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Srinivas R. Chakravarty


  • Ph.D. Operations Research, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, August 1983.

  • M.Sc. Statistics, Presidency College, University of Madras, Madras, India, August 1975.

  • B.Sc. Mathematics, Vivekananda College, University of Madras, Madras, India, August 1973.


PERSONAL: US Citizen. Married with one son.



  • Professor of Operations Research and Statistics, Kettering University, De­partment of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering and Business, July 1, 1999-present.

  • Visiting Faculty Department of Statistics and Operations Research, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, February 2005.

  • Consultant to STI Inc., Ohio,USA, June 2004-present.

  • Visiting Faculty Department of Mathematics, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India, February, 2004.

  • Consultant to FANUC, Michigan,USA, August-December 2003.

  • Visiting Faculty Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, March 2003.

  • Manager, Operations Research Group, General Motors Corporation, August, 2000-January 2001 (On leave from Kettering University).

  • Professor of Mathematics. Kettering University, Science and Mathematics De­partment, Flint, MI 48504. July 1990-June 1999.

  • Consultant to PCE (who consults with FORD). March 1998-2000.

  • Sloan Fellow. FORD’s AMTD division,January-June 1997.

  • Consultant to GM. September 1990 - December 92.

  • Associate Professor of Mathematics. GMI Engineering and Management In­stitute, Science and Mathematics Department, Flint, MI 48504. July 1986-June 1990.

  • Consultant to UPS. Lilly Fellowship to participate under the Faculty/Industry Exchange Program during October-December 1988.

  • Assistant Professor of Mathematics. GMI Engineering and Management Insti­tute, Science and Mathematics Department, Flint, MI 48502. September 1983-June 1986.

  • Research Assistant. University of Delaware. Analyzed some queueing and relia­bility models and submitted for publication in scientific journals. Supported by the AFOSR under Grant Nr.AFOSR-77-3236 and by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nr. NSF No.ENG-7908351. Feb’81-Aug’83.

  • Teaching Assistant. University of Delaware. Involved in teaching several under­graduate mathematics and statistics courses. September 1978-January 1981.

  • Research Fellow. University of Madras, Madras, India. Had full responsibility for teaching a diploma course in statistics and a graduate course in probability theory. Involved in several statistical projects undertaken by the Department of Statistics. January 1976-August 1978.


  • Kettering University Distinguished Research Award, 2003

  • Kettering University/GMI Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award, 2001

  • Sloan Grant for developing ALN courses at Kettering University, 2000

  • GMI Outstanding Research Award, 1996

  • Sloan Faculty/Industry Exchange Fellowship, 1996

  • GMI Research Initiation/Improvement Grant, 1995

  • NSF Conference award (DMI-9424312), 1995

  • NSF Research award (DDM-9313283), 1993-1997

  • GMI Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award, 1990

  • GMI Research Initiation/Improvement Grant, 1990

  • Lilly Faculty/Industry Exchange Fellowship, 1988


  1. A Single Server Queue with Platooned Arrivals and Phase Type Services (with Marcel F. Neuts). European J. of Operational Research, 8, 379-389, 1981.

  2. Reliability Analysis of a Parallel System with Exponential Life Times and Phase Type Repairs. OR Spektrum, 5, 25-32, 1983.

  3. On the Optimal Control Problem of a Single Server Queueing System. J. of Opti­mization Theory and its Applications, 41, 317-325, 1983.

  4. A Stochastic Model for Two Servers Sharing a Common Tool Magazine and its Analysis, Mathematical Modelling, 6, 307-332, 1985.

  5. A Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Random Processing Times. Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 33, 391-397, 1986.

  6. On Two Cyclic Exponential Machines Sharing a Common Tool Magazine, Ameri­can Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, Vol. 7, 205-232, 1987.

  7. Analysis of Production Line Systems with Two Unreliable Machines with Phase Type Processing Times and a Finite Storage Buffer, Stochastic Models, 3, 369-391, 1987.

  8. On Tool-sharing Between Two Cyclic Machines with Phase Type Holding Times -Technical Report, Department of Science and Mathematics, GMI Engineering and Management Institute, Flint, Michigan 48504.

  9. An Optimization Problem in Reliability Theory (with W.B. Grasman) - Technical Report, Department of Science and Mathematics, GMI Engineering and Manage­ment Institute, Flint, Michigan 48504.

