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Edmund Robertson

Professor of Mathematics


Born: 1 June 1943, St Andrews, Scotland.


Education: Madras College, St Andrews, University of St Andrews; University of Warwick.



B.Sc. University of St Andrews (1965); M.Sc. University of Warwick (1966); Ph.D. University of Warwick (1968).

Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, University of St Andrews, 1968-1984

Senior Lecturer in Pure Mathematics, University of St Andrews, 1984-95

Professor of Mathematics, University of St Andrews, 1995-


Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellow 1997; RSE Selection Committee B7 - mathematics and statistics 1999-; Editor, Proceedings A 2004-

Research students.20 doctoral students successfully completed; Seven research students supervised in 2004/5.

EPSRC Mathematics College 1997-2000, Chairman of EPSRC Mathematics and Statistics panel; EPSRC Peer Review College 2000-2002; Mathematics Studentship Panel 2000; Member of EPSRC MathFIT panel January 2002; EPSRC Peer Review College 2003-


Speaker at over 75 international conferences.


Major research grants:

National Research Council of Canada 1976; SERC £8,620 - 1984-87; SERC £40,000 - 1988-91; EU £77,016 - 1988-91; SERC £11,068 - 1992-95; EU 103,200 ECU - 1993-94; SERC £99,593 - 1993-96; EU 400,000 ECU - 1993-1996; EU 64,330 ECU - 1994-96, EPSRC £89,299 1995-98; British Council/DAAD £8,700 - 1997-2000; EPSRC £181,240 - 1997-2000; Leverhulme Trust £64,746 - 1997-2000; EPSRC £144 327 - 2004-2007; EPSRC £157,723 - 2004-2007.


External assessor:

University of Cambridge Fellowship Competition 1991; Chair at University of Keele 1999; School of Mathematics and Physics at Napier University 1999; Computer Studies and Mathematical Science National University of Ireland Galway 2002; School of Mathematics University of Glasgow (2003); School of Mathematics, University of Bath (2003), School of Mathematics Heriot-Watt University (2005).


Ph.D. and D.Sc. Examiner: Cambridge, Nottingham, Edinburgh (2), Manchester, Cardiff (2), Warwick, Bangor, Glasgow (D.Sc.).

External Examiner: University of Dundee 1977-81; University of Aberdeen 1991-95; Heriot-Watt University 1995-9; University of Liverpool 2000-2005.


Editor of Conference Proceedings: Thirteen books of which the most recent are: Proceedings Groups St Andrews 1997 in Bath  (2 Volumes)  Cambridge University Press (1999); Computational and Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra Cambridge University Press (2000); Proceedings Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford  (2 Volumes)  Cambridge University Press (2003), Proceedings Groups St Andrews 2005  Cambridge University Press (to appear).


Research software:

Written software which is part of the major systems SPAS, CAYLEY, MAGMA, GAP


MacTutor History of Mathematics web site. Written over 1700 biographies of mathematicians and related scientists for the web site. Written around 90 historical articles on mathematical topics. Written chronology of mathematics from 30000 B.C. to the present day. Over 30 prizes and awards. 2,000,000 hits per week during the academic year.

European Academic Software Award 1994; USA Computational Engineering and Science Award 1995.


Head of School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences 1997-2000; Head of School of Mathematics and Statistics 2000-2001

Vice-chairman, Madras College Endowment Trust 1986-; Governor Morrison's Academy 1999-; Scottish Mathematical Council 1997-2004; Chairman BMC Scientific Committee 2005-

Understanding of Science: Five lecturers at Techfest 1999; British Association lecture to schools 2002.

GAP/CIRCA. Arranged for St Andrews to become headquarters of GAP development (one of the leading two software packages for algebra and discrete mathematics world-wide). Set up CIRCA as a University of St Andrews Centre to oversee GAP development; Associate Director and Project Director of CIRCA; Chairman of International GAP Council 2003-. Multidisciplinary Critical Mass in Computational Algebra and Applications 1.4M 2005-


Other Committees: University of St Andrews Steering Committee of Senate 1993-98; Research Strategy Planning Group 1999-2001; Policy Advisory Group of Edinburgh Mathematical Society 1996-1999. Research Leave Committee 2004-


Conference organiser: Organiser of 12 international mathematics conferences. Most recent Groups St Andrews 2005 in St Andrews


Books: 16 books at undergraduate level.


