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Yousif Rahim


Address:         Regimentsveien 76, 4045 Hafrsfjord, Norway

Work:             +47 94871344
Mobile:           +47 97144182

E-mail            rahim@online.no      


Employer:       Statoil    www.statoil.com     

                      Technical Management - Stavanger

Affiliation:        Principal Engineer Technical Safety




1987.   BSc. Economics. Al-Mustansiryah University. Baghdad, Iraq

1997    Certificate in Health Economics, Univ. Monash. Australia

1997    Diploma in Health Economics. Tromsø Univ. Norway

1998    Diploma in Quality Improvement in Health Care. Univ. Helsinki, Finland

           Postgraduate studies in Health and Social Administration. Norway.

           Certificate in Injury Surveillance, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

2004    Degree of Master in Safety Promotion, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

2010    PhD, Enterprise Culture, Risk Management, University of Torino, Italy 


Professional Experience:


1991.                         Field officer assistant.  UNHCR. Iraq.

1992.                         Head of mission assistant. Norwegian Red Cross Society. Iraq

1992- 96                    Co-ordinator and country representative. Swedish Red Cross.

1999- October 2003.   Project leader. Safe Community. Harstad, Norway.

2003- July 2005.         Coordinator, Norwegian Safety Promotion Centre.
Sept 05- July 2006      Secretary, International Society for Violence and Injury Prevention

Aug 06- Dec 2009       Senior Consultant, Det Norske Veritas, Stavanger, Norway

Jan 2010 - ……           Principal Engineer Technical Safety, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway


Interesting area of research: 


-        accident theories,

-        risk analyse methods,

-        enterprise risk management,

-        cost of occupational accidents,

-        economic evaluation of health and safety programs,

-        incident and accident reporting and investigation,

-        safe communities and HSE management.


PhD research title:

Accident, incident reporting systems and investigations: consequences, costs and burden on safety management systems in oil and gas industry.

Research in progress:


A- Methods of accident/incident investigations, strengths and weaknesses.

B- Reporting the near miss

C- Review of the existing databases for accident/incident in Oil/Gas Industry

D- Cost of accident in offshore oil and gas industry

E- How to use the Accident/incident information proactive

F- Cost of occupational accidents in different Industrial countries.

G- Statistical methods for incident/accident investigations

H- Accident/incident reporting and investigations in Oil companies management systems/strategies.

I- Cost of major Accidents in Oil/Gas/Chemical industry in the last 20 years.

J- Economic Evaluation of Injury Prevention Interventions.

K- Incident and accident reporting system and investigations in offshore industry

L- Asset technical integrity management


Papers Presented at International Conferences:

  1. Economic evaluation of health prevention programs. 1st Nordic Baltic Advanced Research Course, Latvia, August 2000.

  2. Harstad a safe community. 10th International Safe Communities Conference, Alaska, USA, May 2001.

  3. Safe Community Criteria; Critical view. 10th International Safe Communities Conference, Alaska, USA, May 2001.

  4. A model for cost calculation; Critical review. 1st International Conference on cost calculation in safe communities, Viborg, Denmark. October 2001.

  5. Safe Communities, Norwegian Experience. 1st Asian Regional Conference on Safe Communities, Suwon, South Korea, February 2002.

  6. Economic Evaluation of Injury Prevention Interventions. Suwon, South Korea, February 2002.

  7. The development of Safe Community weekly News. 11th International Safe Communities Conference, Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada, May 2002.

  8. A model for cost calculation for injury prevention interventions. The World 6th Congress on injury Prevention and Control, Montreal, Canada, May 2002.

  9. Cost of injury, who is paying it? Nordic Baltic Advanced Research Course, Estonia, August 2002.

  10. Norway: 9 years experiences with safe communities, 12th International Safe Communities Conference, Hong Kong. March 2003.

  11. The development of safe Community Weekly News, 12th International Safe Communities Conference, Hong Kong. March 2003.