  10.  A Flow and Error Control Model with Phase Type Timeout Periods (with J.R. Pimentel and K.V. Ravi). Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Factory Communications, March 1987, 179-197.

  11. Algorithms for the Design of Finite Capacity Service Units (with Marcel F. Neuts), Naval Research Logistics, 36, 147-165, 1989.

  12. A Finite Capacity Queueing Model with Primary and Secondary Jobs (with R. Parthasarathy), Computers and Industrial Engineering, 16, 97-108, 1989.

  13. A Stochastic Model for a Computer Communication Network Node with Phase Type Timeout Periods (with K.V. Ravi), Chapter 14 in Numerical Solutions of Markov Chains, Marcel Dekker 1991.

  14. A Finite Capacity Queuing Model with Phase Type Arrivals and General (group) Services, 1991, Technical Report, Department of Science and Mathematics, GMI Engineering and Management Institute, Flint, Michigan 48504.

  15. A Finite Capacity Dynamic Priority Queueing Model, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 22, 369-385, 1992.

  16. A Finite Capacity GI/PH/1 Queue with Group Services, Naval Research Logis­tics 39, 345-357, 1992.

  17. Analysis of a Finite MAP/G/1 Queue with Group Services, Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications, 13, 385-407, 1993.

  18. A Finite Capacity Queuing Network with Single and Multiple Processing Nodes, Queueing Networks with Finite Capacity, edited by R.F. Onvural and I.F. Akyildiz, 197-211, 1993, North-Holland, Netherlands.

  19. A Multi-server Queue with Markovian Arrivals and Group Services with Thresholds (with A.S. Alfa) Naval Research Logistics, 40, 811-827, 1993.

  20. Finite Capacity Queuing Models in Manufacturing and Production Systems, Pro­ceedings of the 1994 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Confer­ence, 253-254, 1994.

  21. A Discrete Queue with the Markovian Arrival Process and Phase Type Primary and Secondary Services (with A.S. Alfa), Stochastic Models, 10, 437-451, 1994.

  22. A Finite Capacity Queue with Markovian Arrivals and Two Servers with Group Services (with A.S. Alfa), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 7, 161-178, 1994.

  23. An Optimization Problem in a Finite Capacity PH/PH/1 Queue with Group Ser­vices (with S.Y. Lee), Stochastic Models, Optimization Techniques and Computer Applications, edited by G. V. Krishna Reddy, etal, 3-13, 1994.

  24. Markovian Arrival Processes in Manufacturing and Production Systems, Proceed­ings of the 1995 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, 185-186, 1995.

  25. A Discrete Single Server Queue with Markovian Arrivals and Phase Type Group Services (with A.S. Alfa and K.L. Dolhun), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 8, 151-176, 1995.

  26. Service Control of a Queueing System with Nonrenewal Arrivals and Phase Type Services (with T. Dimitrova), Proceedings of the International Mathematica Symposium, 93-102, 1995.

  27. Two Finite Queues in Series with Nonrenewal Input and Group Services, Pro­ceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 78-87, 1995.

  28. A Stochastic Model for Resequencing of Messages (with S. Chukova and B. Dim-itrov), Proceedings of the Second International IEMS Conference, 601-606, 1995.

  29. Co-editor of Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models, Proceedings of the First International Conference, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1996.

  30. Analysis of the MAP/PH/1/K Queue with Service Control, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 12, 179-191, 1996.

  31. A Production Capacity Queuing Model with Parallel Servers and Group Services (with A.S. Alfa), Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications and Prac­tice I, 1114-1119, 1996.

  32. Performance Evaluation of a Parallel System (with S. Kanchi), First International Conference on Operations and Quantitative Management, 1997.

  33. Analytic Comparison of Functional and Cellular Manufacturing Systems with Markov-ian Arrival Process (with A. Agarwal), First International Conference on Op­erations and Quantitative Management, 1997.

  34. Performance Analysis of a Resequencing Model in Telecommunications Network (with L. Bin), Fifth International Conference on Telecommunication Sys­tems, 633-652, 1997.

  35. A Finite Capacity Queue with Nonrenewal Input and Exponential Dynamic Group Services (with L. Bin), ORSA Journal on Computing, 9, 276-287, 1997.

