcinoma   of the Gallbladder - Is it a sequel of Typhoid?  Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 45, 900-903.

38.     S.K. Singh, Umesh Singh and S.K. Upadhyay (2000). Bayesian shrinkage estimation of the exponential scale and reliability  based on time censored sample,  Proc. National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications; Banaras  Hindu University; eds. S. K. Upadhyay and U. Singh; 175-184.

39.     U. Singh, G.P. Singh and S.K. Upadhyay (2000). Bayes estimators of inverse Gaussian parameters under Linex loss function,  Proc. National  Seminar  on  Bayesian  Statistics  and   its  Applications; Banaras  Hindu  University;  eds. S. K. Upadhyay and U.  Singh; 191-203.

40.     S.K. Upadhyay, R. Shastri and V. Shastri (2000). Posterior   analysis of   inverse  Gaussian  distribution  via   two  important sample based strategies, Proc. National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its  Applications;  Banaras  Hindu  University;  eds. S. K. Upadhyay  and U.  Singh; 211-220.

41.     S.K. Upadhyay, N. Vasishta and A.F.M. Smith (2001). Bayes inference in life testing and reliability via Markov chain Monte Carlo Simulation. Sankhya; Ser. A, part I, 63, 15 – 40.

42.     U. Singh, P.K. Gupta, M. Chaturvedi and S.K. Upadhyay (2001). Bayesian estimation of exponentiated Weibull distribution using squared error loss function. Bayesian Analysis: Proc.  NSBA-TA, Amravati University, Amravati, ed. Rajesh Singh; 130-144.

43.     S.K. Upadhyay and M. Peshwani (2001). Full posterior analysis of three parameter lognormal distribution using Gibbs sampler, Jr. Statist. Comput. Simul;. 71, 215-230.

44.     U. Singh, P.K. Gupta and S.K. Upadhyay (2002). Estimation of exponentiated Weibull shape parameters under Linex loss function. Commun. Statist. Simul., 31(4), 523-537.

45.     S.K. Upadhyay, I.A. Javed, M. Peshwani and U. Singh (2002). Bayesian analysis of Inverse Weibull Type 2 Distribution via Gibbs Sampler. Prog. of Mathematics, vol. 36 (1, 2), 83-102.

46.     U. Singh, Anil Kumar and S.K. Upadhyay (2002). Bayes estimator of average life time for normal distribution utilizing point guess, Prog. of Mathematics, vol. 36(1 & 2), 65-82.

47.     U. Singh, M. Chaturvedi, P.K. Gupta and S.K. Upadhyay (2002). Bayes estimator for exponential parameter in presence of a point guess using Linex loss function, Prog. of Mathematics, vol. 36 (1, 2), 307-316.

48.     S.K. Upadhyay and M. Peshwani (2003). Choice between Weibull and lognormal models: A simulation based Bayesian study. Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth., 32(2), 381-405.

49.     S.K. Upadhyay, I.A. Javed and M. Peshwani (2004). Bayesian analysis of generalized four-parameter Burr distribution via Gibbs sampler.  Metron-Intern. Jr. of Statist., LXII (1), pp. 115-135.

50.     U. Singh, S.K. Upadhyay, Rajesh Singh and Pritee Singh (2004). Improvised estimator of reliability function in case of exponential model, Jr. Ravishankar Univ., vol. 17(B), 51-59.

51.     U. Singh, Anil Kumar and S.K. Upadhyay (2005). Maximum likelihood estimators of the parameter of exponential distribution under multiply type II censoring, Assam Statist. Review, vol. 19(1), 30-43.

52.     U. Singh, P.K. Gupta and S.K. Upadhyay (2005). Estimation of three-parameter exponentiated-Weibull distribution under type II censoring, Jr.  Statist. Plann. Infer., 134, 350-372.

53.     U. Singh, P.K. Gupta and S.K. Upadhyay (2005). Estimation of parameters for exponentiated-Weibull family under type-II censoring scheme. Comput. Stat. & Data Anal., vol. 48, 509-523.

54.     U. Singh, P.K. Gupta and S.K. Upadhyay (2006). Bayes estimators for shape and scale parameters of exponentiated Weibull family under Linex loss function, Biostatistical Aspects of Health and Population (ed. Arvind Pandey), Hindustan Publishing Corporation (India), 60-69.

