Tsitsiashvili Gurami
Doctor of Sci.
(Remark: The list contains
more than 180 articles and three monographs. Below the monographs and
the most important articles are listed).
Decomposition Methods in
Stability and Effeciency Analysis of Complex Systems. Far Eastern
Branch of the USSR, Vladivostok, 1989 (in Russian).
Cooperative and
Decomposition Effects in Multi Element Stochastic Systems. Far
Eastern Branch of RAS, Vladivostok, 2003 (in Russian). (with
Bespalov V.M., Osipova M.A.).
Cooperative Effects in
Stochastic Models. Nova Science Publishers, N.Y., 2005, (with
Osipova M.A.).
Cooperative Effects in
Stochastic Models. Science, Moscow, 2005, (with Osipova M.A.).
On the stability of
queueing systems with respect to disturbances of their distribution
functions (with V.V.Kalashnikov). Engineering Cybernetics. 1972,
v.10, 211-217, 1973.
Piecewice-linear Markov
chains and their stability investigation. Theory Prob. Appl., vol.
20, 74-84, 1975.
Stability of multi-channel
queueing systems with respect to disturbances of their distribution
functions. Engineering Cybernetics. 1972, v.2, 49-54, 1973.
Stability of multi-phase
queueing system with respect to their distribution functions.
Engineering Cybernetics. 1972, v.3, 97-105, 1973.
Construction of Lyapunov
functions for stability investigation of piecewice-linear Markov
chains. Engineering Cybernetics. 1979, v.2, 74-84, 1980.
Stability analysis of
queueing systems (with V.V. Kalashnikov). J. Sov. Math., v.17,
2238-2254, Dec. 1981.
On stability regions of
queueing systems. Stability Problems for Stoch. Models, Institute of
Systems Analysis, Moscow, 107-115, 1980. (In Russian).
On Stability regions of
queueing systems. Theory Prob. Appl., vol. 25, 419-420, 1980.
Using of invariant
characteristics of flows for solution of inverse problem of queueing
theory. Stability Problems for Stoch. Models, Institute of Systems
Analysis, Moscow, 140-145, 1981. (In Russian).
Using of invariant
characteristics of flows for solution of inverse problem of queueing
theory. Theory Prob. Appl., vol. 26, 658-660, 1981.
Stochastic metrics and
orders invariant relatively transformations defined by signs of
deravatives. Stability Problems for Stoch. Models, Institute of
Systems Analysis, Moscow, 104-106, 1982. (In Russian).
Some problem of mixed flow
statistics. Stability Problems for Stoch. Models, Institute of
Systems Analysis, Moscow, 107-109, 1982. (In Russian).
Unstability in queueing
system G j G j 1 j 1. Stability Problems for Stoch. Models,
Institute of Systems Analysis, Moscow, 179-184, 1984 . (In Russian).
On stability of queueing
networks. Stability Problems for Stoch. Models, Institute of Systems
Analysis, Moscow, 145-152, 1985 . (In Russian).
Quantitative estimate of
joint effect in simplest queueing systems. Stability Problems for
Stoch. Models, Institute of Systems Analysis, Moscow, 140-142, 1988
. (In Russian).
Investigation of
regenerative moments in cycle queueing systems. Stability Problems
for Stoch. Models, Institute of Systems Analysis, Moscow, 139-142,
1989. (In Russian).
Commutative property of
reduntant system with restoration. Theory Prob. Appl., vol. 37, 817,
On estimate of stability
of multi-phase queueing system. Theory Prob. Appl., vol. 37, 817,
Commutative effects in
Kalman‘s filtration. Theory Prob. Appl., vol. 36, 812-813, 1991.
Layering method in the
problem of biorhythmology. Bull. of the Far Eastern Branch of
Russian Acad. of Sci., N 3, 66-68, 1995. (with V.A.Sviatukha). (In
Some problems of dust
distribution. Bull. of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Acad. of
Sci., N 4, 28-31, 1995. (In Russian).
Dependence of cycle system
on load. Bull. of the Far Eastern Branch of Russian Acad. of Sci., N
4, 32-34, 1995. (with V.A.Sviatukha). (In Russian).
Ergodic theorem for a flow
of particles. Far Eastern Mathematical Collection. Vladivostok, vol
1, 119-125, 1995. (In Russian).
Solution of the problem of
mutual debts discharge. Far Eastern Mathematical Collection.
Vladivostok, vol 1, 126-131, 1995. (In Russian).
Decomposition effects in
the method of cosinor-analysis. Far Eastern Mathematical Collection.
Vladivostok, vol 2, 173-176, 1996. (with V.A.Sviatukha). (In
Construction and
investigation of stochastic model of sliding regime. Far Eastern
Mathematical Collection. Vladivostok, vol 2, 187-192, 1996. (In
Decomposition effects in
problems of applied and industrial mathematics. Jubilee Collection
of Papers devoted to L.V.Kantorovich. Mathematical Institute of
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Novosibirsk, vol. 2,
1-6, 1995.
Transformation of an
Epidemic Model to a Random Walk and Its Management. Math. Scientist,
20, 103-106 (1995).
Quantitative Evaluation of
Decomposition Effects in Complex Systems. Advances in Modelling and
Analysis, C, AMSE Press, Vol. 47, N 1, 27-30 (1995).
A Simple Model of
Convective Heat Transfer in the Combustion Chamber of Diesel Engine.
J. of Polish CIMAC, Vol. 2, N 1, Warsaw, 177-180 (1996) (with
Bespalov V.M., Izrailsky Yu.G., Rudnev B.I.).
Statistical Evaluation of
the Authenticity of Intradian Cyclicity with 4-6 Hours Periods.
