Konstantin G. Arbeev
Ph. Doctor
Duke University,
Trent Hall, Room 002, Box 90408
Durham, NC 27708,
Tel.: (+1) 919-668-2707
Fax: (+1) 919-684-3861
Date of Birth: April
29, 1973
Russia (a Lawful Permanent Resident of the United States of America
since April 2006)
Marital Status:
married, three children
1999 Ph.D. in
Mathematics and Physics (emphasized in: Theoretical bases of
mathematical modeling, numerical methods and programming), Ulyanovsk
State University, Russia.
Dissertation: [Stochastic models of markets of homogeneous assets:
Strategies of optimal investment, estimation of parameters] (in Russian)
1995 M.S. (Master’s degree in Applied Mathematics),
Moscow State University n. a. M.V. Lomonosov, Russia
2006-present research scientist, senior research scientist (since
July 2008),
Center for
Population Health and Aging and Sociology Department,
Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
2004-2006 research scientist, Center
for Demographic Studies at Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
2002-2003 post-doctoral fellow at
Laboratory of Advanced Statistical Methods, Max Planck
for Demographic
Research, Rostock, Germany
2000-2002 post-doctoral fellow at
Laboratory of Survival and Longevity, Max Planck
for Demographic Research,
Rostock, Germany
1999-2000 guest researcher at
Laboratory of Advanced Statistical Methods, Max Plank Institute of
Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany
1999-2000 assistant professor,
Department of Applied Mathematics, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia
1999-2000 system programmer,
of Applied Mathematics, Ulyanovsk State University, Russia
1995-1999 system
programmer, Department of Information
Technologies, Incombank, Ulyanovsk, Russia
1995-1998 PhD student at Ulyanovsk
State University (Theoretical bases of mathematical modeling, numerical
methods and programming)
1990-1995 student at Moscow State
University (branch in Ulyanovsk), Mechanical and Mathematical Faculty,
Ulyanovsk, Russia
2000-2002 postdoctoral scholarship from Max Planck Society for
research at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock,
2000-2001 Max Planck Society fellowship for International Max
Planck Research School for Demography, Winter Semester 2000/2001
Russian Foundation for Basic Research)
grant for “Investigation of the
asymptotic behavior of the distributions of normalized multivariate
processes and random walks in random environments” (investigator)
1998 RFH (Russian Foundation for the Humanities) grant
for study in Mathematical Finance (investigator)
1995 Diploma of Excellence, Moscow State University
(branch in Ulyanovsk)
2000 Advanced Topics in the Theory of Random Processes (Ulyanovsk
State University)
Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory for Economists and
Sociologists (Ulyanovsk State University)
Financial Mathematics (Ulyanovsk State University)
Mathematical Statistics (Ulyanovsk
State University)
2002-2003 Development of mathematical and computer models of aging
and mortality appropriate for the analysis of statistical data on
related and unrelated individuals, data from stress experiments with
laboratory subjects, as well as data from longitudinal studies of aging
2001-2002 Multivariate frailty models applied to twin data
2001-2002 Mortality surfaces in demography
2001-2002 Math models applied to cancer epidemiology
2001 Statistical methods in palaeodemography
2000-2001 Math models of individual and population aging
1999-2000 Stress and aging
1999-2000 Investigation of the asymptotic behavior of the
distributions of normalized multivariate processes and random walks in
random environments
1998-2000 Metabolic rate and aging in insects
1998-2000 Metabolic rate and human aging
1998-2000 Stress, heterogeneity and hormesis
1998 Mathematical finance
Member of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES)
Member of the Population Association of America (PAA)
Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences
Mathematical Biosciences
Theoretical Population Biology
Human Genomics
International Max Planck Research School for Demography, Winter Semester
2000/2001 (Certificates in: Formal Demography, Mathematical Modeling of
Aging and Mortality, Analysis of Population Changes and Differences, and
Population Forecasting)
SAS, R, SPSS, Maple, Mathematica, aML (advanced event history analysis
including heterogeneity models), WinBUGS (Bayesian methods), Lexis
(mortality surfaces visualization), Lipro
(demographic forecasts)
MATLAB, Python, C, C++, Pascal
Database Management:
FoxPro, MS Access
Family Products:
MS Office, Open Office
Editing and Typesetting:
Operating Systems:
MS-DOS, MS Windows (95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0, XP, Vista)
Russian (native)
English (speak, read and write fluently)
German (read and translate with vocabulary)
Arbeev K.G.
(1996) [Estimation of parameters in a system of stochastic equations of
diffusion type]. In: Melnikov B.F. (Ed.) “Fundamental Problems in
Mathematics and Mechanics.” Ulyanovsk: ULGU, vol. 2, pp. 7-8 (in
Arbeev K.G.
