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Alexander Berezhnoy

Dr.Sc. in Engineering (in progress)


Work experience


Dates (from – to)


March 2004 – present

Name and address of employer


Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 1 Lomonosova st., LV-1019, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Education and Research

Occupation or position held


Head of IT-department responsible for technical questions

Main activities and responsibilities


IT-projects administration & management




Dates (from – to)


September 2001 – Present

Name and address of employer


Transport and Telecommunication Institute. 1 Lomonosova st., LV-1019, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector


Education and Research

Occupation or position held


Lecturer at Computer Systems and Electronics Faculty

Main activities and responsibilities


Education and research activities




Dates (from – to)


July 2001 – February 2004

Name and address of employer


Junik Ltd. 1 Lomonosova st., LV-1019, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector



Occupation or position held


System Analyst, Technical Director

Main activities and responsibilities


Internet Service Providing




Dates (from – to)


September 1999 – April 2001

Name and address of employer


Riga City Council Transport Department. 36 Gertrudes st., LV-1011, Riga, Latvia

Type of business or sector



Occupation or position held


Technical Expert

Main activities and responsibilities


Measurements, Planning and research activities





Education and training


• Dates (from – to)


December 2001 – present

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


Transport and Telecommunication Institute

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Road Traffic Flow Management Model Investigation with Applied Telematic Systems and its Usage for the Purpose of Increase of City Transport System Effectiveness

• Title of qualification awarded



• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)


Dr.Sc. in Engineering (in progress)





• Dates (from – to)


September 1999 – July 2001

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


Transport and Telecommunication Institute

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Solitary Wave Pulse Stability Research and its Modelling in the Fiber Waveguide Communication Systems

Semiconductor Technologies Computer Modelling

• Title of qualification awarded


Master Academic Degree of Engineering Sciences

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)


M.Sc.Ing. in Electronics





• Dates (from – to)


September 1999 – March 2001

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


Transport and Telecommunication Institute

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Riga City Dynamic Parking Information System Concept

Transport Management

• Title of qualification awarded


Professional Diploma in Transport Management

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)


Higher Professional Education in Transport and Logistics





• Dates (from – to)


August 1999 – April 2000

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


DOR Ärhus A/S Management Konsulenter

Vocational Training

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Business Development Programme

• Title of qualification awarded


Business Development Programme (BDP) Certificate

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)






• Dates (from – to)


September 1995 – June 1999

• Name and type of organisation providing education and training


Riga Aviation University, Faculty of Radio Electronics and Computer Systems

• Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Development of Monitoring Methods for Equivalent Radiation Dose Rate from X-Ray Systems

by Spectrometer with X-Ray Detection Block

Quality Management

• Title of qualification awarded


Bachelor Academic Degree of Engineering Sciences

• Level in national classification

(if appropriate)


B.Sc.Ing. in Electronics


Personal skills and competences

Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.


Mother tongue




Other languages




English (APC certificate)

Reading skills



Writing skills



Verbal skills








Latvian (3B Degree)

Reading skills



Writing skills



Verbal skills









Reading skills



Writing skills



Verbal skills









Reading skills



Writing skills



Verbal skills




Social skills

and competences

Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc.


Some experience in different fields of social activities:

2005 – present    Latgalia Municipality adviser, regarding IT-issue

2005 – present    Member of COST 355 European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research Programme – Changing behavior towards a more sustainable transport system

2004 – present    President  of “EUROAVIA” Latvian Aerospace Students Organization

2003 – present    Member of the of Latvian Operations Research Society

2001 – 2004        Member of Latvian Telecommunication Association (LTA) Radio Group

2001                    Deputy candidate at the Riga city Council elections

2000 – 2001        Member of “TSInfo” institute newspaper editorial board

2000 – 2001        Member of Transport and Telecommunication Institute Senate & Study Commission

1998 – 1999        Elected member of Associated Student Government, RAU Senate participant


Organisational skills

and competences

Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc.


I have a positive experience in different organizational activities, for example:

As Vice Head of IT-Department I am responsible for management of IT- projects in the organization with more then 150 personal of full time staff and more than 3500 students.

I take part in different research and development projects and programmes, for example:

European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST).

COST Action 342 “Parking policy measures and their effects on mobility and economy”


Technical skills

and competences

With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc.


I am the professional educator in different technical subjects, for example:

  • Local Area Networks

  • Modern Open Systems

  • Modern Computer Networks

  • Global Navigation Satellite Systems

  • Fiber Optical Networking Technologies

I have practical experience in planning, design, construction, administration and auditing of computer networks.


Artistic skills

and competences

Music, writing, design, etc.


I am the author of 13 scientific papers and 4 publicity articles.



Other skills

and competences

Competences not mentioned above.

