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Nikolaos Limnios



Research interests

  • Stochastic processes: Diffusion and Poisson Approximation

  • Statistical Inference for Stochastic processes

  • Semi-Markov Processes

  • Reliability, Bioinformatics

Editorial Board of the Journals

  • Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods

  • Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation

  • Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability

  • RAIRO Operation Research

Some Recent Publications



  1. V.S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios  Stochastic Systems in Merging Phase Space, World Scientific, Imperial Coledge Press, 2005.

  2. N. Limnios, G. Oprisan Semi-Markov Processes and Reliability, Birkhauser, 2001, Boston.

  3. V. Girardin, N. Limnios Probabilités en vue des applications, Vuibert, 2001, Paris. Corrections


Editing Books

  1. A. Wilson, N. Limnios, S. Keller-McNulty, Y. Armijo  (Eds), Modern Statistical and Mathematical Methods in Reliability,  World Scientific, 2005, Singanpur.
    M. Nikulin,  N. Balakrishnan, M. Mesbah, N. Limnios  (Eds), Parametric and Semiparametric Models with Applications to Reliability, Survival Analysis and Quality of Life,  Birkhauser, 2004, Boston.

  2. N. Limnios, M. Nikulin  (Eds), Recent Advances in Reliability Theory: Methodology, Practice and Inference,  Birkhauser, 2000, Boston.

  3. J. Janssen, N. Limnios (Eds), Semi-Markov Models and Applications,  Kluwer, 1999, Dordrecht.

  4. D.C. Ionescu, N. Limnios (Eds), Statistical and Probabilistic Models in Reliability,  Birkhauser, 1999, Boston.

Papers in journals ( after 2003)

  1. B. Ouhbi, N. Limnios, ``Semi-Markov Systems Reliability Estimation'', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 2003, 109(1-2), 155-165.

  2. V. Girardin, N. Limnios, ``On the Entropy of Semi-Markov systems'', J. Appl. Probab., 40(4),  pp 1060-1068, 2003.

  3. V. S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Increment Processes and its Stochastic Exponential with Markov Switching in Poisson Approximation Scheme'', Computers and Mathematics Appl., 2003; 46 (7) : 1073-1080.

  4. V. S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Average and diffusion approximation for evolutionary systems in an asymptotic split phase space'', Ann. Appl. Probab., 2004, 14(1), 486-516.

  5. N. Limnios, ``A functional central limit theorem for the empirical estimatior of a semi-Markov kernel'', J. Nonparametric Statist.., 2004, 16(1-2), pp 13-18.

  6. V. S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Semi-Markov random walk in Poisson approximation scheme'', Communications on Statistics - Theory and Methods., 2004,  33(3), 507-516.

  7.  V. Girardin, N. Limnios, ``Entropy rate and maximum entropy methods for countable semi-Markov chains'', Communications on Statistics - Theory and Methods., 2004, 33(3), 609-622.

  8. M. Boussemart, N. Limnios, ''Markov decision processes with asymptotic average failure rate constraint'', Communications on Statistics - Theory and Methods.,  2004, 33(7), 1689-1714.

  9. N. Limnios, M. Mesbah,  A. Sadek, ''A new index for longitudinal quality of life: modelling and estimation'',  Environmetrics, 2004, 15,  483-490.

  10. V.S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Diffusion Approximation of Evolutionary Systems with Equilibrium in Asymptotic Split Phase Space'',  Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2005, 70, 71-82.

  11. V. Barbu, M. Boussemart, N. Limnios, ''Discrete time semi-Markov processes for reliability and survival analysis'', Communications on Statistics - Theory and Methods., 2004, 33(11), 2833-2868.

  12. V.S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Lévy approximation of increment processes with Markov switching'', Stochastics and Stochastic Reports, 2004, 76(5),  383-394.

  13. V.S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Poisson Approximation of Increment Procesess with Markov switching'', (SIAM) Theory Probability Applications, 2005, 49(4), 629-644.

  14. V. S. Korolyuk, N. Limnios, ``Diffusion Approximation with Equilibrium of Evolutionary Systems Switched by Semi-Markov Processes'', Uktrainian Mathematical Journal, 2005, 27(9), 1253-1260

  15. A. Sadek, N. Limnios, ''Nonparametric estimation of reliability and survival function for continuous-time finite Markov processes'',  J. Statistical Planning and Inference,  2005, 133, 1-21.

  16. N. Limnios, B. Ouhbi, A. Sadek, ''Empirical Estimator of Stationary Distribution for Semi-Markov Processes'' Communications on Statistics - Theory and Methods., 2005, 34(4), 987-995.

  17. V. Girardin, N. Limnios, "Entropy for semi-Markov  processes with Borel state spaces: asymptotic equirepartition properties and invariance principles", Bernoulli  (to appear). 

  18. N. Limnios, B. Ouhbi, ''Nonparametric estimation of some important indicators in reliability for semi-Markov processes'' Statistical Methodology, (to appear).

  19. V. Barbu, N. Limnios, ''Nonparametric estimation for discret time semi-Markov processes with applications in reliability'', J. Nonparametric Statist.,  (to appear).

  20. N. Limnios, ''Estimation of the stationary distribution of semi-Markov processes with Borel state space'', Statist. Probab. Let.,  (to appear).

Professional Address

Université de Technologie de Compiègne
Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées                      Tel: +33 (0)3 44 23 44 99
Centre de Recherches de Royallieu                                   Fax:+33 (0)3 44 23 44 77
BP 20529,  60205 COMPIEGNE CEDEX, France

e-mail: Nikolaos.Limnios@utc.fr



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