(1997) [One algorithm of construction of optimal basis in multiply
connected diffusion type systems]. In: Melnikov B.F. (Ed.)
“Fundamental Problems in Mathematics and Mechanics.” Ulyanovsk:
ULGU, vol. 3, pp. 5-8 (in Russian).
Arbeev K.G.
(1998) [Algorithm of construction of optimal orthogonal system of
contingent claims]. In: Andreev A.S. (Ed.) “Fundamental Problems in
Mathematics and Mechanics.” Ulyanovsk: ULGU, vol. 5 (1), pp. 13-18
(in Russian).
Arbeev K.G.
(1999) [Limit theorems for parameter estimators in systems of equations
of diffusion type]. In: Romankov V.A. (Ed.) “Combinatorial and
computing methods in mathematics.” Omsk: OmGU, pp. 35-51 (in
Arbeev K.G.
(1999) [One mathematical model of Russian financial market]. In: Andreev
A.S. (Ed.) “Fundamental Problems in Mathematics and Mechanics.”
Ulyanovsk: ULGU, vol. 6 (1), pp. 18-23 (in Russian).
Butov A.A., Arbeev K.G., Jdanov
D.A., Volkov M.A., Nosova A.E. (2000) [Stochastic model of metabolism
based on separation of protein and carbohydrate food components].
Bulletin of Ulyanovsk State Technical University 3: 15-17 (in
Russian). N.B.: table of contents of the journal is available online,
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., De Benedictis G., Anisimov V.N., Butov
A.A., Arbeev K.G., Jdanov D.A., Boiko S.I., Begun A.Z., Bonafe
M., Franceschi C. (2001) Have the oldest old adults ever been frail in
the past? A hypothesis that explains modern trends in survival.
Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 56A (10): B432-B442.
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Boiko S.I., Arbeev K.G. (2002)
Individual aging and mortality rate: How are they related? Social
Biology 49 (3-4): 206-217.
Anisimov V.N., Arbeev K.G., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinksi M.A.,
Rosenfeld S.V., Piskunova T.S., Arbeeva L.S., Semenchenko A.V., Yashin
A.I. (2004) Body weight is not always a good predictor of longevity in
mice. Experimental Gerontology 39 (3): 305–319.
Arbeev K.G.,
Butov A.A., Manton K.G., Sannikov I.A., Yashin A.I. (2004) Disability
trends in gender and race groups of early retirement ages in USA.
Social and Preventive Medicine 49 (2): 142-151.
Anisimov V.N., Arbeev K.G., Popovich I.G., Zabezhinksi M.A.,
Arbeeva L.S., Yashin A.I. (2004) Is early life body weight a predictor
of longevity and tumor risk in rats? Experimental Gerontology 39
(5): 807-816.
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Michalsky A.I., Yashin A.I. (2004)
Antiaging treatments have been legally prescribed for approximately
thirty years. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1019:
Arbeev K.G.,
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeeva L.S., Yashin A.I. (2005) Mathematical models
for human cancer incidence rates. Demographic Research 12:
Arbeev K.G.,
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeeva L.S., Yashin A.I. (2005) Decline in human
cancer incidence rates at old ages: Age-period-cohort considerations.
Demographic Research 12: 273-300.
Wienke A., Arbeev K.G., Locatelli I., Yashin A.I. (2005) A
comparison of different bivariate correlated frailty models and
estimation strategies. Mathematical Biosciences 198: 1-13.
Arbeev K.G.,
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeeva L.S., Yashin A.I. (2006) Difference between
male and female cancer incidence rates: How can it be explained? In:
Nikulin M., Commenges D., Huber C. (Eds.) “Probability, Statistics
and Modelling in Public Health.” Springer-Verlag: New York, pp.
Weisman N.Ya., Arbeev K.G., Golubovsky M.D. (2006) [A decrease in
the dose of the lgl tumor suppressor increases life span of
Drosophila in stress and is related to the maternal effect].
Doklady Akademii Nauk 406 (1): 134-138 (in Russian).
Weisman N.Ya., Arbeev K.G., Golubovsky M.D. (2006) A decrease in
the dose of the lgl tumor suppressor increases life span of
Drosophila in stress and is related to the maternal effect.
Doklady Biological Sciences 406: 37-40.
Ukraintseva S., Sloan F., Arbeev K., Yashin A. (2006) Increasing
rates of dementia at time of declining mortality from stroke. Stroke
37 (5): 1155-1159.
Golubovsky M.D., Weisman N.Y., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Yashin A.I. (2006) Decrease in the lgl tumor suppressor dose in
Drosophila increases survival and longevity in stress conditions.
Experimental Gerontology 41 (9): 819-827.