Sports. Participation in international figure skating championships


Driving licence(s)


Level B


Additional information


Web-site of the Transport and Telecommunication Institute: http://www.tsi.lv



Alexander Berezhnoy.  Measurements of Equivalent Radiation Dose Rate from X-Ray Systems by XRDB-type Spectrometer // Bachelor Degree Diploma in Electronics – Riga Aviation University. – Riga, 1999. (in Russian)


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Identification and Obtaining Statistical Information on the Traffic Flow with Radar Measuring System. Case Study: Latvia // Proceedings of the International Conference "Nordic-Baltic Transport Research Conference". April 13-14, 2000. Riga, Latvia. (ISBN 9984-668-13-4) – Riga, 2000. Vol. 2, 4th sect.


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Development of Monitoring Methods for Equivalent Radiation Dose Rate from X-Ray Systems by Spectrometer with X-Ray Detection Block // Computer Modelling and New Technologies – Vol. 4, N2- 2000. (ISSN 1407-5806; ISSN 1407-5814) – Riga, 2000. – pp. 75-78.


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Information Aspect in Parking Policy Development // Computer Modelling and New Technologies – Vol. 4, N2- 2000. (ISSN 1407-5806; ISSN 1407-5814) – Riga, 2000. – pp. 97-98 (in Latvian)


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Riga City Dynamic Parking Information System Concept // Qualification Degree Diploma in Transport Management – Transport and Telecommunication Institute. – Riga, 2001. (in Latvian)


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Solitary Wave Pulse Stability Research and its Modelling in the Fiber Waveguide Communication Systems // Master Degree Diploma in Electronics – Transport and Telecommunication Institute. – Riga, 2001.


Alexander Berezhnoy., Danilov P.  Content SQUID Proxy Server Productivity Research // Transport and Telecommunication – Vol. 3, N3-2002 (ISSN 1407-6160) – Riga, 2002. – pp. 52-56.


Alexander Berezhnoy.  City Traffic Control System // VII International Conference Materials “Transport. Communications. Logistics” (TransBaltica 2002). June 14-15, 2002. Riga, Latvia. (ISBN 9984-9554-4-3) – Riga: RMS Forum, 2002. – pp. 235-239.


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Investigation of Natural Proportions of the Backbone Channel Information Streams and Traffic Balancing Control // Proceedings of the International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat’02). October 17-18, 2002. Riga, Latvia. (ISBN 9984-668-42-8) – Riga, 2002. – pp. 44-45. (in Russian)


Igor Kabashkin, Alexander Berezhnoy, Sharif Guseinov.  The Approach for Analyse and Modelling of City

Road Traffic Control with the Intelligent Transport Systems // Proccedings of the International Conference “Sustainability Indicators and Intelligent Decisions“. October 9-11, 2003. Vilnius, Lithuania.


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Measurement and Monitoring Mean Selection Task in the Automated Centralized Transport Control Systems // Proceedings of the International Conference “Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication” (RelStat’03). October 16-17, 2003. Riga, Latvia. (ISSN 1407-6160, ISBN 9984-668-65-7) – Riga, 2003. Vol. 5, N1. – pp. 74-80.


Alexander Berezhnoy.  Computer Networks Quality Service Model QoS Application Possibility Analysis for the Needs of Urban Transport System Control Tasks // Proceedings of the International Conference “Lithuania without Science – Lithuania without Future”. April 29, 2004. Vilnius, Lithuania. (ISBN 9986-05-717-5) – Vilnius: “Technika”, 2004. – pp. 120-129. (in Russian)







List of Projects with Alexander Berezhnoy Participation:

  • “The Baltic Tangent” BSR INTERREG III B programme (2005-2007). – Project Participant.

  • Latvian National Programme “Electronic Management Infrastructure Construction and Improvement” Internet Connection Construction and Support at the Daugavpils Region Schools and Libraries Project (2005-2007). – Technical Expert.

  • LZP grand: National research programme Nr.11 “Latvian Transport System Optimization” (1997-2001) Subsection “Transport telematics and logistics”. – Participant.

  • LZP cooperation project Nr.02.0001 “Transport intelligent systems development in Latvia” (2002.-2004.). – Project participant.

  • European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST). COST 355 Programme – Changing behavior towards a more sustainable transport system. – Working groups participant.

  • European Co-operation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST). COST Action 342 “Parking policy measures and their effects on mobility and economy” (1999-2003). – Technical expert.

  • “Rigas transport concept (1999-2003)”. – Riga Council transport department (RDSD), 1999. – Project participant.

  • Latvian State Health Agency “Computer Network Architecture and Internet Connection project development”, Junik Ltd. (2002-2003). – Project leader.

  • Rīga city parking state and development opportunities analysis, Riga Council transport department (2001). – Technical expert.

  • “Rīga city transport streams measurements”, Riga Council transport department (1999-2000). – Technical expert.