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Energy Systems Institute of the SB RAS

Russia, Irkutsk


The Institute owes its creation to the idea of comprehensive energy study and to Academician L.A. Melentiev, a prominent scientist in the energy field.

The Siberian Energy Institute (SEI) was established in August, 1960 within the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. L.A.Melentiev, its first director, succeeded in attracting the best graduates of institutes and collaborators of different organizations from Moscow, Leningrad (St.Petersburg), Novosibirsk and Irkutsk who formed the scientific core of the Institute. The atmosphere of democratism, publicity and collectivism was typical of SEI from the very beginning that was called "a spirit of SEI" later on.

In 1997 Siberian Energy Institute was renamed into Energy Systems Institute named after L.A. Melentiev (ESI), Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.The Siberian Energy Institute (SEI) was established in August, 1960 within the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. L.A.Melentiev, its first director, succeeded in attracting the best graduates of institutes and collaborators of different organizations from Moscow, Leningrad (St.Petersburg), Novosibirsk and Irkutsk who formed the scientific core of the Institute. The atmosphere of democratism, publicity and collectivism was typical of SEI from the very beginning that was called "a spirit of SEI" later on.

The key task of the Institute is comprehensive studies on energy in its broad sense and the objects of studies and applications are energy and physico-technical systems: fuel and energy complexes of areas, regions, country and world comprising electric power, heat-, oil- and gas-supply systems, coal industry, nuclear energy as well as perspective energy technologies and equipment.




Nikolai I. Voropai


Director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of RAS, Honored Scientist of RF.

tel.: +7 (3952) 42-47-00.

e-mail: voropai@isem.sei.irk.ru

Boris G. Saneev


Deputy Director of the Institute, Professor.


tel.: +7 (3952) 42-84-80.

e-mail: saneev@isem.sei.irk.ru

Yury A. Grishin


Deputy Director of the Institute, Doctor.


tel.: +7 (3952) 42-34-74.




The scientific activity of ESI includes the theory of creating energy systems, complexes, plants and their management, scientific foundations and mechanisms for realization of the energy policy of Russia and its regions and is directed towards creation and development of the theory and methods for systems studies on energy which are aimed at the comprehensive analysis of energy supply systems and its component parts; analysis of the world, national and regional trends; generation of forecasts, priorities and strategies of development; creation of the scientific-methodological base for optimal planning, design and operation of these objects and their computer-aided control; provision of their reliability and safety; creation of work stations for researchers, designers and operators in this field, etc.

Such activity on the base of the application of advanced mathematical methods and computers has been embedded already at creation of the Institute by Lev A. Melentiev who always underlined"three sources and component parts" of the systems studies on energy: the principle of systems methodology, according to which all phenomena should be considered in terms of the laws for the whole and interaction of its parts; the comprehensive energy approach that was formulated in due time by Academician G.M. Krzhizhanovsky, whose pupil L.A. Melentiev was; practical urgency for studying energy as a combination of progressively developing energy systems which become more and more complicated.

For the past 40 years the known scientific schools have shaped here in the following directions:

  • Theory and methods of systems studies in the energy sector (L.A. Melentiev, Yu.N. Rudenko, I.P. Druzhinin, A.A. Makarov, A.P. Merenkov, L.S. Popyrin, L.S. Belyaev, V.A. Khanaev, N.I. Voropai, A.Z. Gamm, Yu.D. Kononov, L.D. Krivorutsky, B.G. Saneev et al.). In 1990 a group of authors headed by Yu.N.Rudenko was awarded the prize of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Study on interrelations between the economy and energy (L.A. Melentiev, A.S. Nekrasov, A.A. Makarov, Yu.D. Kononov, L.S. Khrilev, V.I. Zorkaltsev, B.G. Saneev, E.A. Medvedeva et al.). L.A. Melentiev was awarded Krzhizhanovsky Prize Laureate twice: in 1960 and 1981 (jointly with E.O. Steinhaus).

  • Scientific and methodological support of energy programs for Russia, its regions and areas (Yu.N. Rudenko, A.A. Makarov, A.P. Merenkov, L.S. Belyaev, N.I. Voropai, Yu.D. Kononov, B.G. Saneev, A.D. Sokolov, A.A. Koshelev et al.). A group of authors headed by A.A.Koshelev was awarded the prize of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • Theory and methods for comprehensive study and control of reliability and survivability of the fuel and energy complex and energy systems (Yu.N. Rudenko, A.P. Merenkov, N.I. Voropai, M.B. Cheltsov, L.D. Krivorutsky, M.N. Rozanov, E.V. Sennova et al.). Krzhizhanovsky Prize was awarded to Yu.N. Rudenko and I.A. Ushakov in 1993. In 1999 N.I. Voropai and L.D. Krivorutsky (in a group of authors) were awarded the prize of RF Government.

  • Theory and methods for management and control of electric power system operation and development (Yu.N. Rudenko, L.A. Krumm, A.Z. Gamm, N.I. Voropai, L.S. Belyaev, Yu.P. Syrov, V.A. Khanaev, M.N. Rozanov, Yu.M. Gorsky, E.I. Ushakov, I.I. Golub, S.S. Smirnov, V.V. Trufanov. I.A. Sher et al.). Krzhizhanovsky Prize was awarded in 1967 to L.A. Krumm, A.Z. Gamm, I.A. Sher and the State Prize - to a group of authors headed by Yu.N. Rudenko in 1986.

  • Theory of hydraulic circuits and methods for mathematical modelling and optimization of heat-, water-, oil- and gas-supplying systems (V.Ya. Khasilev, A.P. Merenkov, B.M. Kaganovich, E.V. Sennova, S.V. Sumarokov, V.R. Chupin, N.N. Novitsky, N.I. Ilkevich, A.V. Fedyaev et al.). Krzhizhanovsky Prize was awarded to V.Ya. Khasilev and A.P. Merenkov in 1990.

  • Theory and methods of extreme thermodynamics (B.M. Koganovich, S.P. Filippov, E.G. Antsiferov et al.).

  • Methods for optimization of flow charts and parameters of thermal power plants (G.B. Levental, L.S. Popyrin, A.M. Kler, Yu.V. Naumov, E.A. Tairov et al.). Krzhizhanovsky Prize was awarded to L.S. Popyrin and S.M. Kaplun in 1972.

  • Methods for forecasting of natural and climatic processes (I.P. Druzhinin, A.P.Reznikov et al.).

  • Mathematical methods for optimization and numerical analysis and their applications (V.P. Bulatov, L.A. Krumm, E.G. Antsiferov, L.T. Ashchepkov, B.I. Belov, V.I. Zorkaltsev, A.S. Apartsyn, I.I. Dikin et al.).

  • New information-computer technologies in energy (Yu.A. Grishin, L.V. Massel, V.V. Novorussky, I.A. Sher, Yu.M. Gorsky et al.)

The Institute is engaged in analysis and forecasting of the main trends in energy development of the world, Russia, Siberia; energy programs of different levels; concepts and general schemes for development of industries comprising the fuel and energy complex; new information and computer technologies for studies and control of the energy sector; problems in creation of interregional and international systems of fuel and energy supply.

ESI has extensive international contacts with different institutions of the European countries and CIS, Japan, China, the USA and is in fact a center of energy studies in both Russia and the world.


Russia. 664033 Irkutsk, Lermontov street, 130.
Fax: +7(3952)42-67-96

Web-site: http://www.sei.irk.ru/