Kulminski A., Yashin A., Ukraintseva S., Akushevich I., Arbeev K.,
Land K., Manton K. (2006) Accumulation of health disorders as a systemic
measure of aging: Findings from the NLTCS data. Mechanisms of Ageing
and Development 127 (11): 840–848.
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I.V., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich L.,
Ukraintseva S.V., Kulminski A. (2006) Insights on aging and exceptional
longevity from longitudinal data: Novel findings from the Framingham
Heart Study. AGE 28 (4): 363-374.
Kulminski A., Yashin A., Arbeev K., Akushevich I., Ukraintseva
S., Land K., Manton K. (2007) Cumulative index of health disorders as an
indicator of aging-associated processes in the elderly: Results from
analyses of the National Long Term Care Survey. Mechanisms of Ageing
and Development 128 (3): 250–258.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Kulminski A., Akushevich I., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) Cumulative index of elderly disorders and
its dynamic contribution to mortality and longevity. Rejuvenation
Research 10 (1): 75-86.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) The accuracy of
statistical estimates in genetic studies of aging can be significantly
improved. Biogerontology 8 (3): 243-255.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Kulminski A., Akushevich I., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) Health decline, aging and mortality: How are
they related? Biogerontology 8 (3): 291-302.
Kulminski A.M., Ukraintseva S.V., Akushevich I.V., Arbeev K.G.,
Yashin A.I. (2007) Cumulative index of health deficiencies as a
characteristic of long life. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society 55 (6): 935–940.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) Stochastic model for analysis of
longitudinal data on aging and mortality. Mathematical Biosciences
208 (2): 538-551.
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S.V., Akushevich I., Arbeev K.G., Land
K., Yashin A.I. (2007) Accelerated accumulation of health deficits as a
characteristic of aging. Experimental Gerontology 42 (10):
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Yashin A.I. (2008) Chapter 5:
Epidemiology of hormone-associated cancers as a reflection of age. In:
Berstein L.M., Santen R.J. (Eds.) “Innovative Endocrinology of Cancer.”
Springer series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume
630. Landes Bioscience/Springer: New York, pp. 57-71. See chapter online
Kulminski A.M., Arbeev K.G., Kulminskaya I.V., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Land K., Akushevich I., Yashin A.I. (2008) Body mass index and nine-year
mortality in disabled and nondisabled older U.S. individuals. Journal
of the American Geriatrics Society 56 (1): 105-110.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2008) Model of hidden heterogeneity in
longitudinal data. Theoretical Population Biology 73 (1): 1-10.
Kulminski A.M., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Manton K.G.,
Oshima J., Martin G.M., Il'yasova D., Yashin A.I. (2008)
Health-protective and adverse effects of the Apolipoprotein E
allele in older men. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
56 (3): 478-483.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Kulminski A., Akushevich I., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2008) What age trajectories of cumulative deficits
and medical costs tell us about individual aging and mortality risk:
Findings from the NLTCS-Medicare data. Mechanisms of Aging and
Development 129 (4): 191-200.
Kulminski A.M., Ukraintseva S.V., Kulminskaya I.V., Arbeev K.G.,
Land K., Yashin A.I. (2008) Cumulative deficits better characterize
susceptibility to death in elderly people than phenotypic frailty:
Lessons from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society 56 (5): 898-903.
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Manton K.G., Oshima
J., Martin G.M., Yashin A.I. (2008) Association between APOE
polymorphism and disability severity in a national long term care survey
sample. Age and Ageing 37 (3): 288–293.
Kulminski A.M., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V., Culminskaya I.V.,
Land K., Yashin A.I. (2008) Changes in health status among participants
of the Framingham Heart Study from the 1960s to the 1990s: Application
of an index of cumulative deficits. Annals of Epidemiology 18
(9): 696-701.
Kulminski A.M., Ukraintseva S.V., Culminskaya I.V., Arbeev K.G.,
Land K.C., Akushevich L., Yashin A.I. (2008) Cumulative deficits and
physiological indices as predictors of mortality and long life.
Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 63A (10): 1053-1059.
Kulminski A.M., Culminskaya I.V., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G.,
Land K.C., Yashin A.I. (2008) Sex-specific health deterioration and
mortality: the morbidity-mortality paradox over age and time.
Experimental Gerontology 43 (12): 1052-1057.
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Akushevich I.V., Arbeev K.G.,
Kulminski A., Akushevich L. (2009) Trade-off between cancer and aging:
What role do other diseases play? Evidence from experimental and human
population studies. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 130
(1-2): 98-104.
Kulminski A.M., Arbeev K.G., Culminskaya I.V., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Christensen K., Yashin A.I. (2009) Health-related phenotypes and
longevity in Danish twins. Journal of Gerontology: Biological
Sciences 64A (1): 1-8.
