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Romney B. Duffey

Ph.D., B.Sc.


Romney Duffey worked first in Europe, after obtaining his degrees in Physics/Geophysics, and then  in North America, presently being the Principal Scientist with AECL (Canada) responsible for strategic directions for reactor technology development. 


He has seen the rise, decline and re-mergence of nuclear energy in the world, becoming a leading expert in commercial nuclear reactor studies. Because of the importance of global environmental and energy sustainability, he has contributed in multiple areas, on advanced energy systems design and reactor concepts, on energy, environment and waste, and on safety, risk, simulation, physical modeling and uncertainty analysis. 


Romney is the co-author of original texts on risk and errors in technology (“Know the Risk”, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002, and “Managing Risk”, Wiley, 2008), and of a new ASME textbook on supercritical heat transfer in power engineering, and has published over 200 technical papers and reports, plus some published and unpublished poetry. His world-wide experiences presently include working on international collaborative research projects, activities as an Expert with the Generation IV International forum, and extensively lecturing and presenting the role of nuclear and hydrogen energy in today’s both challenging and challenged world. 


Asked many times how he does so many things in and with his time, his reply is “There is no time: it is what you do with what time you have that counts”. He is the past Chair of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Nuclear Engineering Division, an active Member of the American, British and Canadian Nuclear Societies, and was elected a Fellow of ASME for his exceptional engineering achievements and contributions to the engineering profession.


e-mail: duffeyr@aecl.ca



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