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Djamil Aïssani

Algerian Mathematician.  Born on July 24, 1956 in Biarritz (Basque Country, France).  Ph.D in Probabilities of the Azerbaijan State University and Kiev State University (Soviet  Union) in 1983 (Equivalence: D. Sc. 1984).   

  • Professor and Director of Research at the Operation Research Department, University of Bejaia, Algeria 

  • Director of the Research Laboratory LAMOS (Laboratory of Modeling and Optimization of System - http://www.lamos.org) 

  • Coordinator and Scientific Head of the Computer Doctoral School ReSyd  

  • First Head of the Engineering and Sciences Faculty (at its creation in 1999 - 1999 - ministerial  decree n° 57 of the 20/06/99) 

  • Named in 1991 Scientific Councilor at the Algerian Ministry of the Universities. President of S/Commission Mathematics of the C.N.E.P.R.U (National Commission for Evaluation and Programming of Research - ministerial  decree n° 25 of the 20/12/94)  

  • Founder member of  the A.M.A (Algerian Society of Mathematics).  

Scientific Work   More than 350 scientific work  ( 75 publications, 195 communications with Proceedings and ISBN, 17 books and monographs,  55 plenary conferences at specialized seminars, 120 framing of  memories and theses, 10 direction of projects and programs...). This work  concerns:   

1. The mathematics (Probabilities, Markov Chains, Queues, Reliability, Inventory, Risk):  

Development of the Operator's method of the theory of stability for the analysis of uniform ergodicity and strong stability of the unspecified Markov chains.  In particular, he  has, with his pupils, carried out a complete research cycle to prove the  applicability of this new approach to stochastic models (Queuing Theory, Reliability, Inventory, Risk). 

2. The Applied Mathematics to the Engineering: 

  • proposition  of a scientific methodology of reliability's evaluation of the  electrical supply networks, under the specific conditions (absence of  data...) . 

  • proposition of some approach for Performance evaluation of Computer systems and Telecommunication Networks.

  • Methods and Tools of Decision-Making Aid

3. The Industrial Mathematics:  

Resolution of problems arising from various industrial  companies (Oil Algerian Company Sonatrach, Company of electricity Sonelgaz, National Company of  Industrial Vehicles S.N.V.I.  Rouiba, National Company of Textile Ecotex, National Company of  Water Edemia, Harbour Company of Béjaïa E.P.B., Naftec Skikda, Bases Air of Boufarik M.D.N., E.NGreasy Substance Béjaïa, EriadSidi  Aïch, Algeria Telecom, CevitalTchin Lait Candia,....) and from the socio-economic organizations (D.P.A.T    - Wilaya, A.P.C Béjaïa, Hospital of  Béjaïa, National Bank B.N.A,   Direction of Education, Insurance company S.A.A,  Nigerian Compagny of Electricity Nigelec, B.M.T., C.N.A.S., B.A.D.R. Bank, Customs, Domanial Direction - Wilaya,...)  in particular within the framework of work of end of studies and  specific protocols. 


Outline on the Research's Results and Some Publications

(see http://www.lamos.org and http://www.gehimab.org)

I - Mathematics
  • Referativny Journal Matematika, IB 83, Moscow, 1982.

  • Journal Compte Rendu Acad. of Sciences U.S.S.R, ser. A, Math-Phys-Tech, N° 11, Kiev, 1983

  • International  Journal. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, American Mathematical Society, 1984, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2008.

  • Cahiers Mathématiques, 1987, 1988.

  • Séminaire Mathématique de Rouen, Ed. C.N.R.S., 1990.

- International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Springer Verlag - Kluwer, N.Y., 2005, 2008.

  • Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Berlin, 2003.

  • International Journal  Theory of Stochastic Process, 2004.

  • International Journal  MMOR (Mathematical Method of Operations Research), Springer Ed., 2006, 

  • International Journal Pliska Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 2005, 2007.

  • F.E. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007

- International Journal SAA (Stochastic Analysis and Applications), Taylors and Francis Ed., 2008.

- International Journal LAA (Linear Algebra and its Applications), Elsevier Ed., 2008.

