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Igor Kabashkin

Dr.Hab.Sc.Ing., Professor





·         Diploma of Radio Engineer, Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Riga, Latvia)

·         Doctor Degree in Aviation, Moscow Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Moscow, Russia)

·         Doctor Habilitatus Degree in Aviation, Riga Aviation University (Riga, Latvia)




·         Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Riga, Latvia),

·         Riga Aviation Institute (Riga, Latvia)

·         Telematics and Logistics Institute (Riga, Latvia)

·         Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Riga, Latvia)


Teaching experience:


Courses:  Reliability of Electronics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Research Methodology, Project Management, Transport and Logistics


Major directions of specialization:

·         Intelligent Transport Systems

·         Reliability of Air Traffic Control Systems  

·         Transport Logistics

·         Transport Modeling


Academic and Research Activities:


·         Member of the COST (European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) Technical Committee on Transport and Urban Development,

·         Member of the Joint OECD/ECMT Transport Research Committee (OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, ECMT – European Conference of Ministers of Transport),

·         Member of the Transport Committee of the 7th European Framework Programme

·         President of Latvian Operations Research Society

·         Vice President of Latvian Transport Development and Education Association,

·         Editor of the Journal "Computer Modelling and New Technologies" (ISSN 1407-5806), Latvia,

·         Editor of the Journal "Transport and Telecommunication" (ISSN 1407-6160), Latvia,

·         Co-editor and Member of Editorial Board,  “Journal of Air Transportation” (ISSN 1093-8826),  USA, University of Nebraska at Omaha,

·         Member of the board, Journal “Transport” (ISSN 1392-1533), Lithuania, Lithuanian Academy of Science, 1999 – present

·         Member of the board, Journal “Technological and Economic Development of Economy” (ISSN 1392-8619), Lithuania, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2002 – present

·         Member of the board, Journal “Aviation” (ISSN 1392-1534), Lithuania, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2002 – present

·         Member, IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 1998 – present

·         Member, IEEE Reliability Society, 1999– present

·         Member, IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 1999– present

·         Member, IEEE Intelligence Transport Systems Society, 2004– present

·         Corresponding Member, Latvian Academy of Science, 1998– present




Major Publications: 


More 400 research papers and books in English, Latvian and Russian, 67 patents, including:  


·         Igor Kabashkin. Reliability Model of Intelligent Transport Systems. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Transport Systems Telecommunications. 6-8 June 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France. – IEEE, Laurence Grammare, 2007. – 450- 454 pp

·         Igor Kabashkin. Transportation Logistics in the Baltic States. Gastvortragsreihe Logistik 2007. Logistik als Arbeitsfeld der Zukunft – Potenziale, Umsetzungs-strategien und Visionen. – Franhofer Institut Fabrikbetrieb und –automatisierung, Magdeburg, 2007. - 185-234 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Logistics Centres in the Baltic Sea Region. Research Report 183 of Lappeenranta University of Technology. Value Adding Role of Logistics in Northern Europe. – Lappeenranta University of Technology, Kouvola, 2007. – 145-170 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Baltic Tangent. – Riga, 2007. – 38 p.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Intelligent Transport Systems: Integration of Future Global Technologies. In the book „Infocommunication of Information Society”.Vol. VI, book 2. – Moscow, International Telecommunication Academy, 2006. – 29-54 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Logistics Centres Development. Proceedings of the European Transport Conference” (ETC’2006). 18-20 September 2006, Strasbourg, France. – PTRC, London, 2006. – 134-148.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Intelligent Built-in-test Equipment for Air Traffic Control Systems. Proceedings of the Air Transport Research Society International Conference’2006. 26-28 May, 2006, Nagoya, Japan. – ATRS, Nagoya, 2006.- 168-172 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Optimal Monitoring Strategy for Communication Channel of Intelligent Transport Systems with Periodical Sessions of Activity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Operation Research „Simulation and Optimisation in Business and Industry”. 17-20 May 2006. Tallinn, Estonia. -  Technologia, Kaunas, 2006. 201-206 pp. 

·         Igor Kabashkin. Network for Vocational Transport Education and Training in Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference „Faculties and Studies of Transport and Traffic Engineering in Europe”. April 27-28, 2005, Zagreb, Croatia. – Zagreb, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2005, 76-80 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Virtual Transport University as Education Environment in the Modern Transport Technologies // IEEE. Educational Technology & Society (ISSN 1436-4522), 2003, v. 6, N 4,  pp. 238-244.

·         Igor Kabashkin, Ivars Zarumba. Model of Intelligent Transport System Development for Riga City. – Riga, 2003. 32 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin, Aleksadr Pankov, Irina Yatskiv. City Transport Problems as an Object of Modelling. Proceedings of the International Conference „Modelling and Simulation of Business Systems. MOSIBUS-2003”. May 13-14, 2003, Vilnius, Lithuania. – P. 261-264.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Reliability Models for Communication Channel of Air Traffic Control System with Different Test Strategies// Computer Modelling and New Technologies, Vol. 5, N 1, 2001. – P. 90-95.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Optimal Test Strategy for Communications of Air Traffic Control Systems. Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Transport Research. 22-27 July 2001, Seoul, Korea.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Open Transport University – The Virtual Education Environment for New Transport Technologies. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Training, Education and Simulation. 24-26 April 2001, Lille, France.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Future Air Navigation Systems. Introduction to the new concept. – Riga, 2000. – 342 pp.

·         Kabashkin I. Reliability-centered Maintenance of Air Navigation Systems. – Riga, 2000. - 101 pp.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Transport Telematics.- Riga, 1999, 342 p.

·         Kabashkin I., Zarumba I. Identification and Modelling of Urban Transport System: Case Study in Latvia // Proceedings of the Eighteenth IASTED (International Association of Science and Technology for Development) International Conference "Modelling, Identification and Control". February 15-18, 1999, Innsbruck, Austria.- 114-116.

·         Kabashkin. Satellite-Based Communication Systems for Air Traffic Management: Transition Period Problems of the New Technologies Operation // Proceedings of the International Conference “Global and Regional Infotelecommunication Structures: Fiber-optic, Satellite and Mobile Communication Networks and Systems”, Athens, Greece, 14-16 December, 1998. – Athens, Greece, International Telecommunication Academy, 1998, 70-75.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Reliability Dynamic Model Based on Petri Net Application for Systems with Built-in Test Equipment // ITWL Report 345/98, Aircraft and Helicopters Diagnostics. - Air Force Institute of Technology,  Warsaw, 1998, 63-66.

·         Igor Kabashkin. The Integrated Model of Information Infrastructure for Multimodal Transit Transport System//DIKU Report N 97/23, Proceedings of the Nordic Operation Research Conference NOAS'97. - University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998, 255-263.

·         Igor Kabashkin. Artificial Intelligence Technology for Reliability Control in Maintenance Process of the Complex Technical Systems // Proceedings of the VIII International Congress "Maintenance of the Technical Systems". 23-26 September, 1997, Krynica Gorska, Polska.- Krynica Gorska, 1997, pp. 457-464.

·         Igor V. Kabashkin. Dynamic Reliability Models of Complex Engineering Systems Based on Petri Nets. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 31, N 3, pp. 46-51, 1997.

·         Kabashkin  I.V.  A method of calculating the reliability  indexes of a class of  Marcov  system  models  //  Eng.Cybernetics .- 1984. - V. 22(5). - P. 18-21.





  • Travel



Personal Data: 


Date of Birth: 06/08/1954.

Marital Status: Married+1.

Languages: English, Russian, Latvian
