Baum Dieter
Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer.
Scientific work:
About 90 reports,
contributions to conference proceedings, and journal articles. Some
120 lectures / conference talks on mathematical and technical
aspects in computer science and telecommunication performance
analysis. Monograph (together with L. Breuer) ”An Introduction to
Queueing Theory”, Springer, 2005.
Some selected papers:
D. Baum, L. Lenzini,
Analysis of Command Operation Procedures (COPs) for Reliable Data
Transfer in the European Space Data Network, IEEE Journ. on Sel.
Areas in Comm., 9, 1992.
D. Baum,
Step-by-Step Versus End-to-End Error and Flow Control. Computer
Communications, 18 (4), 1995.
D. Baum, Remarks on
DQDB-Analysis: Multi-Queue Stations with 1-Limited Service. Proc.
IEEE Intern. Conf. on Communications (ICC‘95), Seattle, USA, 1995.
D. Baum, Approximate
Analysis of Non-Cyclic Multi-Queue Systems with Batch Markovian
Arrival Streams. Proc. 6th Int. Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and
Computer Science with Applications 8th Int. Colloquium on
Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1997.
D. Baum, A
BMAP/G/1-Analysis Based on a Convolution Calculus. Proc. XVIIIth
Intern. Seminar on Stability Problems for Stochastic Models, Part
II, Debrecen/Hajd´uszoboszl´o, Hungary, 1997; J. Math. Sci. 92 (4),
D. Baum, The
Infinite Server Queue with Markov Additive Arrivals in Space. Proc.
RAREEVENTS’ 99 Int. Conf., ed. by V. V. Kalashnikov and A. M.
Andronov, Riga Aviation University, Latvia, 1999.
D. Baum, V. V.
Kalashnikov, Spatial Generalization of BMAPs with Finite Phase
Space. J. Apl. Prob., 2001.
D. Baum, On
MAPA/G/K/K Stations. Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Matrix Analytic Methods
(MAM3), Leuven, 2000.
D. Baum, V. V.
Kalashnikov, Stochastic Models for Communication Networks with
Moving Customers. Information Processing 1 (1), 2001.
D. Baum, I. N.
Kovalenko, On Graph Models for Communicating Mobiles in Access
Areas. Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 5, 2003.
D. Baum, G. S.
Tsitsiashvili, On Product Connection Theorems for Markov Chains.
Int. J. Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 (2), 2002.
D. Baum, G. S.
Tsitsiashvili, M. A. Osipova, N. V. Koliev, A Product Theorem for
Markov Chains with Application to PF-Queueing Networks. Annals of
Operations Research 113, 2002.
D. Baum, J. Sztrik,
Customer motion in queueing models: The use of tangent vector
fields. Int. J. Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 (1), 2002.
D. Baum, V. V.
Kalashnikov, Spatial No-Waiting Stations with Moving Customers.
Queueing Systems 46 (3/4), 2004.
D. Baum, I. N.
Kovalenko, Averaging Properties of a Cox/GI/m/0 Loss System. Int. J.
Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 12 (3), 2004.
D. Baum, I. N.
Kovalenko, An Estimate for the Loss Probability in a Queueing System
of the MAP/G/m/0 Type in the Case of Light Traffic. Theor.
Probability and Math. Statist. 71, 2005.