55.     S.K. Upadhyay and M. Peshwani (2006). A Bayes analysis of the Birnbaum-Saunders distribution using the Gibbs sampler approach, Bayesian Statistics and Its Applications (eds. S.K. Upadhyay, Umesh Singh and Dipak K. Dey), Annamaya Publications, New Delhi, 437-454.

56.     S.K. Upadhyay, M. Peshwani, I.A. Javed, S. Tripathi and R. Pandey (2007). Bayes analysis of a three-parameter Pareto distribution via sample based approaches, Amer. Jr. of Math. and Management Sciences, vol. 27(1-2), 213-242.

57.     A. Gupta, B. Mukherjee, and S.K. Upadhyay (2008). Weibull extension model: A Bayes study using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation, Reliab. Engng.  Syst. Safety, vol. 93(10), 1434-1443.

58.     S.K. Upadhyay and M. Peshwani (2008). Posterior analysis of lognormal regression models using the Gibbs sampler. Statistical Papers, Vol. 49(1), 59-85.

59.     P.K. Singh, S.K. Singh, Umesh Singh, S.K. Upadhyay and R.D. Singh (2008). Bayes estimator of Weibull parameters under general entropy loss function, Journal of Scientific Research, Banaras Hindu University, vol. 52, 249-262.

60.     S.K. Upadhyay and Bhaswati Mukherjee (2008). Assessing the value of the threshold parameter in the Weibull distribution using Bayes paradigm, IEEE Tran. Reliab., Vol. 57(3), 489-497.

61.     G. P. Singh, S. K. Singh, Umesh Singh, and S. K. Upadhyay (2008). Bayes Estimators of Exponential Parameters from Censored Sample Using a Guessed Estimate. Data Science Journal, 7, 106-114.

62.     Puja Arora and S.K. Upadhyay (2008). A Bayes Comparison of Two Different Cancer Therapies under the Assumption of Weibull Survival Model or Its Subfamily. Jr. Reliab. Statist. Studies, 1(1), 6-17.

63.     S.K. Upadhyay, Bhaswati Mukherjee and Ashutosh Gupta (2009). Accelerated Test System Strength Models Based on Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution: A Complete Bayesian Analysis and Comparison. Lifetime Data Anal., 15, 379-396.

64.     S.K. Upadhyay and Ashutosh Gupta (2010). A Bayes Analysis of Modified Weibull Distribution via Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation. Jr. Statist. Comput. Simul., 80(3), 241-254.

65.     S.K. Upadhyay and Bhaswati Mukherjee (2010). Bayes Analysis and Comparison of Accelerated Weibull and Accelerated Birnbaum–Saunders Models. Commun. Statist. Theor. Meth., 39, 1–19.

66.     Bhaswati Mukherjee, Ashutosh Gupta and S.K. Upadhyay (2010). A Bayesian Study for the Comparison of generalized Gamma Model with Its Components, Submitted for Publication, Sankhya.

67.     S.K. Upadhyay, Ashutosh Gupta and Dipak K. Dey (2010). Bayesian Modelling of Bathtub Shaped Hazard Rate using various Weibull Extensions and Related Issues of Model Selection, Submitted for Publication, Sankhya.

68.     S.K. Upadhyay, Puja Makkar, V.K. Shukla and R.S. Singh (2010). Examining Biliary Acid Constituents among Gall Bladder Patients: A Bayes Study Using the Generalized Linear Model, Submitted for Publication, Statistics in Medicine.

69.     Puja Arora, Puneet K. Srivastava, R.S. Singh and S.K. Upadhyay (2010). Bayesian Survival Analysis of Head and Neck Cancer Data using Lognormal Model, Submitted for Publication, Communications in Statistics.


B. Other publications (Articles, etc.):


1996     Bayesian   Statistics   and   its   Applications:   An introductory remark;            Souvenir: National     Seminar   on   Bayesian     Statistics    and     its             Applications   (Apr. 6 to 8, 1996),   Dept.   of Statistics,  Banaras Hindu University.

1996     Souvenir: National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications (Apr. 6 to 8, 1996), Dept. of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University.

1996     Indian    Bayesians’    News   Letter, vol. I, August 1996; (edited with U. Singh).

1997     Our Statistics Department, Souvenir XVII Annual Conference of ISPS and        National Seminar   on   New   Dimensions   in Theoretical   and Applied           Statistics (Feb. 10 to 13, 1997), Dept. of   Statistics,   Banaras   Hindu University.

