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Nikolai Kuznetsov

Full Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Date of birth 30 May 1955
Place of birth

Kiev, Ukraine

  Married, two children

1971 -- 1976

Student of Kiev University 
1976 -- 1979 Post-graduate course in Kiev University 

Defence of the first dissertation (candidate of Mathematics) 

1979 -- 1984

Junior researcher V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev 

1984 -- 1989

Senior researcher V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev

1989 until now

Leeding researcher V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, Kiev

1987 Defence of the second dissertation (Full Doctor of Engineering Sciences)


  • Research grant of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research centre KFA-Jülich, Germany  (May 1990 – March 1992)

  • Research centre GRS-Garching, Germany  (November 1994 – February 1995) 

  • Research work in GRS-Garching, Germany (November 1992 – March 1993) 

  • Research grant of Royal Society, U.K. STORM Research Centre, UNL                   (September, October 1995 -  June, July 2001) 

  • Research work in ETH Zürich, Switzerland (1996, 1997) 

Field of scientific interests:                          

  • Mathematical methods of reliability theory and queuing theory,

  • Monte Carlo method, fast simulation methods, methods of fault tree analysis 


Nikolai Kuznetsov is author of 5 books and more than 80 scientific articles


Main results


It is well known that Monte Carlo simulation method is the most widely used techniques to evaluate system characteristics, among them reliability. Frequently it is the only practical method for evaluating the reliability of systems being too large and complex to be analysed by analytical (explicit or asymptotic) methods. Two types of Monte Carlo simulation have been developed: direct and indirect simulation. The principles of direct Monte Carlo methods (which are sometimes called standard, crude or naïve) are well known. At the same time, modern systems possess not only structural complexity, but also high reliability. This is the case when standard Monte Carlo simulation is impractical because of the excessive amount of computing time used. That’s why so much attention has been given in the last few years to special simulation techniques, known as variance reduction techniques, fast simulation methods or analytical-statistical methods.


N.Kuznetsov has developed several methods permitting to create fast simulation algorithms for the evaluation of highly reliable systems with complex interconnections between components and without any assumptions about exponentiality of the distribution functions. Such algorithms make it possible to decrease the variance of estimate (and hence the computer time needed) in two orders of magnitude. Algorithms have already been developed for fast evaluation of reliability indexes of systems with different dependencies between components, with two and more phases of system operation, with different types of components (revealed failures, periodically detected failures, failures per demand of components), and with variable loading on the system, etc. Fast simulation has been successfully applied to real engineering systems containing about 200 components.


The fault tree is amongst the most useful models for the description of an accident development and is one of the main models used in system reliability analysis. The recurrent nature of the fault tree construction enables to carry out reliability analysis of large and complex systems by means of analytical or statistical methods based on computer algorithms. One more important feature of fault trees is the possibility of description and analysis of systems with noncoherent  structures and with common cause failures. The fault tree can be used as the aid in determining of the possible and the most probable causes of an accident (“weakest links” of the system). Moreover it is a very helpful diagnostic tool for the qualitative system evaluation what is necessary for grounded decisions permitting to avoid the additional expenditure on the elaboration of the system design. In the most complex case of systems with common cause failures (the great number of replicated gates) the usual fault tree techniques based on bottom-up approach with standard modularization techniques, and with truncation of the low-probability cut sets, can lead to inefficient use of computer time, and also a loose upper bound for the probability of system failure due to truncated cut sets.


For the analysis of large and complex fault trees N.Kuznetsov has proposed a new method based on the multi-level representation of fault trees with a great number of replicated gates. This method makes it possible to find and simplify cut sets at the level of gates as the process descends from higher to lower levels in the fault tree representation. Further analytical reliability evaluation is offered on the basis of module cut sets. This newly implemented approach reduces both the computer time and memory required for the cut set evaluation, and produces a tighter upper bound for the truncation error. The method of multi-level representation has been used to investigate fault trees containing up to 4000 gates.



Main resent publications


  1. Kovalenko I.N., Kuznetsov N.Yu., Shurenkov V.M. (1996) Models of Random Processes: a Handbook for Mathematicians and Engineers, New York: CRC Press, 446 p.

  2. Kovalenko I.N., Kuznetsov N.Yu., Pegg P.A. (1997) The Mathematical Theory of Reliability of Time Dependent Systems, with Practical Applications, Chichester: Wiley,   303 p.

  3. Kuznetsov N.Yu. (1994). Fault trees – problems and the modern state of investigations, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 30, No 4, pp. 419-439.

  4. Hennings W., Kuznetsov N.Yu. FAMOCUTN and CUTQN – computer codes for fast   analytical evaluation of large fault trees with replicated and negated gates, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 1995, 44, No 3, pp. 368-376.

  5. Kuznetsov N.Yu. (1998). Estimating the failure probability of a Markovian system during regeneration period by the importance sampling method, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 34, No 2, pp. 216-222.

  6. Kovalenko I.N., Kuznetsov N.Yu. (1999). Analysis of the deviation of the nonstationary unavailability of a repairablele system from its stationary value, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 35, No 2, pp. 240-252.

  7. Kuznetsov N.Yu. (1999). Fast simulation of the failure probability of a system on the busy period for nonexponential distributions defining the process of failure and repair of components, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 35, No 3, pp. 413-423.

  8. Kuznetsov N.Yu. (1999). Fast Simulation of failure probability of a system consisting of components with considerably differing reliability, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 35, No 6, pp. 884-891.

  9. Kuznetsov N.Yu. (2000). Finding the probability of uninterrupted operation of a main pipeline system by an analytical-statistical method (a serial model), Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 36, No 4, pp. 587-596

  10. Kuznetsov N.Yu. (2002). Fast simulation of steady-state availability of non-Markovian systems, Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 38 No 1 pp. 89-98.


Official address:                                           

40, Prospect Glushkova,  V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics,

03680, Kiev 187, Ukraine


Telephone: 380 - 44 - 5266381