Biophysics, Moscow, Vol. 40, N 4, 817-821 (1995) (with Glybin L.Ya.,
Sviatukha V.A.).
Probabilistic Features of
Solutions of Some Problems in Medicine and Biology. Trans. of Appl.
and Ind. Math., Moscow, Vol. 3, N 3, 450-460 (1996). (in Russian).
Reduction of the Problem
of Mutual Debts Discharge to the Transportation Problem. Lectures of
RAS, V. 352, N 6, p. 730 (1997). (with Anikonov D.S.).
Two Sided Bounds of Random
Sums with Subexponential Summands. Problems of Information
Transmission V. 35, 67-79, (1999), (with Kalashnikov V.V.). (in
Asymptoticaly Precise Two
Sided Bounds of Ruin Probability for Large Claims. Trans. of Appl.
and Ind. Math., Moscow, V. 5, N 1, 66-82, (1998), (with Kalashnikov
V.V.). (in Russian).
Tails of Waiting sums and
Their Bounds. Queuing Systems, V. 32, 257-283, (1999), (with
Kalashnikov V.V.).
Collective Insurance of
Large Risks. Lectures of RAS, V. 368, N 6, 749-750, (1999).
Transition Phenomena in
Mathematical Theory of Epidemics. Lectures of RAS, V. 372, N 3,
315-316, (2000).
Tight Approximation of
Basic Characteristics and Non-Classical Surplus Processes. ARCH, V.
9, N. 2, 251-293, (2000), (with Kalashnikov V.V.).
On Product Connection
Theorems for Markov Chains. International Journal on Pure and
Applied Mathematics, V. 1, N 2, 167 - 197, (2002), (with Baum D.).
A Product Theorem for
Markov Chains with Application to PF-Queueing Networks. Annals of
Operations Research, V. 113, 141-154, (2002), (with Osipova M.A.,
Koliev N.V., Baum D.).
A local limit theorem for
random walk maxima with heavy-tails. Statistics and Probability
Letters, V. 56, 399-404, (2002), (with Asmussen S., Kalashnikov V.,
Kluppelberg C., Konstantinides D.).
Estimates for Ruin
Probability in the Classical Risk Model with Constant Interest Force
in the Presence of Heavy Tails. IME, N 3, 447-460, (2002), (with
Konstantinides D.G., Tang Q.H.).
Precise Estimates for the
Ruin Probability in Finite Horizon in a Discrete-time Model with
Heavy-Tailed Insurance and Financial Risks. Stochastic Processes and
Their Applications, V. 108, 299-325, (2003), (with Tang Q.).
Randomly Weighted Sums of
Subexponential Random Variables with Application to Ruin Theory.
Extremes, V. 6, 171-188, (2003), (with Tang Q.).
Finite and Infinite Time
Ruin Probabilities in the Presence of Stochastic Returns on
Investments. Advances in Applied Probability, V. 36, N 4, 1278-1299,
(2004), (with Tang Q.).
Quality Properties of Risk
Models Under Stochastic Interest Force. Journal of Mathematical
Sciences, V. 123, N 1, 3834-3838, (2004).
Cooperative Effects in
Multi-Server Queueing Systems. Mathematical Scientist, V. 30, N
1,17-24, (2005).
Intra-year cores of
climatic parameters trajectories and prognostication of extreme
events. Pacific oceanography, V. 2, 144-148, (2003), (with Sviatukha
V.A., Shatilina T.A., Goryaainov A.A.).
Anomalous Diffusion on
Finite Interval. Transactions of XXIV International Seminar on
Stability problems for Stochastic Models, Jurmala, Latvia, 57-63,
Construction of Queueing
Networks with Stationary Product Distributions. Proceedings of Fifth
International Workshop on Retrial Queues. Korea University, Seoul,
111-115, (2004), (with Osipova M.A.).
Some Aspects and
Perspectives of Factor Prognosis for the Epidemic Manifistation of
the Tick-Borne Encephalitis Based on the Multidimensional Analysis
of Temporal Rows. Parazitology, V. 36, N 2, 89-95, (2002), (with
Bolotin E.I., Golycheva I.V.), (in Russian).
Possibilities of Factor
Prognosis of the Tick-Borne Encephalitis Infection in the Mariime
Territory. Parazitology, V. 36, N 4, 280-285, (2002), (with Bolotin
E.I., Golycheva I.V., Burukhina I.G.), (in Russian).
Tail asymptotics of the n-th
convolution of super-exponential distributions. Statistics
Probability Letters. V. 76, 861-870, (2006) (with Nagaev A.V.).
Cooperative Effects in
Renewal Systems with Common Reserve and Competition of Repair
Places. Communication of Dependability and Quality Management. V. 8,
N 3, 71-75 (2005) (with Markova N.V.).
New Product Theorems for
Queueing Networks. Problems of Information Transmission. V. 41, N 2,
171-181 (2005) (with M.A. Osipova).
Probability Distribution
in Queueing Networks with Varyable Structure. Problemy Peredachi
Informatsii. V. 42, N 2, 101-108 (2006) (with M.A. Osipova). (In
Product Theorem in a
Jackson Network with Switching Centers. Journal of Mathematical
Sciences, V. 132, N 5, 686-687, (2006).
Limit Theormes and
Stochatic Entropy Properties of Marshall-Olkin Distributions.
Transactions of XXV International Seminar on Stability problems for
Stochastic Models, Maiori (Salerno), Italy, 281-286, (2006) (with P.
Optimization of Ability to
Handle Customers of Opened Queueing Network. Transactions of XXV
International Seminar on Stability problems for Stochastic Models,
Maiori (Salerno), Italy, 276-280, (2006).