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Hausken Kjell


Faculty of Social Sciences,

University of Stavanger


N-4036 Stavanger, Norway,

E-mail: kjell.hausken@uis.no ,



Tel.: +47 51 831632,

Tel.: +47 950 84532,

Fax: +47 51 831550,

SSN: 354-84-6742.


Research fields

Societal safety, economics, economic risk management, economics and safety, political economy, information security, public choice, conflict, game theory, reliability, war, crime, risk analysis, terrorism, disaster prevention, stochastic theory, dynamics, resilience management, philosophy

Publications on the related subjects


  1. Hausken, K. (2006), “Income, Interdependence, and Substitution Effects Affecting Incentives for Security Investment,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 25, 6, 629-665.

  2. Hausken, K. (2006), “Returns to Information Security Investment: The Effect of Alternative Information Security Breach Functions on Optimal Investment and Sensitivity to Vulnerability,” Information Systems Frontiers 8, 5, 338-349.

  3. Hausken, K. (2007), “Information Sharing among Firms and Cyber Attacks,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 26, 6, Forthcoming.

  4. Hausken, K. (2008), “Security Investment, Resource Allocation and Information Sharing for Strategic Defenders and Attackers of Information Assets and Networks,” in Rao, H.R. and Upadhyaya, S.J. (eds.), Annals of Emerging Research in Information Assurance, Security and Privacy Services, A Handbook in Information Systems, Elsevier, Forthcoming.

  5. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Defense and Attack for Series and Parallel Reliability Systems,” European Journal of Operational Research, Forthcoming, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2007.02.013.

  6. Hausken, K. (2007), “Protecting Complex Infrastructures Against Strategic Attackers,” in Bier, V. and Azaiez, N. (eds.), Game Theory and Reliability, Springer Series on Reliability Engineering, Forthcoming.

  7. Hausken, K. (2008), “Strategic Defense Against Intentional Attacks,” International Journal of Performability Engineering, Forthcoming.

  8. Hausken, K., Bier, V. and Zhuang, J. (2007), “Defending against Terrorism, Natural Disaster, and All Hazards,” in Bier, V. and Azaiez, N. (eds.), Game Theory and Reliability, Springer Series on Reliability Engineering, Forthcoming.

  9. Hausken, K. (2002), “Probabilistic Risk Analysis and Game Theory,” Risk Analysis 22, 1, 17-27.

  10. Hausken, K. and Moxnes, J.F. (2000), “The Microfoundations of the Lanchester War Equations,” Military Operations Research 5, 3, 79-99.

  11. Hausken, K. and Moxnes, J.F. (2001), “Behaviorist Stochastic Modeling of Instrumental Learning,” Behavioural Processes 56, 2, 121-129.

  12. Hausken, K. and Moxnes, J.F. (2002), “Stochastic Conditional and Unconditional Warfare,” European Journal of Operational Research 140, 1, 61-87.

  13. Hausken, K. and Moxnes, J.F. (2005), “Approximations and Empirics for Stochastic War Equations,” Naval Research Logistics 52, 682-700.

  14. Hausken, K. and Moxnes, J.F. (2005), “The Dynamics of Crime and Punishment,” International Journal of Modern Physics C, 16, 11, 1701-1732.

  15. Hausken, K. (1997), “Gametheoretic and Behavioral Negotiation Theory,” Group Decision and Negotiation 6, 6, 509-527.

  16. Hausken, K. (2005), “The Battle of the Sexes when the Future is Important,” Economics Letters 87, 1, 89-93.

  17. Hausken, K. (2007), “The Impact of the Future in Games with Multiple Equilibria,” Economics Letters 96, 183-188.

  18. Hausken, K. (2007), “Reputation, Incomplete Information, and Differences in Patience in Repeated Games with Multiple Equilibria,” Economics Letters, Forthcoming, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.econlet.2006.12.027.

  19. Hausken, K. (2007), “Stubbornness, Power, and Equilibrium Selection in Repeated Games with Multiple Equilibria,” Theory and Decision 62, 2, 135-160.

  20. Hausken, K. and Mohr, M. (2001), “The Value of a Player in n-Person Games,” Social Choice and Welfare 18, 3, 465-483.


  1. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Defense and Attack of Complex Networks,” Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on the Economics of Information Security, Pittsburgh, June 7-8, http://weis2007.econinfosec.org/program.htm.

  2. Hausken, K. (2007), “Protecting Infrastructures from Strategic Attackers,” 18th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Stavanger, June 25-27, 2007, pp 881-887, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN 978-0-415-44786-7.

  3. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Defense and Attack for Reliability Systems,” 18th European Safety and Reliability Conference, Stavanger, June 25-27, 2007, pp 2559-2564, Taylor & Francis, London, ISBN 978-0-415-44786-7.

Work in progress


  1. Bier, V. and Hausken, K. (2007), “Endogenizing the Sticks, Carrots, and Emergence of Hatred Flowing from Fighting Terrorism,” Ms.

  2. Bhimani, A., Hausken, K., and Ncube, M. (2007), “Outsourcing and Collaboration as Determinants of Organizational Structure,” Ms.

  3. Bhimani, A., Hausken, K., and Ncube, M. (2007), “Principal Agent Reversal Risk in Outsourcing Relationships,” Ms.

  4. Drottz-Sjöberg, B.M. and Hausken, K. (2007), “Consequences, Probabilities, and Risk in Risk Research,” Ms.

  5. Ghose, A. and Hausken, K. (2007), “A Strategic Analysis of Information Sharing Among Cyber Attackers,” Ms.

  6. Ghose, A. and Hausken, K. (2007), “The Dynamics of Information Sharing for Cyber Security Systems,” Ms.

  7. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Defense and Attack of Systems when Agents Move Sequentially,” Ms.

  8. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Defense and Attack for Reliability Systems,” Reliability Engineering & System Safety, revise&resubmit.

  9. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Defense and Attack of Series System of Parallel Subsystems and Parallel System of Series Subsystems,” Ms.

  10. Hausken, K. (2007), “Whether to Attack a Terrorist’s Resource Stock Today or Tomorrow,” Games and Economic Behavior, revise and resubmit.

  11. Hausken, K. (2007), “Whether to Attack Growing Assets and Enterprises Today or Tomorrow,” Ms.

  12. Hausken, K. (2007), “Strategic Identification of Wide Intruders,” Ms.

  13. Hausken, K. (2007), “Profit, Safety, and Accidents,” Ms., University of Stavanger.

  14. Hausken, K. (2007), “Exchange, Raiding, and the Shadow of the Future.”

  15. Hausken, K. (2007), “An Equilibrium Model of Signaling, Production, and Exchange,” Ms.

  16. Hausken, K. (2007), “A Constant Adjusted Ratio Form Contest Success Function,” Ms.

  17. Hausken, K. (2005), “Group Size and Conflict: The Paradox and Nonparadox of Power,” Working Paper 10/2005, University of Stavanger, ISSN 1504-4939, ISBN 82-7644-280-3.

  18. Hausken, K. and Bier, V. (2007), “Defending Against Multiple Different Attackers,” Ms.

  19. Hausken, K., Bier, V. and Zhuang, J. (2007), “Defending against Terrorism, Natural Disaster, and All Hazards,” Ms, http://som.utdallas.edu/risk2007.

  20. Hausken, K. and Hirshleifer, J. (2005), “Truthful Signalling, the Heritability Paradox, and the Malthusian Equi-Marginal Principle,” UCLA Working Paper #842, University of California, Los Angeles, Theoretical Population Biology, revise and resubmit.

  21. Hausken, K. and Knutsen, J.F. (2007), “An Enabling Mechanism for the Creation, Adjustment, and Dissolution of States and Governmental Units,” Ms., University of Stavanger, International Review of Law and Economics, revise and resubmit.

  22. Hausken, K., Mattli, W., and Pluemper, T. (2006), “The Political Economy of International Unions,” Working paper 13/2006, University of Stavanger, ISBN  82-7644-288-9,  ISSN 1504-4939.

  23. Hausken, K. and Levitin, G. (2007), “Protection vs. Separation in Parallel Non-Homogeneous Systems,” Ms.

  24. Hausken, K. and Levitin, G. (2007), “Efficiency of Even Separation of Parallel Elements with Variable Contest Intensity,” Ms.

  25. Hausken, K. and Levitin, G. (2007), “Nash Equilibrium Defense and Attack Strategies for Complex Multi-State Systems,” Ms.

  26. Hausken, K. and Moxnes, J.F. (2007), “A Stochastic Theory of Epidemics with Closure Approximations,” Theoretical Population Biology, revise and resubmit.

  27. Hausken, K. and Ncube, M. (2007), “Institutions, Growth and Poverty in Africa,” Ms.

  28. Hausken, K. and Ortmann, A. (2007), “Experimental Tests of Multilevel Game Theory: The Repeated BoS/Chicken Cases.”

  29. Hausken, K. and Pluemper, T. (2007), “Policy Reforms and Political Change in Autocratic Regimes,” Ms.

  30. Levitin, G. and Hausken, K. (2007), “Counter-intelligence Efficiency in Defense Strategy,” Ms.

  31. Levitin, G. and Hausken, K. (2007), “False Targets Efficiency in Defense Strategy,” Ms.

  32. Levitin, G. and Hausken, K. (2007), “Protection vs. Separation in Parallel Homogeneous Systems,” Ms.

  33. Levitin, G. and Hausken, K. (2007), “Meeting a Demand vs. Improving Survivability in Homogeneous Parallel Systems,” Ms.

  34. Levitin, G. and Hausken, K. (2007), “Protection vs. Redundancy in Homogeneous Parallel Systems,” Ms.

  35. Moxnes, J.F. and Hausken, K. (2007), “The Dynamics of the Nordic Diagonal Stride Skiing Technique,” Journal of Biomechanics, revise and resubmit.

  36. Moxnes, J.F. and Hausken, K. (2007), “A Dynamic Model for Lactate Production and Drain During Exercise,” Ms.

  37. Moxnes, J.F. and Hausken, K. (2007), “The Dynamics of Performance, Fitness and Fatigue,” Ms.

Main PhD dissertation advisor for

  1. Kjærland, Maria: “Cyber Incident Risk Profiling: Applying Systematic Profiling for Assessing Information Systems Security Risks,” April 1, 2003-April 1, 2007. Defense April 27, 2007, ITAKT prize 2006, www.itakt.no.

  2. Osmundsen, Dag: “The Logic of Digital Business Valued as Real Options,” May 1, 2006-June 15, 2010.

  3. Storm, Marianne: “User Involvement in Mental Health Care,” April 24, 2007 – June 30, 2010.

  4. Heggland, Liv-Helen: “User Involvement and Patients’ Satisfaction in Surgery Related Treatment,”  April 24, 2007 – April 24, 2011.

Co PhD dissertation advisor for


Sund, Knut Arne: Change Management and Integrated Operations in the Oil Industry,” May 5, 2007 - May 5, 2011.