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Eliahu Gertsbakh

Doctor of Sci.,

Professor Emeritus



  • VEF industries, Riga (USSR)

  • Research Instritute of Civil Aviation, Riga, USSR.

  • Department of Mathematics, BenGurion University (ISRAEL).

Teaching experience:

  • Courses : Statistics, Probability, Applications of Statistics to Industry, Statistical Reliability Theory, Operations Research, Measurement Theory


  • Operations Research in Transportation;

  • Statistical Reliability Theory;

  • Applied Probability and Statistics;

  • Measurement Theory.


  • Travel, photography

  • Major publications:


  • Models of Failure, 1969, Springer-Verlag (together with Kh. B. Kordonsky).

  • Models of Preventive Maintenance, 1977, North-Holland.

  • Statistical Reliability Theory, 1989, Marcel Dekker/ Taylor and Francis.

  • Reliability Theory With Applications to Preventive Maintenance, 2000, Springer-Verlag, (translated also into Russian by V. Rykov, Moscow, 2003, id-vo Nefti i Gaza).

  • Measurement Theory for Engineers, 2003, Springer-Verlag.

Readers more interested in the contents of these books can obtain more information on www.amazon.com (reviews, “look inside”, etc). About 70 research papers in various journals, incl. JASA, JAP, Comm. In Statistics, EJOR Lifetime Data Analysis, Journal of Quality Technology.