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I., Arbeev K., Akushevich L., Kulminski
A., Ukraintseva S. (2009) Studying health histories of cancer: A new
model connecting cancer incidence and survival. Mathematical
Biosciences 218 (2): 88-97.
Arbeev K.G.,
Akushevich I., Kulminski A.M., Arbeeva L.S., Akushevich L., Ukraintseva
S.V., Culminskaya I.V., Yashin A.I. (2009) Genetic model for
longitudinal studies of aging, health, and longevity and its potential
application to incomplete data. Journal of Theoretical Biology
258 (1): 103-111.
Arbeev K.G.
(1998) [Limit theorems for parameter estimations in systems of diffusion
type equations]. International Conference on Combinatorial and Computing
Methods in Mathematics, Omsk, Russia, August 28-31, 1998 (poster). Paper
is published in: Romankov V.A. (Ed.) (1999) “Combinatorial and
computing methods in mathematics.” Omsk: OmGU, pp. 35-51 (in
Arbeev K.G.
(1998) [On the problem of optimal strategy in construction of assets
portfolios]. 5th All-Russian Colloquium-School on Stochastic
Methods, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, December 6-12, 1998 (talk). See abstract
in Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics 5 (2): 196-197
(in Russian).
Arbeev K.G.,
Butov A.A., Jdanov D.A. (2000) A stochastic approach in modeling and
investigation of hormesis. 2nd European Congress on
Biogerontology, St. Petersburg, Russia, August 25-28, 2000 (poster). See
abstract in Advances in Gerontology 5: 32-33. See abstract online
Arbeev K.G.,
Butov A.A., Jdanov D.A. (2000) [Estimations of ruin probabilities in
models of insurance upon "heavy losses"]. 7th All-Russian
Colloquium-School on Stochastic Methods, Tuapse-Sochi, Russia, October
1-6, 2000 (poster). See abstract in Review of Applied and Industrial
Mathematics 7 (2): 470 (in Russian). N.B.: table of contents is
available online, see
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Boiko S.I. (2002) How
can age patterns of cancer incidence and mortality rates be explained?
Population Association of America 2002 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA,
May 9-11, 2002 (talk). See abstract online at
Ukraintseva S.V.,
Yashin A.I.,
Arbeev K.G (2002)
Cancer and aging
in the light of recent findings from epidemiological and experimental
biological studies. 3rd European Congress of
Biogerontology, Florence, Italy, November 8-11, 2002 (poster). See
abstract in Biogerontology 3 (Suppl. 1): 115-116.
Yashin A.I., Wienke A., Arbeev K.G., Boiko S.I., Semenchenko A.,
Ukraintseva S.V. (2003) Survival models in aging studies of biological
systems. International Conference on Reliability and Survival Analysis
(ICRSA2003), Columbia, SC, USA, May 21-24, 2003 (talk). See abstract
online at
(p. 55)
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Michalsky A.I., Yashin A.I. (2003)
Anti-aging treatments have been legally prescribed since about 30 years.
International Association of Biomedical Gerontology 10th
Congress (IABG 10), Queens’ College, Cambridge, England, September
19-23, 2003 (poster). See abstract in:
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Michalsky A.I.,
Yashin A.I. (2003) For about 30 years anti-aging treatments have been
legally prescribed. Biogerontology 4 (Suppl. 1): 96.
Arbeev K.G.,
Michalski A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Yashin A.I. (2004) Relationship
between disability and risk of death at advanced ages: Results from the
NLTCS. Biodemography of Survival and Longevity Meeting, Duke University,
Durham, NC, USA, March 11-13, 2004 (talk).
Arbeev K.G.,
Semenchenko A.V., Anisimov V.N., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeeva L.S., Yashin
A.I. (2004) Relationship between cancer and aging: Experimental evidence
and mathematical modeling considerations. Population Association of
America 2004 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, April 1-3, 2004 (poster).
See abstract online at
Yashin A.I., Michalski A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G. (2004)
Morbidity, disability and longevity: In search of connection. The
National Long Term Care Survey – Spotlight on Research, Fall Conference,
Washington, DC, USA, November 22, 2004 (talk).
Yashin A.I., Martin G.M., Arbeev K.G., Oshima J., Ukraintseva
S.V., Huang H., Hanson E. (2004) Genetics of health and disability from
NLTCS data: Effects of APOE alleles. The National Long Term Care
Survey – Spotlight on Research, Fall Conference, Washington, DC, USA,
November 22, 2004 (talk).