  12. Safe Community; experiences and challenges. 5th Nordic Safe Community Conference, Helsinki, Finland, August 2003.

  13. Safe Community; Norwegian Experiences, Taiwanese Safe Community Conference, November 2003, Taiwan.

  14. The Effect of Health Care Reforms on Safety Promotion in Central and Eastern European Countries, 13th International Conference on Safe Communities, Prague, Czech republic, June 2004.

  15. Safe Communities in Different Settings. 7th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Vienna, Austria, June 2004. (State of Art Speaker).

  16. Safe Community in Different Contexts, 2nd Taiwanese Conference on Safe Communities, October. 2004.  Taipei, Taiwan. (Key Note Speaker)

  17. Safe Communities Developments and Challenges, 1st Estonian Conference on Safe Communities, Rapla Estonia. October 2004.  (Key Note Speaker)

  18. Injury Prevention in Global Perspective. 14th International Conference on Safe Communities, Bergen, Norway. June 2005.

  19. Safe Community: A model for building partnerships. 4th African Regional Conference on Safe Communities. Port-said, Egypt. July 2005.

  20. Injury prevention and safety promotion in Europe, current status and future challenges.  Pre-event for the 1st European Injury prevention and safety promotion conference. Erteria, Greece, September 2005.

  21. Safe Community:  new developments and status. 1st Public Health Workshop of the city of Madrid. Spain. 5 - 6 October 2005.

  22. Towards Sustainability: Challenges and Demands for Safe Community in Europe. The 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Safe Communities, Taipei, Taiwan. October 2005. (Key Note Speaker)

  23. Empowerment of communities within Safe Community concept.  The 6th Nordic Conference on Safe Communities. Karlstad, Sweden. November 2005. 

  24. Partnership in building successful injury prevention programs. National Medical conference (Klinnikum 2006). Tartu, Estonia February 2006.

  25. Safe Communities’ model: evidence and research needs, 1st European Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion. Vienna, Austria, June 2006.  (Key Note Speaker).

  26. The role of general practitioners in creating safe community. The 7th Mediterranean family Physician conference, 4th International Family Physician Conference. Antalya, Turkey. 25-29 April 2007. (Key Note Speaker).

  27. Bridging the Gap between Industries and Safe Communities. The 4th Asian Regional Safe Communities. Bangkok, Thailand, November 2007.   (Key Note Speaker).

  28. Risk Management in Complex Safety Systems, PhD Safety Research Course, NIVA, Lithuania, April 2008

  29. Cost of Occupational Accidents, PhD Safety Research Course. NIVA, Klaipeda, Lithuania, April 2008.

  30. Using Risk Assessment Matrices in Ranking Projects and Modifications in the Petroleum Industry. The 2008 International Scientific School "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems (MA SR – 2008) St. Petersburg, Russia.  June 2008.

  31. Factors Affecting Near Miss Reporting. ENBIS 2008 European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics. Athens, Greece, September 2008.

  32. Safety in different Cultures. Norwegian Forum for Oil Ergonomists. Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority. 13 November 2008.

  33. 5C Model, a New Approach to Asset integrity Management. Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars. 20-25 July 2009. Gdansk-Poland

  34. Industries Community Safety Responsibilities, 18th International Safe Community Conference, 14 August 2009, Cali-Colombia.  (Key Note Speaker).

  35. Challenges in estimating the cost and burden of occupation accidents. European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, Göteborg, Sweden. 22 September 2009.

Recent Publications:

  1. The Effect of Health Care Reforms on Safety Promotion in Central and Eastern European Countries, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004.

  2. Safe Community: Fælles visioner og strategier. Ulykkesforskning and forebyggelse. Statens Institut for Folkesundhed. Center for Ulykkesforskning. Denmark. Maj 2005.

  3. Safe Community in Different Settings, International Journal for Injury Control and Safety Promotion. June 2005; 12 (2):105-12.

  4. A Study on Trend and Prediction of Fatal Traffic Injuries prevalence in Shanghai. Traffic injury Prevention, December 2006; 7(4): 403-407.

