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Kimberly F. Sellers


Assistant Professor of Statistics Department of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics                     Phone: 202-687-8829

306 St. Mary’s Hall                                      Fax: 202-687-6214

Georgetown University                               kfs7@georgetown.edu

Washington, DC  20057                            http://www9.georgetown.edu/faculty/kfs7




Ph.D., Statistics    The George Washington University (Washington, DC)       May 2001

M.A., Mathematics    University of Maryland (College Park, MD)                         August 1998

B.S., Mathematics    University of Maryland (College Park, MD)                         August 1994



Work Experience

08/06 – present   Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.


09/04 - 07/06     Assistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.


08/01 - 08/04     Visiting Assistant Professor, Statistics Department, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.


08/00 - 08/01     Visiting Graduate Research Assistant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.


09/99 - 05/01     Graduate Research Assistant, Institute for Reliability and Risk Analysis, The George Washington University, Washington DC.


09/98 - 12/00     Graduate Teaching Assistant, The George Washington University, Washington DC.


05/00 - 08/00     Graduate Research Assistant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.


06/98 - 06/99     Statistical Analyst, Merkle Direct Technologies, Incorporated, Lanham MD.


01/98 - 06/98     Research Assistant, University of Maryland, College Park MD.


09/95 - 01/98     Teaching Assistant, Mathematics Department, University of Maryland, College Park MD.


09/96 - 08/97     Undergraduate Academic Advisor, Mathematics Department, University of Maryland, College Park MD.



Refereed Publications

Sellers, K.F. and Singpurwalla, N.D. (2007) Many-valued Logic in Vague and Multi-state Stochastic Systems (submitted).


Sellers, K.F., Miecznikowski, J.C., Viswanathan, S., Eddy, W.F., and Minden, J. (2007) "Lights, Camera, Action: Quantitative Analysis of Systematic Variation in Two-dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis", Electrophoresis, 28 (18), 3324-3332.


Anderson, PD, Mehta, N, Wolfe, ML, Hinkle, CC, Pruscino, L, Comiskey, LL, Tabita-Martinez, J, Sellers, KF, Rickels, MR, Ahima, RS, Reilly, MP (2007) Innate Immunity Modulates Adipokines in Humans, The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 92 (6), 2272-2279.


Makar, G, Weiner, M, Kimmel, S, Bennett, D, Burke, A, Yang, Y, Han, X, Sellers, K, Nessel, L, Lewis, J (2007) Incidence and Predictors of Abnormal Liver Associated Enzymes in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation in a Routine Clinical Care Population, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety (in press).


Gimotty P.A., Elder D.E., Fraker D.L., Botbyl J.D., Sellers K., Elenitsas R., Ming M.E., Schuchter L., Spitz F.R., Czerniecki B.J., Guerry D. (2007) Identification of high risk patients among those diagnosed with thin cutaneous melanomas, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25 (9), 1129-1134.


Paez, GL, Sellers, KF, Band, M, Acland, GM, Zangerl, B and Aguirre, GA (2006) Analysis of Gene Expression Profile on Normal Retina and Brain Using a Retinal cDNA Microarrays, Molecular Vision, 12, 1048-1056.


Sellers, KF (2001). A Definition of Vague Coherent Systems, Contemporary Mathematics -- Council for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences: Volume IV.  Sixth Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences June 27-30, 2000, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland.  N'Guérékata, G. and Nkwanta, A., eds.  American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI. 284: 43-51.


Sellers, KF (2000) Vague Coherent Systems (Preliminary Report), MMR 2000: Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (Methodology, Practice and Inference), Université Victor Segalen-Bordeaux 2, Bordeaux, France, July 4-7, 2000 Abstracts Book, Volume 2. p. 952-955.

Book Chapters

  1. Sellers, KF, Booker, JM (2002). Chapter 4: Bayesian Methods, Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications. Ross, T.J., Booker, J.M., and Parkinson, W.J., eds. ASA-SIAM Publications; Philadelphia, PA., 73-86.

  2. Ross, TJ, Sellers, KF, Booker, JM, and Parkinson, WJ, (2002). Chapter 5: Considerations for Using Fuzzy Set Theory and Probability Models, Fuzzy Logic and Probability Applications.  Ross, T.J., Booker, J.M. and Parkinson, W.J., eds. ASA-SIAM Publications; Philadelphia, PA., 87-103.

 Technical Reports

  1. Sellers, KF, Miecznikowski, J, and Eddy, WF (2004) Removal of Systematic Variation in Genetic Microarray Data, Technical report 779, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA.