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev
K.G., Huang H., Hanson E. (2005) Genetics of aging, health,
disability and longevity: A statistical modeling perspective. Population
Association of America 2005 Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, USA, March
31 – April 2, 2005 (talk). See abstract online at
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I., Arbeev K.G., Kulminski A.,
Ukraintseva S.V. (2005) Mathematical models for biodemographic
applications: Advantages and limitations of longitudinal data. Workshop
on Mathematical and Statistical Models in the Biodemography of Aging,
Berkeley, CA, USA, June 6-8, 2005 (talk). See abstract online at
Golubovski M.D., Weisman N.Y., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Yashin A.I. (2005) Tumor suppressor mutants of Drosophila live
longer in stressful conditions and this effect is strengthened by
epigenetic inheritance from mothers. Environmental Epigenomics,
Imprinting and Disease Susceptibility (poster). Duke University/NIEHS
conference, Durham, NC, USA, November 2-4, 2005.
Michalski A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Yashin A.I. (2005)
Investigation of old age mortality structure in the presence of
co-morbidity. European Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention
(Learning From the Past – Planning for the Future), Helsinki, Finland,
December 8-10, 2005 (poster). See abstract online at
(p. 60)
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Yashin A.I. (2006) Factors
favoring both longevity and cancer risk in developed countries. Cancer
and the Environment Conference at Duke. Environmental Sentinels for
Human Disease (poster). Durham, NC, USA, March 30-31, 2006.
Kulminski A., Akushevich I., Land K.,
Arbeev K.G. (2006) Cumulative index of age-associated health
disorders as a major indicator of aging processes and mortality risks in
elderly populations: Results from analyses of the National Long-Term
Care Survey. Population Association of America 2006 Annual Meeting, Los
Angeles, CA, USA, March 30 – April 1, 2006 (talk). See paper online at
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I.V., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich L.,
Ukraintseva S.V. (2006) The secrets of long life from longitudinal data.
Population Association of America 2006 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA,
USA, March 30 – April 1, 2006 (talk). See abstract online at
Ukraintseva S., Golubovsky M., Weisman N., Arbeev K., Yashin A.
(2006) Drosophilas deficient in tumor suppressor survive better
stressful conditions: possible involvement of apoptosis. The 35th
American Aging Association Annual Meeting “Interventions in Aging and
Age-related Disease: The Present and Future,” Boston, MA, USA, June 2-5,
2006 (poster). See abstract in AGE 28 (1): 67-68.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Kulminski
A., Akushevich I., Akushevich L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2006) Health
decline, aging and mortality: How are they related? International
Conference on “Statistical Latent Variables Models in the Health
Sciences,” Perugia, Italy, September 6-8, 2006 (talk). See presentation
online at
Yashin A.I., Kovtun M., Akushevich I.,
Arbeev K.G. (2006) Consistency of parameter estimates in the GoM
like latent structure models. In: Abstracts of the International
Conference on “Statistical Latent Variables Models in the Health
Sciences”, Perugia, Italy, September 6-8, 2006, pp. 115-118. See
abstract online at
Yashin A., Arbeev K., Ukraintseva S. (2006) Combining genetic and
non-genetic data improves the quality of conclusions in genetic studies
of aging and longevity. The Gerontological Society of America’s 59th
Annual Scientific Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, November 16-20, 2006
(poster). See abstract in The Gerontologist 46 (Sp. Iss. 1): 137.
Arbeev K.,
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S., Yashin A., Akushevich I., Akushevich L.
(2006) Evaluating effects of senescence from longitudinal data:
Statistical modeling perspective. The Gerontological Society of
America’s 59th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA,
November 16-20, 2006 (talk). See abstract in The Gerontologist 46
(Sp. Iss. 1): 380.
Kulminski A., Yashin A., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Land K.,
Akushevich I. (2006) Accumulation of health disorders as a determinant
of physiological aging. The Gerontological Society of America’s 59th
Annual Scientific Meeting, Dallas, TX, USA, November 16-20, 2006 (talk).
See abstract in The Gerontologist 46 (Sp. Iss. 1): 565.
Yashin A., Akushevich I., Arbeev K., Akushevich L., Kulminski A.,
Ukraintseva S. (2006) Evaluating effects of senescence on risks of
disease and death: Statistical modeling perspective. The Gerontological
Society of America’s 59th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dallas,
TX, USA, November 16-20, 2006 (poster). See abstract in The
Gerontologist 46 (Sp. Iss. 1): 518-519.
Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Yashin A.I. (2007) Factors
favoring both cancer risk and longevity in developed countries.
Translational Research at the Aging and Cancer Interface. AACR
Conference, San-Diego, CA, USA, February 20-23, 2007 (poster). See
abstract online at
Akushevich I., Veremeeva G., Yashin A., Manton K.G., Kulminski A.,
Kovtun M., Kravchenko J., Akleev A.V., Ukraintseva S., Akushevich L.,
Arbeev K. (2007) New perspectives in modeling of IR induced
carcinogenesis. North Carolina Health Physics Society spring 2007
Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA, February 22-23, 2007 (talk). See
presentation online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) Connecting fundamental concepts of human
aging: A statistical modeling perspective. Population Association of
America 2007 Annual Meeting, New York, NY, USA, March 29-31, 2007
(talk). See paper online at
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S.V., Akushevich I., Arbeev K.G.,
Yashin A.I. (2007) Cumulative index of health disorders and longevity.