  36. Two Parallel Finite Queues with Simultaneous Services and Markovian Arrivals (with T. Sashisekaran), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 10, 383-405, 1997.

  37. Co-editor of Advances in Matrix-Analytic Methods for Stochastic Models, Proceedings of the Second International Conference, Notable Publica­tions Inc, New Jersey, 1998.

  38. Analysis of MAP/M/2/K Queueing Model with Resequencing (with S. Chukova and B. Dimitrov), Performance Evaluation, 31, 211-228, 1998.

  39. Analysis of a Priority Polling System with Group Services, Stochastic Models, 14, 25-49, 1998.

  40. A stochastic model for a hysteresis based priority queueing strategy for ATM net­works with batch arrivals - Theory (with S. Thiagarajan). Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 530-536, 1998.

  41. A Finite Capacity Queueing Network with Two Parallel Exponential Servers and Secondary Group Services of Phase Type, Stochastic Processes and Their Ap­plications, Eds. A. Vijayakumar and M. Sreenivasan, 177-185, 1999.

  42. A New Algorithm for the Design of Finite Capacity Service Units (with D.A. Bini and B. Meini). Proceedings of the Third international Conference on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, Saragoza, Spain, 1999.

  43. Analysis of a Multi-server Queue with Batch Markovian Arrivals and Group Ser­vices, Engineering Simulation, 18, 51-66, 2000.

  44. Control of BMAP/PH/1/K Queue with Group Services (with D.A. Bini and B. Meini). Advances in Algorithmic Methods in Stochastic Models, Eds., G. Latouche and P. Taylor, Notable Publications Inc., 57-72, 2000.

  45. A Simple Unreliable Service Model Characterizes Exponential Distribution. (with B. Dimitrov and S. Chukova). Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering, 28, 203-213, 2001.

  46. The Batch Markovian Arrival Process: A Review and Future Work. In Advances in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, Eds., A. Krishnamoor-thy, et al., 21-49, 2001, Notable Publications, Inc., New Jersey.

  47. Overload Control of a Finite Buffer Discrete Queue (with A.S. Alfa). In Advances in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, Eds., A. Krishnamoor-thy, et al., 1-12, 2001, Notable Publications, Inc., New Jersey.

  48. A k-out-of-n Reliability System with an Unreliable Server and Phase Type Repairs and Services: The (N, T) Policy (with A. Krishnamoorthy and P.V. Ushakumari). Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 14, 361-380, 2001.

  49. A Batch Markovian Queue with a Variable Number of Servers and Group Services (with A. Dudin) - In Matrix-Analytic Methods - Theory and Applications, Eds., G. Latouche and P. Taylor, 63-88, 2002, World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore.

  50. Optimal Hysteretic Control for the BMAP/G/1 with Single and Group Service Modes (with A. Dudin)- Annals of Operations Research, 112, 153-169, 2002.

  51. A Single Sever Retrial Queuing Model with Batch Arrivals and Group Services (with A. Dudin)- Advances in Stochastic Modelling, Eds., J.R. Artalejo and A. Krishnamoorthy, 1-21, 2002, Notable Publications, Inc., New Jersey.

  52. A Multi-server Retrial Queue with BMAP Arrivals and Group Services (with A. Dudin)- Queuing Systems: Theory and Applications, 42, 5-31, 2002.

  53. Analysis of a Retrial Queuing Model with MAP Arrivals and Two Types of Cus­tomers (with A. Dudin) Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 37, 343-363, 2003.

  54. Analysis of a Machine Repair Problem with an Unreliable Server and Phase Type Repairs and Services (with A. Agarwal) - Naval Research Logistics, 50, 462-480, 2003.

  55. Multi-threshold Control of the BMAP/SM/1/K Queue with Group Services (with A. Dudin) - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, 16, 327-348, 2003.

  56. A Circuit Testing Assembly Line Model with Markovian Arrival Process(with Paul D. Young) - Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2, 10-33, 2003.

  57. How to Increase the Ability of a Student to Learn, Proceedings of the 2004 American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Ex­position.

  58. A Markovian Inventory System with Random Shelf Time and Back Orders (with Jacob Daniel) - Computers and Industrial Engineering, 47, 315-337, 2004.

