Vladimir Raizer
Vladimir Raizer received his MS in Structural Engineering in 1958
from Moscow State Engineering University (MISI), PhD degree in 1962,
and Dr. of Technical Science (1972) in Structural Mechanics at the
Central Research Institute for Building Structures (former USSR). He
was a Scientist, then Senior Scientist at the same Institute from
1962 to 1975, and from 1975 to 1999 he served as Director of the
Department of Strength and Reliability of Structures. During the
time from 1982 to 1999, he was simultaneously Full Professor in the
Department of Structural Mechanics of the Moscow State Engineering
University. From 1999 to 2003 he had been a Technical Consultant for
the FC&T Corp in San Diego, CA. From 2003 till present time he
continues consulting for some companies in US and Russia.
is the author of more than 100 scientific papers and reports
published in Russian and International Journals and Proceedings. He
is the author of seven books (in Russian) on the problems of the
theory of shell structures, reliability analysis and probabilistic
methods in design. Also he was an Editorial Board member of the
Russian journal ‘‘Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Structures.’’
From1976 to 1999, Raizer was the Chairman of the Coordinating
Council on Structural Safety and was responsible for elaboration of
the National Codes of Practice. During of 1978–1991 he was a
representative in ISO TK98 Bases for Design of Structures, Chairman
of ISO TK98, SK3 Loads, Forces and Other Actions and took part in
elaboration of the Standards of the International Standardization
Organization (ISO).
many years, Raizer was a member of the International Association for
Shells and Spatial Structures (IASS) and took an active part in its
work. In 1996 Raizer was appointed as Honorary Scientist of Russia
and in 1998 he was elected as Honorary Member of the Russian Academy
of Architecture and Construction Science.
Home/Work Address and Telephone Numbers:
13513 Zinnia Hills Place #28,
Diego,CA 92130 ,USA
Phone: 619-5404432 or 858-7941517
Selected Publications:
Raizer V.D. :“ Reliability Method of the Problems of Design Code
Making in Building Structures”, Moscow, Strojisdat 1986, 190p.
(In Russian)
Raizer V.D.: “Stochastically Pattern of Parametrical
Oscillations of Mechanical Systems under Pulse Actions”, Reports
of the 6th All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied
Mechanics 1986, Tashkent, USSR (in Russian)
Raizer V.D., Shagieva R.: “Stochastic Thermo- stability of
Membrane Structures” Proceeding of IASS Symposium 1990, Dresden,
Germany.( inEnglish)
Raizer V.:”Reliability of Structures Subject to Corrosive Wear”
“Technical Mechanic” #11/1990 Berlin, Germany (in German)
Raizer V.D., Murtazaliev G.M.: “ Theory of Catastrophes in
Research of Buckling Problems of Elastic System”, Moscow,
MSCU 1992,54p. (in Russian)
Raizer V.D.:”Analysis of Structural Safety and Design Code
Making Procedures”, Moscow, Strojisdat, 1995, 347p. (in Russian)
Raizer V.D.:”Probabilistic Models for Snow Loads in Structural
Analysis” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on
Snow Engineering 1996, Sundae, Japan (in English)
Raizer V.D., Sukhov J., Lebedeva J.:”Reliability Analysis of
Multielement Spatial Structures” Proceeding of the International
IASS Congress” 1998, Moscow, Russia (in English)
Raizer V.D.:” Theory of Reliability in Structural Design”,
Moscow, ASU 1998, 302p. (in Russian)
V.D., Mkrtychev O.V. “Nonlinear Probabilistic Analysis for
Multielement Systems”Proc. 8th ASCE Specialty Conference on
Probabilistic Mechanics. July 2000,Univ. Notre-Dam. IN,US
Raizer V.D.”Probabilistic Analysis of Optimal Lengths between
Thermal Joints” Proc. 8th ACSE Specialty Conference on
Probabilistic Mechanics July 2000, Univ Notre-Dam IN,US.
Raizer V.D., Mkrtychev O.V. “Probabilistic Limit Equilibrium
Method in Analysis of Dynamic Problem of Multistory Frames.”
Structural safety and Reliability. Proc. 8 Intern. Conference.
ICOSSAR 2001, Newport Beach, CA.,US
Raizer V.D. “Reliability Optimization for Pipelines to Corrosion
Wear.” Proc. of ASCE conference Advances in Pipeline Engineering
& Construct. Pipelines 2001, San Diego, CA,US
Raizer V.D. “Application of Direct Math. Analysis Methods to the
Problem of Reliability Characteristic Optimization for Combined
System”. Proc. of Probabilistic Mechanic Conf. Newport 2002,
Beach, CA,US.
Raizer V.D. “Survivability of Mechanic Systems” Proc. of
Probabilistic Mechanic Conf. 2003, Newport Beach, CA,US
Raizer V.D. “ Theory Reliability in Design” Journal
Raizer V.D. “ Risk Evaluation in Structural Design”, Journal
Antiseismic Construction and Safety of Structures,
Moscow, 4, 2007 15-18pp. (in Russian).