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Stefanka Chukova

Ph. Doctor


Degree information:

  • BSc Mathematics, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

  • MSc Mathematics (Probability and Statistics), University of Sofia, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sofia, Bulgaria, Thesis: On the Statistics of Branching Processes with Immigration, 1978

  • PhD Mathematics (Probability and Statistics), Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria, Dissertation: Mathematical Models and Methods for Determining Warranty Periods, 1988.


Theoretical Probability, Applied Probability and Statistics, Reliability Theory, Warranty Analysis.

Present position and employment record

  • Jan 2006 – Present Reader in Operations Research (tenured), School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

  • July 2001 – Dec 2005 Senior Lecturer in Statistics and Operations Research, School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences (tenured), Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

  • Apr 1996 - July 2001 Associate Professor in Mathematics and Statistics (tenured), Kettering University (former GMI Engin. and Manag. Institute, Flint, MI)

Recent and current research

  • Mathematical Models and Methods in Warranty Analysis; Warranty Analysis is a financial implementation of Reliability Theory. New class of Models has been introduced - warranty models for complex products; (Research grant IK9-245/90, Technical University of Sofia).

  • Extensions of Warranty Models in two or more dimensional case. Optimisation under incomplete information. Applications to industrial Products. (Research grant on Mathematical methods in Reliability and Quality Control 43-87, Council of Bulgarian Science).

  • Characterization of a new family of probability distributions having almost-lack-of-memory property, generalization of the exponential, geometric and similar distributions (Research Grant on Risk Theory #MM60-91 with Bulgarian National Science Foundation).

  • Statistical estimations for the parameters of Branching Processes.

  • Numerical and algorithmic methods in application of queuing models in computer networks system.

  • Statistical studies with applications in Environmental Science.

  • Studies in Warranty Analysis related to the depth of repair and approaches to model it.

  • Batch Markovian Arrival Process – simulation, parameter estimation.

  • Studies on bivariate failure models with possible censoring and their application in two-dimensional warranty for auto industry.

  • Studies on optimal warranty repair strategies.

Professional activities

  • Acted as guest Editor for International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 2005

  • Associate editor for Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences (JAMDS), 2006


  1. S.Chukova, Y.Hayakawa, (2003), Warranty Cost Analysis: Renewing Warranty with Non- Zero Repair  Time, Research Report 03-06, School of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ, pp. 1-14.

  2. S.Chukova, Y.Hayakawa, (2004), Warranty Cost Analysis: Non- Zero Repair Time, Applied Stochastic  Models in Business and Industry, 20 (1): pp. 59-71.

  3. S.Chukova, R.Arnold, D.Wang, (2004) Warranty Analysis: An Approach to modelling Imperfect Repairs, International Journal of Production Economics, 89(1),pp. 57-68

  4. S.Chukova, Y.Hayakawa, (2004), Warranty Cost Analysis: Renewing Warranty with Non- Zero Repair Time, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering , 11(2), pp.1-20.

  5. S.Chukova, Y.Hayakawa, (2004), Warranty and Imperfect Repairs, Proceedings of the Asian International Workshop on Advance Reliability Models, Hiroshima, Japan, August 26-27, pp.81-88.

  6. Dimitrov, B., Chukova S., Khalil Z., (2004), "Warranty Costs: An Age - Dependent Failure/Repair Model", Naval Research Logistics, 51, pp.959 – 976.

  7. D. Wang, S. Chukova, C D Lai, (2004) On the relationship Between Regression Analysis and Mathematical Programming, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, 8(2), pp. 131-140

  8. S.Chukova, Y.Hayakawa, (2005), Warranty Cost Analysis: Quasi-Renewal Interrepair Times, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management , 22(7), 687 - 698

  9. S.Chukova, J.Robinson, (2005), "Estimating Mean Cumulative Functions from Truncated Automotive Warranty Data", Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Reliability, series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics, A. Wilson, N. Limnios, S Keller-McNulty, Y. Armijo (eds), World Scientific, Singapore, 121 – 136

  10. Wang, D., Chukova, S., Lai C.D., (2005) Reducing the Quadratic Programming Problem to Regression Problem: Stepwise Algorithm, European Journal of Operation Research 164(1), pp.79-88.

  11. S.Chakravarty, S.Chukova, (2005), A finite capacity resequencing model with Markovian Arrivals, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research, 22 (3), pp. 409 – 443.

  12. S. Chukova, M.Johnston, "Two-dimensional warranty repair strategy based on minimal and complete repairs",(accepted in Mathematical and Computer Modelling)

  13. D. Christozov, S. Chukova, P.Mateev, A Measure of Risk Caused by Information Asymmetry in e-Commerce (submitted)

INVITED LECTURES and contributed papers

  1. "Warranty and Imperfect repairs" (co-author Dr.Yu Hayakawa), AIWARM 2004, Hiroshima, Japan, August 26-27, 2004, Organising a special session on Warranty Analysis.

  2. Seminar " Warranty and Quasi-Renewal Repair times", King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand, October, 2004

  3. "Warranty Analysis: An Overview", Operations Research Colloquium, Spring 2005, Department of Statistics and Operations Research, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Feb, 2005.

  4. "Warranty Analysis", 31st Summer School "Applied Mathematics in Economics and Engineering", invited speaker and chairing OR session, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June, 2005.

  5. " Warranty repair strategy in R2 ", (co-author Dr. M. Johnston), 40th ORSNZ conference, chairing a session Wellington, NZ, December 2-3, 2005.

  6. "Batch Markovian Arrival Process", Workshop on Hidden Markov Models and Complex Systems II, chairing a session, Wellington, NZ, 5-8 December, 2005.


School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science
Victoria University of Wellington
P.O.Box 600


tel.(+644) 463 6786
fax (+644) 463 5045
e-mail: schukova@mcs.vuw.ac.nz 

Languages: English, Bulgarian, Russian