  2. Bement, TR, Booker, JM, Sellers, KF and Singpurwalla, ND (2001). Linking Probability Theory and Fuzzy Sets -- A Study in Uncertainty Assessment.  Technical report LA-UR-01-4679, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM. Submitted to: 43rd Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference, Denver CO, April 22-25, 2002.

  3. Bement, TR, Booker, JM, Sellers, KF, and Singpurwalla, ND (2000).  Membership Functions and Probability Measures of Fuzzy Sets.  Technical report LA-UR-00-3660, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM.

 Non-refereed Publications

1.    Sellers, KF (2001). Vague Coherent Systems, Ph.D. dissertation.

2.    Sellers, KF (1998). Iterative Methods for Computing Mean First Passage Times of Markov Chains, M.A. Thesis.


  1. Sellers, K (2007) Background Correction, Denoising, and Normalization Techniques for Preprocessing Mass Spectrometry Data, Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, Honolulu, Hawaii.

  2. Laderas, T, Mongoue-Tchokote, S, Rajaraman, V, Sellers, K, Bystrom, C, McWeeney, S (2006) A metrics-based low-level preprocessing framework for proteomics data, BioC2006: BioConductor Conference, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA.

  3. McConnell, P, Haney, R, Mungal, S, Peedin, M, Agarwal, P, Cuticchia, AJ, Fenstermacher, D, Sellers, K, Street, C, McWeeney, S, Rajaraman, V, Laderas, T, Lin, S, Borchers, C (2006) RProteomics: An Application for Analyzing Mass Spectrometry Proteomics Data, National Cancer Institute Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

  4. Laderas, T, Mongoue-Tchokote, S, Rajaraman, V, Sellers, K, McWeeney, S (2006) A Diagnostic Test Suite for the RProteomics Statistical Routines, National Cancer Institute Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG) Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

  5. Gimotty, PA, Botbyl, J, Sellers, K, Ming, ME, Elder, DE, Guerry, D (2006) Improved Staging Criteria for Thin (< 1.00mm) Invasive Cutaneous Melanomas, Advances in the Understanding and Treatment of Melanoma, Keystone Symposia 2006, Santa Fe, NM. 

  6. Mehta, NN, Anderson, PD, Wolfe, MP, Rickels, M, Zemel, B, Hinkle, C, Tabita-Martinez, J, Ahima, R, Sellers, K, Rader, DJ, Reilly, MP (2006) Adiposity and Atherogenic Inflammatory Response to Endotoxin in Humans, American College of Cardiology Session 2006, Atlanta, GA.

  7. Anderson, PD, Mehta, NN, Wolfe, MP, McMahon, K, Hinkle, C, Comiskey, L, Tabita-Martinez, J, Sellers, K, Ahima, R, Rader, DJ, Reilly, MP (2005) Pathophysiology of Insulin Resistance in Human Inflammation, American Heart Association 2005 Scientific Sessions, Dallas, TX.

  8. Anderson, PD, Mehta, NN, Wolfe, MP, McMahon, K, Hinkle, C, Comiskey, L, Tabita-Martinez, J, Sellers, K, Ahima, R, Rader, DJ, Reilly, MP (2005) Atherogenic Changes in Apo-B Lipoproteins During Human Inflammation, American Heart Association 2005 Scientific Sessions, Dallas, TX.

  9. Sellers, KF, Miecznikowski, JC, Eddy, WF (2005) Comparison of Normalization Techniques for cDNA Microarray Data,  International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region Program and Abstracts Book, Austin, TX.

  10. Miecznikowski, JC, Eddy, WF, Minden, JS, and Sellers, KF (2005) A Method for Spot Finding in Two-Dimensional Images, International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region Program and Abstracts Book, Austin, TX.

  11. Anderson, PD, Mehta, NN, Wolfe, MP, McMahon, K, Hinkle, C, Comiskey, L, Tabita-Martinez, J, Sellers, K, Ahima, R, Rader, DJ, Reilly, MP (2005) Adipokines in Human Endotoxemial Clinical Research Meeting of the American Federation for Medical Research, Washington, DC.

  12. de la Llera- Moya, M, Byrne, M, Wolfe, M, Hinkle, C, Tabita-Martinez, J, Sellers, K, Rothblat, G, Rader, D, Reilly, M (2005) Inflammation and the reverse cholesterol transport pathway in humans,6th Annual Meeting of Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; Washington DC.

