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Serkan Eryilmaz
Professor of Statistics

İzmir University of Economics Department of Mathematics

35330 Balçova İzmir TURKEY

Phone: 0232 488 83 05 / Fax: 0232 279 26 26 serkan.eryilmaz@ieu.edu.tr





Date of Birth              : 10.02.1978

Place of Birth            : Ankara, Turkey

Marital Status            : Married




 2000-2002       Ankara University, Statistics, Ph.D.

 1999-2000       Ankara University, Statistics, M.S.

 1995-1999       Ankara University, Statistics, B.S.


Academic Positions:


 July 2009- Present                              Professor, Department of Mathematics, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

 April 2004- July 2009                          Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

 July 2006- August 2006                      Research Fellow, Department of Statistics, University of Manitoba, Canada

 November 2002- April 2004                Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

 November 1999-October 2002           Research Assistant, Department of Statistics, Ankara University, Turkey


Research Interests:


•     Applied Probability

•     Distribution theory of runs and patterns

•     Reliability engineering

•     Order statistics

•     Statistical Process Control


Professional Service:


Serving as a member of editorial board of Journal of Advanced Research in Statistics and Probability Serving as a member of editorial board of Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications Serving as an invited reviewer for Mathematical Reviews (MR)

Serving as a member of the board of the Turkish Statistical Association


Served as a reviewer for:


Statistical Papers, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, Discrete Mathematics, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Annals of Combinatorics, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Applied Statistics, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis




Papers in International Journals


•          Eryılmaz, S. "A new perspective to stress-strength models", Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, in press.

•          Eryılmaz,  S.  “On  conditional  lifetimes  of  consecutive  k-out-of-n  systems”,  IEEE Transactions on Reliability, in press.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and İşçioğlu, F. “Reliability evaluation for a multi-state system under stress-strength setup”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, in press.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Zuo, M. “Constrained (k,d)-out-of-n systems”, International Journal of Systems Science, in press.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Yalçın, F. “Distribution of run statistics in partially exchangeable processes”, Metrika, in press.

•          Eryılmaz,        S.         and      Tütüncü,         G.Y.    "Reliability      evaluation       of        linear consecutive-weighted-k-out-of-n:F system",        Asia-Pacific    Journal                        of Operational Research, in press.

•          Demir, S.         and      Eryılmaz,        S.         "Run    statistics          in         a          sequence of     arbitrarily dependent binary trials", Statistical Papers, in press.

•          Eryılmaz, S., Kan, C., and Akıcı, F. “Consecutive k-within-m-out-of-n:F system with exchangeable components”, Naval Research Logistics, 56, 503-510, 2009.

•          Bairamov,       I.         and      Eryılmaz,        S.         "Waiting         times   of        exceedances    in            random threshold models", Statistics & Probability Letters, 79, 676-683, 2009.

•          Chakraborti, S., Eryılmaz, S. and Human, S. W.  "A Phase II nonparametric control chart based on precedence statistics with runs-type signaling rules", Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53, 1054-1065, 2009.

•          Eryılmaz,  S.  “Reliability  properties  of  consecutive k-out-of-n  systems  of  arbitrarily dependent components”, Reliability Engineering and  System Safety,  94,  350-356, 2009.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Mean success run length”, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 38, 65-71, 2009.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Run statistics defined on the multi-color urn model”, Journal of Applied Probability, 45, 1007-1023, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Distribution of runs in a sequence of exchangeable multi-state trials”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 78, 1505-1513, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz,        S.         and      Chakraborti,    S.         “On     start-up           demonstration tests     under exchangeability”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 57, 627-631, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz, S."Lifetime of combined k-out-of-n and consecutive kc-out-of-n systems", IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 57, 331-335, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz,        S.         "Consecutive  k-out-of-n:      G         system in         stress-strength setup", Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 37, 579-589, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz,  S.  "Multivariate  stress-strength  reliability  model  and  its  evaluation  for coherent structures ", Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99, 1878-1887,2008.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Stepanov, A. "Runs in an ordered sequence of random variables", Metrika, 67, 299-313, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz,S. and Fu, J. "Runs in continuous valued sequences", Statistics & Probability Letters, 78, 759-765, 2008.

•          Bairamov, I. and Eryılmaz, S. "Joint behaviour of precedences and exceedances in random threshold models", Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 50, 209-216, 2008.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “On the lifetime distribution of consecutive k-out-of-n: F system”, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 56, 35-39, 2007.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Extension of runs to the continuous valued sequences”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 383-388, 2007.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Demir, S. “Success runs in a sequence of exchangeable binary trials”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 2954-2963, 2007.

•          Navarro, J. and Eryılmaz, S. “Mean residual lifetimes of consecutive k-out-of-n: F systems”, Journal of Applied Probability, 44, 82-98, 2007.

•          Chakraborti, S. and Eryilmaz, S. “A nonparametric Shewart type signed-rank control chart based on runs”, Communication in Statistics: Simulation & Computation, 36, 335-356, 2007.

•          Eryilmaz, S. and Bekçi, M. “Runs in a bivariate sequence over the first coordinate”,

Communication in Statistics: Theory & Methods, 36, 1389-1395, 2007.