1997     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. II, no. 1, February 1997; (edited with U. Singh)

1997     St. Petersburg Paradox, Resonance, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 66-67.

1997     News Letter (An Indian Chapter of ISBA), vol. II, no. 2, August 1997; (edited with U. Singh).

1998     News Letter (An Indian Chapter of ISBA), vol. III, no. 1, February, 1998 (edited with U. Singh).

1998     Our Satellite Meeting, News Letter:  An Indian Chapter of ISBA, vol. III, no. 1, February, 1998, pp. 6-8.

1998     International Conference on Recent Advances in Statistics and Probability (ISI, Calcutta): A Brief Report, News Letter: An Indian Chapter of ISBA, vol. III, no. 1, Feb., 1998, pp. 8-9.

1998     News Letter (An Indian Chapter of ISBA), vol. III, no. 2, August, 1998 (edited with U. Singh).

1999     News Letter (An Indian Chapter of ISBA), vol. IV, no. 1, March, 1999             (edited with U. Singh).

1999     National   Seminar  on  Bayesian  Analysis:  Theory   and  Applications (Amravati University, Amravati):A   Brief    Report, News Letter : An Indian Chapter of ISBA,  vol. IV, no. 1,  March, 1999, pp. 2-3.

1999     Report   on   the   discussion   on   Bayesian Courses; (with J.K.  Ghosh); News Letter: An   Indian Chapter of ISBA, vol. IV, no. 1, March, 1999, pp. 3-4.

1999     Indian   Bayesians’   News   Letter, vol.  IV,  no. 2, October, 1999; (edited with U. Singh).

2000     Indian   Bayesians’ News Letter, Millennium Issue, vol.  V, no. 1, May, 2000; (edited with U. Singh).

2000     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. V, no. 2, Nov., 2000; (edited with U. Singh).

2001     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. VI, no. 1, May, 2001; (edited with U. Singh).    

2001     Bayesian Meeting at Raipur:  A Report, Indian   Bayesians’ News Letter, vol.  VI, no. 1, May, 2001, pp. 8-9.

2001     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. VI, no. 2, Nov., 2001; (edited with U. Singh).    

2001     Extended Abstract “A Review of Recent Techniques in Bayesian Computation and Their Application to the Analysis of Certain Reliability Models: A Brief Summary”, First Joint Statistical Meeting- An International Conference on Recent Developments in Statistics, Probability and Their Applications, Organized by International Indian Statistical Association and Other Statistical Organizations, pp. 503-506, India International Centre, New Delhi.

2002     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. VII, no. 1, May, 2002; (edited with U. Singh).

2002     Our  Conference  at  Panjab  University,  Chandigarh:  A  Brief  Report;  Indian   Bayesians’ News Letter,  vol.  VII, no. 1, May, 2002, p. 4.

2002     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. VII,  no. 2, Nov., 2002; (edited with U. Singh).

2003     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. VIII, no. 1, May., 2003; (edited with U. Singh).

2003     Our Conference at Indian Statistical Institute: A Brief Report, Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol.  VIII, no. 1, May 2003, pp. 4-6.

2003     Indian Bayesians’ News Letter, vol. VIII, no. 2, Nov., 2003; (edited with U. Singh).

2004     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. 1, no. 1, May, 2004; (edited with U. Singh).

2004     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. 1, no. 2, Nov., 2004; (edited with U. Singh).

2005     Souvenir, International Workshop/Confer. on Bayesian Statistics  and its Applic. & Preparatory/Tutorial Bayesian Lectures, January 4-8, 2005, Dept. of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, (edited with U. Singh).

2005     Our Proposed Events at BHU, Souvenir: International Workshop/Confer. on Bayesian Statistics  and its Applic. & Preparatory/Tutorial Bayesian Lectures, Department of Stat., pp. 24-26 (with Dipak Dey).

2005     Indian  Bayesian  Society News Letter,  vol. II,  no. 1, May,  2005; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2005     Our Unparalleled Events at Banaras Hindu University-A Brief Report, Indian  Bayesian  Society News Letter, Vol. II, no. 1, May, 2005, pp. 5-9.

2005     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. II, no. 2, Nov., 2005; (edited with U.  Singh).

2006     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. III,  no. 1, May,  2006; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2006     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. III,  no. 2, Nov.,  2006; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2007     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. IV,  no. 1, May,  2007; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2007     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. IV,  no. 2, Nov.,  2007; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2007     Book Review: Parametric Bayes Inference by Ashok K. Bansal, Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. IV,  no. 2, Nov.,  2007, pp. 3-4.

