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Vasily Vladimirovich Karasev


Senior staff scientist

Candidate of Technical Science

Intellectual Integrated System Laboratory                                                

Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Science





Education period:     September 1990 - February 1996

University:                  St.Petersburg State Academy of Aerospace Instruments Making

Faculty:                       Devices and automatic machinery of flying machines,

Specialty:                   Computer Aided Design




Education period:  May 1996 - April 1999

University:               Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences

Laboratory:             Intellectual Integrated Systems Laboratory

Specialty:                Application of computers, mathematical simulation and mathematical methods in scientific research.





In period of education and diploma work I had developed newest technique of identification of fraud in business based on methods of logical and probabilistic simulation.


The diploma work "The system of logical and probabilistic simulation and analysis of fraud in business". The technique of numerical evaluation of fraud risk in business, the models of some types of frauds were developed, and research of these models were performed. Also I had developed the algorithm of fraud risk calculation by logical model using the method of statistical simulation Monte-Carlo.


I am a co-author of the books: "The logical and probabilistic evaluation of bank risks and frauds in business", "The logical and probabilistic risk models in banking, business and quality". I'm participating in International Conference "Instrumentation in Ecology and Human Safety" (IEHS), and International Scientific School "Modeling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex System" (MA SR) in St - Petersburg.


During my postgraduate activity I had developed the new methodology of risk evaluation in banks, business and quality management that has twice more accuracy and seven times more stability than known methods.


The dissertation is entitled "The development and research of logical and probabilistic risk models in business and methods of their identification with account of the groups of incompatible events". The dissertation was successfully defended in June, 14, 2000.


I have 11 years experience in the area of logical and probabilistic simulation and analysis of risk in economic and technical systems. I’m secretary of Orgcomittee in International Scientific Schools "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex System" (MA SR)


I was developing newest logical and probabilistic technique for credit risk estimation (Credit Scoring) and software for this technique.


List of main publications:


1.    Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V., Solojentsev V.E. Logical and Probabilistic Estimation of Bank Risks and Frauds in Business. – St-Petersburg, Politechnika.- 1996 .- 60 pages (In Russian).

2.  Karasev V.V. Development and Research of Logic-Probabilistic Models of Fraud in Business /  International Conference Instrumentation in Ecology and Human Safety (IEHS’96) / Proceedings:  St.-Petersburg State Academy of Aerospace Instrumentation, 1996, p.129.

3.   Solojentsev E.D, Karassev V.V. About Technique of Numerical Estimation of Credit Risk of Individuals. – Money and Credit, 2/1998 - pp. 76-79 (In Russian).

4.    Karassev V.V. Logical and Probabilistic Model of Credit Risk / International Conference Instrumentation in Ecology and Human Safety (IEHS’98) / Proceedings:  St.-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, 1998, p.179. (In Russian).

5.   Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V. The Logic and Probabilistic Method of Assessment of Credit Risks and Identification of Risk Models / International ICSC Congress “Computational Intelligence: Method and Applications (CIMA’99)” / Proceedings: Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT, Rochester, N.Y., USA, 1999.

6.    Karassev V.V., Solojentsev E.D. Logical and Probabilistic estimation and analysis of risk (probability) of failure in technical and organizational systems / The Second International Conference on Problems of Dynamic Objects Logic-Linguistic Control”, St-Petersburg, June 21-25, 1999., pp.63-70. (In Russian).

7.   Solojentsev E., Karassev V. Adaptive optimisation by slight increment  of parameters for identification of the risk  logical  and  probabilistic models . / 6th Saint Petersburg Symposium on Adaptive System Theory / dedicated to the memory of Ya. Z. Tsypkin. / Proceedings, September 7-9, 1999, Saint Petersburg, Russia, p. 190-193.

8.   Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V., Solojentsev V.E. Logic and probabilistic risk models in banks, business and quality / Edited by E.Solojentsev. SPb.: Nauka, 1999.- 120 p. (In Russian).

9.  Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V. (2001) Risk logic and probabilistic models in business and identification of risk models. - Informatica 25 (2001), pp. 49-55.

10. Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V. Risk logical and probabilistic models in business and identification of risk models. - Informatica 25 (2001) 49-55.

11. Karassev V.V. Research of identification of logical and probabilistic risk models in business // Proc. of the International Scientific School MA SRQ-2001. - SPb.: Omega, p.p.107-111.

12. Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V. Logical and probabilistic risk models in business with groupes of incompatible events.- Economics and mathematical methods, No 4, 2002. (In Russian).

13. Karassev V.V. Technical analysis and logic-probabilistic simulation. - In the book "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems" // Proc. of the Second International Scientific School MA SR-2002 . - SPb.: Business Press, pp. 295-304. (In Russian).

14. Karassev V.V., Roukine A.B., Solojentsev E.D. Assesment and Analysis of Credit Risk with Using of Logical and Probabilistic Model / E-Proc. of the European Financial Management Association Conference.- London, June 24-27, 2002.

15. Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V. Identification of logic and probabilistic risk model of structure in complex systems with groups of incompatible events.- Automation and Teleautomatics, No 3 , 2002, p.p. 97-113 (in Russian and after it is translated in English in USA).