  5. Pattern of traffic injuries in Shanghai: Implications for Control. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. December 2006; 13(4):217-25. 

  6. Information Extraction Approaches to Unconventional Data Sources for “Injury Surveillance System”: the Case of Newspapers Clippings. Working paper 2 - 2007.

  7. The cost of foreign bodies’ injuries in the upper aero-digestive tract: Need for a change from a clinical to a public health perspective? International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology. September 2007; 71(9):1391-98.

  8. Risk factors and geographical heterogeneity in unintentional home injuries incidence rate: new evidence based on Multiscopo Survey in Italy. International Journal for Injury Control and Safety Promotion. December 2007; 14(4): 203-13.

  9. A study on Bicycle-Related Injuries and costs in Shanghai, China. (in Press, Journal of Environmental Health, approved March 2010).   

  10. Safety behaviours and the occurrence of injuries among works in Izmir, Turkey. (In Press 2009)

  11. Using Risk Assessment Matrices in Ranking Projects and Modifications in the Petroleum Industry. The 2008 International Scientific School "Modelling and Analysis of Safety and Risk in Complex Systems (MA SR – 2008) St. Petersburg, Russia.  June 2008.

  12. Factors Affecting Near Miss Reporting. ENBIS 2008 European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics. Athens, Greece. September 2008

  13. A risk-based approach to setting priorities and ranking of investments, projects and modifications in the petroleum industry. (In Press. Frontiers in Finance, 2010)

  14. Safety as a Corporate Social Responsibility. (In press, 2010)

  15. 5C Model, a New Approach to Asset integrity Management. Proceedings book. Summer Safety and Reliability Seminars.  Volume 2. July 2009.  Poland. (Submitted to International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping)

  16. Challenges in estimating the cost and burden of occupation accidents. European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics, September 2009. Göteborg, Sweden.

  17. Family Physicians’ Opinion about their competence in primary care practice management. Public Health, economy and management in Medicine. 2009. 29(2): 5-11. 

  18. A Study on Fall-related Injuries for all age groups in Shanghai. (Submitted to International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion)

  19. The Role of Leadership in Corporate Social Responsibility (Ready for submission, 2010)

  20. Focus Group Interview: main characteristics and its applicability for risk assessment and analysis. (Ready for submission, 2010)

  21. Patterns and characterisation of severe occupational accidents/incidents reported in oil and gas industry during 1975-2009. (Ready for submission, January 2010)

  22. Professional memberships:

  23. International Health Economics Association.  

  24. International Society for Violence and Injury Prevention.

Duties and responsibilities:

  • Chairman, European Safe Community Network. 2004-2008

  • Board Member, International Society for Violence and Injury Prevention. 2004- 2010.

  • Chairman, International Organizing committee, The 14th International Safe Community Conference, Bergen, Norway. 13-15 June 2005.

  • Chairman. International Organizing Committee, the 3rd Asian Regional Conference on Safe Communities. Taipei, Taiwan. 19-22 October 2005.

  • Member in Organising Committee. Nordic Safe Communities Conferences. 2002-present

  • Editor of the Safe Community Weekly News, September 2001- 2006

  • Member of the editorial Board, International Journal of Injury Control and safety Promotion. 2004- present

  • Member of Scientific Committee, International Safe Community Conferences, 2002 Ontario, 2003 Hong Kong, 2004 Prague, Bergen 2005, Cape Town 2006, Bangkok 2007, New Zealand 2008, Colombia 2009.

  • Member of Scientific committee, World Injury Prevention and Safety Prevention Conferences, 2002 Montreal, 2004 Vienna, 2006 Durban, 2008 Mexico.

  • Chair, Pre-Conference seminar on Work Safety; 19th International Conference on Safe Communities, Suwon-Korea. 23-26 March 2010.

Editorial Board:


International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

Public Health, Economy and Management in Medicine Journal. 




Fluency in writing and speaking; English, Norwegian, Kurdish and Arabic.

Very good command on; speaking, reading and writing in Persian and Turkish.

And low level in Russian language.