Population Association of America 2007 Annual Meeting, New York, NY,
USA, March 29-31, 2007 (talk). See paper online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Akushevich L., Kulminski
A., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) Incorporating fundamental properties of
ageing to models of longitudinal data. VI European Congress of the
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 5-8, 2007 (talk). See abstract in
Advances in Gerontology 20 (3): 323.
Akushevich I., Veremeeva G., Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K.,
Akleyev A.V., Yashin A. (2007) New perspectives in modeling of
carcinogenesis induced by ionizing radiation. The 13th
International Congress of Radiation Research (ICRR 2007), San Francisco,
CA, USA, July 8-12, 2007 (poster). See abstract in The 13th
International Congress of Radiation Research. Abstract Book: p. 246.
The abstract book is available online at
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Akushevich I., Arbeev K.G.,
Kulminski A., Akushevich L. (2007) Biodemography of cancer and aging:
Statistical modeling perspective. SENECA 2007 European Conference on
Cancer and Ageing, Warsaw, Poland, October 4-6, 2007 (talk). See
abstract in Acta Biochimica Polonica 54 (Suppl. 5): 2.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V., Kulminski A.,
Akushevich I., Akushevich L. (2007) Studying Aging, Health and Longevity
from Longitudinal Data. The 5th Annual National Academies
Keck Futures Initiative Conference “The Future of Human Healthspan:
Demography, Evolution, Medicine, and Bioengineering,”
Irvine, CA, USA, November 14-16,
2007 (poster). See web site of the conference:
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Yashin A. (2007)
Dualism of the Apolipoprotein
genetic variants in older males. The Gerontological Society of America’s
60th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA,
November 16-20, 2007 (talk). Abstract is published in The
Gerontologist 47 (Sp. Iss. 1): 644-645. See abstract online at
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Yashin A.
(2007) Is the Apolipoprotein e2 allele protective of health in aging
males? The Gerontological Society of America’s 60th Annual
Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 16-20, 2007
(poster). Abstract is published in The Gerontologist 47 (Sp. Iss.
1): 277. See abstract online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) What longitudinal data tell us about aging
and life span determination. The Gerontological Society of America’s 60th
Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 16-20, 2007
(talk). Abstract is published in The Gerontologist 47 (Sp. Iss.
1): 645. See abstract online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Akushevich
L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2007) Dynamic connection between aging related
health decline, medical cost and mortality. The Gerontological Society
of America’s 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, USA, November 16-20, 2007 (poster). Abstract is published in The
Gerontologist 47 (Sp. Iss. 1): 296-297. See abstract online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V., Kulminski A.,
Akushevich I., Akushevich L. (2007) Redefining physiological norms to
minimize mortality risk in the elderly. The Gerontological Society of
America’s 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
USA, November 16-20, 2007 (talk). Abstract is published in The
Gerontologist 47 (Sp. Iss. 1): 402. See abstract online at
Kulminski A.M., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V., Kulminskaya I.V.,
Akushevich I. (2008) Changes in health among the participants of the
Framingham Heart Study from 1960s to 1990s: Application for an index of
cumulative deficits. Population Association of America 2008 Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, April 17-19, 2008 (talk). See paper
online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich
I., Akushevich L. (2008) Model of hidden heterogeneity in longitudinal
data. Population Association of America 2008 Annual Meeting, New
Orleans, LA, USA, April 17-19, 2008 (talk). See paper online at
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I.V., Kulminski A.,
Akushevich L., Culminskaya I., Arbeeva L., Ukraintseva S.V. (2008) Age
trajectories of physiological state and factors affecting them: What do
they tell us about aging and longevity? American Aging Association – 37th
Annual Meeting “The Role of Genes, Environment and Chance in Determining
Aging,” Boulder, CO, USA, May 30 - June 2, 2008 (talk).
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Culminskaya I.V.,
Akushevich I., Kulminski A. (2008) Trade-off effects of ACE D/I
polymorphism on disease risks, physiological indices, and survival.
American Aging Association – 37th Annual Meeting “The Role of
Genes, Environment and Chance in Determining Aging,” Boulder, CO, USA,
May 30 - June 2, 2008 (poster).
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Culminskaya I.V.,
Akushevich I.V., Kulminski A. (2008) Effects of APOE e2/e3/e4
polymorphism suggest trade-offs between risk factors for CVD. American
Aging Association – 37th Annual Meeting “The Role of Genes,
Environment and Chance in Determining Aging,” Boulder, CO, USA, May 30 -
June 2, 2008 (poster).
