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Mr. Klimov, Gene

PhD, D.Sc

403Wolcott Lane, Chicago, IL 60510





Improvement/development statistics, random processes, optimization in Network, molecular design, Trade Strategy  (from theory to software product), statistical prediction (from modern theory to software product).




. Familiar with C++, Visual C++
. Used Visual Basic, Scientific WorkPlace, SAS, computational biology, software engineering, molecular recognition and  docking
. Made a translator from Pascal-program into C-program


Training classes:

                         Advanced Programming in C++ (2 semesters);

                         UNIX course for SGI at Silicon Graphics(1 semester).

                         modern C++ (40 hours),

                         Customized SQL Course in ExecuTrain Co. (24 hours),

                         Developing XML Solutions (1 semesterr, 1 class per week).



Doctor of Science, Moscow State University, Russia.

         Thesis: "Invariant Statistical Procedures".

         Adviser: Yu.V. Linnik.


         Ph.D., Moscow State University, Russia.

         Thesis: "Optimization of Priority Network Systems".

         Adviser:: B.V. Gnedenko.


         MS, Moscow State University, Russia.

         Thesis: "A black box recognition by input and output signals".

         Adviser: L.A. Lyusternik.


         Moscow State University, Russia, Math Department, 8 years.




Sorbonne(1 semester), Universities of  Liege(Belgium,10 months),

Berlin(many times), Brussels(2 semesters),  Madagascar(four years) and

Stefan Banach international mathematical center in Warsaw (2 months).




20 scientific books and more than 150 scientific articles more than a half of them published in English, French, German. (Subjects: statistics, random processes, probability, optimization in Network, molecular design)




                      March 2011 – Present                               Appl.Math & Computer Modeling Dept.,

      PhD, D.Sc., Prof.                                         Gubkin Russian State Oil & Gas University


Nov 2004 – Present                                  

                       ViSTA co, Batavia, IL

                       Research Analyst (self-employment)

Development of powerful (more 50% return per year) trading software ( in C++).


Feb 2002 – Oct 2004                    

                      Ritchie Capital Mgmt , Geneva, IL

Quantitative Research Analyst created auto high frequency (stock) trade system (in C++), i.e.

[0] analysis of data from Data Provider (Bloomberg ) and a Broker ( Bear Stearns) to get an order and send it to the Broker;

[1] with complete cycle from getting the data, analysis, using special strategies, getting new order till sending this order equal 5 to 10 seconds;

[2] nonstandard trade strategies acting in a virtual space of prices and positions with the same PnL (profit and loss) corresponding to real space of prices and portfolio;

[3] prospective PnL is at least 40% per year;
[4] created (C++, linux) connections with Data Provider and the Broker.

REM I used following ideas:
• Lego-Elliott approximation of retro price data
• The price process is BAD process (BAD=Birth And Death) or ln(price) is Gaussian one.
• An uncertainty principle in random processes (like Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

   in quantum physics). In our case this principle ties together uncertainty (entropy), risk and PnL

   (Profit and Loss): in particular for given entropy and risk you have upper limit for PnL.
• As example of a virtual space of prices is the space of factors gotten by PCA

  (Principal Components Analysis).


06/12/2000 – Aug 2001                           

                 AbilitiSolutions (former Intertech),

                 400 Chesterfield Center, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

 Research Analyst, Software Developer

 C++ codes with more than 1,000 classes; Visual C++ ;

 SQL  Server 2000; Visual Basic 6.0; XML; Clear Case.


1997 - 2000                                

               Lossless Investment Co., 3716 Woodbrook Ct,  St. Louis, MO 63129;


               (Analysis of the market price processes (simulation and optimization). Creating of

               'StockMate' software (in C++) recommending how to choose a portfolio and

               when to trade shares.  Analysis and design of data conversion from networking

               protocols databases to standard. Tools: Visual C++ , Borland C++, Visual Basic)


1996 - 1997                                

                Intelligent Optimization, L.C., St. Louis, MO 63105;

Director of Research

                (Analysis of the stock price processes: mathematical simulation, creating of C++

                software to verify adequacy of theoretical and real data and to solve some

                problems of optimization (large dimension) and creating e-trading system.)


1995 - 1996                                 BioMath Design Co., St. Louis, MO,


                            (Creating of 'MathMate' software for molecular design

                             in C++ in Windows-environment)


1991-1995                    Washington University in Saint Louis ,Center for Molecular Design, MO

                 Visiting Prof

                            Analysis and creating software (UNIX, X-Windows, C++ MS and Borland platforms)

                            for some molecular genetics models: Stochastic model of interactions between drug

                            and receptors; theoretical conformation analysis; Molecular recognition; measure of

                            similarity of amino acids.

                            Special Training:

                                        Advanced Programming in C++ ;

                                        UNIX course for SGI at Silicon Graphics.


* Moscow State University, Full Professor (in mathematical statistics).

Taught postgraduate and graduate courses:  Probability, Statistics, Markov processes,

Random processes, Queuing processes,  Fiducial statistics, Invariant Statistical Decisions; supervised 3 D.Sc.'s, 21 Ph.D's   and some 30 MS's.


* Center of Soviet-American Join Venture "DIALOG" in Moscow State University, Director

* Moscow State University Computer Center, Head of Department of Statistics and Stochastic Systems