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Vitalii Gasanenko
Doctor of Science,


Senior Research of Theory Probability and Mathematical Statistic,

Department of Theory of Random Processes, Institute of Mathematics National Academy of Science of Ukraine.


Research Interest:

  • Boundary problems of random processes (small deviation, sojurn problems of random processes into domain with time-depended boundaries, viability, etc).

  • Modeling, analysis, simulation and prediction of random events and phenomena (raring processes,

  • safety and reliability of technological processes and constructions, financial mathematics, VOIP- technology , etc)



Selected Publications:

  1. The total asymptotic expansion of stay probability of diffusion processes into thin domains with the moving boundaries, Ukrainian Math. Journ. (51) 1999, pp.1155-1164.

  2. Probabilistic approaches in assessments of strength reliability of NPP’s concrete containment, with V.B.Krytskyy, ESS’2000, 12-th European Simulation Symposium, September 28-30, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 557-581.

  3. To asymptotic of sojurn time probability of Poisson process between divergent boundaries, Ukrainian, Math. Journ. (53) 2001, pp. 14-22.

  4. On invariant sets for stochastic differential equations, Theory Stochastic Processes, 9(25), 2003, pp.60-64.

  5. Limit theorems for number of diffusion processes which did not absorb by boundaries, with A. Fedullo,  Central European Journal of  Mathematics 4(4) 2006, pp. 624-634.

e-mail: gs@imath.kiev.ua or gsn@ckc.com.ua