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Viorel-Puiu Paun


Personal information

Last name

First name

Permanent address

Work address





Date of birth                     



Dumbrava Noua 23 Street., Bl. M134A, Sc. A, Ap. 44, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania

“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Physics Department,

Splaiul Independentei 313, Sect. 6, RO-77206, Bucharest, Romania

(++) 40-21-4203156 ; (++) 40 723 448735

paun@physics.pub.ro, viorel_paun2006@yahoo.com,




and Training

1997, Postgraduated Diploma in  Biomedical Engineering,  Ecole Politechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Suisse

1996,   D.A.L.F. – ( Diplôme approfondi de langue française)

1995,   D.E.L.F. – ( Diplôme élémentaire de langue française)

1992,   Doctor of Sciences (PhD in Physics) at Atomic Physics Institute of Bucharest

1985 – 1990,  University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics

1978 – 1979,  Master in Solid State Physics, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics

1974 – 1978, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics


French : Good level

English : Average level

Italian : Average level

Russian : Basic Knowledge

Professional experience

2007 – present, Professor, “Politehnica” University of  Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Physics Department I

2003 – 2007,  Associate Professor, “Politehnica” University of  Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Physics Department I

1993-2003, Lecturer , “Politehnica” University of  Bucharest, Physics Department

1990 – 1993, Assistant, “Politehnica” University of  Bucharest, Physics Department

1979 – 1990, Scientific Researcher, Institute of Nuclear Reactors, Pitesti

Visiting Professor




2007 “ENSICA” Toulouse, France

2006 University of Kent, School of Physical Sciences,  Canterbury, UK

2005 Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Centre de Recherche de Royallieu, Département Génie Informatique, Compiègne, France

2004 University of Kent, School of Physical Sciences, Canterbury, UK

2001 „Universita di Padova (INFN)”, „Galileo Galilei” Department,  Italy

1996  Ecole Politechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Professional Memberships

RPS (Romanian Physical Society),

EPS (European Physical Society),

EOS (European Optical Society),

SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers).


Editorial Competences



Managerial Competences  (International Scientific Publications)

Editorial Board, Thomson ISI covered Journals, in the Science Citation Index Expanded

      1. Vice Editor in Chief, „Materiale Plastice” Journal, (IF=0,873)

      2. Executive Editor, “Control Engineering and Applied Informatics” (CEAI) Journal


Main Publications




(A)  Books. Chapters in Books, Handbooks and Monographs


1. V.-P. Paun, „Statistical processing fundamentals of the experimental data”, ISBN 973-9402-68-2, PRINTECH Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998 (in Romanian)

2. V.-P. Paun, „Physics II. Book of problems”, ISBN 973-9402-67-4, PRINTECH Publishing House, Bucharest, 1998 (in Romanian)

3. E. Petrescu, V.-P. Paun, „Physics: Solved problems”, ISBN 973-8143-43-8, BREN Publishing House, Bucharest, 2001 (in Romanian)

4. V.-P. Paun, „Book of physics problems”, ISBN 973-652-491-4, PRINTECH Publishing House, Bucharest,  2002 (in Romanian)

5. V.-P. Paun, „Diffusion theory. Stochastic differential equations”, ISBN 973-648-141-7, BREN Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003 (in Romanian)

6. V.-P. Paun, „Concepts of applied physics”, ISBN 973-648-142-5, BREN Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003 (in Romanian)

7.  M. Logofatu, D. Iordache, V.-P. Paun, editors, „Mathematics in Engineering and Numerical Physics”, ISSN 1842-5380, CREDIS Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006

8. V.-P. Paun, V. Chiroiu, L. Munteanu, „Polymer Transport Process through Biological Membranes with Nanometric Pores”, p. 267-275, in Monograph  „Progress in Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies”, , ISBN 978-973-27-1576-5 (I. Kleps, A. C. Ion, Dan Dascalu, Editors), ROMANIAN ACADEMY Publishing House, 2007

9. V.-P. Paun, „Modeling of the scale free phenomena”, p.258-275, in Monograph: „Modeling of the Complexity”, ISBN 978-973-7838-43-8, ( R. Dobrescu, D. Iordache Editors), POLITEHNICA PRESS Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008 (in Romanian)

10. M. Agop, P.D. Ioannou, P.E. Nica, V.-P. Paun, „The Fractal and its Implications in the Material Science”, ISBN: 978-960-92410-1-4, ATHENS UNIVERSITY PRESS, Greece, 2008

11. V. Chiroiu, L. Munteanu, V.-P. Paun, P.P.Teodorescu, „On the bending and torsion of Carbon Nanotubes Ropes ”, p. 26-45, in Monograph: „New Applications of  Micro- and Nanotechnologies”, ISBN 978-973-27-1803-2 (Maria Zaharescu, Liviu Giurgiu, Dan Dascalu, Editors), ROMANIAN ACADEMY Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009


(B) Last Papers (more than 100 papers published,  43 ISI papers)


ISI Papers, 2008-2009

1. V.-P. Paun, M.-A. Paun, A. Toma, C. Ciucu , F. Popentiu, „Transport Phenomenon Simulation  for Linear Polymers through Nanometer Pores”, Materiale Plastice  45, nr.1,  57-60, 2008

2. M. Agop, V.-P. Paun, A. Harabagiu, „El Naschie’s ε (∞) theory and effects of nanoparticle clustering on the heat transport in nanofluids”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 37, 1269–1278, 2008

3. A. Antici, V.-P. Paun, P. Nica et al., „Fractal model of the atom in the hydrodynamic approach of scale relativity theory”, Revista de Chimie,   59, nr. 4, 472-477, 2008      

4. V.-P. Paun, „An explicit calculus formula of the polymers flux through nanometer size pores”, Metalurgia International, vol. XIII, Special Issue, p. 43-48, 2008

5.  M. Agop, P.E. Nica, P.D. Ioannou, A. Antici, and V.-P. Paun, „Fractal model of the atom and some properties of the matter through an extended model of scale relativity”, European Physical Journal D, vol 49, No 2,  239-248, 2008

6.  V. Enache, C. Popa, V.-P. Paun, M. Agop, „Reissner-Nordstrőm-de Sitter type solution through a gauge theory of gravity”, Chinese Physics Letters , vol 25, No 10,  3570-3573, 2008

7. P. D. Ioannou, P. Nica, V. Paun, P. Vizureanu, M. Agop, „Wave-particle duality through an extended model of the scale relativity theory”, Physica Scripta, 78, No 10, 065101 (7pp), 2008

8. Z. Borsos, V.-P. Paun, I. C. Botez, C.-M. Stoica, P. Vizureanu, M. Agop, „Structural Conductivity of Carbon Nanotubes”, Revista de Chimie, 59, nr. 10, 1169-1171, 2008   

9. V.-P. Paun, „Fractal surface analysis of the zircaloy-4 SEM micrographs using time series method”, Central European Journal of Physics, DOI:10.2478/s1 1534-008-0144-8, 7(2), 264-269, 2009

10. R. Dobrescu, V.-P. Paun, D. Popescu, Al. Marin, „A Fractal Model of Blood Vessel Formation in Porous Polymer Implants”, Materiale Plastice, 46(1), 79-82, 2009

11. V.-P. Paun, „Two-dimensional diffusion model for the biopolymers dynamics at nanometer scale”, Central European Journal of Physics (CEJP), 7(3), 607-613, 2009

12. M. Colotin, G.O. Pompilian, P. Nica, S. Gurlui, V.-P. Paun, M. Agop, „Fractal Transport Phenomena through the Scale Relativity Model”, Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol. 116, No. 2, 2009