  59. A Multi-server Markovian Queueing Model with Primary and Secondary Services (with V. I. Klimenok and A. N. Dudin), Proceedings of the eighteenth Be-larussian winter workshop in queueing theory, 70-79, 2005.

  60. Optimal Workforce Mix in Service Systems with Two Types of Customers (with Sal Agnihothri), Production and Operations Management, 14, 218-231, 2005.

  61. A Finite Capacity Resequencing Model with Markovian Arrivals (with Stefanka Chukova), Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 22, 409-443, 2005.

  62. Algorithmic Analysis of a Multi-Server Markovian Queue with Primary And Sec­ondary Services (with V. I. Klimenok and A. N. Dudin), Computers and Math­ematics with Applications, 50, 1251-1270, 2005.

  63. Analysis of a Hysteresis based Queueing Strategy for ATM Networks with batch Markovian Arrivals - Numerical Results (with S. Thiagarajan), Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models, Eds., R. Arumuganathan and R. Nadarajan, 109-135, 2005.

  64. A Stochastic Model for a Web Environment with Static and Dynamic Page requests (with S. Kanchi), International Conference on Internet and Web Applica­tions and Services, February 23-25, 2006.

  65. Analysis of a Multi-server Retrial Queue with Search of Customers from the Orbit (with A. Krishnamoorthy and V. C. Joshua), Performance Evaluation, 63, 776-798, 2006.

  66. Algorithmic Analysis of a Maximum Level Length in General-block Two-dimensional Markov Processes (with J. R. Artalejo), Mathematical Problems in Engineer­ing, Volume 2006 (2006), Article ID 53570, 15 pages.

  67. Maximal Queue Length in a Busy Period of a MAP/M/c Retrial Queue (with J. R. Artalejo), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 183, 1399-1409, 2006.

  68. Algorithmic Analysis of a MAP/PH/1 Retrial Queue(with J. R. Artalejo), TOP, 14, 293-332, 2006.

  69. Analysis of a k-out-of-N System with Spares, Repairs, and a Probabilistic Rule, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis, Volume 2006 (2006), Article ID 39093, 23 pages.

  70. A Multi-server Queueing Model with Markovian Arrivals and Multiple Thresholds, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 24, 223-243, 2007.

  71. A multi-server synchronous vacation model with thresholds and a probabilistic deci­sion rule, European Journal of Operational Research, 182, 305-320, 2007.

  72. The busy period and the waiting time analysis of a MAP/M/c queue with finite retrial group (with J.R. Artalejo and Lopez-Herrero), Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 25, 445-469, 2007.

  73. A Server Backup Model with Markovian Arrivals and Phase Type Services (with S. R. Agnihothri), European Journal of Operational Research, 184, 584-609, 2008.

  74. Analysis of a multi-server queue with Markovian arrivals and synchronous phase type vacations - Submitted for Publication.

  75. The influence of delivery times on repairable k-out-of-N systems with spares (with A. Go´mez-Corral) - Submitted for Publication.


  1. A Single Server Queue with Platooned Arrivals and Phase Type Services, presented at the ORSA/TIMS Conference, Washington DC, May 1980.

  2. Reliability Analysis of a Parallel System with Exponential Life Times and Phase Type Repairs, presented at the ORSA/TIMS Conference, Detroit, MI, April 1982.

  3. A Stochastic Model for Two Servers Sharing a Common Tool Magazine and its Analysis, presented at the ORSA/TIMS Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 1984 and also at Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ, April 1983.

  4. A Single Machine Scheduling Problem with Random Processing Times, presented at the ORSA/TIMS Conference, Boston, MA, April 1985.

  5. On Stochastic Models, Invited address at Prestige Forum, TT (private) Lim­ited, Bangalore, India, April 1985.

  6. Analysis of Production Line Systems with Two Unreliable Machines with Phase Type Processing Times and a Finite Storage Buffer, presented at the Third SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Clemson, SC, May 1986.

  7. A Flow and Error Control Model with Phase Type Timeout Periods? with J.R. Pimentel and K.V. Ravi, presented at the IEEE Workshop on Factory Com­munications held at the National Bureau of Standards, Maryland, March 1987.

  8. An Optimization Problem in Reliability Theory, presented at the First Interna­tional Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Paris, France, June 1987.

