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Eugene Stavrovsky

Ph. Doctor


Year of birth:  1938

Nationality:     Russian Federation

Address:        4-409-883, Sev. Chertanovo, 113648, Moscow. Tel.: (8095) 319-34-92


Family status: married, a son (1957) and two daughters (1966 and 1967)

Languages: French (fluent), English (good)


Computer application: skill in word processing




Chief expert in projects:

  1. Reliability of main gas pipelines from fields of West Siberia (12 projects in 1975-1996)

  2. Oil and products transportation in the system of market relations in Russian Federation. Analytical Review. (1996, IRIS, initiative of World Bank)

  3. Oil transportation system. How to improve the tariff model (1996, Ernst and Young)

  4. Tariff policy of the “Transneft” company. Report for Commission Gor-Chernomyrdin. (1997, Transneft Co.)

  5. Reconstruction of Lentransgas pipeline subsystem in 1998-2010. (1997. RAO Gazprom)

Main publications during last 10 years:

  1. Mathematical support for the development and operation of systems in the energy industry. Energy Reviews. v.6, p. 4, pp.97-168. 1994, Harwood Academic Publishers

  2. Reliability of energy systems and their equipment. Guide-book. v.3. Reliability of gas and oil supply systems. Collective monograph. part 1, 414 pp., part 2, 288 pp. 1993, Nedra, Moscow

  3. The Oil Industry of the Former Soviet Union. with N.A.Krylov et al. 1998, 281 pp. Gordon & Breach Science Publishers.

  4. The strategy of  the development  of gas industry in Russia. Collective monograph.. 1997. 341 pp. Moscow. Energoatomizdat

  5. Models and Methods for Optimization of Parameters of regional gas-distribution networks. 2004. 95 pp. Gasprom, Moscow

  6. Methods for Investment Evaluation for small gas-fields elaboration taking into account the risks. 2005. 91 pp. Gasprom, Moscow



1955-1960 : MS in Mechanics. Moscow University, faculty of mechanics & mathematics

1962-1966 : Post graduate course of study

1971           Dr. of Technical Sciences ("Algorithmic Methods  for Gasline Networks

                  Calculation and Design")

1985           Ph.D.: "Ensuring the reliability of the Oil- and Gasline Systems during their

                  development planning and designing"

1990  to pres.    member of Council for graduation in the sphere of application of mathematics

                        and computers for researching oil and gas systems




2002 to pres.  Project Manager in Institute of gasification, Gasprom, Moscow

1989 - 2002. - Head of Laboratory in Energy Research Institute of Russia Academy of

                     Sciences, Professor of Applied Mathematics in Moscow Oil & Gas Academy

1976-1989    - Head of Laboratory in Institute of Economics of Oil & Gas Industry, Moscow

1962-1976    - Engineer, then Head of Laboratory in Institute of Natural Gas, Moscow




30 years experience in economical research, applied mathematics (mathematical economics, graphs, probability & statistics, random processes, imitation, optimization), and operations research (networks, reliability, maintenance, control, allocation, decision-making), and economics (tariffs on oil and gas transportation ). Methods, algorithms and programs for management, planning, development and forecasting the oil & gasline systems and reliability of their functioning.


19 books and more than 100 articles in scientific journals.


The laureate of Gubkin’s premium for scientific works in designing oil- and gasline systems