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Milan Holicky

CTU in Prague, Klokner Institute
Solinova 7, 166 08 Prague 6
Czech Republic
+420 602 347 609

Brief biographical notes 

Prof. Dr. Milan Holický got his civil engineering degree at the Czech Technical University in Prague, and doctor degree at the University of Waterloo, Canada. He is involved in the research of structural reliability and risk assessment.

Since 1965 he is employed at the Klokner Institute of CTU in Prague and lecturing at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Faculty of Architecture of CTU in Prague. He is an author or co-author of more than 300 scientific and technical publications including textbooks and five monographs (three in English, published by Elsevier and Thomas Telford Publications).

He is actively participating in international research within CIB (Conseil International du Batiment), JCSS (Joint Committee for Structural Safety, particularly in WP 2 Risk Assessment) and in international standardisation within ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation).

Since 1991 he is also representing the Czech Republic in the European Committee for Standardisation CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) in the Technical committee TC 250 "Structural Eurocodes”.

Since 1990 Prof. Holicky closely cooperates with BRE Watford, UK since 1997 he is BRE Associate. In 1999 he became responsible for the long-term research project "Reliability and Risk Assessment of Technical Systems" supported by Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic.

Recently Prof. M. Holický was a coordinator of the European Project “Development of Skills Facilitating Implementation of Structural Eurocodes”, solved by institutions of seven partner countries.