•          Eryilmaz, S. “A note on runs of geometrically distributed random variables”, Discrete Mathematics, 306, 1765-1770, 2006.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Some results associated with the longest run statistic in a sequence of Markov dependent trials”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 175, 119-130, 2006.

•          Bairamov,  I.G.  and  Eryılmaz,  S.  “Spacings,  exceedances  and  concomitants  in progressive type II censoring scheme”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 527-536, 2006.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Concomitants in a sequence of independent nonidentically distributed random vectors”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 34, 1925-1933, 2005.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “On the distribution and expectation of success runs in nonhomogeneous markov dependent trials”, Statistical Papers,46, 1, 117-128, 2005.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “The longest run statistic associated with exchangeable binary variables”, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 29, 2, 105-111, 2005.

•          Bairamov,  I.G.  and  Eryılmaz,  S.  “Characterization  of  symmetry  and  exceedance models in multivariate FGM distributions”, Journal of Applied Statistical Science, 13, 2, 87-99, 2004.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “On the number of success runs of length k in exchangeable trials”, International Mathematical Journal, 3, 989-1000, 2003.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Bairamov, I.G. “ On a new sample rank of an order statistic and its concomitant”, Statistics&Probability Letters, 63, 123-131, 2003.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Random threshold models based on multivariate observations”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 113, 557-568, 2003.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Records and exceedances when underlying distribution contains atoms”, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 19, 25-39, 2003.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Tütüncü, G.Y. “Success run model based on records”, Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications, 1, 75-81, 2002.

•          Bairamov, I.G. and Eryılmaz, S. “On properties of statistics connected with minimal spacing and record exceedances”, Applied Statistical Science V, 245-254, 2001. 

•          Bairamov, I.G. and Eryılmaz, S. “Distributional properties of statistics based on minimal spacing and record exceedance statistics”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 90, 21-33, 2000.


Talks given in conferences and seminars


•          Eryılmaz, S. “Use of run statistics in financial risk management”, Invited short course, International Congress on Insurance: Mathematics and Economics (IME), May 2009, Turkey.

 •          Eryılmaz, S. “Descriptive statistics of run lengths”, Invited Talk: International Workshop on Applied Probability, Universite de Technologie Compiegne, June 2008, France.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Reliability evaluation of consecutive k-out-of-n systems in stress-strength setup”, International Conference: Mathematical Methods in Reliability, July 2007, Glasgow, UK.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Runs in a sequence of exchangeable trials”, Seminar: University of Manitoba, August 2006, Canada.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Runs in a sequence of continuous valued random variables”, Invited Talk: International Workshop on Applied Probability, University of Connecticut, May 2006, USA.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Run statistics: Theory, Methods, and Applications”, Seminar: Ege University, November 2005, İzmir, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Heart rate variability analysis: Distribution of pNN50”, 5. İstatistik Günleri, 24-27 May 2006, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Demir, S. and Eryılmaz, S. “Distribution of runs in superposition of renewal processes”, 5. İstatistik Günleri, 24-27 May 2006, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz,  S.  “An  order  statistic  approach  to  the  longest  run  statistic”,  International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data: Approximations, Bounds, and Characterizations (OSD 2005), 15-18 June 2005, İzmir.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Distribution free control charts with supplementary run rules”, 4 th Statistics Congress , 2005, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Demir, S. “Runs in a sequence of exchangeable trials” , 4 th Statistics Congress, 2005, Antalya, Turkey. (in Turkish)

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Akdere, F. “ Stochastic orderings among concomitants of order statistics”, 4 th Statistics Congress, 2005, Antalya, Turkey. (in Turkish)

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Bounds for the distribution of the longest run”, 6. Ulusal Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu, Gazi University, 2003, Ankara, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S. “Runs for dependent binary trials”, 3 rd Statistics Congress, 16-20 April, 2003, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Bairamov, I.G. “On the distributions of the new sample rank of an order statistic and its concomitant”, İstatistik Günleri 2002, 23-24 May, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Tütüncü, G.Y. “On the expectation of success runs”, İstatistik Günleri 2002, 23-24 May, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

•          Bairamov, I.G. and Eryılmaz, S. “Exceedances based on generalized order statistics”, İstatistik Günleri 2002, 23-24 May, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey.

•          Bairamov, I.G.  and Eryılmaz, S.  “Characterization of  Symmetry of  FGM Sequences”, Characterization, Modeling and Applications, 7-9 December 2001, Belek, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz,  S.  and  Tütüncü,  G.Y.  “Success  run  model  based  on  record  values”,  2nd Statistics Congress, 2-6 May 2001, Belek, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S.  and  Bairamov, I.G.  “FGM  Sequences, Exceedances and  Records”, 2nd Statistics Congress, 2-6 May 2001, Belek, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Bairamov, I.G., Eryılmaz, S. and Yağcı, B. “On a New Class of Archimedean Copulas”, 2nd Statistics Congress, 2-6 May 2001, Belek, Antalya, Turkey.

•          Eryılmaz, S. and Bairamov, I.G. “Distributional properties of statistics based on order statistics and record values”, Research Symposium 2000, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. (in Turkish)

•          Bairamov, I.G. and Eryılmaz, S. “The finite and asymptotical distributions for statistics based on minimal spacing”, Research Symposium’98, State Institue of Statistics, Ankara, Turkey.