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Anatoly Ivanovich Mikhalsky
Senior scientist, Institute of Control Sciences RAS Profsoyuznaya 65,

117997 Moscow, Russia


phone: 007(495)3348820 (off)


Working in the fields of:

  • solution of inverse problems;

  • modeling of longevity and aging in model systems (worms, flies, mice, ...) and  humans;

  • investigation of response to different forms of stress in living organisms;

  • investigation of age related disability spread in population;

  • investigation of radiation risks of cancer and non-cancer morbidity;

  • methods of analysis in heterogeneous populations are widely applied in these investigations.

e-mail: ipuran@yandex.ru


Some key publications:

Michalski A., Morgenstern W., Ivanov V.K. and Maksyitov M.A. Estimation of morbidity dynamics from incomplete follow-up studies // J. Epid. Biostatistics. – 1996. – Vol.1. – P.151-157.

Michalski A., Johnson T., Cypser J., Yashin A. Heating stress patterns in Caenorhabditis elegans longevity and survivorship // Biogerontology. – 2001. – Vol.2.– P.35-44.

Anisimov V., Zavarzina N., Zabezhinski M., Popovich I., Zimina O., Shtylick A., Arutjunyan A., Oparina T., Prokopenko V., Mikhalski A. and Yashin A. Melatonin increases both life span and tumor incidence in female CBA mice // J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. – 2001. – Vol.56. – P.B311-B323.

Yashin A., Cypser J., Johnson T., Michalski A., Boyko S., Novoseltsev V. Heat shock changes the heterogeneity distribution in populations of Caenorhabditis elegans: does it tell us anything about the biological mechanism of stress response? // J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. – 2002. – Vol.57. – P.B83-B92.

Michalski A., Yashin A. Detection of hormesis effect in longevity: simulation approach for heterogeneous population // Mathematical Biosciences. – 2002. – Vol.175. – P.57-66.

Michalski A. Reliability Problems and Longevity Analysis // Recent advances in stochastic modeling and data analysis / Christos H. Skiadas  (ed.) – World Scientific, 2007. – P.553-561.

Michalski A. Application of Inverse Problems in Epidemiology and Biodemography // Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems / F. Vonta, M. Nikulin, N. Limnios, C. Huber (eds.) – Birkhauser, Boston, 2008. – P.279-298.