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Lev Leifer

Ph. Doctor


Founder and scientific adviser of Privolzhski Center of Financial Consulting and Appraising (http://pcfko.ru)

Chairman of Regional Department of The Russian Society of Appraisers (RSA) in Nizhni Novgorod


Teaching experience:

N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, (Nizhni Novgorod, Russia).

·         Lecture and scientific adviser of real estate economics and value appraisal methodology.

·         Scientific consultant of refresher courses of appraisers


Major directions of specialization:

·         Theory and methodology of estimating based on small sample. Heterogeneous data analysis. Robustness problems.

·         Value appraisal methodology. New methods of business valuations (real options pricing, adaptive methods)

·         Value-based management

·         Technical analysis and fundamental analysis of stocks



More than 120 publications. The major part of publications of the first period is devoted to methodology of data analysis (heterogeneous data analysis, small sample, robustness) and applications (reliability, technical diagnosis) The second part of publications (since 2000) is devoted to value appraisal problems.

Major recent publications:

1.     Vozhik S.V., Leifer L.A. Company valuation. Analysis of business valuation methods based on income approach // Property relations in Russian Federation. - 2003, ¹12, p. 51-70.

2.     Leifer L.A., Vozhik S.V., Dubovkin A.V. Simulating models for cash flows forecasting and risk analysis in business. Property relations in Russian Federation. 2003, ¹4  

3.     Leifer L.A., Dubovkin A.V. Using of ÑAPM for discount rate estimation on Russian investment market. [http://pcfko.ru/research5.html#1]

4.     Leifer L.A., Êashnikova Z.A. Probabilistic models for estimating of remaining life of machinery and equipment, 2007. [http://www.labrate.ru]

5.     Reference book for business appraisers. Average financial results of Russian enterprises in different sectors of economy, Edited by Leifer L.A. Nyzhni Nivgorod, 2006.

6.     Leifer L.A. Discount rate for real estate appraisals during the crisis, [http://www.labrate.ru], 2009

7.     Leifer L.A. Accuracy of appraisal results and responsibility limits of appraisers, // Property relations in Russian Federation. - 2009, ¹1.,

8.     Leifer L.A. Income approach for real estate appraisal. Typification of cash flow forecasting models.// Appraisal problems, N3, 2007



·         Travel, sport (soccer)



Privolzhski Center of Financial Consulting and Appraisal
Adress: Nizhni Novgorod, Mescherskiy boulevard, h.5A, office 2, Russian Federation.

e-mail: lev_leifer@mail.ru