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Mikhail Nikulin

Ph. Doctor, Professor


  • UFR “Sciences and Modelling” ; University Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2;  146 Rue de Leo Saignat, 33076, Bordeaux, France

  • The Laboratory of Statistical Methods of the Steklov Mathematical Institute at St. Petersburg, Russia

Mikhail Nikulin earned his Ph.D in the Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (1973) from The Steklov Mathematical Institute in Moscow.


Member of the St.Petersburg's Mathematical Society,  the elected member of the International Statistics Institute, a board member of the  book series "Statistics for Industry and technology",  Birkhauser.


The co-author of next books:

  1. D.K.Faddeev, M.Nikulin, I.F.Sokolovsky (1989), "The elements of higher mathematics for high-school ",  Mir, 367 p.

  2. V.Voinov, M.Nikulin,  (1993), " Unbiased Estimations and Their Applications", v.1 : Univariate Case, ; Kluwer Academic Publishers;

  3. V.Bagdonavicius, M.Nikulin (1995), " Semiparametric models in accelerated life testing ",  Queen's Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics,   Queen’s University, # 98, Kingston, Canada, 70 p.

  4. V.Voinov, M.Nikulin,  (1996), " Unbiased Estimations and Their Applications", v.2 : Multivariate Case,  Kluwer Academic Publishers,

  5. P.Greenwood, M.Nikulin,  (1996),  "A Guide to Chi-squared Testing",   John Wiley and Sons,

  6. V. Bagdonavicius, M.Nikulin, (1998),   " Generalized Additive and Multiplicative semiparametric models in accelerated life testing and survival analysis ", Queen's Papers on Pure and Applied Mathematics,  Queen's University, # 108, Kingston, Ontario, Canada.

  7. V. Bagdonavicius, M.Nikulin (2002),  “Accelerated Life Models”,  Chapman & Hall / CRC.

  8. D.K.Faddeev, M.Nikulin, I.F.Sokolovsky,  (1995), , « Algèbre » , Moscou :  Nauka, 464.