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Vasiliy Krivtsov

Ph. Doctor



Practitioner and consultant in Reliability Engineering and Applied Statistics. Author of a book, more than 30 papers, 9 patented inventions and 2 trade secrets in these fields. Editorial board member for the Reliability Engineering and System Safety journal.




Ph.D., Reliability Engineering, University of Maryland, USA
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
B.S./M.S., Electrical Engineering (honors), Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, Ukraine




Reliability Engineering & Applied Statistics
Life data (including field/warranty data) analysis, Reliability models with explanatory variables (Cox PH, ALT, Survival regression), Repairable system and recurrence data analysis (renewal process, HPP, NHPP, generalized renewal process), Multivariate regression analysis and ANOVA, Empirical model building, System reliability analysis (Fault and Event trees), Probabilistic risk assessment, Bayesian analysis.


Electrical Engineering
Analytical and experimental investigations of the reed, solid-state and quasi-electronic relays. Optimization of dynamic modes of the series solid state switching devices. Special expertise and inventive solutions in reed interface relays for control/protection systems of high voltage equipment.


Formerly an associate professor of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Krivtsov has exceptional communication and teaching skills. Currently, he is an affiliate member of the University of Maryland Center for Reliability Engineering, conducting seminars/workshops to various government and private organizations.


Computer Languages & Applications
Practical programming experience in Pascal, C/C++, SAS and VBA. Projects completed include uncertainty propagation routines (Monte Carlo and Bootstrap) in C, Reliability Analysis and Risk Estimation (RARE) software package in VBA. Extensive experience with a wide variety of both MS Windows- and UNIX-based environments and applications, including specialized packages such as STATISTICA, MATHEMATICA, MINITAB, WEIBULL++, ITEM, RELEX, and others.



Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, MI, 1996 - present. Ford Technical Leader (2002-present), Senior Technical Specialist (1999-2002), Reliability Technical Specialist (1997-1999), Reliability Implementation Engineer (1996-1997). Responsibilities: corporate reliability training (incl. Ford of Europe, Australia, Brazil), statistical engineering support of product development, field data analysis and emerging concern identification, statistical warranty forecasting.

University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 1993 - 1995. A researcher on a project with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Responsibilities included development of the Reactor Safety Assessment real-time expert system (RSAS) for the NRC Operation Center - software modules testing (data flow and robustness), knowledge base and inference engine enhancement, creation of RSAS models for all licensed U.S. nuclear power plants. Other projects included teaching Mathematical Techniques in Reliability Engineering, design and development of reliability analysis soft tools currently used by the UMD students majoring in reliability engineering.

Kharkov Institute of Mechanization and Electrification, Kharkov, Ukraine, 1991-1993. Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering. Responsibilities included teaching courses in Low Voltage Electrical Apparatus and Relay Protection, Engineering Statistics, Theory of Reliability and Maintainability; supervising graduate projects in Electrical Engineering, co-chairing the Electrical Engineering Department Scientists' Council.

INVENTOR, Research and Development Co., Kharkov, Ukraine, 1991-1993. Reliability consultant. Investigated reed relay output parameter stability through the application of the Taylor's Series Expansion and Monte Carlo techniques. Conducted extensive research in system reliability analysis, specializing in optimization methods for the shared load and redundant systems for the power and electronic engineering applications.

Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, Kharkov, Ukraine, 1987-1991, Research Assistant. Responsible for projects in electrical design and performance analysis of reed isolating interfaces (RII). Created operating time reduction techniques employing methods of non bounce commutation and dynamic damping. Performed FTA for the RII-based control and protection systems of high voltage power electronic equipment. Participated in research and development activities on the over-current protection system for a powerful SHF transmitter used in the outer space environment. Invented a number of technical solutions in the field of electromagnetic interfacing and coupling registered with the Russian Patent and Trade Mark Office.




  1. V.V. Krivtsov (2000), A Monte Carlo approach to modeling and estimation of the generalized renewal process in repairable system reliability analysis, ISBN/ISSN: 0599725877.

  2. M. Modarres, M. P. Kaminsky, V.V. Krivtsov (1999), Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis, Marcel Dekker, New York, ISBN: 0-8247-2000-8. (The book is currently in its 6th printing.)

Book Contributions

  1. M.I. Awad, M.A. Dejack, and V.V. Krivtsov (2004), Evaluation of Fatigue Life Regression Models - in Fatigue Research and Applications, Failure Analysis and Creative Problem Solving, SAE, ISBN: 0-7680-1375-5.

  2. V.V. Krivtsov and V.I. Gurevich (2003), Reliability Optimization for the Series Configuration of Electronic Components - in Protection Devices and Systems for High-Voltage Applications, Marcel Dekker, New York, ISBN: 0-8247-4056-4.

  3. V.V. Krivtsov, D.E. Tananko and T.P. Davis (2002), Application of Proportional Hazard Model to Tire Design Analysis, in Statistical and Analytical Methods in Automotive Engineering, Professional Engineering Publishing, ISBN:1-86058-387-3.

  4. M. P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (1998), A Monte Carlo Approach to Repairable System Reliability Analysis - in Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, New York, Springer, ISBN: 3-540-76262-0.

Full Journal Papers

  1. M. P. Kaminsky and V.V. Krivtsov (2005), A Simple Procedure for Bayesian Estimation of Weibull Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, to appear in December 2005 issue.

  2. D.E. Tananko, V.V. Krivtsov and D.C. Rohweder (2003), Do We Really Need a Spec on Tire Static Balance? - SAE Technical Paper Series, # 2003-01-0151.

  3. V.V. Krivtsov, I.M. Kolmanovsky, and T.P. Davis (2002), Identification of a Constrained Quadratic Spline Model for Cumulative Hazards, (to appear).

  4. V.V. Krivtsov, D.E. Tananko and T.P. Davis (2002), A Regression Approach to Tire Reliability Analysis, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 78, # 3, pp. 267-273.

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