Kulminski A.M., Arbeev K.G.,
Ukraintseva S.V., Culminskaya I.V., Land K., Yashin A.I. (2008) Changes
in health deterioration among participants of the Framingham Heart Study
from the 1960s to the 1990s. The 2008 European Population Conference,
Barcelona, Spain, July 9-12, 2008 (poster). See paper online at:
Akushevich I., Veremeyeva G., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Akleyev
A.V., Yashin A.I. (2008) A new model of short- and long-term effects of
exposure to ionizing radiation in hematopoietic system of humans. The 36th
Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, Tours,
France, September 1-4, 2008 (poster).
Abstract published in
43 (5): 90-91.
Arbeev K.G.,
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I., Kulminski A.M., Arbeeva L.S., Akushevich L.,
Ukraintseva S.V. (2008) Stochastic model for joint analysis of genetic
and non-genetic data from longitudinal studies of aging, health and
longevity. IGES 2008: The 17th Annual Meeting of the
International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES), St. Louis, Missouri,
USA, September 15-16, 2008 (poster). Abstract is published in Genetic
Epidemiology 32 (7): 678-678.
Matteini A.M., Fallin M.D., Kammerer C.M., Schupf N., Yashin A.I.,
Mayeux R., Arbeev K.G., Hadley E.C., Newman A.B., Walston J.D.
(2008) Endophenotypes of pulmonary and physical function are heritable
in the Long Life Family Study. IGES 2008: The 17th Annual
Meeting of the International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES), St.
Louis, Missouri, USA, September 15-16, 2008 (poster). Abstract is
published in Genetic Epidemiology 32 (7): 706-707.
Yashin A.I., Culminskaya I.V., Arbeev K.G., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Akushevich I., Kulminski A. (2008) Effects of ACE D/I polymorphism and
11 SNPs heterozygosity in the same gene on health risks in Framingham
Study. IGES 2008: The 17th Annual Meeting of the
International Genetic Epidemiology Society (IGES), St. Louis, Missouri,
USA, September 15-16, 2008 (poster). Abstract is published in Genetic
Epidemiology 32 (7): 722-722.
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Culminskaya I.V.,
Akushevich I., Kulminski A. (2008) Interacting effects of ACE D/I
polymorphism and smoking on health risks in Framingham Study. IGES 2008:
The 17th Annual Meeting of the International Genetic
Epidemiology Society (IGES), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, September 15-16,
2008 (poster). Abstract is published in Genetic Epidemiology 32
(7): 722-723.
Akushevich I., Veremeyeva G., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Akleyev
A.V., Yashin A.I. (2008) A new stochastic model of carcinogenesis
induced by ionizing radiation and the concept of breaking barrier cell
mechanisms. The 12th International Congress of the
International Radiation Protection Association, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
October 19-24, 2008 (poster).
Akushevich I., Akushevich L., Kravchenko J., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev
K., Yashin A.I. (2008) Place of behavior risk factors in cancer risk
of the U.S. elderly population. 7th Annual AACR International
Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, National Harbor,
MD, USA, November 16-19, 2008 (poster).
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I., Arbeev K., Akushevich L., Kulminski
A., Ukraintseva S. (2008) Capturing connection between aging and
aging-associated diseases: The case of cancer. 7th Annual
AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention
Research, National Harbor, MD, USA, November 16-19, 2008 (poster).
Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Yashin A.
(2008) Dependencies between cancer and other major disorders of the
elderly. 7th Annual AACR International Conference on
Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, National Harbor, MD, USA,
November 16-19, 2008 (poster).
Arbeev K.G.,
Ukraintseva S.V., Akushevich I., Kulminski A.M., Arbeeva L.S.,
Akushevich L., Culminskaya I.V., Yashin A.I. (2008) Trade-off between
cancer and aging: inferences from experimental and human population
studies. Amazon Project, the 7th Biennial International
Conference, Palermo, Italy, November 17-22, 2008 (talk, invited
Kulminski A., Ukraintseva S., Culminskaya I., Arbeev K., Land
K., Akushevich L., Yashin A. (2008) Cumulative deficit indices better
predict mortality and long life then physiological risk factors. 61st
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America
“Resilience in an Aging Society: Risks and Opportunities,” National
Harbor, MD, USA, November 21-25, 2008 (talk).
Kulminski A.M., Culminskaya I., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Land
K., Yashin A. (2008) Gender-Specific Health Deterioration and Mortality:
The Morbidity-Mortality Paradox over Age and Time. 61st
Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America
“Resilience in an Aging Society: Risks and Opportunities,” National
Harbor, MD, USA, November 21-25, 2008 (talk). Abstract is published in
The Gerontologist 48 (Sp. Iss. 3): 544.