  9. A Finite Capacity Queueing Model with Primary and Secondary Jobs presented at the ORSA/TIMS National Meeting, St. Louis, MO, May 1987.

  10. Algorithms for the Design of Finite Capacity Service Units presented as an invited talk at a special ORSA/TIMS Conference on Queueing Networks and their Applications, New Brunswick, NJ, January 1987.

  11. Chaired and organized a session on Design of Finite Capacity Systems at the EURO/TIMS International Conference held at Paris, France, July 1988.

  12. Stochastic Modelling, Invited presentation at the Department of Mathemat­ics, Vivekanandaollege, Madras, India, August 1989.

  13. Design of Finite Capacity Systems, IInvited presentation at the Department of Statistics, University of Madras, Madras, India, July 1989.

  14. A Stochastic Model for a Computer Communication Network Node with Phase Type Timeout Periods, presented at the First International Conference on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, Raleigh, NC, January 1990.

  15. Invited talk at a special session on Phase Type Distributions and Some Applications, as part of South Eastern Regional meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, March 1990.

  16. A Finite Capacity Dynamic Priority Queueing Model with Phase Type Services, presented at the ORSA/TIMS joint national meeting held at Anaheim, California, November 1991.

  17. Performance Analysis of a Polling System with Group Services, presented at the Second ORSA Telecommunications conference held in Boca Raton, FL, March 1992.

  18. A Finite Capacity Queuing Network with Single and Multiple Processing, presented at the Second International Workshop on Queuing Networks with Finite Capacity, Research Triangle Park, NC, May 1992.

  19. Analysis of a Finite MAP/G/1 Queue with Group Services, to be presented at the Nodes, ORSA/TIMS joint national meeting held at San Francisco, California, November 1992.

  20. A Multiserver Queue with Markovian Arrivals and Group Services with Thresh­olds, presented at the Silver Jubilee Convention of the Operations Research Society of India, December 1992.

  21. Some Stochastic Models, Invited presentation under seminar series in AS-TROMATHS held at the Department of Mathematics, Vivekananda Col­lege, Madras, India, December 1992.

  22. Stochastic Modeling with Markovian Arrival Processes, Invited presentation at the Department of Mathematics, Vivekananda College, Madras, India, December 1992.

  23. A Multiserver Queue with Markovian Arrivals and Group Services with Thresh­olds, Invited presentation at the Department of Statistics, University of Madras, India, December 1992.

  24. A Finite Capacity Queue with Markovian Arrivals and Two Parallel Servers with Group Services, Conference on Applied Probability in Engineering, Com­puter and Communication Sciences, held in Paris, France, June 1993.

  25. An Optimization Problem in the Design of a Finite Capacity Queueing System, In­vited presentation at the ORSA/TIMS joint national meeting held at Phoenix, Arizona, October 1993.

  26. Finite Capacity Queuing Models in Manufacturing and Production Systems, NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, January 1994.

  27. Overload Control of a Finite Buffer Discrete Queue, XXXII TIMS International Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, June 1994.

  28. Finite Capacity Queues with Nonrenewal Input and Exponential Services with a Dy­namic Probabilistic Group Service Rule, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Detroit, MI, October 1994.

  29. A Finite Queue with Nonrenewal Input and Multiple Processing, ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Detroit, MI, October 1994.

  30. A Stochastic Model for Resequencing of Messages, Industry, Engineering and Management Systems ’95 Conference, Cocoa Beach, FL, March 1995.

  31. Two Finite Queues in Series with Nonrenewal Input and Group Services, Seventh International Symposium on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analy­sis, Dublin, Ireland, June 1995.

  32. Performance Analysis of a Finite Capacity Resequencing Queueing Model, VI Latin American Congress on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, CLAPEM 95, Vina del Mar- Chile, November 1995.

  33. Analysis of BMAP/M/1 Queue with Dynamic Group Services, INFORMS Con­ference held in Washington D.C, May 1996.

  34. A Production Capacity Queuing Model with Parallel Servers and Group Services, First International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Practice, December 1996.

  35. Performance Analysis of a Resequencing Model in Telecommunications Network, Fifth International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, March 1997.

  36. Stochastic Models useful in Production and Manufacturing Systems, 18th IFIP TC7 Conference on Systems Modelling and Optimization, Detroit, July 1997.

  37. Stochastic Models in Production and Manufacturing Systems, Invited Talk at the First International Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Appli­cations, Chennai, January 8-10, 1998.

  38. A Priority Queue with a Hysteretic Policy, Invited Talk at a session on Priority Queues at the CORS/INFORMS Meeting, Montreal, April 26-29, 1998.

  39. Stochastic Models in Production and Manufacturing Systems, Invited Seminar at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, October 1998.

  40. Two Parallel Finite Queues with Simultaneous Services and Markovian Arrivals, Invited Seminar at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, October 1998.

  41. A Priority Queueing Strategy for ATM Networks with Batch Arrivals at the IN­FORMS Meeting, Cincinnati, May 2-5, 1999.

  42. The Batch Markovian Arrival Process: A Review and Future Work, Invited Plenary Talk, International Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Appli­cations, Cochin, India, December 17-20, 1999.

  43. A Multi-server Retrial Queue with BMAP Arrivals and Group Services, CanQueue 2001, Canadian Workshop on Queueing Theory and related topics held in Waterloo, during August 24-25, 2001.

  44. A Multi-Threshold Control of BMAP/SM/1/K Queue with Group Services, IN­FORMS Meeting, Miami, Florida, November 3-7, 2001.

  45. A Batch Markovian Queue with a Variable Number of Servers and Group Ser­vices, Fourth International Conference on Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Models, Adelaide, Australia, July 14-18, 2002.

  46. A Batch Markovian Queue with a Variable Number of Servers and Group Services, Invited Seminar at the Department of Mathematics, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand, March 2003.

  47. Matrix-Analytic Methods in Stochastic Modeling, Tutorial Workshop, Confer­ence on Queues, Inventory, Reliability, Maintenance and Replacement, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India, February 19-22, 2004.

  48. Operations Research and Industry, Invited Panelist, Conference on Queues, Inventory, Reliability, Maintenance and Replacement, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin, India, February 19-22, 2004.

  49. Modeling Production, Manufacturing, and Service Systems, Invited Presenta­tion, National Seminar Series, Kerala Mathematical Association, Paru-mala, Kerala, India, February 14, 2004.

  50. Operations Research and Modeling, Invited Talk at the Department of Math­ematics, Amrita Institute of Science and Technology, Coimbatore, India, February 25, 2004.

  51. Stochastic Models and Operations Research, Invited Seminar at the Depart­ment of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, March 4, 2004.

  52. Operations Research in Practice, Invited Talk at the Department of Statistics, Madras Christian College, Madras, India, February 23, 2004.

  53. A Markovian Inventory System with Random Shelf Time and Back Orders, IN-FORMS/CORS International Conference, Banff, Canada, May 16-19, 2004.

  54. Impact of Worker Cross-training in Service Systems with Two Types of Customers INFORMS/CORS International Conference, Banff, Canada, May 16-19, 2004.

  55. How to Increase the Ability of a Student to Learn, ASEE National Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 19-22, 2004.

  56. Modeling and Operations Research, Invited Talk at the Department of Sta­tistics and Operations Research, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, February 16, 2005.

  57. Matrix-analytic Methods in Stochastic Modeling, Invited Talk at the Depart­ment of Statistics and Operations Research, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, February 23, 2005.

  58. Algorithmic Analysis of a Multiserver Markovian Queue with Primary and Sec­ondary Services, CANQUE 2005, McMaster University, Canada, Septem­ber 23-24, 2005.

  59. A Multi-server Queueing Model with Markovian Arrivals and Multiple Thresholds, EURO XXI 2006, Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2-6, 2006.

  60. A multi-server synchronous vacation model with thresholds and a probabilistic de­cision rule, CANQUEUE 2006, Banff, Canada, September 15-16, 2006.

  61. A Multi-server Queueing Model with Markovian Arrivals and Multiple Thresholds, Invited Talk at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, December 22, 2006.

TECHNICAL REPORTS (Consulting activities)


    Analysis of Painting Process (Classified Project), June 1997.

    Stochastic Models for Predicting the Volume of Packages, (Classified Project) Dec’88. A Statistical Analysis of the Morning Report on Selected Variables for the Metro Detroit District of UPS (Classified Project), Dec’88.

