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Irina Yatskiv

Dr. Sc. Eng., Professor


Vice-Rector for Studies and Development Affairs

Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Latvia




  • Ph.D. in Automatic Control System, Riga Aviation University, USSR.

  • Diploma of Automatic Computer System Engineer, Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute, USSR.


  • VEF industries, Riga

  • Riga Aviation University.

  • Department of Computer Science, Transport and Telecommunication Institute

Teaching experience

  • Courses: Multivariate Methods of Statistics, Applied Statistics, Simulation of Systems, Econometrics


  • Modeling and simulation

  • Applied Statistics

  • Transport Modeling

Academic Activities

  • Member of Classification Society of North America (CSNA) (from 2006).

  • Member of the Board of the Latvian Simulation Society (from 2006).

  • Director of Latvian Operations Research Society, 2003-present

  • Member of the Programme and Organization Committee of The international Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transport and Communication”, (RelStat), Riga, Latvia (2005, 2006)

  • Member of the Programme Committee of The international Conference “Innovative Vocational Education and Training in the Transport Area”, (IVETTA), Riga, Latvia (2005)

  • Member of the Programme and Organization Committee of the International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability, Safety, Security and Logistics, Beer Sheva, Israel, (15-17 February 2005)

  • Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal “Maintenance and reliability”, Polish Maintenance Society (Warsaw)  (from 2005).

  • Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal “Transport and Telecommunication”, Latvia, from 2005

  • Member of the Organization Committee “Application of Simulation (ČĚĚÎÄ-2003, 2005)”, Sankt-Petersburg (2003)

  • Editor of the Journal " Student Research Works ", Latvia, Riga, TTI



More 70 papers in English, Latvian and Russian in various journals, 3 teaching books.


  • Travel,

Personal data

Date of Birth: 29/11/1960.

Marital Status: Married+1.
