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Eugene Kopytov
Dr.habil.sc.ing., Professor


Present position

Rector of Transport and Telecommunication Institute,

Professor of Computer Science Department



·         Diploma of Electrical Engineer, Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Riga, Latvia)

·         Candidate of Technical Science in former USSR, Kiev Civil Aviation Institute, (Kiev, Ukraine)

·         Doctor of Sciences in Engineering, Riga Aviation University (Riga, Latvia)

·         Doctor Habilitatus of Sciences in Engineering, Riga Aviation University (Riga, Latvia)




·         Riga Civil Aviation Engineering Institute (Riga, Latvia),

·         Riga Aviation University (Riga, Latvia)

·         Scientific Research Institute of VEF (Riga, Latvia)

·         Telematics and Logistics Institute (Riga, Latvia)

·         Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Riga, Latvia)


Teaching experience


Courses: Data Structures and Algorithms, Databases and Information Systems, Object-Oriented  Databases, Modern Database Technologies, Applied Statistics, Information Technologies 


Major directions of specialization:


  • Information Technology Applications in Transport Systems

  • Modeling and Simulation

  • Computer-aided training system


Professional Activities and Memberships

  • Member of the Joint OECD/ECMT Transport Research Committee (OECD – Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ECMT – European Conference of Ministers of Transport)

  • Member of the board, Journal “Computer Modelling and New Technologies” (ISSN 1407-5806), Latvia

  • Head of Riga City Transport Public Council

  • Chairman and Co-Chairman  of Programming Committees of several International Scientific Conferences (RelStat’04, RelStat’05- Riga, Latvia; SMRSSL’05, Israel - Beer Sheva etc)

  • Member (Academician), International Telecommunication Academy

  • Member of the of Latvian Operations Research Society

  • Reviewer of several International Conferences (SMRSSL’05, ASMTA05, CHAOS’05 etc.) and other



More 200 research papers and study books


List of major publications




  • Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. – Piter, St.Petersburg, 2004, 464 p. (with Andronov A.M. and Greenglaz L.J, in Russian).

  • Introduction to Relation Database Designing. Study book. Second edition. TTI, Riga, 2003, 64 p (in Russian)

  • Mathematics for Economists with Computer Examples. - Riga, ECHS, 448 p. (with Greenglaz L.J., in Russian, 2001, in Latvian 2003).

  • Mathematics Statistics with Computer Examples. Riga: ECHS, -357 p. (with Greenglaz L.J,,.in Russian 2002, in Latvian  2005)

  • Inventory Theory with Computer Examples. Riga:TTI, ECH, 2002, (with Greenglaz L.J, in Russian 2001, in Latvian 2003).

  • Programming for Air-traffic Control and Air navigation Tasks. (co-author)) Edit by E.Kopytov. Moscow: Transport Press, 1993, 262 p. (in Russian)




  • Virtual Data Models in Anticipatory in Decision System of Railway Transportation. In: International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Edited by D. M. Dubois, Published by CHAOS, Vol. 19, 2006, Belgium, Institute of Mathematics, University of Liege, p. 135-145 (with V. Demidovs).

  • Stochastic Inventory Control Model with Two Stages in Ordering Process. In: Journal of Business Economics and Management. 2006, Vol. VII, No 1. North-German Academy of Informatology (Stralsund) e. v., pp. 21-24 (with Greenglaz L.J and Tissen F.V..).

  • Application of Sufficient Empirical Averaging Method for Inventory Control Problem Solving. In: Proceedings of International Conference”Biostat 2006 – Statistical Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems”, Edited by Filia Vonta, May 2006, Limassol, Cyprus. Nicosia 2006, pp. 341-346 (with Zhukovskaya C.).

  • Modelling of Passenger Transportation Processes on Latvian Railway Network. In: Proceedings of the International Conference”Simulation and Optimisation in Business and Industry”, May 17-20, 2006, Tallinn, Estonia. – Kaunas: Technologija, 2006, pp. 212-217 (with V. Demidovs.).

  • Kopytov E., Demidovs V. Supporting of Forecasting Models in Information-Analytical Systems of Railway Transportation. In: Transport and Telecommmunication, 2006, Vol. 7 (1) – Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, pp. 165-172(with V. Demidovs.).

  • Neural Networks Application for Analysis of Flight Information in Aircraft Engine Diagnostic System. In: Transport and Telecommmunication, 2006, Vol. 7 (2) – Riga: Transport and Telecommunication Institute, pp. 287-294.(with Labendik V., Osis A. and Tarasov A.)

  • Multidimensional Statistical Analysis Methods in Personal Management for Transport Companies. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stochastics Models in Reliability, Safety, Security and Logistics, February 15-17, 2005, Beer Sheva, Israel: TTI, SCE, pp. 208-212 (with Kopytova E.E.).

  • Principles of Creating Data Warehouses in Decision Support Systems of Railway Transport. In:  Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2003 - Sixth International Conference. Published by The American Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings 718, New York, 2004, pp. 497-507 (with Demidovs V. and Petoukhova N.).

  • Integrated Computer-aided Training System for Air Traffic Controllers. Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 31 (3), 1997. – Allerton Press, Inc. New York, pp. 56-64 (with E.E. Trapeznikova).

  • Algebraic method of data compression. Proceedings of International Conference "Distributed Computer Communication Networks (DCCN'97)", November 4-8, 1997, Tel-Aviv, Israel, pp.112-114 (with N.Volkov.)



·         Travel

·         Photography


Personal Data

Born on 5 December 1947 in Lignica (Poland)

Citizen of Latvia

Married (1971). Two daughters (b. 1974, 1981).

E-mail: kopitov@tsi.lv 

Address: Lomonosova iela, 1,Riga, LV-1019, Latvia

Phone: +371 7100669, Fax: +371 7100660