  13. Sellers, KF, Miecznikowski, JC, Viswanathan, S, Eddy, WF, Minden, J (2004) Systematic Variation in Difference Gel Electrophoresis Data International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region Program and Abstracts Book, Pittsburgh, PA. 

  14. Sellers, KF (2002) System Reliability and Safety Involving Imprecise Measures", 6th Annual Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference, Puerto Rico.

  15. Sellers, KF, Miecznikowski, JC, Eddy, WF (2002) Statistical Analysis on Microarray Data, SIAM Symposium on Computational Models and Simulation for Intra-cellular Processes Abstract Book, Washington, DC.

  16. Sellers, KF (2001) System Reliability of Imprecise Systems, SIAM Annual Meetings, San Diego, CA.

  17. Sellers, KF (2000) Vague Coherent Systems, Sixth Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, Morgan State University.

Invited Talks


  1. "Proteomic Data Analysis 101", Caucus for Women in Statistics Breakfast Roundtable, JSM 2007, Salt Lake City, UT, August 2007

  2. "Modeling and Spot Detection of Two-Dimensional Gels", Interface 2007, Philadelphia, PA, May 2007.

  3. "Image Normalization and Feature Detection in Proteomic Studies", Mathematics Departmental Seminar, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, February 2006.

  4. "Image Normalization and Feature Detection in Proteomic Studies", Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar, American University, Washington, DC, February 2006.

  5. "Removing Variation: The Search for the Truth", Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department, University of Maryland Baltimore County, July 2005.

  6. "Modeling Variation and Spot Detection in Protein Gel Images", 13th INFORMS Applied Probability Conference, Ottawa, Canada, July 2005.

  7. "Modeling and Spot Detection of Two-Dimensional Gels", Center for Genetics and Complex Traits (CGACT), University of Pennsylvania, December 2004.

  8. "Systematic Variation in Microarrays and Two-Dimensional Gels", Statistics Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Program, Carnegie Mellon University, June 2004.

  9. "Detecting Protein Differences via the Difference Gel Electrophoresis Process", Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, May 2004.

  10. "Systematic Variation in Difference Gel Electrophoresis Data", Department of Mathematical Sciences, Villanova University, April 2004.

  11. "Systematic Variation in Difference Gel Electrophoresis Data", Department of Mathematics, Haverford College, April 2004.

  12. "It's All Vague: Component and System Reliability under Degradation", DuPont Engineering and Technology, Wilmington, DE, February 2004.

  13. "Accounting for Systematic Variation in Difference Gel Electrophoresis", Ohio State University Statistics Departmental Seminar, January 2004.

  14. "Accounting for Systematic Variation in Difference Gel Electrophoresis", University of Maryland Baltimore County Applied Mathematics and Statistics Departmental Seminar, December 2003.

  15. "CSI: Collecting Statistics for Information", StatFest at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, November 2003.

  16. "Quantitative Analysis of Two-dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis", North Carolina State University Statistics Departmental Seminar, November 2003.

  17. "Systematic Variation in Two-dimensional Difference Gel Electrophoresis", University of Pittsburgh Departmental Seminar, November 2003.

  18. "Using Imprecise Measures to Study Component and System Reliability", NAM Granville-Brown-Haynes Session of Presentations by Recent Doctoral Recipients in the Mathematical Sciences, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD, January 2003.

  19. "Systematic Variation in Genetic Microarray Data", SIAM Symposium on Computational Models and Simulation for Intra-cellular Processes, Washington, DC, October 2002.

  20. "System Reliability under Precise and Imprecise Measures", Statistics Colloquium, George Mason University, Alexandria, Virginia, February 2001.

  21. "System Reliability under Precise and Imprecise Measures", Statistics Department Seminar Series, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, January 2001.

  22. "Vague Coherent Systems", ISDS Research Seminar, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, November 2000.

  23. "Vague Coherent Systems", MMR 2000: Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (Methodology, Practice and Inference).  Université Victor Segalen-Bordeaux 2.  Bordeaux, France, July 2000.

  24. "A Definition and Structural Properties of Vague Coherent Systems", Systems Reliability Seminar, Sandia National Laboratory. Albuquerque, NM.  June 2000.

  25. "Early Work Regarding Many Valued Systems and Vagueness in Propositional Logic", Network Systems Consortium Meeting, The George Washington University, November 1999.

  26. "Iterative Methods for Computing Mean First Passage Times of Markov Chains", Women In Mathematics (WIM) Graduate Student Seminar, University of Maryland College Park, March 1998.