2008     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. V,  no. 1, May,  2008; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2008     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. V,  no. 2, Nov.,  2008; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2009     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. VI,  no. 1, May,  2009; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2009     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. VI,  no. 2, Nov.,  2009; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2010     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. VII,  no. 1, May,  2010; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2010     Indian Bayesian Society News Letter, vol. VII,  no. 2, Nov,  2010; (edited  with  U. Singh).

2010     Common Failure Distributions, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (ed. James J. Cochran), John Wiley, 1-11.

2010     Hazard Rate Function, Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (ed. James J. Cochran), John Wiley, 1-7.


C.  Books, etc.:


1.     2000        Proc. National Seminar on Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, July, 2000, No. of pages 220; (edited with U. Singh).

2.   2005          Bayesian Statistics and its Applications, Anamaya Publications, New Delhi, Nov. 2006, No. of pages 507; (edited with U. Singh and Dipak Dey).

3.   2007          American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, vol. 27 (1-2), 2007, Guest Editor (edited jointly with S.N. Mishra, Univ. of South Alabama, USA)


Invited/Technical Talks Delivered


1992        Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, London (Local Seminar)

1996        Banaras Hindu University, Dept. of Statistics (Nat. Confer. on Bayesian Statistics..)

1998        Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta (Satellite Bayesian Conference)

1999        Amravati University, Amravati (National Seminar on Bayesian Analysis..)

1999        Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (National Work. on App. Bayesian Methods..)

1999        University of South Alabama, USA (International Confer. on Statistical Inference..)

2000        Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (International Conference on Statistics…)

2000        India International Centre, New Delhi (An Internat. Confer. on Recent Develop.…)

2001        Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (The XX Annual Conference of ISPS…)

2001        Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore (ISI Workshop on Bayesian Inference…)

2001        Panjab University, Chandigarh (International Conference on Statistical Inference…)

2001        Shivaji University, Kolhapur (UGC  Sponsored Refresher Course in Statistics..)

2002        University of Pune, Pune (The XXI Conference of Indian Society for Prob….)

2002        Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (National Confer. on Recent Develop.…)

2002        Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur (National Seminar on Statistical Computing)

2002        University of Allahabad, Allahabad (International Conference on Statistics,…)

2002        Hotel Savera, Chennai (International Conference on Ranking and Selection…)

2003        Hotel Abad Plaza, Cochin (International Conference on Statistics in Industry…)

2003        Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (International Bayesian Workshop/Conference)

2003        Banaras Hindu University, Dept. of Zoology (7th Confer. of Internat. Biometric…)

2004        Aligarh University, Aligarh (UGC  Sponsored Refresher Course in Statistics…)

2005        Banaras Hindu University, Dept. of Statistics (Prep./Tutorial Bayesian Lectures)

2005        Banaras Hindu University, Dept. of Statistics (Intern. Work./Confer. on Bayesian…)

2005        University of Jammu, Jammu (First J & K State Science Congress)

2005        Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi (Bayesian Statistics and Evidence…)

2006        Faculty of Commerce, Banaras Hindu University (Workshop on Res. Method…)

2006        MD University, Rohtak (Extension Lectures (02), Dept. of Statistics)                 

2006        Academic Staff College, BHU (Refresher Course for Commerce Teachers)

2006        Tomar Polytechnic Institute, Tomar, Portugal

2006         Instituto Nacional de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar-IPIMAR, Lisbon     

2007         Udai Pratap College, Varanasi

2007         Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University

2008         Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, Banaras Hindu University

2008         Department of Statistics & DST CIMS, Banaras Hindu University

                (Advanced Training Program on Bayesian Statistics and Computation)

2008         Govt. Arts College (Autonomous), Salem

2008         DST Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University

2008         CMS, Banasthali University, Banasthali

2009         University of Madras, Chennai

2009         Mahila Maha Vidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University

2009         University of West Bohemia, Plzen, Czech Republic

2009         Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University

2009         DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, BHU

2009         DST Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Pala Campus

2010         Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

2010         Faculty of Management Studies, Banaras Hindu University

2010         Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Faizabad

2010         Apaji Institute of Mathematics & Applied Computer Technology, Banasthali University

2010         Prof. S.N. Tripathi Memorial Foundation, Gandhi Nagar, Varanasi

2010         Kumaun University, Almora (Refresher Course..)

2010         University of Jammu, Jammu (Workshop on Modern Tools…)

2010         ISMAMS, Gorakhpur (Workshop on Research Oriented…)