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Yan Lumelskii

Doctor of Sci., Professor


Scientific  Interests

  • Parametric and nonparametric Mathematical Statistics

  • Random Walks and Statistical Decisions

  • Probability distribution Theory

  • Reliability Theory

  • Statistical Control

Address: Statistics Laboratory, Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, 32000, Israel

E-mail: lumelski@ie.technion.ac.il
Working tel.: 972-4-829-21-30,

Home tel.:     972-4-822-66-08

Personal Information

1970 - Ph.D. degree in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Moscow State University. Ph.D. Thesis-Point and interval estimators in problems of statistical control (under supervising of Professor Y.K. Belyaev).

1990 - D.Sc. degree in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnus State University, Lithuania. D.Sc.Thesis-Random Walks and Statistical Decisions.

1959-1966 - Lecturer and Senior Lecture of the Department of Mathematical Analysis, Perm State University, Russia.

1966-1969 Post-graduate studies, Department of Probability Theory, Faculty of Mathematics of Moscow State University, Russia.

1970-1996 Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Professor of the Department of Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Perm State University, Russia.

1997-present Scientific Researcher in the Technion Statistics Laboratory in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management at Technion, Israel.

Selected publications

I have 160  publications.


  • Kotz S., Lumelskii Ya., Pensky M. The stress-strength model and its generalizations. Theory and applications. 2003. World Scientific Publishing, 1-253.

  • Abusev, R. A., Lumelskii Ya. P. Statistical Group Classification, Perm State University Press, 1987, pp. 1-92 ( in Russian).

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Statistical Estimators of Results of Quality Control, Standards Publishing House, Moscow, 1979, pp. 1-200 (in Russian).


  • Lumelskii Ya., Voinov V., Nikulin M., Feigin P. On a generalization of classical random sampling scheme and unbiased estimation. Communication in Statist. Theory and Methods, 2007, 36, 693-705.

  • Lumelskii Ya.., Volkovich Z. On comparison of nonparametric and parametric approximate confidence bounds for the probability Pr(X<Y).  Journal of Mathematical Sciences,  2007, Vol. 146 , No 4, 6016-6021.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Feigin P. D. Nonparametric tests and nested sequential control plans for Detecting Change.  Statistical Methods of Estimation and Testing of Hypotheses,  Perm State University Press, 2007,  20, 19-39 ( in Russian).

  • Lumelskii, Ya., Gurevich, G., Feigin, P. D. Nested Plans as Sequential Quality Control Schemes for Detecting Change in Multivariate Normal Distribution.  Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 2006, Vol. 3 , No 4, 493-512.

  • Feigin P., Gurevich G., Lumelskii Ya. Nested Plans For The Change Point Problem In Exponential Families.  Proceedings of the International Conference "Statistical Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems",  Limassol, Cyprus, 2006, 299-304.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Feigin P. D. Embedded polynomial plans of random walks and their applications.  Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 127, 2005, no. 4, 2103-2113.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Feigin P. D., Tsilova, E. G. P\'olya distributions, combinatorial identities, and generalized Stirling numbers.  Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 127, 2005, no. 4, 2073-2081.

  • Feigin P., Lumelskii Ya. Random Walk Plans for Sports Matches with Application to Chess.  Proceedings of International Conference LAD 2004 "Longevity, Aging and Degradation Models in Reliability, Public Health, Medicine and Biology," St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Vol. 2, 2004, 152-164.

  • Feigin P.D., Lumelskii Ya. P., Volkovich Z.E. Approximate nonparametric confidence intervals for the probability Pr(X<Y). Proceedings of International Conference "Advances in Statistical Inferential Methods, Theory and Application," 2003, Almaty, 75-87.

  • Braverman M., Lumelskii Ya. Chebyshev systems and estimation theory for discrete distributions.  Statist. Probab. Lett., Vol. 58, 2002, no. 2, 157--165.

  • Antonova E. S., Lumelskii Ya. P. Probability characteristics of regulations of sport competitions,  Journal of Mathematical Sciences  , Vol. 103, 2001, No 4, 497-505.