  1. "The Road Through Academia", StatFest 2007, Indianapolis, IN, April 2007.

  2. "The McNair Program: How Does it Prepare You for Graduate School and Academic Life Beyond?", Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Program Orientation, University of Pennsylvania, May 2006.

  3. "10 Habits of Highly Successful McNair Scholars," Ronald E. McNair Closing Banquet, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, July 2005.

  4. "The McNair Program's Preparation for Graduate School: A Case Study," Ronald E. McNair Orientation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, May 2005.

  5. "The Path to the Ph.D.," GE Fellows Program, Barnard College, New York, NY, April 2005.

  6. "The Journey to the Professoriate and Beyond" (panelist), National Research Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Researchers, March 2005.

  7. "Keeping my `Eyes on the Prize': What it took to obtain a Ph.D., and what I'm doing now that I have it", Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Lincoln University, Lincoln, PA, November 2004.

  8. "The McNair Experience, and its Influence on Academic Pursuits" (panelist), National Research Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Researchers, March 2004.

  9. "Minority Life in the Academy: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", 2003-2004 Inter-University Graduate Students of Color Dinner/Speaker Series, Pittsburgh, PA, January 2004.

  10. "Careers in Biostatistics" (panelist), Diversity Day, 2003 ENAR Spring Meeting, Tampa, FL, March 2003.

  11. "The After-life: Life with a Ph.D.", National Research Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Researchers, March 2002, March 2003.

  12. "The Graduate School Experience" (panelist), National Research Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Researchers, March 2000, March 2001.

Invited Lectures

  1. "Introduction to S-plus/R", Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Graduate Program, University of Pennsylvania, September 2005.

  2. "What is Algebraic Statistics?", The Tenth Annual Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences (CAARMS X), Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), June 2004.

·         Part I: Contingency Tables

·         Part II: Application: Statistical Disclosure Limitation

·         Part III: Computational Algebra

Contributed Talks

  1. "Background Correction, Denoising, and Normalization Techniques for Preprocessing Mass Spectrometry Data", Hawaii International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2007.

  2. "Comparison of Normalization Techniques for cDNA Microarray Data", International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region (ENAR) Meeting, Austin, TX, March 2005.

  3. "Systematic Variation in Difference Gel Electrophoresis Data", ENAR Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2004.

  4. "System Reliability and Safety Involving Imprecise Measures", 6th Annual Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM6), Puerto Rico, June 2002 (submitted and accepted).

  5. "Preliminary Results Regarding Vague Coherent Systems", MMR 2000: Second International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (Methodology, Practice and Inference).  Université Victor Segalen-Bordeaux 2.  Bordeaux, France, July 2000.

Conference Participation

  • Infinite Possibilities Conference 2007: Steering Committee member, Registration Committee Chairperson

  • Organizer (submitted with Drs. Jenny Barrett and Somnath Datta), “Statistical analyses of proteomic data”, XXIVth International Biometric Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July 2008.

  • Moderator, 2006 NAM Mathfest, Washington, DC, November 2006.

  • Invited Panelist, "Alumni Sessions: Engineering/Mathematics/Statistics", 7th Annual Gates Millennium Scholars Leadership Conference: Building a Community of Leaders, Chantilly, VA, September 2006.

  • Invited Discussant, "Challenges Facing the Next Generation of Applied Statisticians," Joint Statistics Meetings 2006, Seattle, WA, August 2006.

  • Selected Participant, ENAR 2004 Junior Researcher's Workshop, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2004.

  • Invited Participant, ARCC workshop: Computational Algebraic Statistics, December 2003.

  • Organizer and chair, Statistical Analysis on Microarray Data (minisymposium), SIAM Symposium on Computational Models and Simulation for Intra-cellular Processes, Washington, DC, October 2002.

  • Poster presenter, AWM Workshop for Women Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Mathematicians, SIAM Annual Meetings, San Diego, California, July 2001.

  • Poster presenter, Sixth Annual Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences.  Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD.  June 2000.

