Yichuan Zhao
Ph. Doctor,
Assistant Professor
Department of
Mathematics & Statistics,
Georgia State University,
of Mathematics & Statistics
State University
Atlanta, GA
(404) 413-6446
Recent Research Interests
treatment effect via empirical likelihood using weighted log rank
tests, Statistics and Probability Letters, 77, 1385—1393, 2007
(with S. Yang).
Empirical likelihood inference for median regression model via
nonparametric kernel estimation, Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
2007, in press (with F. Chen).
Statistical genetic interval-valued fuzzy systems with predication
in clinical trials, to appear in Proceedings of IEEE-Granular
Computing, Silicon Valley, November 2007 (with Y. Qiu, Y.-Q.
Combining SVM Classifiers Using Genetic Fuzzy Systems based on AUC
for Gene Expression Data Analysis. Proceedings of
International Symposium on
Bioinformatics Research and Applications,
the Springer
Verlag Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics Series,
Vol. 4463, 496—505, 2007
(with X. Chen, Y.-Q. Zhang and R. Harrison).
Analysis of longitudinal data in the case-control studies via
empirical likelihood, Communications in Statistics—Simulation and
Computation, 36, 565—578, 2006 (with W. Jian).
Test-based interval estimation under the accelerated failure time
model, Communications in Statistics—Simulation and Computation, 36,
593—605, 2006 (with Y. Huang).
Empirical likelihood inference for censored median regression with
weighted empirical hazard functions, Annals of the Institute of
Statistical Mathematics, 2007, in press (with S. Yang).
Weighted empirical likelihood estimates and their robustness
properties, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 51,
5130—5141, 2007 (with N. Glenn).
Polynomial regression interval-valued fuzzy systems, Soft Computing,
2007, in press (with Y. Qiu, H. Yang, Y.Q. Zhang).
Empirical likelihood inference for the mean residual life under
random censorship, Statistics and Probability Letters, 77,
549—557, 2007 (with G. Qin).
Inference for a functional of cumulative hazard functions via
empirical likelihood, Communications in Statistics---Theory and
Methods, 36, 313—327, 2006 (with G. Qin).
Statistical analysis of high dimensional gene data, Proceedings
of IEEE-Granular Computing, 502—505, Atlanta, May, 10—12, 2006
(with Y. Zhou).
Inference for the mean residual life function via empirical
likelihood, Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods, 35,
1025--1036, 2006 (with G. Qin).
Width-scaled confidence bands for survival functions, Statistics
and Probability Letters, 76, 327—339, 2006 (with I. W. McKeague).
Comparing distribution functions via empirical likelihood,
International Journal of Biostatistics, 2005, Volume 1, Issue 1,
article 5 (with I. W. McKeague).
Regression analysis for long-term survival rate via empirical
likelihood, Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 17, 995—1007,
Inference for the mixed discrete and continuous Cox regression model
via empirical likelihood, Advances and Applications in Statistics,
5, 145—157, 2005 (with Z. Xu).
Empirical likelihood Inference for the additive-multiplicative
hazard model, Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics,
16, 105—112, 2005 (with Z. Xu).
Statistical interval-valued fuzzy systems via linear regression,
Proceedings of IEEE-Granular Computing, 229-232, Beijing, July
25-27, 2005 (with Y. Qiu, and Y. Q. Zhang).
Semiparametric analysis for additive risk model via empirical
likelihood, Communications in Statistics--Simulation and
Computation, 34, 135—143, 2005 (with Y. S. Hsu).
Simultaneous inference for ratios of survival functions via
empirical likelihood, Statistics and Probability Letters, 60,
405-415, 2002 (with I. W. McKeague).
Advisory Board for
Scientific Journals International, 2007-