Mark Kaminsky
Doctor of Sci.
Dr. Mark Kaminskiy is a senior research engineer
at BMA Engineering, Inc., and the chief statistician at the Center
of Technology and Systems Management of the University of Maryland
(College Park). He is also an instructor of reliability and risk
engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park.
He completed his MS, Nuclear Physics (1971), St.
Petersburg Technical University; and Ph.D. in Applied Statistics,
St. Petersburg Electro-Technical University (1983).
He held the following positions: Research
Associate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2000- present; Senior
Engineer, Qualcomm Inc., R&D, Corporate Reliability Group, San
Diego, CA, 1998-2000; Reliability Analyst, Ford Motor, Dearborn, MI,
1998; Research Associate, Department of Material and Nuclear
Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 1993-1998. He is
a researcher and consultant in statistical reliability, life data
analysis and risk analysis of engineering systems. Dr. Kaminskiy has
an extensive background in parametric and nonparametric distribution
estimation, multivariate regression modeling for reliability
applications, accelerated life testing, and probabilistic damage
University of Maryland
at College Park
Developing Statistical Software Tool for
Reliability Data Analysis and Risk Projection. Principal
Investigator. Project performed under contract to
Ford Motor Company)
Developing Age Exploration Predictive Model and
Software Tool for Navy Aircrafts, Based on
G-Renewal Process. Project performed under contract to ManTech
International Corporation
Assessment of Ship Lifetime Based on Extreme
Loads for Ship Structural Design
Reliability Analysis and Assessment of Hydropower
Equipment (Project performed under contract to Headquarters,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
Repairable System Reliability Analysis Using
Multivariate Regression Models for Nonhomogeneous Poisson
Process, Classical and Bayesian Approaches (Project performed
under contract to Ford Motor Company -
Bayesian/ReDCAS Project)
Specific Classical and Bayesian PSA for Rovno-1 Ukrainian
Nuclear Power Plant
Accident Sequence Precursor Analysis based on
Extreme Value Theory Approach (for Nuclear Power Plant
Teaching Experience
ENRE640 - Reliability Data Analysis and Collection
ENRE650 - Accelerated Life Testing
U.S.Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic
Safety Administration Safety Assuarance, Office of Defects
Consultant, 2002
Reliability Analysis of Warranty Data Contributed to November
2002 Recall of 1,500,000
DaimlerChrysler’s Minivans
QUALCOMM, Inc., San Diego, CA.
Corporate Reliability Group, Senior Engineer,
full time, 1998– 2000
Reliability Test Design and Data Analysis
Accelerated Life Testing Design of Experiments
and Data Analysis
Warranty Claims Projections
Reliability Estimation and Projection Based on
Warranty Data
Statistical Quality Control
BMA Engineering, Inc., Potomac, MD,
Co-Principal Investigator.
Life Expectancy Assessments of Ship Structures
Risk Based Maintenance Management System for Ship
Loading Cycles for Fatigue Reliability Analysis
of Miter Gates (Project performed under contract to U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers)
List of principal
Modarres, M., Kaminskiy, M. and Krivtsov V.
Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical
Guide,2nd Edition, to be published in 2006
Modarres, M., Kaminskiy, M. and Krivtsov V.
Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: A Practical
Guide, 1999, Marcel Dekker, Inc.
The book review can be found in
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2002,
American Society for
Quality (ASQ) included the book in its
Engineer Certification
References (2002)
Statistical Analysis of Reliability Data
– In Encyclopedia of IEEE, vol. 20, 1999, John Wiley &
Accelerated Life Testing
-- In Statistical
Reliability Engineering, 1999, Gnedenko, B.V. and Ushakov,
I. John Wiley & Sons.
Probability Concepts
-- In Product Reliability, Maintainability, and
Supportability, 1995 , M. Pecht, Ed., CRC Press.
Statistical Inference Concepts
-- In Product Reliability, Maintainability, and
Supportability, 1995 , M. Pecht, Ed., CRC Press.
Practical Reliability Concepts
-- In Product Reliability, Maintainability, and
Supportability, 1995 , M. Pecht, Ed., CRC Press.
Accelerated Life Tests
-- In Handbook of Reliability Engineering, 1994. I.A.
Ushakov, Ed., John Wiley
Selected papers:
Assessing the Probability of the Dynamic
Capsizing of Vessels (co-author with B. Ayyub, et al.), Journal
of Ship Research, SNAME, accepted for publication.
A Simple Procedure for Bayesian Estimation of
Weibull Distribution, (with Krivtsov, V.) IEEE Transactions on
Reliability, 2005, accepted for publication in December Issue.
Simple Bounds on Cumulative Intensity Functions
of Renewal and G-Renewal Processes with Increasing Failure Rate
Underlying Distributions, Risk Analysis: An International Journal,
Vol. 24, No. 4, pp 1035-1039
A Monte Carlo Approach to Estimation of G-Renewal
Process in Warranty Data Analysis (with V. Krivtsov) Proceedings
2nd International Conference on Mathematical Methods in
Reliability, Bordeaux, France, June 2000, pp.583-586.
Generalized Renewal Process as a Model for
Statistical Warranty Prediction (with V. Krivtsov)
Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and
Maintainability Symposium, January
2000, pp. 276-279
A Monte Carlo Approach to Repairable System
Reliability Analysis (with V. Krivtsov), - in Probabilistic
Safety Assessment and Management, New York, Springer-Verlag
London Ltd, pp. 1063-1068
A Monte Carlo Approach to warranty Repair
Predictions (with V. Krivtsov), Proc. 9th SAE Aerospace
International Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability and
Logistics Conference and Workshop, Dallas, TX, SAE Technical
Paper # 972582
Validation of Accelerated Test life Data (with V.
Krivtsov), Proc. 9th SAE Aerospace International Reliability,
Maintainability, Supportability and Logistics Conference and
Workshop, Dallas, TX, USA
Loads for the Fatigue Life Assessments of Gates
at Navigation Locks (co-author with B. Ayyub), Journal of
Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 3 (2), 68-77
The Accident Sequence
Precursor Analysis (with H. Martz and M. Modarres), Nuclear
Science and Engineering, 123, 238 – 258
Non-parametric Confidence Estimation of the
Quantiles of the Duration of Failure-Free Operation in Classes of
Continuous and Aging Distributions. Engineering Cybernetics,
22 (1) (reviewed in Statistical Science, 1987, Vol. 2, No.4).