- International Journal ORL (Operation Research Letters), Elsevier Ed., 2008.

- International Journal SM (Stochastic Models), Francis and Taylor Ed., 2008.


II - Applied Mathematics


Review's papers


- Journal of Technology,  1987, 1997.

- Revue de la Maintenance 1991

- Annales Maghrébines de l'Ingénieur, 1991, 1992

- Technologies Avancées 1992, 1993.

- International Journal of Production Economic, Elsevier Ed., 2005

- Revue Les Cahiers de l'INRE., 2002.

- eWIC Review, British Computer Society Ed., 2007. ISSN: 1477 - 9358.

- IEEE Multidisciplinary Engineering Education Magazine, 2008.

- International Journal S.A.J. (Scandinavian Actuarial Journal), Francis and Taylor Ed., 2008.


Book's papers 

  • In the Book Integrating Technology and Human Decisions : Global Bridges into the 21st Century, Athens, Greece, July 1999.

  • In the Book Mathematical Methods on Reliability, Helge Langseth and Bo Lindqvist Editeurs, N.T.N.U. Ed., Trondheim (Norway), June 2002.  

  • In the Book “Organisation et Conduite d'Activités dans l'Industrie et les Services”, Yves Dallery, Jean-Claude Hennet et Pierre Lopez Editeurs, SCS - European Publishing House  (ISBN 3 - 936150 - 24 - 9), Toulouse, 2003, pp. 415 - 419.

  • In the Book Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Hsing-Wei Chu, Michael Savoie and Belkis Sanchez Editors, Austin (U.S.A.), 2004, ISBN: 980-6560-17-5.

  • In the Book Le Système National d'Information Economique S.N.I.E : Etat et Perspectives, Cerist Ed., Alger, 2006, ISBN : 9961 809 025.


- In the Book “Performance Evaluation, Methodologies and Tools”, ICST and ACM Ed., 2007. ISBN: 978-963-9799-00-4. 

  • In the Book “Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences”, H.A. Le Thi, P. Bouvry and T. Pham Dinh (Eds), series CCIS 14 (Communications in Computer and Information Sciences), Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2008


V - Book's Editor 

  • Reliability Models and Engineering Sciences I, Lamos Ed., Béjaia, 1988, 163 pages  [cf. Revue de la Maintenance N° 1, 1988, pp. 27 - 28]. 

  • Applied Mathematics for Industrial Textile, Lamos Ed., Béjaia, 1991, 142 pages  [cf. Textile sur logiciel, In « le Pays » N° 21, Septembre 1991, pp. 18]. 

  • Methods and Tools of Decision-Making Aid I, Béjaia, 1992, 2 Volumes 737 pages [cf. Revue Matapli (Société Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles), N° 35, Paris, Juillet 1993, pp. 71 - 72]. 

  • Reliability Models and Engineering Sciences II, E.M.P  Ed., Bordj-el-Bahri, 1998, 158 pages [cf. Revue MATAPLI (Société Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles), N° 54, Paris, Avril 1998,  pp. 65 - 66]. 

  • Banques de Données et Traitement Statistiques, Lamos Ed., Béjaia, 2003, 52 pages [cf. Revue Campus de l'Université de Tizi Ouzou, n° 01, Janvier 2006, pp. 21 - 27]. 

  • Séminaire Mathématique de Béjaïa, Compte Rendu des séances 2002 - 2003, Lamos Ed., Décembre 2003, 46 pages (voir également les numéros de 2003/2004, 2004/2005, 2005/2006, 2006/2007 et 2007/2008]. 

  • Stochastic and Statistic Modeling, Algiers, U.S.T.H.B. Ed., 2004, 300 pages. 

  • Methods and Tools of Decision-Making Aid II, Lamos Ed., Béjaia, 2007, 854 pages. ISBN: 978-9947-1958-0. [cf. Dépêches de l'A.P.S. en date des 19 et 21 novembre 2007]. 

VI - Books 

  • The Electrical Reliability , Lamos Ed., Béjaïa, 2003, 121 pages. 

  • Analysis, Optimization and Stochastic Models, LAMOS Ed., Béjaïa, Avril 2004, 200 pages.