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Sergey Porotsky


Profession:           Applied Mathematics, Networking, Computer Science.                                                

Date of Birth:        December 9, 1953. Moscow, USSR.

Date of Aliah:       June 12, 1996 , Israel

Telephone:           972-544-967200

E-MAIL:                  sergey@favoweb.com,      



Objective:        Image/Data/Text Recognition, Optimization, Discrete Event Simulation , Queuing Network, Probability & Statistics




        1992 - Dr.Sc. in Operations Research, thesis "Boundary Estimations of Queuing Network Analysis ", Scientific-Research Center of Computers, Moscow, Russia.

        1985 - Ph.D. in Computer Science, thesis "Approximate Methods of Computer System Evaluation", Scientific-Research Center of Computers, Moscow, USSR.

         1975 - B.Sc. & M.Sc. in Operations Research, with excellence, Moscow Technological Institute, Dept. Applied Mathematics, USSR.



 2005 – Present, FavoWeb               - Chief Scientist.

 2002 –  2005 ,   Optimata                - Senior Algorithmist.

 2000 –  2002,    Native Networks   - Senior Algorithmist.

 1997 –  2000,    ECI Telecom         - Senior Algorithmist.

 1996 –  1997,    Technion                - Researcher

 1975– 1995,      Scientific-Research Center of Computers, Moscow

                                                        - Head of Research Group, Chief Scientist



2003 - 2004      A.L.D. (Tel-Aviv)  

2000                       Technological College (Holon)

1995 – 1996     Fujitsu Australia

1994                    Information Transmission Problem Institute (Moscow)




3 books (in Russian); more than 60 articles, 20 published in the leading

international journals. Last significant publications:
