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Asaf Hajiyev


Address: F.Agayev str., 9, Baku, AZ1141, Azerbaijan

Phone: ( 99412) 4393869

Fax:     ( 99412) 5980682

E-mail: asaf@baku-az.net

Family status: Married, two sons and one daughter

Date and place of birth:   29, May, 1951, Genje, Azerbaijan


Education and degrees:

1968-1973         - student, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), faculty of mechanics and mathematics.

1975-1978         -  Ph.D. student, MSU, Department of Probability and Statistics.

Ph.D                   1979 - MSU, faculty mech/math. (superviser Prof. Yu.K.Belyaev)

1985-1990         - Post doctoral research, MSU, (adviser Prof. Yu.K.Belyaev)

Doctor of Sciences- 1992 – N.Bauman Moscow State Technical University.


Since 1975 to 1986 has worked in Moscow State University in the Interfaculty Laboratory of Statistical Methods created and supervised by academician  A.N.Kolmogorov




1980 – 1984   -     Institute of Cybernetics, Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences,

                           Senior Scientific Researcher, Department of Probability and Statistics

1984              -     Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm), Lincoping Institute of Technology 

                           and Chalmers University  (Gothenburg), Visiting Researcher

1989                    Visiting Professor – Lisbon University (Portugal)

1985 – 1990   -     Moscow State University, (post doc.), department of Probability and Statistics

1990 - 1992    -     Chair of the department of Probability and Statistics, Institute of Cybernetics,

                           Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences

1992              -     Visiting Professor, Munich University ( Germany)

1993 – 1996   -     Visiting Professor,  Bogazici (Bosphorus) University, (Turkey, Istanbul)

Since 1996    -      Professor of Baku State University

1999, 2000,2001 - Visiting Professor – Lincoln University (USA)

Since 1997         - Chair, Department of Probability and Statistics, Institute of Cybernetics, 

                           National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and

                           Chair of the Department of Probability and Statistics, Baku State University

2001, 2003         - Visiting Professor – Umea University, Sweden

2003                  - Visiting Professor – University of Southern California (USC), USA

2000, 2003         - Visiting Professor – Fern University in Hagen, Germany

2008                  - Visiting professor – Umea University, Sweden


Prizes and Membership:


1980             Azerbaijan Lenin Komsomol Prize Winner on Science and Technique

2001             Corresponding Member (elected) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan

Since 1988    Member of Bernoulli Society

Since 2003    Member (elected) of the International Statistical Institute

1995 - 2000   Member (First Convocation) of the Azerbaijan Parliament (Milli Meclis), Committee  of Science and Education

2000 – 2005  Member (Second Convocation) of the Azerbaijan Parliament

2005 – 2010  Member (Third Convocation) of the Azerbaijan Parliament

2004             Member (elected) of the Academy of Sciences for Developing World (TWAS)

2005-2011     Senior Associated of the Abdus Salam International Centre of Theoretical Physics (ICTP) – Italy, Triest

2006-2008     Vice-President (elected) of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization

Since 2006    Associated Dean of the Lincoln University (USA), for Special Programs

                    in Azerbaijan and Neighbour Countries and  Member of the Publications

                    Review Committee in Charge of Probability Theory and Statistics Research Papers.


Was an adviser to three Doctor of Sciences and four PhD thesis’s


Scientific interests:


Queuing Theory, Control Problems for Queuing Systems, Simulation and Intensive Methods in Statistics, Regression Models, Theory of Estimation.


Scientific Achievements:


For queues with recurrent service the control theory in the class of beginning service delay has been developed. The class of systems for which it is advisable to introduce delay has been described. The optimal function minimizing customer average waiting time before service was found. There are practical examples demonstrating these results.


Regression models with increasing numbers of unknown parameters, unknown and different errors variances are considered. At each observable point there is only one observation which does not allow to estimate variance. The new approach allowing to estimate unknown parameters and construct a confident band for unknown function in regression models suggested. The approach applied as for linear as well for nonlinear models.


For optimal placement the letters of different alphabets on a computer keyboard suggested. Using this method the optimal placement the letters of Azeri alphabet on a computer keyboard has been found. This placement officially accepted as the standard-placement the letters of Azeri alphabet on a computer keyboard.


Publications: more than 100 scientific papers (some of them see below)


  1. Delays reducing waiting time in system with recurrent service. Scand.J.Statist. 1985, ¹ 12.

  2. Estimation in linear regression models. Bulletin of Moscow State Univers., Mathem. Mechan. 1989, ¹ 1.

  3. Statistical estimators in models with dependent errors. Theory of Probab. Apll. 1989, v.34, ¹  4.

  4. Statistical estimators in regression models. Soviet Acad. Sci., Doklady, Mathem. 1990, ¹ 2.

  5. Random walk on a circle. Mathem. Notes. 1990, v. 47, ¹ 6.

  6. Regression models with increasing number of unknown paramet. Stoch.Proc. Appl. 1990, v.35.

  7. Shuttle systems with finite volume. Russian Acad. Sci., Doklady, Mathem. 1999, v.369, ¹ 3.

  8. Stochastic Shuttle systems. Russian Acad. Sci., Doklady, Mathem. 2001, v.380, ¹ 5.

  9. Mathematical Theory of Regression Models. Linear Models. Preprint, Lincoln University, 2003, ¹  3.

  10. Mathematical Models of Shuttle Systems and Control Problems. Fern University, Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik. 2003, Band 74.

  11. Linear Regression Models with Increasing Numbers of Unknown Parameters. Russian Acad. Sci., Doklady, Mathem., 2004, v.399, ¹ 3.

  12. Statistical Analysis of the Regression Models with İncreasing Numbers of Unknown Parameters.Fern Universitat in Hagen,Seminarberichte aus dem Fachbereich Mathematik, 2005, Band 76.

  13. Statistical Approach for finding an Optimal Placement of the Letters of Azeri Alphabet on a Computer Keyboard.   Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2009, v.8, ¹ 2

  14. Nonlinear Regression Models with Increasing Numbers of Unknown Parameters. Russian Acad.Sci.,Mathem.,2009, v.77, ¹2.

  15. Probabilistic and Statistical Methods for the Placement of the Letters Different Alphabets on a Computer Keyboard.  Journal of Automation and İnformation Sciences. 2009, v.41, ¹ 10.

  16. Cyclic Queues with Delay of Service. Russian Acad.Sci.,Mathem.,2009, v.78, ¹3.

  17. Mathematical models of moving particles. Russian Acad.Sci.,Mathem., 2010, v.81, ¹ 3.

  18. Encyclopedia. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics.  Baku, Elm, 2010.