16. Karassev V.V., Kuznetsov A.S., Solojentsev E.D. Logical-and-probabilistic approach for problems of risk in economics / Proc. of the Third International Scientific School MA SR – 2003, St-Petersburg, SUAIM, August 20-23, 2003 pp. 111-124.

17. Solojentsev E.D., Karassev V.V., Moshkantsev I.V. Generalizations of LP-theory of risk with GIE / Proc. of the Fifth International Scientific School MA SR – 2005, St-Petersburg, Russia, June 28 – July 1 / SUAI, SPb., 2005,  pp. 28-39. (In Russian)

18. Solojentsev E.D., Stepanova N.V. Karasev V.V. Transparency of Techniques of Estimation of Credit Risks and Ratings. SPb.: Publishing house of Saint-Petersburg State University, 2005, 196 pages. (In Russian)

19. Karassev V.V., Strokov D., Shiryaev A. Formulas and Criteria for Training of Logical and Probabilistic Credit Risk Model / Proc. of the Sixth International Scientific School MA SR – 2006, St-Petersburg, Russia, July 4 – 8 / SUAI, SPb., 2006,  pp. 270-276. (In Russian)

20. V.V. Karasev. LP-Theory Of Risks Of Catastrophes And Bribes / Proceedings of the Seventh International Scientific School MA SR - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, September 4 – 8, 2007) / SUAI. SPb., 2007,  pp. 64-79.  (In Russian)

21. V.V. Karasev, E.D. Solojentsev. Bureau of Credit Risk Estimation and Analysis / Proceedings of the Seventh International Scientific School MA SR - 2007 (Saint-Petersburg, Russia, September 4 – 8, 2007) / SUAI. SPb., 2007,  pp. 286-294. 




Period of working:           May 1996 - April 1999

Name of the company:  Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering  of RAS

Position:                            Post-graduate

Duties:                               Research, calculation experiments, simulation, software developments


Period of working:           June 1999 - November 2000

Name of the company:   Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS

Position:                            Junior staff scientist

Duties:                               Data analysis and software development. Research in structural and

                                            parametrical identification of probabilistic risk models.


Period of working:           November 2000 – December 2002

Name of the company:  Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS

Position:                            Staff scientist

Duties:                               Data analysis, software development. Research in technical analysis 

                                            and portfolio theory. Work in Orgcomittee of MASR.


Period of working:          January 2003 - present

Name of the company:  Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of RAS

Position:                           Senior staff scientist

Duties:                              Research work. Data analysis and software development. Combinatorial

                                           analysis, Data Mining, classification methods, risk model construction.

                                           Work in Orgcomittee of  MASR.





MS-DOS – 10 years,

WINDOWS 95/98 – 9 years,

WINDOWS XP – 7 years,

Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, VBA, OOP/OOD, C++, Pascal, Java, Origin 6.0/8.0, HTML-programming, Javascripts, Jasc Paint Shop Pro v7.02.




1.        The system of logical and probabilistic simulation and analysis of fraud in business. November, 1995 – January, 1996. MS DOS, Borland C++ 4.0, Logical and Probabilistic models, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Algorithms, Programming. The system performs calculation of risk of fraud according to fraud symptoms in balance sheets using logical and probabilistic methods and Monte-Carlo simulation. Development and research of logical and probabilistic models of risk of fraud for manager, employee, and shady transaction with investments. Development of interface and software.


2.        The system of logical and probabilistic evaluation and analysis of credit risks in banks (Credit Scoring System). March, 1998 – May, 1998. MS DOS, Borland C++ 4.0, Logical and Probabilistic models, Algorithms, Programming. The project was made by request Commercial Bank “Petrovsky”. Software for bank staff training. Methodology, algorithms and programming. Development of the mathematical methods of probabilistic models identification and risk calculation. Interface and software.


3.        Development of the web-site for travelling agency "INTERLINK". December, 2000 – February, 2001. HTML-programming and design. Artwork. Image Processing. Photomontage.


4.        Translation into Russian the book of Japanese scientists Susumu Sato and Hiromitsu Kumamoto “Re-engineering the Environment”. November, 2001 – December, 2001. Scanning, artwork, translation of chapters.


5.        Foundation and organization of Bureau of Credit Risk Estimation and Analysis. September-October 2006. Organizational work. Development of Web-site and HTML-Programming. Development of data transfer technology and algorithm of interaction. Marketing and advertising actions. Projects of Agreements.




Date of  Birthday:       January 1, 1973

Marital Status:            single

Children:                     no

Citizenship:                 Permanent resident of Russia




ENGLISH, reading: good, writing: good, speaking: good.




RUSSIA, St-Petersburg, Grazhdansky avenue, 121/100 - 4, 195299.

Phone: 7(812) 530-00-35; 7(812) 321-47-85;

Fax.: 7(812) 531-49-20;

E-mail: kvv@cards.lanck.net, karassev@sapr.ipme.ru .



HOBBY:      Water-colours Painting, Fine Arts, Photography, Hunting with a camera, Tourism (hiking), History, Athletics.