Professional Activity

  • Referee/Reviewer (in alphabetical order):

o    Electrophoresis

o    International Statistical Review

o    Journal of Computational Biology

o    Journal of the American Statistical Association

o    Naval Research Logistics

o    Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O, Journal of Risk and Reliability

o    Statistics in Medicine

o    The American Statistician

  • Graduate Program Executive Committee member, Georgetown University Department of Mathematics, Fall 2006 – present

  • Hiring Committee member, Georgetown University Department of Mathematics, Fall 2006 – present

  • Chair, Statistics Committee, Georgetown University Department of Mathematics, Fall 2007 – present

  • Departmental Academic Advisor, Georgetown University Department of Mathematics, Spring 2007 – present

o    Graduate students: 7

o    Undergraduate students: 4

  • Reviewer, 2007 Lombardi Research Fair, February 2007

  • Ad-hoc subcommittee to discuss Final Examination policy, March 2007

  • Panelist, Claire Booth Luce Luncheon, May 2007

  • Graduate Program Executive Committee member, University of Pennsylvania Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Fall 2004 - Summer 2006

  • Masters Data Analysis Examination Committee member, Carnegie Mellon University Statistics Department, Fall 2001, Spring 2003

  • Diversity Committee member, International Biometric Society (ENAR), 2002 - present

  • Diversity Committee member, Carnegie Mellon University Statistics Department, Fall 2001 - Summer 2004

  • Ph.D. Thesis Committee member (in alphabetical order):

o    Fang Chen (CMU, defended February 2004)

o    Jeffrey Miecznikowski (CMU, defended January 2006)

o    Aleksandra Slavkovic (CMU, defended August 2004)

  • D.Sc. Examining Committee member: Seung Byeon (GWU, defended December 2001)

  • M.A. Examining Committee member: Rachel Hammond (UPenn, defended March 2006)

  • Supervision of Ph.D. Advanced Data Analysis Projects:

o     Jeffrey Miecznikowski (2002), Analysis of fluorescence two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis technology (co-advised with William F. Eddy)

  • MSCE Biostatistics Advisor (in alphabetical order): Reena Duseja, George Makar, Pedro Sanchez, and Bryan Upham 

  • Supervision of Graduate Statistical Practice Projects:

o    Pierpaolo Rinaldo, Linqiao Zhao (2004), co-advised with William F. Eddy

  • Supervision of Undergraduate Data Analysis Projects:

o      Amanda Artis (Summer 2004): Comparison of Statistical Methods for Normalizing cDNA Microarray Data

o      Rob Delmont, Meena Soneji, Gene Vladimirov (Spring 2004): Spotted array normalization

o      Tara Kalra, Sameer Rathod, Shamil Patel, Sulaiman Malik (Spring 2003): DNA Microarray

o      Vyacheslav Klimov, Jonathan Knotwell, Darya Leyzarovich (Spring 2002): Bias Assessment of Microarray Chip Based Genetic Studies

o      Scott Benecke, Benjamin Kay, Jennifer Sample (Spring 2002): Predicting Charitable Donations with Demographics

o      Linje Boston, Michael Handke, Jenny Semmes (Spring 2002): Time and Spatial Analyses for Sexually Transmitted  Diseases (co-advised with Brian Junker)

  • Judge, Research presentation competition, National Research Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate Researchers, March 2001 - March 2003


As Principal Investigator (PI):

  • "Automated Low-Level Analysis For Differential Gel Electrophoresis Data", SPORE on Skin Cancer at Penn and Wistar, $10,000, 07/1/05 - 06/30/06.

  • "Getting Something from Nothing: Assessing Information Gain from Lack of Information due to Cell Suppression" (with Elizabeth Arnold), NISS, $10,000, 09/1/03 - 05/31/04.

As Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI):

  • "Retinal gene expression and the retinome" (with Barbara Zangerl), University of Pennsylvania University Research Foundation, $30,000, 01/1/06 - 12/31/06.

As Statistician/Biostatistician:

  • "Inflammation, the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis" (Muredach Reilly, PI), NIH, 10/1/04 - 06/30/06.

  • "SPORE in Skin Cancer / Biometrics Core" (Meenhard Herlyn, Phyllis Gimotty, PI), NIH-Wistar, 09/30/01 - 06/30/06

  • "Human Melanoma-Etiology, Progression and Therapy / Biostatistics Core" (Meenhard Herlyn, David Elder, PI), NIH, 04/06/90 - 06/30/06. 

  • "caBIG RProteomics Project, Phase I" (David Fenstermacher, PI), NIH, 07/01/05 - 01/31/06.

  • "Reactive oxygen species and anti-oxidantsin ALI" (Arin Fisher, PI), NIH, 07/01/05 - 06/30/06. 

As Consultant:

  • "Inflammation, the metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis" (Muredach Reilly, PI), NIH, 07/1/06 - 05/31/07.