    Regression Models for Predicting the Number of Drivers (Classified Project) Dec’88.

•    At least 15 reports (with two of my colleagues) on the Statistical Analysis of Noble
Metal Concentrate on the substrates of Catalytic Converters.




    Supervised several fifth-year theses for undergraduate students in Engineering and Applied Mathematics programs.

    Supervised a Master’s thesis titled ”Resequencing Delay for a Queuing System with Nonrenewal Input and two Heterogeneous Servers under Threshold-type Scheduling” by L. Bin. This student was supported by my NSF research grant.

    Supervised a Master’s thesis titled ”Analysis of a Hysteresis based Priority Queuing Strategy for ATM Networks with Batch Arrivals” by T. Sashisekaran, who was also supported by my research grant.




Refereed (still refereeing) for Communications in Statistics, Management Science, Amer­ican Mathematical Monthly, Mathematical Reviews, Operations Research, Performance Evaluation, Stochastic Models, QUESTA and Annals of Operations Research. Reviewed books for McGraw Hill, West Publishing Company and Chapman Hall. Member of Sci­entific Advisory Committee for several International Conferences.




Member of Operations Research Society of America, American Statistical Association, Institute of Industrial Engineers, and Sigma Xi Research Society.




     Chair of Department Graduate Curriculum Committee

     Member of Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

     Member of Department Thesis Committee

     Member of Academic Development, Ethics, Promotion and Tenure Committee

     Chaired Academic Development, Ethics, Promotion and Tenure Committee

     Chaired University Promotion Committee

     Chaired Department Promotion Committee

     Member of University Promotion Committee

     Member of EC2000 at IE Department

     Member of IE Assessment Team

     Chaired several Faculty Search Committees

     Member of several Faculty Search Committees

     Member of GPDRC (Graduate Program,Development and Review)

     Member of Library Advisory Board

     Chair of Probability and Statistics Curriculum

     Member of Department Curriculum Committee

     Member of Institute Thesis Committee

     Member of University Research Council

     Volunteer for University Foundations (advising students from Freshmen level to Senior level)

     Volunteer for University Scholarship Program

     Volunteer for Discover Kettering Program

     Member of Bachelor-Master’s Thesis Committee

     Member of Research Council’s sub-Committee on Research Awards

     Member of Task Force on Graduate Program in Engineering

     Member of President’s Task Force on Research Proposal Writing

     Member of Joe Hudson Memorial Scholarship Award

     Member of Graduate Academic Review

     Member of Mathematics Software Subcommittee

     Member of Applied Mathematics Laboratory Proposal Writing Team

•     Member of the Institute Diversity Team



•    Undergraduate courses: Quality Assurance, Design of Experiments, Operations
Research I, Operations Research II, Simulation, Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III,
Linear Algebra, Matrix Algebra, Advanced Matrix Theory, Probability, Probability
and Statistics, Statistics I and II for Management, Mathematical Statistics, and
Probability Theory with an Introduction to Random Processes.

•  Graduate Courses: Deterministic Models in Operations Research Stochastic Mod­els in Operations Research, Quality Assurance, Advanced Engineering Mathematics I, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Modeling/Operations Research, and Stochastic Models in Telecommunications. Most of these courses are taught live as well as on video.


HOBBIES Playing tennis, table tennis, bridge, chess and pool; reading and a little bit of gardening.


REFERENCES (Additional ones available upon request)


1.      Dr. Marcel F. Neuts, Professor Emeritus, 925 N. Smoketree Circle, Tucson, AZ 85745-9666 USA. Phone: 520-884-9034. E-mail: marcel@mindspring.com.

2.      Attahiru S. Alfa Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 5V6. Phone: 204.474.8789. E-mail: alfa@cc.umanitoba.ca.

3.      Dr.Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla, P.E, Professor and Chair, Mechanical Engineering, Rowan University, 201 Mullica Hill Rd, Glassboro, NJ 08026. Phone: 856-256-5340. E-mail: chandrupatla@rowan.edu.

4.      Dr.Boyan Dimitrov, Professor of Mathematics, Department of Science and Math­ematics, Kettering University, Flint, MI 48504. Phone: 810-762-7910. E-mail: bdimitro@kettering.edu.