Yashin A., Arbeev K., Kulminski A., Christensen K., Borecki I.,
Lee J., Elo I., Terry L., Hadley E., Rossi W., Cheng R. (2008)
Predicting parental longevity from offspring endophenotypes using data
from the Long Life Family Study. 61st Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America “Resilience in an Aging
Society: Risks and Opportunities,” National Harbor, MD, USA, November
21-25, 2008 (poster). Abstract is published in The Gerontologist
48 (Sp. Iss. 3): 492-493.
Yashin A., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Akushevich I., Culminskaya
I., Kulminski A. (2008) Capturing systemic aspects of aging related
changes in human: from data to model. 61st Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America “Resilience in an Aging
Society: Risks and Opportunities,” National Harbor, MD, USA, November
21-25, 2008 (talk). Abstract is published in The Gerontologist 48
(Sp. Iss. 3): 161.
Yashin A.I., Arbeev K.G., Akushevich I., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Culminskaya I.V., Kulminski A. (2009) Trajectories of physiological
aging and their role in health and longevity: the case of Framingham
data. Gordon Research Conference on Biology of Aging, Ventura, CA, USA,
February 15-20, 2009 (poster).
Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Akushevich I., Kulminski A., Yashin A.
(2009) Trade-offs between cancer and other diseases: Role in aging and
longevity. Molecular Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Diseases
(Second International Neurodegeneration Meeting). Puerto Vallarta,
Mexico, March 3-6, 2009 (poster).
Yashin A.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Arbeev K.G., Kulminski A., Arbeeva
L., Culminskaya I.V. (2009) Biodemography of exceptional survival:
Lessons from longitudinal data. Population Association of America 2009
Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI, USA, April 30 – May 2, 2009 (talk). See
paper online at
Arbeev K.G.,
Arbeeva L., Ukraintseva S.V., Culminskaya I.V. (2009) Genetic model for
longitudinal studies of aging, health, and longevity and its application
to Framingham Heart Study data. Population Association of America 2009
Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI, USA, April 30 – May 2, 2009 (poster). See
extended abstract online at
Akushevich I., Veremeyeva G., Dimov G., Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K.,
Akleyev A.V., Yashin A.I. (2009) Modeling interrelation of short- and
long-term health effects in hematopoietic system of humans chronically
exposed to ionizing radiation. Late Health Effects of Ionizing
Radiation: Bridging the Experimental and Epidemiologic Divide.
Washington, DC, USA, May 4-6, 2009 (poster).
Akushevich I., Veremeyeva G., Dimov G.,
Ukraintseva S., Arbeev K., Akleyev A.V., Yashin A.I. (2009)
Modeling deterministic effects in hematopoietic system caused by chronic
exposure to ionizing radiation in large human cohorts. 10th
International Conference on the Health Effects of Incorporated
Radionuclides (HEIR 2009). Santa Fe, NM, USA, May 10-14, 2009 (poster).
Yashin A.I., Akushevich I., Ukraintseva S.V.,
Arbeev K.G., Kulminskaya I., Arbeeva L., Kulminski A. (2009)
Aging, cancer, and other diseases: insights for improving population
health and longevity. The 13th Congress of the International
Association of Biomedical Gerontology (13th IABG) "Aging,
cancer, and age-related diseases; common mechanisms?" Quebec City,
Canada, May 18-20, 2009 (talk).
Arbeev K.G.,
Akushevich I., Kulminski A.M., Yashin A.I. (2009) Mathematical model for
investigation of aging-related processes in organisms using joint
analysis of genetic and non-genetic data from longitudinal studies. The
6th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in
Reliability (MMR 2009). Moscow, Russia, June 22-27, 2009 (talk).
Ukraintseva S., Yashin A., Arbeev K.,
Akushevich I., Kulminski A. (2009) Trade-offs between major elderly
disorders: impact on aging and longevity. The 19th IAGG
(International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics) World Congress
of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG 2009). Paris, France, July 5-9, 2009
Wienke A., Arbeev K.G., Locatelli I., Yashin A.I. (2003) A
simulation study of different correlated frailty models and estimation
strategies. MPIDR Working Paper Series, WP 2003-018, 22
pages. Available online at
Kulminski A., Yashin A., Ukraintseva S., Akushevich I., Arbeev K.,
Land K., Manton K. (2005) Age-associated disorders as a proxy measure of
biological age: Findings from the NLTCS data. Preprint # q-bio/0509034
published at Los-Alamos National Lab archive:
Kulminski A., Yashin A., Akushevich I., Ukraintseva S., Land K.,
Arbeev K., Manton K. (2005) Frailty index as a major indicator of
aging processes and mortality in elderly: Results from analyses of the
National Long Term Care Survey data. Preprint # q-bio/0509038 published
at Los-Alamos National Lab archive: