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Agassi Melikov

Doctor of Sci., Professor


Date of birth

01 January, 1957

Nationality (Ethnic)



Azerbaijanian, Russian, English


Phone: (994) (12) 439 25 60 (office)

              (994) (50) 352 51 39 (mobile)

              (994) (12) 447 06 40 (home)

Fax:       (994) (12) 439 28 26




Baku State University          1972-1977, Faculty of “Mathematics”




Ph.D (Candidate of Science) (1984), Institute of Automatics, Kiev, Ukraine

Title of dissertation “Situational control of service processes of customers at petrol station”, Supervisor: Korolyuk V.S., Active member (Academician) of National Academy of Science of Ukraine


Dr. of Sciences (1992) National Technical University of Ukraine (Kiev Polytechnics Institute), Kiev,

Title of dissertation “Methods and Models to Analysis and Optimisation of service processes in multiflow queuing systems”, Supervisor: Korolyuk V.S., Active member (Academician) of National Academy of Science of Ukraine


Membership with scientific organisations


Correspondent member of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, 2001

Speciality: Informatics


Member of Editorial Board of the International Journal Resent Patents on Electrical Engineering


Member of IEEE Communication Society


PhD Students

Prepared of six candidates of science




Total number of scientific publications: 150


Teaching Courses


Performance Analysis of Computer Communications Systems

Teletraffic Theory

Discrete Mathematics

Probability and Statistics





September 2002-present

Head of department of “Modelling of Communication Networks”, Institute of Cybernetics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan

September 2000- Present (Half time)

Professor, Department of Information Technologies, Baku State University

April 1998-Avqust 2000

Visiting Professor, North Cyprus, Eastern Mediterranean University, Magusa (September 1999-Avqust 2000) and Head of Department of “Computer Engineering”, International American University, Girne (April 1998-September 1999)

September 1993- April 1998

Professor, Head of department of  “Informatics”, Azerbaijan Industrial Institute, Sumgait

September 1989- September 1993

Doctorate, National Technical University of Ukraine (Kiev Polytechnics Institute), Kiev

September 1980- September 1989

Senior Scientific, Research Institute of Automation, Sumqait, Azerbaijan

September 1977- September 1980

Teacher of mathematics, Devechi district, Azerbaijan