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Alexander  Rotshtein 

Dr. of Science, Professor

Jerusalem College of Technology


Personal Details


Name:  Alexander Rotshtein   

Address: Ezel ,16 app.3, Jerusalem                                                             

Telephone: 02-6751-208(work), 02-583-0276-03(home)

Cell-Phone: 0546-56-02-20                 

E- mail: rot@.jct.ac.il

Birth Date: 8  November 1948

Birth  Place: Khmelnik, Vinnitsa Region, Ukraine, USSR

Immigration Date:  October 1999

Citizenship: Israel

Military/ National Service: N/A

Marital Status: Divorced


Academic Education


1989       Doctor of Technical Science in Ergonomics Engineering, Moscow Aircraft Institute. Thesis title: Theory and  

                Practice of Reliability  Analysis  and Optimization of Man-Machine Systems 


1979       Ph. D. in Cybernetic Engineering and Information Theory, Riga  Technical University.

Thesis  title: Development of a Method for Reliability Analysis of Algorithmic Processes


1972       M.S. In Radio Physics  (Radio - Electronic Engineering ), N.Lobachevsky  State  University, Gorkiy ( Nizhni Novgorod)., Russia Thesis title: Research and Development of Extra High Frequency Generator Based on Diode  of Gann.


Academic Appointments


2000 –            Jerusalem College of Technology , Israel      

                         Professor of  Dept. of Industrial  Engineering  and Management 

1980- 1999    Vinnitsa  National Technical University, Ukraine

1992 -1999    Chairman  of Dept. of Computer - Based Information and Management  Systems,  Faculty of Automation and       

                         Computer Systems

1990 -1999    Full Professor, Dept. of Computer- Based Information and Management Systems

1986 - 1990   Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer- Based Information and Management Systems

1980 - 1986   Assistant  Professor, Dept. of Computer- Based Information and Management Systems


Relevant Non-Academic Employment


2004-2006:  D.A.T.A. Diamond Advanced Technology, Ltd, Jerusalem, ISRAEL

Appointments Chief  Scientist

Responsibilities Data Processing, Modeling and Optimization of Electronic Devices


1972 - 1992     Central Scientific Research Institute of Information Engineering ( CSRIIE) , Electronic Industry  of USSR



1983-1991  Chief of Reliability and Quality Control Department, CSRIIE

1980-1983  Leader of  Ergonomic  Research  Group, CSRIIE 

1975-1979  Senior Engineer, CSRIIE

1972-1975  Reliability Engineer, CSRIIE



reliability analysis of electronic devices,

testing of electronic devices,

quality control of electronic devices,

standardization in reliability and quality control,

ergonomic provision of electronic devices,

technological processes optimization


Awards and Honors for Academic or Professional Achievement


My biography was included in the book entitled “The best Scientific  and Pedagogical Staff of  Higher  Education Institutes of Ukraine,”2004


Research and Development Activities


1.Summary of Current Research and Development Activities.


Currently I am preparing for publication my new book entitled “Intelligent Technique of Forecasting and Diagnosis”. This book is based on my original papers published in last 10 years and summarized the methodology, mathematical models , algorithms and case studies in fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms and neural network application for the direct and reverse problem solving. This book will be published in the Springer Publisher , Studies in Fuzziness.


2. Future Directions for Research and Development.


In the future I am going to work in the area of Anti-Chaotic Reliable Systems. I want to develop a new reliability theory based on fuzzy logic and chaos theory. This new methodology will allow to predict and optimize the reliability of large scale systems without statistical data . Instead of probabilistic models it will use the membership functions of correct elements performance and the generators of chaotic parameters changing. This new methodology will build a bridge between stability theory and reliability theory.


3. Summary of Past Research and Development Activities.


1) Method  of Reliability Analysis of Man-Machine Systems.

This method have been proposed in my Ph. D theses. I developed a library of  standard  models for the evaluation of man-machine systems reliability using the algorithm of systems functioning.

It  was published in English journal papers[1-4], Russian journal papers [1-4] and the separate booklets [1-3]. The booklets [1,2] were very  popular between Russian  ergonomic engineers as a manual for the reliability analyses of the designing systems.

This method also was used in the several dissertations of my Ph.D. students.


2)  Multidimensional  Reliability Theory of Man-Machine Systems.

This theory have been developed in my  Doctor of Science theses defended in Moscow  Aircraft  Institute. The theory generalizes the classical ( binary ) reliability  theory to a multidimensional case where we can take into account different  types  of  faults in system process functioning .The proposed theory allows  to solve the optimization problems by a specially developed  probabilistic- algorithmic algebra.

It was published  in English  journal papers [ 5,6,7 ], Russian journal  papers[ 6,7,8,20 ],conference papers [1,3] and  monographs [1,2].


3)  Fuzzy Reliability Theory  of Algorithmic Processes.

This theory  allows us to make reliability  analysis  using  fuzzy data  without  information about  probabilistic parameters. 

This work is published  in the edited volumes [ 1,2,3 ], English journal  paper [9],Russian  journal  papers [11,30,31], conference papers [5,9] and monograph[2 ]. The paper [3] have been cited in the many international publications.


4)  Methodology  of Design and Tuning of Fuzzy Rule- Based Systems for  Medical Diagnosis.

This  methodology allows us to build an expert system for medical diagnoses using  fuzzy If- Then  Rules.

It was  published in the invited chapter [4], English journal paper [11], Russian journal paper [9],conference papers[4,6,8] and monograph  [3].

The book with invited chapter [3] was  included in the list of “Selected  Recent  Books on Neurobiology” from  SCIENCEWEEK.com.

( http://scienceweek.com/bklist8.htm ) . The chapter [3] have been cited in many international publications.


5)  Fuzzy  Rule – Based  Theory  of  System Identification .

This  theory  allows  to the  build  nonlinear dependencies “output – inputs ,” using  expert If-Then  Rules   tuned  by  Neural-Genetic  Algorithms.

It was  published  in  English  journal  papers  [10,12,14,15, 17,18], Russian  journal paper [4], conference papers[11,12,13,16 ] and monographs [5,6]. The monograph [6]  have been used as a text book in the several Russian and Ukrainian universities.                                                                                                                                                                    

A software package, FUZZY EXPERT, for the design and tuning of expert systems based on the proposed theory was developed and  implemented in  the following  systems :

  • diagnosis of ischemia heart disease,

  • diagnosis of hemorrhage in labor,

  • assessment of complications in early hestosis during pregnancy,

  • diagnosis of womb myoma occurrence risk in women employed in theradio-electronics industry,

  • teenagers health prognosis,

  • effectiveness assessment of various medical preparations applications,

  • project quality evaluation,

  • identification of a car wheels adhesion factor for a road surface

  • inventory control,

  • sports prediction. ,etc

6)  Method of  Multi-Criteria Selection of Alternatives based on Fuzzy Pair Comparisons.

This method uses the Bellman-Zadeh principle and my special procedure of  the membership grades evaluations by comparison with the worst element.

It was published in English paper [16] and conference paper[20].


7)  Methodology of Soft Computing –Based  Diagnosis.

This methodology  allows  to solve the fuzzy logic equations necessary for the course and effect analyses  in parallel with design and tuning of fuzzy relations  using a combination of  genetic algorithm and neural net.

It was published in the monograph [6] , English papers 17,18, 26] and conference papers [16,19,36 ].