Research Publications.


Over 140 research papers: Most recent include:

  1. Havas G and Robertson, E F, Palindromic presentations (in preparation).

  2. Havas G, Robertson, E F and Sutherland, D C, Computer assisted proofs for finitely presented groups (in preparation).

  3. Robertson E F, Campbell C M, Havas G and Ramsay C, Nice efficient presentations for all small simple groups and their covers II (in preparation).

  4. Havas G and Robertson, E F, On the F^{a,b,c} conjecture (in preparation).

  5. Cain A J, Ruskuc N and Robertson E F, Malcev presentations and automatic semigroups (to appear).

  6. Cain A J, Ruskuc N and Robertson E F, Subsemigroups of virtually free groups: Finite Malcev presentations and testing for freeness, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. (to appear).

  7. 2004, Campbell, C M, Campbell, P P, Doostie H and Robertson, E F, Fibonacci lengths for certain metacyclic groups, Algebra Colloq., 11(2): 215-222.

  8. 2004, Robertson E F and O’Connor J J, Isaac Barrow, in Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Rutherford D (ed). Thoemmes Continuum, 1 84371 030 7.

  9. 2004, Robertson E F, Campbell C M, Havas G and Ramsay C, Nice efficient presentations for all small simple groups and their covers, LMS J. Comput. Math., 7: 266-283.

  10. 2004, Robertson E F and O’Connor J J, Obituary : David Allan Spence January 3, 1926- September 7, 2003, Austral. Math. Soc. Gaz., 31(1): 58-59.

  11. 2004, Robertson E F, Brooksbank P, Qin H and Seress A, On Dowling geometries of infinite groups, J. Combinatorial Theory (Ser. A), 1(108): 155 -158.

  12. 2004, Campbell, C M; Campbell, P P; Doostie, H.; Robertson, E F, On the Fibonacci length of powers of dihedral groups, Applications of Fibonacci numbers, 9: 69-85.

  13. 2004, Robertson E F and O’Connor J J, William Ernest Johnson, in Biographical Dictionary of British Economists, Rutherford D (ed). Thoemmes Continuum, 1 84371 030 7.

  14. 2003, Campbell, C M, Havas, G, Hulpke, A and Robertson, E F, Efficient simple groups, Communications in Algebra, 31(10): 5191-5197.

  15. 2003, Robertson, E F, Ruskuc, N and Thomson, M R, Finite generation and presentability of wreath products of monoids, Journal of Algebra, 266(2): 382-392.

  16. 2003, Campbell, C M, Robertson, E F and Smith, G C  (eds), Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford, Volume 1, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes in Mathematics 304, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 293 pp, 0521537398.

  17. 2003, Campbell, C M, Robertson, E F and Smith, G C (eds), Groups St Andrews 2001 in Oxford, Volume 2, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes in Mathematics 305, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 305 pp, 0521537401.

  18. 2003, Havas, G and Robertson, E F, Irreducible cyclic presentations of the trivial group, Experimental Mathematics, 12: 487-490.

  19. 2003, Campbell, C M, Campbell, P P, Hopson, B T K and Robertson, E F, On the efficiency of direct powers of PGL(2,p), Recent advances in group theory and low-dimensional topology (eds J R Cho and J Mennicke) (Pusan, 2000). Heldermann, Lemgo., Research and Exposition in Mathematics, 27: 27-34.

  20. 2003, Robertson, E F, Pappus of Alexandria and the Mathematics of Late Antiquity, J. Roman Studies, 93: 118-119.

  21. 2003, O’Connor J J and Robertson, E F, The life of Johann Benedict Listing, Strabismus, 11(4): 247-250.