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Rafael Pérez-Ocón

Department of Statistics and Operational Research

University of Granada, Facultad de Ciencias

18071 Granada, Spain


Fields of Research

  • Stochastic processes

  • Markov processes

  • Reliability and maintenance of systems

  • Stochastic models in survival

  • Matrix-analytic methods

  • Optimization problems


Professor in Mathematics since October 1991, University of Granada



Ph.D. in Mathematics

University of Granada, Granada, Spain, 1986

Field: Stochastic Processes



Professor at the University of Granada

-             Undergraduate courses in Mathematics and Probability

-             Graduate courses in Probability and Operational Research

-             Postgraduate courses in Statistics, Probability and Operational Research


Publication list (after 1999)


Semi-Markov Models for Lifetime Data Analysis,

Rafael Pérez Ocón, Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and M. Luz Gámiz Pérez

In Semi-Markov Models and Applications,

Editors: J. Janssen and N. Limnios

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Hardound, The Nederlands, 1999.


Repairable models with operating and repair times governed by phase type distributions

Marcel Neuts, Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Inmaculada Torres Castro

Advances in Applied Probability, 32, 468-479, 2000.


Markov Models with Lognormal Transition Rates in the Analysis of Survival Times

Rafael Pérez-Ocón, Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro y M. Luz Gámiz Pérez

Test, 9, 2, 353-370, 2000


A piecewise Markov process for analyzing survival from breast cancer in different groups of risk

Rafael Pérez Ocón, J. Eloy Ruiz Castro and  M. Luz Gámiz Pérez

Statistics in Medicine, 20, 1, 109-122, 2001.


Non-homogeneous Markov Models in the Analysis of Survival After Breast Cancer

Rafael Pérez-Ocón, Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and M. Luz Gámiz Pérez

Applied Statistics, 50, Part 1, 111-124, 2001.


A Reliability Semi-Markov Model Involving Geometric Processes

Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Inmaculada Torres Castro

Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 18, 2, 157-170, 2002. 


A Multiple-Absorbent Markov Process in Survival Studies: Application to Breast Cancer

Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro

Biometrical Journal, 45, 7, 783-797, 2003.


A Semi-Markov Model in Biomedical Studies

Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 33(3), 437-455, 2004.


A Multiple System Governed by a Quasi-Birth-and-Death Process

Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Delia Montoro Cazorla

Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 84, 187-196, 2004.


Two models for a repairable two-system with phase-type sojourn time distributions

Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro

Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 84, 253-260, 2004.


Transient Analysis of a Repairable System Using Phase Type Distributions and Geometric Processes

Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Delia Montoro Cazorla

IEEE Transactions in Reliability, Vol. 53, No.2, 185-192, 2004.


A multiple warm standby system with operational and repair times following phase-type distributions

Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Delia Montoro Cazorla

European Journal of Operational Research, 169, 178-188, 2006.


A deteriorating two-system with two repair modes and sojourn times phase-type distributed

Delia Montoro Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 91, 1-9, 2006.


Reward Optimization of a Repairable System

Inmaculada Torres Castro and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 91, 311-319, 2006


Replacement times and costs in a degrading system with several types of failure: the case of phase-type       holding times

Delia Montoro Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

European Journal of Operational Research, 175, 1193-1209, 2006.


Reliability of a System under Two Types of Failures using a Markov Arrival Process

Delia Montoro Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

Operations Research Letters, 34, 525-530, 2006


Transient Analysis of a Multi-component System Modelled by a General Markov Process

Delia Montoro Cazorla, Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Juan Eloy Ruiz Castro

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 23, No.3, 311-327, 2006.


Shock and Wear Models: The case of phase-type distributions

Delia Montoro Cazorla, Rafael Pérez Ocón y M. Carmen Segovia

In Safety and Reliability for Managing Risk

Editors Guedes Soares & ZioPublisher:Taylor & Francis/Balkema. Vol.2. pp. 1681-1687, 2006


Modeling lifetimes using phase-type distributions

Rafael Pérez Ocón y M. Carmen Segovia

In Risk, Reliability and Societal Safety

Editors: Terje Avens & Jan Erik Vinnem.

Publisher: Taylor & Francis/Balkema. Vol.1. pp. 463-468, 2007


Depression and Cognition: New Insights from the Lorenz Curve and the Gini Index

Antonio Maldonado, Rafael Pérez-Ocón and Amparo Herrera

International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology, Vol. 7, No.1, 21-39, 2007.


Survival probabilities for shock and wear models governed by phase-type distributions

Delia Montoro Cazorla, Rafael Pérez-Ocón and M. Carmen Segovia

Quality Technology and Quantitative Management Journal, Vol.4. No.1, 85-94, 2007.


Maintenance of a system by means of replacements and repairs: The case of phase-type distributions

Delia Montoro Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 24, No. 3, 421-434, 2007.


A system maintained by imperfect and perfect repairs under phase-type distributions

Delia Montoro Cazorla, Rafael Pérez Ocón y M. Carmen Segovia

In Recent Advances in Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis.

Editor, Christos H. Skiadas

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing, 2007


A maintenance model with failures and inspection following Markovian arrival processes and two repair modes

Delia Montoro Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

European Journal of Operational Research. To be published.


An LDQBD process under degradation, inspection, and two types of repair

Delia Montoro Cazorla and Rafael Pérez-Ocón

European Journal of Operational Research. To be published.