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Filia Vonta

Assistant Professor

National Technical University of Athens, Greece


Short Biography


Undergraduate studies at the University of Patras, Greece (B.Sc. 1984 in Mathematics), graduate studies at the University of Maryland, USA (M.A., 1988 and PhD., 1992). Worked  previously at the University of Cyprus (1993-2009), at the University of Athens (Visiting Assistant Professor, Fall 2000), Athens University of Business and Economics (Visiting Assistant Professor, Spring 2006), Université Renes Descartes - Paris V (Spring 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2008).



  • Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), 2006

  • Society Council, Vice President, Eastern Mediterranean Region of the International Biometrics Society  (1/2001 -  5/2007).

Selected publications



 Vonta, F., Nikulin, M., Limnios, N. and Huber-Carol, C. (2008). Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems, Springer (Birkhäuser), Boston, 550pages.




Vonta, F. and Frenkel, I. (2007). (guest editors). Communications in Dependability and Quality Management, Vol. 10 (1), 121 pages.



1.       Huber-Carol, C. and Vonta, F. (2009). A semiparametric model for interval censored and truncated data, Asymptotic Statistics and Its Application to Reliability and Survival Analysis, Zap. Nauch. Sem. S-Petersburg. Otdel. Mat. Inst. Steklov (POMI) 363, 139-150.


2.      Huber-Carol, C., Solev, V., and Vonta, F. (2009). Interval censored and truncated data: rate of convergence of NPMLE of the density, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 139, 1734-1749.


3.      Koukouvinos, C., Mylona, K. and Vonta, F. (2008). A Comparative Study of Variable Selection Procedures Applied in High Dimensional Medical Problems, Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 3, No. 2, 195-209.


4.      Huber, C., Solev, V. N. and Vonta, F. (2007). Maximum likelihood estimators:  nonparametric approach, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Springer, US, 147, No. 4, 6975-6979.


5.      Vonta F. and  Karagrigoriou, A.  (2007). Variable selection strategies in survival models with multiple imputations, Lifetime Data Analysis, 13, Issue 3,  295-315.


6.      Slud, E. V. and Vonta, F. (2005). Efficient semiparametric estimators via modified profile likelihood, J. Statist. Plann. and Infer., 129, 339-367.


7.      Karagrigoriou, A. and Vonta F. (2005). On efficient AR spectral estimation for long-range predictions, Commun. In Statist., 34, Issue 7,  1587-1603.


8.      Vonta, F. (2004). Efficient estimation in regression frailty or transformation models based on an algorithm, Austral. and New Zeal. J. of Statist., 47 (4),   503-514.


9.      Huber-Carol, C. and Vonta, F. (2004). Frailty models for arbitrarily censored and truncated data, Lifetime Data Analysis, 10, Issue 4,  369-388.


10.  Slud, E. V. and Vonta, F. (2004). Consistency of  the NPML Estimator in the Right-Censored Transformation Model. Scand. J. Statist., 31,  21-41.



11.  Karagrigoriou, A. and Vonta, F. (1999). Asymptotically efficient order selection of a nonzero mean AR process for h-step prediction. Sankhya  A, 61, Pt. 3,  381-397.


12.   Vonta, F. (1996). Efficient estimation in a nonproportional hazards model in survival analysis, Scand. J. Statist., 23,  49-61.



Conference Organization


Scientific and Organizing Committee, Chairperson, International Conference on Statistical Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems in association with the European Seminar “Mathematical Methods for Survival Analysis, Reliability and Quality of Life”,  Limassol, Cyprus, May 2006.




Address: Department of Mathematics

               School of Applied Mathematical and Physical Sciences

               National Technical University of Athens

               Zografou Campus, Gr-15780, Athens, Greece


Phone: 0030-2107721699        

Fax :     0030-2107721775

email:   vonta@math.ntua.gr