  • Feigin P.D., Lumelskii Ya. P. On Confidence Limits for the Difference of Two Binomial Parameters,  Communication in Statist. Theory and Methods , Vol. 29, 2000, No. 1, 131-141.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Markov Random Walks in the Space of a Sufficient Statistic and Statistical Inference, Journal of Mathematical Sciences , Vol. 88, 1998, No 6, 862-870.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Random walks related to generalized urn schemes,  Soviet Math. Dokl.  V. 14, 1973, No 2, 628-632.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Lvovskii Ya. M. Asymptotic formulas for multidimensional P\'olya distributions, Soviet Math. Dokl.  V. 20, 1979, No 3, 494-498.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Unbiased sufficient estimators for probabilities in the case of a multivariate normal law.  Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. Mat. Meh.  V. 23, 1968, No 6, 14-17. Selected translations in mathematical statistics and probability. Vol. 13. American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1973, 251-256.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Staroselskii B. G. On completeness of plans in one scheme of random walks,  Mathematical Notes of
    the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, V. 17, 1975, No 5, 467-470.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Confidence limits for linear functions of unknown parameters,  Theory of Probability and its Applications, V. 14, 1969, No 2, 364-367.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Sapognikov P. N. Unbiased estimates of density functions,  Theory of Probability and its Applications,
    V. 14, 1969, No 2, 357-364.

  • Abusev, R. A., Lumelskii Ya. P. Unbiased estimators and classification problems for multivariate normal populations,
     Theory of Probability and its Applications, V. 25, 1980, No 2, 377-384 .

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Chichagov V.V. Unbiased Estimation for Homogeneous Markov Chains,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 39, 1987, No 2, 2599-2603.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Random Walks and Nonparametric Tests,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 39, 1987, No 4, 2888-2890.

  • Belyayev Yu. K., Lumelskii Ya. P. Multidimensional Poisson walks,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 40, 1988, No 2, 162-165.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Control According to a Quality Criterion with Classification Errors,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 41,
    1988, No 1, 826-829.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Tsylova E.G. Limiting Distributions and Estimation in Generalized P\'olya Random Walk Scheme,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 53, 1991, No 6, 558-568.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Chichagov V.V. Estimation in the Markov Random Walk Scheme,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 53, 1991, No 6, 569-574.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Frolov S.I. Random Walks and a Nonparametric Criterion for Agreement in the Problem of Comparison of Two Samples,  Journal Soviet Mathematics, V. 56, 1991, No 3, 2466-2471.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. On Inadmissibility of Biased Estimators Relative to the Quadratic Loss,  Journal Mathematical Sciences, V. 75, 1995, No 1, 1401- 1403.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Statistical Estimators Minimizing Deviation,  Journal Mathematical Sciences, V. 75, 1995, No 2, 1510 - 1512.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Construction of asymptotically optimal classification tests in the case of a multivariate normal distribution,
     Engineering Cybernetics, 1972, V.10, No 2, 316-319.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Unbiased estimates of a priori distributions and their application,  Engineering Cybernetics, 1973, V.11, No 1, 70-80.

  • Belyayev Yu. K., Lumelskii Ya. P. Estimation of polynomials on the basis of restricted plans in random-walk schemes,
     Engineering Cybernetics, 1979, V.17, No 1, 47-52.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Two methods of estimating the probability of reliable operation under Poisson flow of rejections,  Reliability and Quality Control, 1973, No 1, 51-60 (in Russian).

  • Lumelskii Ya. P., Chichagov V.V. Testing stopping rule,  Reliability and Quality Control, 1983, No 3, 22-28 ( in Russian).

  • Bobrov N.E., Lumelskii Ya. P. Optimal curtailed quality control plans by an alternative attribute,  Industrial Laboratory, V. 51, 1985, No 1, 48-52.

  • Lumelskii Ya. P. Confidence limits for the total number of defective in quality control by the one-step P\'olya plan,  Industrial Laboratory, V. 52, 1986, No 7, 632-635.

  • Ivshin V.V., Lumelskii Ya. P. Unbiased estimators for density functions and probabilities of linear inequalities in the multivariate normal case,  Proceedings of the Fifteenth Seminar-Stability Problems for Stochastic models, Perm, Russia, 1992, TVP Publishers, 1994, 71-80.

  • Abusev, R. A., Lumelskii Ya. P. Statistical classification multivariate normal observations,  Journal TVP "Surveys in Applied and Industrial Mathematics", 1996, V. 3, No 1, 7-30 ( in Russian).