Honors and Awards

Cambridge Who's Who Among Executive and Professional Women (2007)

NSF-VIGRE postdoctoral fellowship (2001-2004)

Who's Who in Sciences Higher Education (2004)

Gates Millennium Scholars Program recipient (2000-2001)

Finalist, Burroughs Wellcome Career Awards at the Scientific Interface (2002)

The George Washington University Graduate Fellowship/Teaching Assistantship (1998-2000)

NASA Autonomous Control Engineering (ACE) Fellowship (2001)

NSF Travel Grant to attend Nonparametrics in Large, Multidimensional Data Mining Conference (2001)

AWM Travel Grant to attend SIAM Annual Meeting (2001)

Solomon Kullback Outstanding Graduate Student Prize (1999)

University of Maryland Graduate Support Grant (1994-1998)

University of Maryland Corporate Scholars Program (1998)

Computer Skills

Operating Systems: UNIX (Solaris), Windows 95 (and later)

Platforms: SunSparc workstations, IBM PC and compatibles

Software: S-plus, R, FIASCO, SAS, Minitab, SPSS, Maple, Matlab, Mathematica, LaTeX, PCTeX, WinEdt, Microsoft Excel, Harvard Graphics, Microsoft Power Point, Netscape Composer, HTML


Professional Societies

American Statistical Association (Statistical Computing, Statistical Graphics), Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Eastern North Atlantic Region (ENAR) of the International Biometric Society, Bernoulli Society, Caucus for Women in Statistics


Teaching Experience

Instructor:  Outlined syllabus and website; prepared lectures, homework, lab assignments and examinations; organized discussion of course and related material; led computer instruction, if applicable; graded examinations, quizzes, and homework; handled all administrative duties

  • Mathematical Statistics (MATH 503), Georgetown University, Spring 2007

  • Probability & Statistics (MATH 040), Georgetown University, Fall 2006, Fall 2007

  • Biostatistical Methods II (BSTA 631), University of Pennsylvania, Spring 2006

  • Engineering Statistics and Quality Control (36-220), Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2004

  • Advanced Data Analysis II (36-758), Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2003

  • Algebraic Statistics (36-835), Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2003

  • Statistics for Lab Sciences (36-247), Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2003

  • Engineering Statistics and Quality Control (36-220), Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2002

  • Introduction to Statistics in Social Science (STAT 53), The George Washington University, Fall 2000

  • Pre-calculus (MATH 115), University of Maryland College Park, Fall 1997

Co-instructor: Outlined syllabus, prepared and led lecture instruction including software usage, wrote and graded examinations and homework, collected outside projects and mentored students toward project completion, handled administrative duties

  • Advanced Data Analysis I (36-401), Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2001 with Brian Junker

  • Advanced Data Analysis II (36-402), Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2002 with Brian Junker

  • Statistics for Lab Sciences (36-247), Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2002 with Rob Kass

Graduate Teaching Assistant/Grader: Wrote and graded assignments for graduate and upper-level undergraduate courses, and offered substitute instruction when necessary; assisted with administrative duties

  • Mathematical Statistics I (STAT 201), The George Washington University, Fall 1998, Fall 1999

  • Mathematical Statistics II (STAT 202), The George Washington University, Spring 1999, Spring 2000

  • Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (STAT 157), The George Washington University, Fall 1999

  • Stochastic Processes (STAT 273), The George Washington University, Spring 2000

Graduate Teaching Assistant: Led discussion sections and computer instruction, wrote and graded quizzes and examinations, assisted direction of student projects.

  • Introduction Business and Economic Statistics (STAT 51), The George Washington University, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Fall 1999

  • Introduction to Statistics in Social Science (STAT 53), The George Washington University, Fall 1998, Spring 1999, Spring 2000

  • Elementary Calculus I (MATH 220), University of Maryland College Park, Fall 1995, Spring, 1996

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant: Led discussion sections, graded homework assignments.

  • Calculus II (MATH 141), University of Maryland College Park, Spring 1994

In The News

  • featured in the September 2007 issue of Georgetown University Georgetown College’s online Research Magazine: Science, “Dr. Kimberly Sellers Sees Numbers in Images”

  • mentioned in July 2007 Amstat News article, "Lilly Hosts StatFest 2007"

  • featured in June 25, 2004 Berkeley Daily Planet, "Black Math PhD's Hold UC Meet to Swell Ranks"

  • featured in April 2004 Black Issues in Higher Education, "Training for the Ph.D.: National conference brings together first-generation college students on the road to a doctoral degree"

  • mentioned in October 2001 SIAM News, "Grad Students, Settling into the Applied Math Community, Find Inspiration at SIAM's Fifth Diversity Workshop"