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Department of Probability Theory

Moscow, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov


The Faculty of Mechanics & Mathematics was organized in Moscow University in 1933, composed of which the Department of Probability Theory was founded in 1935, the latter became one of basic centre of excellence and scientific researches in the field of probability calculus and mathematical statistics in our country.


Many Soviet and Russian scientists of this study are proud that they were students of the Chair.

The first curator of the Chair was his founder - Kolmogorov Andrey Nikolaevitch, Academician of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, who had been chaired from 1935 to 1966. In 1966 Kolmogorov left the Chair, and Gnedenko Boris Vladimirovich, Academician of Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and Kolmogorov’s student and closed associate, became a curator and chaired till 1995. In September 1996 a corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Albert Nikolaevitch Shiryaev was elected as a curator of Chair of Probability Calculus.



A.N. Kolmogorov

B.V. Gnedenko A.N. Shiryaev

Many outstanding Russian mathematicians who was studying Probability Theory worked at the Department in different years: A.Ya. Hinchin (1894 - 1959), A.N. Kolmogorov (1903 - 1987), V.V. Nalimov (1910 - 1997), B.V. Gnedenko (1912 - 1995), L.N. Bol’shev (1922 - 1978), A.D. Solovjev (1927 - 2001), R.L. Dobrushin (1929 - 1995), N.N. Chentsov (1930 - 1992),  I.V. Girsanov (1934 - 1967), V.V. Kalashnikov (1942 - 2001).

Nowadays well-known scientists in the field of probability calculus, statistics and stochastic process are working at the Department.

Many great specialists who were the students of the Department now are Doctors of Science and academicians of Academy of Sciences of Russia and former Soviet republics.


119899 Moscow, Russia, Vorobievi Gori,

MSU, Mechanical-and-Mathematical faculty,

Department of Probability Theory

Web page: http://mech.math.msu.su/probab/index-k.html